Black 'HOOTERS' girl upset customer asked for blonde server instead of her

Closest you ever got to that was with your right hand, in the bathroom, with the door locked, before Mom knocked and asked "is everything alright in there?"
No no no, he's ambidextrous!
No I don't but america is the Genesis of it because of slavery and it still exists there today.

I don't understand why republicans continue to blame democrats and ignore it.

The Genesis of it?
You realize that only around 5% of African slaves were sent to the U.S., right? The vast majority went to Brazil and the Caribbean.

Now when you say 'America', in the context you construct, it sounds like you are referring to the U.S. specifically?
If you're referring to the entire hemisphere, then you really need to be pointing fingers to areas south of the United States, especially Brazil.

As for your claim 'slavery' still exists here, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you using the word as a euphemism? Do you realize that Africa CURRENTLY has an estimated 9.2 million ACTUAL slaves? Why aren't you pointing your fingers at them?
Who's paying, and who's leaving the tips?
If a patron wants a certain server, so be it.
It doesn't always have to be about racism.
More than likely, they frequented Hooter's and had rapport
with that blonde.

I have a strong feeling there's a whole lot here that we're not being told. And I'm skeptical that they actually said, "No, we want a white server." I'm frankly skeptical that they asked for a blonde server, come to that. I can believe they asked for a specific server, who happens to be white and blonde, but I'm going to need more than just her word for it before I jump straight into believing anyone in 2022 America actually had this weird, awkward conversation. Even people who think and feel that way know better than to baldly state it like that.
I have a strong feeling there's a whole lot here that we're not being told. And I'm skeptical that they actually said, "No, we want a white server." I'm frankly skeptical that they asked for a blonde server, come to that.
I doubt it happened at all. But it is an interesting topic for discussion. If employers aren't allowed to discriminate when hiring, should customers be allowed to discriminate when shopping? Where's the substantive difference?
The way the agendas are pushing overweight, obese and not very attractive people in what was areas where people were/are charged for not that, soon enough they will be at places like Hooters.
Critical Fatso Theory

How dare you use hate speech against the Gravity-Challenged!!! Those words you used—I can't even say them, they're so obscene—we will take those words out of all school libraries!!! Watch our smoke—literally!!!
I would be afraid of her fake eyelashes falling in my food.

Pretty sure that's a concern with all the waitresses at Hooters. I don't eat there, but I pick up orders there from UberEats all the time. Can't remember the last time I saw a server there who didn't have fake eyelashes that looked like furry caterpillars on her eyes.
If only this weren't the internet where people make up shit all the time....
He Had No "PTSD" Either

I knew a guy who was always telling tall tales. But his true story was the most unbelievable of all. He was in the Our Lady of the Angels fire, which killed 92 students and three nuns. His mother verified that and had kept a scrapbook about it.

Wow, I just looked up the survivors' names on He was in the very last room on the list. Going through all the names before that, I was beginning to wonder if that was a tall tale, too.
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We did security for the NAACP event last fall, that included George Clooney and his wife, at the convention center. Hundreds and hundreds of well off blacks. At the end of the evening our coat check table had a grand total of $5.00 for tips, and the coat check girl is black.

I don't encounter a lot of black people while delivering, because there just aren't a lot of them as a percentage of the Phoenix population. As a general rule, they don't tip well. Doesn't seem to matter what their socioeconomic status is. There are exceptions, but not often. Hispanics as a group tip quite well; white people are completely hit-or-miss.

My least favorite customers are the ones who order from a restaurant 10 or more miles from their house, even when it's a chain restaurant with at least one location closer to them than that. Also, the ones who give incomplete information for finding them. I mention this only because black people and rich white people are almost exclusively the ones doing this, in my experience.
LOL - bored? Uh. Let's see, I guess a proper response would be, uh. "Fuck off, Trumpster dingleberry."

Also, good morning. How ya been?

Irony works on those with greater than double digit IQ's..

Wokesters think their so superior, would never sully themselves at Hooters, and ONLY drink $10 cups of burnt coffee..
I don't encounter a lot of black people while delivering, because there just aren't a lot of them as a percentage of the Phoenix population. As a general rule, they don't tip well. Doesn't seem to matter what their socioeconomic status is. There are exceptions, but not often. Hispanics as a group tip quite well; white people are completely hit-or-miss.

My least favorite customers are the ones who order from a restaurant 10 or more miles from their house, even when it's a chain restaurant with at least one location closer to them than that. Also, the ones who give incomplete information for finding them. I mention this only because black people and rich white people are almost exclusively the ones doing this, in my experience.

I thought Phoenix was Compton East?

Scottsdale and Gilbert for the white folk....
He Had No "PTSD" Either

I knew a guy who was always telling tall tales. But his true story was the most unbelievable of all. He was in the Our Lady of Angels fire, which killed 92 students and three nuns. His mother verified that and had kept a scrapbook about it.
Yeah, I can see that...But listen, I have no idea whether or not Moon's exclamation about his Mom dying when he was 27 is true or not. The fact that he brought it up as a way to try and stifle his ego being bruised over the stupidity he regularly posts, leads me to be skeptical...He's a douche, and ever since I've been in here he's always been one....So, he get's the mockery he deserves....

Besides, I got a chuckle out of it...
couldn't find a PC pronoun?

The Silence of the Sheep

How hypocritical and unobservant is that mockery. Practically everybody is already a mind slave without realizing it. This pronoun nonsense started with using "they" with a singular antecedent, as in "If a politician (singular) supports DACA, they (plural) should be deported to Mexico."

Inevitably, the equal but opposite stupidity has followed: "All politicians are a liar." So expect the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords' gender-bender nonsense to get accepted, too.
Yeah, I can see that...But listen, I have no idea whether or not Moon's exclamation about his Mom dying when he was 27 is true or not. The fact that he brought it up as a way to try and stifle his ego being bruised over the stupidity he regularly posts, leads me to be skeptical...He's a douche, and ever since I've been in here he's always been one....So, he get's the mockery he deserves....

Besides, I got a chuckle out of it...
Do Let Your Boys Become Cowboys

My friend had this drive to make up for not dying like all his friends did. He volunteered for combat in Vietnam and later became a rodeo rider, from which he had to retire after he broke his collarbone.

We can figure out the truth from what happened afterward. Had Bush, Sr., gone to combat because he was patriotic, or was he just a bored richkid looking for a thrill? If he had been the first, he would have disowned his sons for begging him to get them out of having to fight the Communists.
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