Black lives matter, but the genocide of Native Americans. no problem

Women are virtually enslaved and mutilated in Shria dominated countries and homosexuals are executed while our president sends them 400 million in cold hard cash. And the beat goes on.
Ya didn't go far enough back........

Well documented.

BBC - History - World Wars: Silent Weapon: Smallpox and Biological Warfare

In the 18th century, the British fought France and its Indian allies for possession of what was to become Canada during the French and Indian Wars (1754-63). At the time of the Pontiac rebellion in 1763, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, the Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in North America, wrote to Colonel Henry Bouquet: 'Could it not be contrived to send smallpox among these disaffected tribes of Indians? We must use every stratagem in our power to reduce them.' The colonel replied: 'I will try to inoculate the [Native American tribe] with some blankets that may fall in their hands, and take care not to get the disease myself.' Smallpox decimated the Native Americans, who had never been exposed to the disease before and had no immunity.

Ok, that's cold, but effective. Again Indians would have used them as well......very barbaric people.
Ya didn't go far enough back........

Well documented.

BBC - History - World Wars: Silent Weapon: Smallpox and Biological Warfare

In the 18th century, the British fought France and its Indian allies for possession of what was to become Canada during the French and Indian Wars (1754-63). At the time of the Pontiac rebellion in 1763, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, the Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in North America, wrote to Colonel Henry Bouquet: 'Could it not be contrived to send smallpox among these disaffected tribes of Indians? We must use every stratagem in our power to reduce them.' The colonel replied: 'I will try to inoculate the [Native American tribe] with some blankets that may fall in their hands, and take care not to get the disease myself.' Smallpox decimated the Native Americans, who had never been exposed to the disease before and had no immunity.

Ok, that's cold, but effective. Again Indians would have used them as well......very barbaric people.
You keep tellin' yourself that Sparky....... :thup:
The blacks were enslaved, raped and murdered for over 200 years. But that's nothing compared to the genocide of 11 million Native Americans that had their land stolen, their women and children raped and slaughtered, and herded into concentration camps in the name of God and the American flag. They were poisoned by Smallpox in the blankets they were given. The women's breasts were cut off and used for tobacco pouches.

And now Trump and his Christian followers ask the blacks, "What have you got to lose?"

Sounds like somebody just watched the movie "Little Big Man" and thought it was a documentary.
The blacks were enslaved, raped and murdered for over 200 years. But that's nothing compared to the genocide of 11 million Native Americans that had their land stolen, their women and children raped and slaughtered, and herded into concentration camps in the name of God and the American flag. They were poisoned by Smallpox in the blankets they were given. The women's breasts were cut off and used for tobacco pouches.

And now Trump and his Christian followers ask the blacks, "What have you got to lose?"

That is because there was no genocide

From your own link...."Though a connection cannot be proven..."

Fail ....idiot
The Irish were enslaved and starved by the British and the British were enslaved and starved by the Romans. The Neanderthals were murdered to extinction by humans. How far back do you want to go?

Liar, obviously the OP is a Neanderthal!
The posters on this thread that try to justify the genocide of Native Americans, are no different than those that try to justify the genocide of the Jews by the Nazis.
These are the ones that want Trump as POTUS. Really show how many sick twisted bigots are in this country.

From your own link...."Though a connection cannot be proven..."

Fail ....idiot
The one during the American Revolution cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt but the circumstantial evidence is almost overwhelming. Way to selectively read miss clueless.......

Here's another link;

Colonial Germ Warfare
The Irish were enslaved and starved by the British and the British were enslaved and starved by the Romans. The Neanderthals were murdered to extinction by humans. How far back do you want to go?

Liar, obviously the OP is a Neanderthal!

Indians and blacks are the poster people for left loons to whine about....throughout history some group has been oppressed and blacks and Indians don't hold the title to it all

From your own link...."Though a connection cannot be proven..."

Fail ....idiot
The one during the American Revolution cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt but the circumstantial evidence is almost overwhelming. Way to selectively read miss clueless.......

Here's another link;

Colonial Germ Warfare

Same link and states it can't be proven. Give it I'd be curious to see a bunch of colonials isolating small pox and infecting blankets....without contracting small pox themselves AHAHAHAHAHA You dopey loons
The posters on this thread that try to justify the genocide of Native Americans, are no different than those that try to justify the genocide of the Jews by the Nazis.
These are the ones that want Trump as POTUS. Really show how many sick twisted bigots are in this country.

Trump is a bigot? How so?
For having been victims of "genocide" they sure are raking in the dough at their casinos.

From your own link...."Though a connection cannot be proven..."

Fail ....idiot
The one during the American Revolution cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt but the circumstantial evidence is almost overwhelming. Way to selectively read miss clueless.......

Here's another link;

Colonial Germ Warfare

Same link and states it can't be proven. Give it I'd be curious to see a bunch of colonials isolating small pox and infecting blankets....without contracting small pox themselves AHAHAHAHAHA You dopey loons
You truly are dense, the link says the American Revolution claims can't be proven, the French and Indian War incident is completely documented. But don't let that stop you from sticking your head in the sand, it's what you're good at. :thup:
For having been victims of "genocide" they sure are raking in the dough at their casinos.
Obviously the genocide program wasn't completely successful........ Your ancestors should have tried harder....... :eusa_whistle:

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