Black lives matter, but the genocide of Native Americans. no problem

Why would I do that?

Its obvious that there was exploitation and rank criminality done during the time, but its still not genocide.
sure it wasn't .

80 million unexploded American cluster bombs still in Laos, from the Vietnam war. The U.S is the only country in the world that has used nuclear bombs on a quarter million civilians in Japan. So what you are saying, is targeting civilians, like 9/11 is fair in war. U.S. intervention in the Muslim world caused 9/11. Someday you will learn Karma.

What a load of lefty tribble, and completely off point.

Go back on your meds.
Translation : those facts are far more than I can handle.

If you agree with hangover-loser, you are a bigger twat than I though you were.
History is full of one group wanting to take over the land of another group, and not really caring what happens afterwards. Even the Native Americans were guilty of that. It's still not genocide.
Marty, there were limited attempts by a few at different times to commit genocide, most perpetrators happened to be in the government. Now I'm not claiming there was a continuous, concerted, overarching attempt by the government to commit genocide but again there were isolated incidents where genocide against individual tribes was the goal.
Just because it didn't include all tribes at all times doesn't make it any less genocidal which means we've been arguing semantics.
As for the so call Noble Savage...... Yeah right, that was about as correct as using the term civilized White Man, neither are complete lies, neither are fully true.

Genocide isn't small, or isolated, or local. It is the concerted attempt to wipe out a race or group.

Those are massacres, not genocide.
You're looking at the Indians as a whole, we're looking at them as individual groupings and if you look it up the application of the term genocide it can be debated as applicable in either case so again we're arguing semantics.

I am arguing against the over-use of a term that removes the meaning of said term. Genocide is beyond fights over land and exploitation. It is the high level determination that an entire race or group needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Shush, adults are discussing.
I can see martyr running around reservations and other scenes of genocide screaming it was an accident we didn't mean to kill all of you ,just some of you!

Why would I do that?

Its obvious that there was exploitation and rank criminality done during the time, but its still not genocide.
sure it wasn't .

80 million unexploded American cluster bombs still in Laos, from the Vietnam war. The U.S is the only country in the world that has used nuclear bombs on a quarter million civilians in Japan. So what you are saying, is targeting civilians, like 9/11 is fair in war. U.S. intervention in the Muslim world caused 9/11. Someday you will learn Karma.
If you want to win a war the first thing you do is try to destroy infrastructure and lines of communication (communication and supply lines), this removes the enemy's ability to wage war. In most instances infrastructure is in the hands of civilians not only that but in WWII it was designed to demoralize the enemy's population, force them to quit. WWII was all about that as well as destroying the enemy's armies, Vietnam was no different.

Both sides in the conflict fought under the concept of total war, where civilians in military production were part of the military chain, and thus viable targets.
80 million unexploded American cluster bombs still in Laos, from the Vietnam war. The U.S is the only country in the world that has used nuclear bombs on a quarter million civilians in Japan. So what you are saying, is targeting civilians, like 9/11 is fair in war. U.S. intervention in the Muslim world caused 9/11. Someday you will learn Karma.

What a load of lefty tribble, and completely off point.

Go back on your meds.
Translation : those facts are far more than I can handle.

If you agree with hangover-loser, you are a bigger twat than I though you were.
80 million unexploded American cluster bombs still in Laos, from the Vietnam war. The U.S is the only country in the world that has used nuclear bombs on a quarter million civilians in Japan. So what you are saying, is targeting civilians, like 9/11 is fair in war. U.S. intervention in the Muslim world caused 9/11. Someday you will learn Karma.

What a load of lefty tribble, and completely off point.

Go back on your meds.
Translation : those facts are far more than I can handle.

If you agree with hangover-loser, you are a bigger twat than I though you were.

Right back at ya, bitch-tits.
Marty, there were limited attempts by a few at different times to commit genocide, most perpetrators happened to be in the government. Now I'm not claiming there was a continuous, concerted, overarching attempt by the government to commit genocide but again there were isolated incidents where genocide against individual tribes was the goal.
Just because it didn't include all tribes at all times doesn't make it any less genocidal which means we've been arguing semantics.
As for the so call Noble Savage...... Yeah right, that was about as correct as using the term civilized White Man, neither are complete lies, neither are fully true.

