Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Says In ABC News Interview That Joe Biden Is A 'Violent White Supremacist'

1. Of course, I did not watch the video, for I would never listen to anything that BLM has to say.

2. But in a sense the lady is right.

3. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is NOT a "supremacist" in the sense that, say, the KKK members are.

4. But he IS a gentleman of a certain generation.

a. His many statements over the last 40 years show that he is condescending and patronizing toward African Americans. And fearful of them, too (look at his statement about integrated schools being a "jungle"). Let's be brutally honest: Many Americans of ALL ethnicities have similar views in private.

5. OF COURSE, his past attitudes and voting record do NOT matter. Dems will hold their nose and vote for him in a landslide on November 3.

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