Black lives matter to boycott white owned businesses for black christmas

You're right, but you are mixing up system with institutionalized system.
Institutionalized is just an adjective when used in that context. A system is a system no matter what adjective you put before it.
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

Britain's hyper-Individualist, and hyper-anti-Racist today.

But, Britain's done some very nasty things to people all over the globe.
Britain is not hyper individualist. They are hyper-identirarian weirdos who base their identities on anything but being white and western people.
Racism can be a system, but doesn't have to be.

Furthermore, Racist systems can be Black, look at Mugabe's Zimbabwe which had kicked White farmers to the curb.
That wasnt a racist system. That was taking back the land that whites stole. Thank you Mugabe.

Well, I thought we were "One" of the "World" and that "Color didn't matter"

At least that's what the Alt-Left keeps telling me.

So, then why confiscate farms from Whitey?
Subsaharan Africans never mastered agriculture. They didn't have to. They had an abundance of resources that they did not have to do much of anything. As a result, they have low IQ levels. They can learn though, I think white interaction with them should be limited to trade and request for our presence in their lands. The US government should take in every white south African. Let them learn.

Yeah, well the idea is that Africans are behind for 2 reasons.

1.) The tropics were easier to survive, and therefor didn't promote problem solving ability, and general perceptive ability to survive by natural selection.

2.) The lack of agriculture didn't promote female seeking skilled craftsman mates to survive, and thrive in little cities.

Africans were far ahead in many areas:

Africa has the world's oldest record of human technological achievement: the oldest stone tools in the world have been found in eastern Africa, and later evidence for tool production by our hominin ancestors has been found across Sub-Saharan Africa. The history of science and technology in Africa since then has, however, received relatively little attention compared to other regions of the world, despite notable African developments in mathematics, metallurgy, architecture, and other fields.

Much, Much more:

History of science and technology in Africa - Wikipedia

LOL, because there's stone- tools in Africa millions of years ago, when no Hominids probably even lived in Europe, somehow disproves it how?
Institutionalized is just an adjective when used in that context. A system is a system no matter what adjective you put before it.
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

Britain's hyper-Individualist, and hyper-anti-Racist today.

But, Britain's done some very nasty things to people all over the globe.
Britain is not hyper individualist. They are hyper-identirarian weirdos who base their identities on anything but being white and western people.

Just a bit more since clicking the link was too much trouble for you I gather:

West Africa[edit]
The knowledge of inoculating oneself against smallpox seems to have been known to West Africans, more specifically the Akan. A slave named Onesimus explained the inoculation procedure to Cotton Mather during the 18th century; he reported to have gotten the knowledge from Africa.[56]

The Sahel[edit]
In Djenné the mosquito was identified to be the cause of malaria, and the removal of cataracts was a common surgical procedure.[57]

The dangers of tobacco smoking were known to African Muslim scholars, based on Timbuktu manuscripts.[58]

Nile Valley[edit]
Further information: Ancient Egyptian medicine
Ancient Egyptian physicians were renowned in the ancient Near East for their healing skills, and some, like Imhotep, remained famous long after their deaths.[59] Herodotus remarked that there was a high degree of specialization among Egyptian physicians, with some treating only the head or the stomach, while others were eye-doctors and dentists.[60] Training of physicians took place at the Per Ankh or "House of Life" institution, most notably those headquartered in Per-Bastet during the New Kingdom and at Abydos and Saïs in the Late period. Medical papyri show empirical knowledge of anatomy, injuries, and practical treatments.[61] Wounds were treated by bandaging with raw meat, white linen, sutures, nets, pads and swabs soaked with honey to prevent infection,[62] while opium was used to relieve pain. Garlic and onions were used regularly to promote good health and were thought to relieve asthma symptoms. Ancient Egyptian surgeons stitched wounds, set broken bones, and amputated diseased limbs, but they recognized that some injuries were so serious that they could only make the patient comfortable until he died.[59]

Around 800, the first psychiatric hospital and insane asylum in Egypt was built by Muslim physicians in Cairo.