Genocide isn't small, or isolated, or local. It is the concerted attempt to wipe out a race or group.

Those are massacres, not genocide.
You're looking at the Indians as a whole, we're looking at them as individual groupings and if you look it up the application of the term genocide it can be debated as applicable in either case so again we're arguing semantics.

I am arguing against the over-use of a term that removes the meaning of said term. Genocide is beyond fights over land and exploitation. It is the high level determination that an entire race or group needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.
Genocide isn't small, or isolated, or local. It is the concerted attempt to wipe out a race or group.

Those are massacres, not genocide.
You're looking at the Indians as a whole, we're looking at them as individual groupings and if you look it up the application of the term genocide it can be debated as applicable in either case so again we're arguing semantics.

I am arguing against the over-use of a term that removes the meaning of said term. Genocide is beyond fights over land and exploitation. It is the high level determination that an entire race or group needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
Why would I do that?

Its obvious that there was exploitation and rank criminality done during the time, but its still not genocide.
sure it wasn't .

80 million unexploded American cluster bombs still in Laos, from the Vietnam war. The U.S is the only country in the world that has used nuclear bombs on a quarter million civilians in Japan. So what you are saying, is targeting civilians, like 9/11 is fair in war. U.S. intervention in the Muslim world caused 9/11. Someday you will learn Karma.
If you want to win a war the first thing you do is try to destroy infrastructure and lines of communication (communication and supply lines), this removes the enemy's ability to wage war. In most instances infrastructure is in the hands of civilians not only that but in WWII it was designed to demoralize the enemy's population, force them to quit. WWII was all about that as well as destroying the enemy's armies, Vietnam was no different.

Both sides in the conflict fought under the concept of total war, where civilians in military production were part of the military chain, and thus viable targets.
That's always the case. Then you have people like Sir Arthur Harris, the British Air Marshal during WWII who believed he could bomb the German peoples into submission and actually proved just the opposite, we know it was the destruction of Germany's (and Japan's) ability to wage war that ultimately lead to their downfall.
80 million unexploded American cluster bombs still in Laos, from the Vietnam war. The U.S is the only country in the world that has used nuclear bombs on a quarter million civilians in Japan. So what you are saying, is targeting civilians, like 9/11 is fair in war. U.S. intervention in the Muslim world caused 9/11. Someday you will learn Karma.
If you want to win a war the first thing you do is try to destroy infrastructure and lines of communication (communication and supply lines), this removes the enemy's ability to wage war. In most instances infrastructure is in the hands of civilians not only that but in WWII it was designed to demoralize the enemy's population, force them to quit. WWII was all about that as well as destroying the enemy's armies, Vietnam was no different.

Both sides in the conflict fought under the concept of total war, where civilians in military production were part of the military chain, and thus viable targets.
That's always the case. Then you have people like Sir Arthur Harris, the British Air Marshal during WWII who believed he could bomb the German peoples into submission and actually proved just the opposite, we know it was the destruction of Germany's (and Japan's) ability to wage war that ultimately lead to their downfall.

I think the impact on production was far greater to the Japanese than the Germans. The Germans were actually still able to increase production through 1944, although the bombing campaign did prevent that increase being enough to stem the tide.

As for Japan they were crippled by the bombing, and more importantly to me, the complete destruction of their Merchant Fleet, on which they depended on for raw materials. The Germans only lost their iron and oil supplies when everything else was going to hell anyway.

I also think that the overwhelming pressure done by the Bombing Campaign made it easier for the German people to accept that they were defeated. In WWI the war didn't touch them, except when it came to the waves of starvation one saw in Germany. In WWII their cities and villages were crushed to rubble.

In Japan, one had the same outcome, but there the Emperor's acceptance of defeat also played a role, and his view as swayed by both the conventional bombing campaign and the two atomic bombs.
You're looking at the Indians as a whole, we're looking at them as individual groupings and if you look it up the application of the term genocide it can be debated as applicable in either case so again we're arguing semantics.

