Black Lives Matter shuts down ACLU speaker: 'Liberalism is white supremacy!'

The ACLU has nothing to do with the formation of BLM.

The ACLU messed up by claiming the terrorists in charlottesville had a right to free speech.

If everyone in Charlottesville who showed up to protest taking down statues was a terrorist, then every BLM member is calling for the execution of Cops and is a traitor to the United States. Same logic. You don't know who those people are because no one was given the opportunity to express themselves in free speech that day.
In Tin Pot dictatorships you can just call citizens terrorists of the state and have them rounded up, thats why you can have a dictator elected again over and over again. In the United States there is a reason opposing views are supposed to be protected. When you say that you know what someone is already going to say before they say it then deny their rights to free speech, your no better than anyone who has ever put chains on someone else. You pretty much have the same spirit inside you.
The point is I would rather hang out with Ascepias than a neon green douchebag who thinks he can infringe on my freedom of speech.
The ACLU has nothing to do with the formation of BLM.

The ACLU messed up by claiming the terrorists in charlottesville had a right to free speech.

I love that the charlottesville protest caused you so much angst.
I love that I cause you so much perturbation that you spend time trying to figure out how things make me feel.
The ACLU has nothing to do with the formation of BLM.

The ACLU messed up by claiming the terrorists in charlottesville had a right to free speech.

If everyone in Charlottesville who showed up to protest taking down statues was a terrorist, then every BLM member is calling for the execution of Cops and is a traitor to the United States. Same logic. You don't know who those people are because no one was given the opportunity to express themselves in free speech that day.
In Tin Pot dictatorships you can just call citizens terrorists of the state and have them rounded up, thats why you can have a dictator elected again over and over again. In the United States there is a reason opposing views are supposed to be protected. When you say that you know what someone is already going to say before they say it then deny their rights to free speech, your no better than anyone who has ever put chains on someone else. You pretty much have the same spirit inside you.

That was dumb post. The inbreds marching to keep statues of traitors are terrorist and should have been euthanized on sight. BLM is for the protection of Black people against the feral animals manning the police ranks. Get your shit together so you can understand the difference. :cuckoo:
Like we have been saying, BLM is simply an anarchist organization looking to completely destroy the USA.

...and Obama invited this group to the White House...the group saying they don't support the Constitution and liberals are White Supremacists.
They're so adorable....claiming it's free speech to shut down free speech.

Good little useful idiots for their puppet masters.
Liberalism is White Supremacy!!

That's what Black Lives Matter says.

If you disagree, you are a racist.

Sorry Hillary, Chuck, Nancy, and are white supremacists.

Identity politics has always meant that the Progs would end up eating themselves.

So, let's just stand back and enjoying watching this Theater of the Absurd.

It's so fun, isn't it?

If liberals are critical of BLM shutting down a speaker from the ACLU, they are racist.

This story will barely be covered by the MSM because it hurts their political dogma.

Identity politics has always meant that the Progs would end up eating themselves.

So, let's just stand back and enjoying watching this Theater of the Absurd.

It's so fun, isn't it?

If liberals are critical of BLM shutting down a speaker from the ACLU, they are racist.

This story will barely be covered by the MSM because it hurts their political dogma.

The way BLM, Antifa, and the NFL Stooges are hurting the Left causes one to be al almost tempted to think that they are actually Conservative False Flag operations...but this is one of those cases in which it is best to stand by while the enemy is self-inflicting damage. It's a beautiful thing to behold.
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BLM is one of the main reasons why we have a cheeto for president. It's one thing to protest police brutality. It's another to protest using out-right lies, try and ruin an innocent man's life, and then destroy peoples' property when you don't like the results.
Well, starting with LBJ "I'll have the n*ggers voting democratic for the next 200 years" liberals ARE racist in the sense that they want to keep black crybabies dependent on the charity of whites, to ensure a permanent Democratic voting block.

The crucial difference between self-loathing-white liberalfilth and myself is: I'm honest and up front about the black crybabies being the ultimate waste of human existence.
So who is the righteous in this situation?

BLM for silencing the racist ACLU?
To BLM, all whites are "racist", which is code for "We hate white people". BLM hates white liberals, maybe just not as much as Christian whites.
Liberals will pretend this didn't happen, rather than calling out BLM for the racist and anarchist idiots they are.

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