Around 1100, the ventilator is invented in Egypt.[63]

In 1285, the largest hospital of the Middle Ages and pre-modern era was built in Cairo, Egypt, by Sultan Qalaun al-Mansur. Treatment was given for free to patients of all backgrounds, regardless of gender, ethnicity or income.[64]

Tetracycline was being used by Nubians, based on bone remains between 350 AD and 550 AD. The antibiotic was in wide commercial use only in the mid 20th century. The theory is earthen jars containing grain used for making beer contained the bacterium streptomycedes, which produced tetracycline. Although Nubians were not aware of tetracycline, they could have noticed people fared better by drinking beer. According to Charlie Bamforth, a professor of biochemistry and brewing science at the University of California, Davis, said "They must have consumed it because it was rather tastier than the grain from which it was derived. They would have noticed people fared better by consuming this product than they were just consuming the grain itself."[65]
You're right, but you are mixing up system with institutionalized system.
Institutionalized is just an adjective when used in that context. A system is a system no matter what adjective you put before it.
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.
Blacks didn't even have the wheel until whites showed up. I guess if you believe primitivism is the height of humanity I could understand this statement. Unfortunately, I am white and progress matters to our people. We were forced by climatic conditions to see the world through that lense.
Just a bit more since clicking the link was too much trouble for you I gather:

West Africa[edit]
The knowledge of inoculating oneself against smallpox seems to have been known to West Africans, more specifically the Akan. A slave named Onesimus explained the inoculation procedure to Cotton Mather during the 18th century; he reported to have gotten the knowledge from Africa.[56]

The Sahel[edit]
In Djenné the mosquito was identified to be the cause of malaria, and the removal of cataracts was a common surgical procedure.[57]

The dangers of tobacco smoking were known to African Muslim scholars, based on Timbuktu manuscripts.[58]

Nile Valley[edit]
Further information: Ancient Egyptian medicine
Ancient Egyptian physicians were renowned in the ancient Near East for their healing skills, and some, like Imhotep, remained famous long after their deaths.[59] Herodotus remarked that there was a high degree of specialization among Egyptian physicians, with some treating only the head or the stomach, while others were eye-doctors and dentists.[60] Training of physicians took place at the Per Ankh or "House of Life" institution, most notably those headquartered in Per-Bastet during the New Kingdom and at Abydos and Saïs in the Late period. Medical papyri show empirical knowledge of anatomy, injuries, and practical treatments.[61] Wounds were treated by bandaging with raw meat, white linen, sutures, nets, pads and swabs soaked with honey to prevent infection,[62] while opium was used to relieve pain. Garlic and onions were used regularly to promote good health and were thought to relieve asthma symptoms. Ancient Egyptian surgeons stitched wounds, set broken bones, and amputated diseased limbs, but they recognized that some injuries were so serious that they could only make the patient comfortable until he died.[59]

Around 800, the first psychiatric hospital and insane asylum in Egypt was built by Muslim physicians in Cairo.

Around 1100, the ventilator is invented in Egypt.[63]

In 1285, the largest hospital of the Middle Ages and pre-modern era was built in Cairo, Egypt, by Sultan Qalaun al-Mansur. Treatment was given for free to patients of all backgrounds, regardless of gender, ethnicity or income.[64]

Tetracycline was being used by Nubians, based on bone remains between 350 AD and 550 AD. The antibiotic was in wide commercial use only in the mid 20th century. The theory is earthen jars containing grain used for making beer contained the bacterium streptomycedes, which produced tetracycline. Although Nubians were not aware of tetracycline, they could have noticed people fared better by drinking beer. According to Charlie Bamforth, a professor of biochemistry and brewing science at the University of California, Davis, said "They must have consumed it because it was rather tastier than the grain from which it was derived. They would have noticed people fared better by consuming this product than they were just consuming the grain itself."[65]
Most white people refuse to believe this stuff. Trust me...I have already told them this.
I'd agree that Segregation could be classified as a "Racist system"

But, how do "Racist individuals" form a system?
They band together and create the system just like the founding fathers banded together and created the constitution but decided to keep slavery.

So, Slavery is Racism?

So, if you hate Black Africans so much, and think of them as an inferior race, you import them into your back yard?


I beg to differ, I tend to think it's just a by-product of Capitalist, and proto-Capitalist (Mercantilism) greed.

Slavery was about profits.
It is when its based on race like the slavery here in the US was.

You dont have to hate someone to be racist against them. Whites had to import Blacks because whites were too weak to do the work required to build this country into the economic giant it became.

You dont have to beg. If it was just a product of capitalism then they wouldnt have made it race based. They would have exploited the massive amount of poor white trash.

Apparently the most efficient, and cheap slaves were Black Africans.

Believe me they experimented with Whites I.E Irish, or peasant English, etc.
also with Native Americans.

However, these groups had some difficulties.

For one it was easier to have Africans trade other Africans into slavery for cheap, than to raid Ireland, or Native American towns.