I am arguing against the over-use of a term that removes the meaning of said term. Genocide is beyond fights over land and exploitation. It is the high level determination that an entire race or group needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
False, I'm watching you make an asshole of yourself arguing semantics .
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide,massacre; More
The above definition refutes the martyr began specific definition.
Own it.
I am arguing against the over-use of a term that removes the meaning of said term. Genocide is beyond fights over land and exploitation. It is the high level determination that an entire race or group needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
False, I'm watching you make an asshole of yourself arguing semantics .
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide,massacre; More
The above definition refutes the martyr began specific definition.
Own it.

OOOH!! a non-sourced definition!

Try harder.

Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
False, I'm watching you make an asshole of yourself arguing semantics .
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide,massacre; More
The above definition refutes the martyr began specific definition.
Own it.

OOOH!! a non-sourced definition!

Try harder.
You don't recognize Webster's when you see it?
Total pussy move.
Definition of GENOCIDE
I am arguing against the over-use of a term that removes the meaning of said term. Genocide is beyond fights over land and exploitation. It is the high level determination that an entire race or group needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
False, I'm watching you make an asshole of yourself arguing semantics .
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide,massacre; More
The above definition refutes the martyr began specific definition.
Own it.
We all have specific pedantic streaks, Marty sticks with the original application of the word genocide, mine is the word decimate which originally meant to reduce by ten percent, it was a military application derived in ancient Rome. The first use of the word decimate as a descriptor for nearly complete destruction came about during WWI.
What's truly interesting, is how martyr becomes exponentially more pretentious when his ass is being handled to him.
Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
False, I'm watching you make an asshole of yourself arguing semantics .
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide,massacre; More
The above definition refutes the martyr began specific definition.
Own it.

OOOH!! a non-sourced definition!

Try harder.
You don't recognize Webster's when you see it?
Total pussy move.
Definition of GENOCIDE

Maybe if you linked it the first time, twat-waddle.

And a dictionary definition on such a debated topic isn't really up to snuff. Try again, bitch-tits.
What's truly interesting, is how martyr becomes exponentially more pretentious when his ass is being handled to him.

Sorry you can't handle actual explanations and expanded concepts. Again, Hello Kitty Message Board, go there.

Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
False, I'm watching you make an asshole of yourself arguing semantics .
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide,massacre; More
The above definition refutes the martyr began specific definition.
Own it.
We all have specific pedantic streaks, Marty sticks with the original application of the word genocide, mine is the word decimate which originally meant to reduce by ten percent, it was a military application derived in ancient Rome. The first use of the word decimate as a descriptor for nearly complete destruction came about during WWI.

I agree the term decimate is being incorrectly used unless it is talking about 10% losses.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
False, I'm watching you make an asshole of yourself arguing semantics .
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide,massacre; More
The above definition refutes the martyr began specific definition.
Own it.

OOOH!! a non-sourced definition!

Try harder.
You don't recognize Webster's when you see it?
Total pussy move.
Definition of GENOCIDE

Maybe if you linked it the first time, twat-waddle.

And a dictionary definition on such a debated topic isn't really up to snuff. Try again, bitch-tits.
Of course you'd say that , false as it is.
Shush, adults are discussing.
Ringel05 and I are discussing, you are making excuses.

No, you are drive-by trolling, nothing more.

Now go back to the Hello Kitty Message Board, I have a feeling it is more your speed.
False, I'm watching you make an asshole of yourself arguing semantics .
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide,massacre; More
The above definition refutes the martyr began specific definition.
Own it.
We all have specific pedantic streaks, Marty sticks with the original application of the word genocide, mine is the word decimate which originally meant to reduce by ten percent, it was a military application derived in ancient Rome. The first use of the word decimate as a descriptor for nearly complete destruction came about during WWI.

I agree the term decimate is being incorrectly used unless it is talking about 10% losses.
My point is meanings of some words and phrases are adapted over time whether we like it or not, it's something we humans have done since the inception of language. Bad can mean bad or it can mean awesome, cool can be temperature related or can mean neat which can also mean tidy or served unchilled, unmixed as an alcoholic drink. :dunno:

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