Black 'HOOTERS' girl upset customer asked for blonde server instead of her

Hey, if you think it could not be interpreted any other way, that itself is proof of a racist attitude.

It really isn't the server's business why anyone wants a different server. You are there to please the customer. If a customer came in asking the blond waitress for a black server, do you think the blond would raise a big stink?

No. So STFU and bring us all a cool frosted dark lager.
There we have it comrades. A distinct complete admission it was not racism. Never believe anything until it is totally denied.

Cut your silly pandering. You know I'm right so get over it.
You do makeup shit all the time.
We don't? Hey dickhead.
If the story is correct, can you tell me how it should be interpreted any other way?
If its not correct, what is behind it all?

Now this is interesting.
You appear to be a perfect example of what I see as the heart of the problem of the entire race discussion in this country. You've already decided that this is racism, before you even know the facts and details.

Let's start with the fact that this ISN'T your regular restaurant. This is an establishment that targets men and attracts them to their establishment by luring them in with the promise of seeing girls in tight shorts and tight tops. This customer apparently prefers the looks of a white blonde girl, over other girls.
Now maybe indeed this customer hates black people, and didn't want to be served by one. Or it again may be that he just wanted to ogle and drool over a blonde as she served him.

Remember that time you went to the whore house, and the madam paraded out all the girls and you chose one that fit your tastes for the evening? Did that make you a racist when you pushed the girls away, and instead chose the white butler with the 10" dick instead of one of the black girls?

Again, this was not an Appleby's, this was a Hooters, there's a reason they call it 'H-O-O-T-E-R-'S'!
Remember the Gillete commercial that made men look like Neanderthals? It involved a grill and cooking. Ya gotta be careful !!!!!

'The boys watching today will be the men watching tomorrow'

well that's heavy FCL, and rather quite to the point , if i may say

so just what would we expect in say, 10-20 years when those youngsters grow up?

I'll wager right here and not that nature won't change a tad for any of them

Dude, you go to the place that has men in assless chaps....
During the 80s there was a place called Cask and Cleaver that we patronized ONCE. We walked in, were seated and our server came. He was 6' something and dressed in hot pants and a T-shirt as the women were as well. I turned my head to acknowledge his presence and found myself face to crotch with groceries. We never returned. My sentiments were apparently common as the steak house went out of business in less than a year.
Bulllllshit. Then ask to be sat in that particular server's area from the get go. For fucks sake. Have some common sense. I guess I was raised right. I have eaten at more restaurants than I could ever hope to remember. And in all those instances, never, in my whole life, have I ever asked to have a new server based on their appearance. Sorry, the whole concept is alien to me. Something an entitled, cruel asshole would do. You simply don't possess the entitlement to treat another human being that way. I enforce this philosophy in my daily life, and I don't ask for approval from anyone.

If you disagree, well then I just fucking pity you.
Wow! For once we agree on something! There may be hope for you yet!
I have a strong feeling there's a whole lot here that we're not being told. And I'm skeptical that they actually said, "No, we want a white server." I'm frankly skeptical that they asked for a blonde server, come to that. I can believe they asked for a specific server, who happens to be white and blonde, but I'm going to need more than just her word for it before I jump straight into believing anyone in 2022 America actually had this weird, awkward conversation. Even people who think and feel that way know better than to baldly state it like that.
Why do you think that? Posters on this thread have admitted doing this same racist bullshit!

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