Furthermore, the issue was Native, and White slaves could run out, and hide in American towns if they escaped.

It just seems it was a matter of convenience IMO.
The "difficulties" were that whites were too lazy and weak and yes the NA could just disappear into the wilderness like Blacks later did. Obviously it was a matter of race like the south pointed out in their articles of secession.

Haha, oh okay Whites are so lazy that they're more likely to be employed, and so weak they dominate the World's Strongest Man competition, because?
Institutionalized is just an adjective when used in that context. A system is a system no matter what adjective you put before it.
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.
Blacks didn't even have the wheel until whites showed up. I guess if you believe primitivism is the height of humanity I could understand this statement. Unfortunately, I am white and progress matters to our people. We were forced by climatic conditions to see the world through that lense.
Blacks had the wheel before whites were sentient but you already knew that because I told you so.
They band together and create the system just like the founding fathers banded together and created the constitution but decided to keep slavery.

So, Slavery is Racism?

So, if you hate Black Africans so much, and think of them as an inferior race, you import them into your back yard?


I beg to differ, I tend to think it's just a by-product of Capitalist, and proto-Capitalist (Mercantilism) greed.

Slavery was about profits.
It is when its based on race like the slavery here in the US was.

You dont have to hate someone to be racist against them. Whites had to import Blacks because whites were too weak to do the work required to build this country into the economic giant it became.

You dont have to beg. If it was just a product of capitalism then they wouldnt have made it race based. They would have exploited the massive amount of poor white trash.

Apparently the most efficient, and cheap slaves were Black Africans.

Believe me they experimented with Whites I.E Irish, or peasant English, etc.
also with Native Americans.

However, these groups had some difficulties.

For one it was easier to have Africans trade other Africans into slavery for cheap, than to raid Ireland, or Native American towns.

Furthermore, the issue was Native, and White slaves could run out, and hide in American towns if they escaped.

It just seems it was a matter of convenience IMO.
The "difficulties" were that whites were too lazy and weak and yes the NA could just disappear into the wilderness like Blacks later did. Obviously it was a matter of race like the south pointed out in their articles of secession.

Haha, oh okay Whites are so lazy that they're more likely to be employed, and so weak they dominate the World's Strongest Man competition, because?
Whites are more likely to be employed by other whites because of racism.

Not too many Blacks participating in strong man competitions. If we did we would dominate them too.
You're right, but you are mixing up system with institutionalized system.
Institutionalized is just an adjective when used in that context. A system is a system no matter what adjective you put before it.
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

Britain's hyper-Individualist, and hyper-anti-Racist today.

But, Britain's done some very nasty things to people all over the globe.
Britain is not hyper individualist. They are hyper-identirarian weirdos who base their identities on anything but being white and western people.

Dude, this proves nothing. You need to have a clear understanding of classical individualism. I understand your beef with western Europeans and their ways today, I'm sympathetic to eastern europe . But Brits are not individualists anymore, they are defined by mini-collectives. Same shit is going on here in America. They are identitarian, just not the good kind.
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.
Blacks didn't even have the wheel until whites showed up. I guess if you believe primitivism is the height of humanity I could understand this statement. Unfortunately, I am white and progress matters to our people. We were forced by climatic conditions to see the world through that lense.
Blacks had the wheel before whites were sentient but you already knew that because I told you so.
No they didn't. It's fine if that's what you want to believe though.
Institutionalized is just an adjective when used in that context. A system is a system no matter what adjective you put before it.
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.
So, Slavery is Racism?

So, if you hate Black Africans so much, and think of them as an inferior race, you import them into your back yard?


I beg to differ, I tend to think it's just a by-product of Capitalist, and proto-Capitalist (Mercantilism) greed.

Slavery was about profits.
It is when its based on race like the slavery here in the US was.

You dont have to hate someone to be racist against them. Whites had to import Blacks because whites were too weak to do the work required to build this country into the economic giant it became.

You dont have to beg. If it was just a product of capitalism then they wouldnt have made it race based. They would have exploited the massive amount of poor white trash.

Apparently the most efficient, and cheap slaves were Black Africans.

Believe me they experimented with Whites I.E Irish, or peasant English, etc.
also with Native Americans.

However, these groups had some difficulties.

For one it was easier to have Africans trade other Africans into slavery for cheap, than to raid Ireland, or Native American towns.

Furthermore, the issue was Native, and White slaves could run out, and hide in American towns if they escaped.

