Black Live Matter Threaten Trump

It's okay for Trump to restrict free speech, and it's fine for him to incite violence.
You're a fucking genius, Couch. Especially when you call BLM the KKK.:cuckoo:

The shoe is on the other foot now. There are only 3000 recorded Klan members presently. KKK non violent now. Black Lives Matter make up in the millions of Black Power supporters to play race card. Still the same agenda which is to terrorize Republicans and black GOP supporters by taking away our rights to vote for our Republican candidate as well as shut down freedom of speech. BLM=KKK








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The BLM crowd doesn't understand that it's the policies of the Clintons, Obamas, and all republicans save Trump, that are at the root of a major problem - unemployment, and shipping jobs to third world countries; jobs that the black work force used to have that kept their heads (barely), above water. Hillary will pretend she's against free trade and for the people, but she will do what she's told if she becomes prez, whether it's the continued offshoring of jobs, or bringing in more low wage labor both legal or illegal from third world countries, to depress wages and further overload whatever safety nets are left to the poor and underemployed.
The BLM crowd doesn't understand that it's the policies of the Clintons, Obamas, and all republicans save Trump, that are at the root of a major problem - unemployment, and shipping jobs to third world countries; jobs that the black work force used to have that kept their heads (barely), above water. Hillary will pretend she's against free trade and for the people, but she will do what she's told if she becomes prez, whether it's the continued offshoring of jobs, or bringing in more low wage labor both legal or illegal from third world countries, to depress wages and further overload whatever safety nets are left to the poor and underemployed.

Exactly right.

For 25 years now....the Democrats and RINOS have been trying to level off American power to bring us down to the more modest lives of the rest of the order to throw bread crumbs to the rest of the world.

These BLM folks have been sacrificed. Their lives are hopeless because Democrats and RINOS decided to ship their hope off to other continents.
The Black Bowel Movement is annoying, they should get educations and become productive citizens instead of terrorists

classy. :cuckoo:

Sit down sock and stop overusing the cuckoo emoticon, nobody takes you serious

so sayeth the actual sock.

quiet, loony toon. and i can't help it if your posts are insane. only you can control that. i just observe.

so as i said. :cuckoo:
So if blm does do as they say you will have blood on your hands for your support of it.
Ok, I agree. BLM is a wacky bunch of ignorant negroes. It's mainly a bunch of black kids being taken advantage of, and a divisive bit of ideology that keeps a wedge driven between blacks and whites.

But just let it be. It will die out on its own, or at least die down. Posts like this just invite people to get pissed off at BLM. All that is going to do is perpetuate this whole conflict. Just acquire your guns and ammo and hunker down until it all blows over.
As long as this is the summer of blood, it's all good. Democracy Spring wants to dissolve Congress.

Yee hah, it's going to be fun.
The BLM crowd doesn't understand that it's the policies of the Clintons, Obamas, and all republicans save Trump, that are at the root of a major problem - unemployment, and shipping jobs to third world countries; jobs that the black work force used to have that kept their heads (barely), above water. Hillary will pretend she's against free trade and for the people, but she will do what she's told if she becomes prez, whether it's the continued offshoring of jobs, or bringing in more low wage labor both legal or illegal from third world countries, to depress wages and further overload whatever safety nets are left to the poor and underemployed.

Exactly right.

For 25 years now....the Democrats and RINOS have been trying to level off American power to bring us down to the more modest lives of the rest of the order to throw bread crumbs to the rest of the world.

These BLM folks have been sacrificed. Their lives are hopeless because Democrats and RINOS decided to ship their hope off to other continents.

Obama's spent the last few days in Cuba and south america. Wonder what kind of secret deals he's cooked up. He sure kept the transpacific partnership secret for years. Another location to offshore American jobs to, or maybe an offer to take in more cheap labor cuban immigrants into this country? One thing, for a guy that said climate change was our most important problem, he sure burns the jet fuel unnecessarily.
Obama's spent the last few days in Cuba and south america. Wonder what kind of secret deals he's cooked up. One thing, for a guy that said climate change was our most important problem, he sure burns the jet fuel unnecessarily.

Obamanation goes to Cuba while Cuban refugees are escaping to America daily by the thousands in order to get away from Communism. Obamabitch is ass backwards. He's a communist sympathizer. Obama is fulfilling his Commy wish at the end of his term to check it off his bucket list.





















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