It just seems it was a matter of convenience IMO.
The "difficulties" were that whites were too lazy and weak and yes the NA could just disappear into the wilderness like Blacks later did. Obviously it was a matter of race like the south pointed out in their articles of secession.

Haha, oh okay Whites are so lazy that they're more likely to be employed, and so weak they dominate the World's Strongest Man competition, because?
Whites are more likely to be employed by other whites because of racism.

Not too many Blacks participating in strong man competitions. If we did we would dominate them too.

Oh come on now.... In the UK the discrimination against my Polish people is perhaps even heavier than against Blacks.

Polish are the most employed in the UK, and Blacks, and Muslims are less employed in the UK.
Just a bit more since clicking the link was too much trouble for you I gather:

West Africa[edit]
The knowledge of inoculating oneself against smallpox seems to have been known to West Africans, more specifically the Akan. A slave named Onesimus explained the inoculation procedure to Cotton Mather during the 18th century; he reported to have gotten the knowledge from Africa.[56]

The Sahel[edit]
In Djenné the mosquito was identified to be the cause of malaria, and the removal of cataracts was a common surgical procedure.[57]

The dangers of tobacco smoking were known to African Muslim scholars, based on Timbuktu manuscripts.[58]

Nile Valley[edit]
Further information: Ancient Egyptian medicine
Ancient Egyptian physicians were renowned in the ancient Near East for their healing skills, and some, like Imhotep, remained famous long after their deaths.[59] Herodotus remarked that there was a high degree of specialization among Egyptian physicians, with some treating only the head or the stomach, while others were eye-doctors and dentists.[60] Training of physicians took place at the Per Ankh or "House of Life" institution, most notably those headquartered in Per-Bastet during the New Kingdom and at Abydos and Saïs in the Late period. Medical papyri show empirical knowledge of anatomy, injuries, and practical treatments.[61] Wounds were treated by bandaging with raw meat, white linen, sutures, nets, pads and swabs soaked with honey to prevent infection,[62] while opium was used to relieve pain. Garlic and onions were used regularly to promote good health and were thought to relieve asthma symptoms. Ancient Egyptian surgeons stitched wounds, set broken bones, and amputated diseased limbs, but they recognized that some injuries were so serious that they could only make the patient comfortable until he died.[59]

Around 800, the first psychiatric hospital and insane asylum in Egypt was built by Muslim physicians in Cairo.

Around 1100, the ventilator is invented in Egypt.[63]

In 1285, the largest hospital of the Middle Ages and pre-modern era was built in Cairo, Egypt, by Sultan Qalaun al-Mansur. Treatment was given for free to patients of all backgrounds, regardless of gender, ethnicity or income.[64]

Tetracycline was being used by Nubians, based on bone remains between 350 AD and 550 AD. The antibiotic was in wide commercial use only in the mid 20th century. The theory is earthen jars containing grain used for making beer contained the bacterium streptomycedes, which produced tetracycline. Although Nubians were not aware of tetracycline, they could have noticed people fared better by drinking beer. According to Charlie Bamforth, a professor of biochemistry and brewing science at the University of California, Davis, said "They must have consumed it because it was rather tastier than the grain from which it was derived. They would have noticed people fared better by consuming this product than they were just consuming the grain itself."[65]
Most white people refuse to believe this stuff. Trust me...I have already told them this.

Yet it is FACT.
Fair enough. So if this is a white supremacist system, it only makes sense, as this country was founded on white, western ideas and culture.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.
Blacks didn't even have the wheel until whites showed up. I guess if you believe primitivism is the height of humanity I could understand this statement. Unfortunately, I am white and progress matters to our people. We were forced by climatic conditions to see the world through that lense.
Blacks had the wheel before whites were sentient but you already knew that because I told you so.
No they didn't. It's fine if that's what you want to believe though.
Yeah they did. Its fine if you dont want to believe it.
I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
You should have stopped at greedy Jews. They use all of us as puppets.
The violent leftist organization Black Lives Matter has launched an initiative to boycott white-owned businesses during the holidays in an attempt to resist “White capitalism.”..........................

Black Lives Matter To Boycott White Owned Businesses For ‘Black Christmas’

Well isn't this special Soros must be paying them to disrupt Christmas no doubt they are stepping in while ANTIFA lies low for a few months. Now it's their turn fkn assholes!!

And any store that kneels down to these pos anti american losers you deserve everything you have coming to you and you are also part of the pussy nation and don't belong in America if you are going to cower down to this bs.

Whites have boycotted black businesses for decades.

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