Black lives matter to boycott white owned businesses for black christmas

I would disagree on that. Whites have no culture to speak of without borrowing from other groups like Blacks and even the Iroquois which is where the constitution came from.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
Maybe so. It has a soothing effect on the eyes though. When I go down to Silicon Valley and work on projects I usually work with Indians, Africans, and Mexicans. Nothing but brown as far as you can see.
The violent leftist organization Black Lives Matter has launched an initiative to boycott white-owned businesses during the holidays in an attempt to resist “White capitalism.”..........................

Black Lives Matter To Boycott White Owned Businesses For ‘Black Christmas’

Well isn't this special Soros must be paying them to disrupt Christmas no doubt they are stepping in while ANTIFA lies low for a few months. Now it's their turn fkn assholes!!

And any store that kneels down to these pos anti american losers you deserve everything you have coming to you and you are also part of the pussy nation and don't belong in America if you are going to cower down to this bs.

Whites have boycotted black businesses for decades.

Not me. If the business is good and honest, I don't care who runs it.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
You should have stopped at greedy Jews. They use all of us as puppets.

Jews are a big issue, indeed.

So, you're an Anglo, I take it? LOL
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
Maybe so. It has a soothing effect on the eyes though. When I go down to Silicon Valley and work on projects I usually work with Indians, Africans, and Mexicans. Nothing but brown as far as you can see.
Imagine if that were the streets you walked on every day? How awesome would that be for you?
Racism is just the belief that one race is superior over another.
A belief is a system. You guys should study Latin so you know what words actually mean. There is this word called etymology that would help you out tremendously.

I'd agree that Segregation could be classified as a "Racist system"

But, how do "Racist individuals" form a system?
They band together and create the system just like the founding fathers banded together and created the constitution but decided to keep slavery.

So, Slavery is Racism?

So, if you hate Black Africans so much, and think of them as an inferior race, you import them into your back yard?


I beg to differ, I tend to think it's just a by-product of Capitalist, and proto-Capitalist (Mercantilism) greed.

Slavery was about profits.
It is when its based on race like the slavery here in the US was.

You dont have to hate someone to be racist against them. Whites had to import Blacks because whites were too weak to do the work required to build this country into the economic giant it became.

You dont have to beg. If it was just a product of capitalism then they wouldnt have made it race based. They would have exploited the massive amount of poor white trash.

America became an economic giant because of the industrial revolution, affordable fuel, an ocean on two coasts, and huge advancements in technology.
And yes they did exploit the poor white trash as you put it, from Ireland and elsewhere.
You're wrong. We had a culture of resistance to tyranny, especially on the religious front. If you are saying whites do not tend to think as a collective on a purely racial basis, I wouldn't disagree with that. But that just proves that whites are the only individualism-prone people and therefore it still stands that a system that whites creates will favor default... Because we are the only ones who value such a system.

I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
Maybe so. It has a soothing effect on the eyes though. When I go down to Silicon Valley and work on projects I usually work with Indians, Africans, and Mexicans. Nothing but brown as far as you can see.

LOL, yeah because those ethnics you listed are oh so "Attractive"
I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
You should have stopped at greedy Jews. They use all of us as puppets.

Jews are a big issue, indeed.

So, you're an Anglo, I take it? LOL
Are Iberians considered anglos?
So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
You should have stopped at greedy Jews. They use all of us as puppets.

Jews are a big issue, indeed.

So, you're an Anglo, I take it? LOL
Are Iberians considered anglos?

Well, Catholics generally make more sense on the Jewish question, than Protestants do.
I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
Maybe so. It has a soothing effect on the eyes though. When I go down to Silicon Valley and work on projects I usually work with Indians, Africans, and Mexicans. Nothing but brown as far as you can see.

LOL, yeah because those ethnics you listed are oh so "Attractive"
Mexican women are pretty hot. Racist as I am, I am not blind. Of course, they usually get fat when they age, but make for a good time while they're young. And if you look at them with desire, they get pregnant from the stare.... So be careful.
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
You should have stopped at greedy Jews. They use all of us as puppets.

Jews are a big issue, indeed.

So, you're an Anglo, I take it? LOL
Are Iberians considered anglos?

Well, Catholics generally make more sense on the Jewish question, than Protestants do.
No they don't. You need to meet my church family. Lol
I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
Maybe so. It has a soothing effect on the eyes though. When I go down to Silicon Valley and work on projects I usually work with Indians, Africans, and Mexicans. Nothing but brown as far as you can see.
Imagine if that were the streets you walked on every day? How awesome would that be for you?
Thats why I like going to Africa and Jamaica.
A belief is a system. You guys should study Latin so you know what words actually mean. There is this word called etymology that would help you out tremendously.

I'd agree that Segregation could be classified as a "Racist system"

But, how do "Racist individuals" form a system?
They band together and create the system just like the founding fathers banded together and created the constitution but decided to keep slavery.

So, Slavery is Racism?

So, if you hate Black Africans so much, and think of them as an inferior race, you import them into your back yard?


I beg to differ, I tend to think it's just a by-product of Capitalist, and proto-Capitalist (Mercantilism) greed.

Slavery was about profits.
It is when its based on race like the slavery here in the US was.

You dont have to hate someone to be racist against them. Whites had to import Blacks because whites were too weak to do the work required to build this country into the economic giant it became.

You dont have to beg. If it was just a product of capitalism then they wouldnt have made it race based. They would have exploited the massive amount of poor white trash.
America became an economic giant because of the industrial revolution, affordable fuel, an ocean on two coasts, and huge advancements in technology.
And yes they did exploit the poor white trash as you put it, from Ireland and elsewhere.

Yes, but America didn't become as Donnie Trump would say "Yuge" until "Zee Germans" devastated Europe not once, but twice, now I hear they're going for thrice with Merkel the Multiculturalist.
I agree your systems only favor yourself. That is known trait of whites. Everywhere the white man has gone he has fucked up. I was disagreeing with the culture statement.

So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
Maybe so. It has a soothing effect on the eyes though. When I go down to Silicon Valley and work on projects I usually work with Indians, Africans, and Mexicans. Nothing but brown as far as you can see.

LOL, yeah because those ethnics you listed are oh so "Attractive"
Most ethnic women are way more attractive than white women to me. Seems like the only white women I have found attractive turn out to have some other ethnicity in them.
I'd agree that Segregation could be classified as a "Racist system"

But, how do "Racist individuals" form a system?
They band together and create the system just like the founding fathers banded together and created the constitution but decided to keep slavery.

So, Slavery is Racism?

So, if you hate Black Africans so much, and think of them as an inferior race, you import them into your back yard?


I beg to differ, I tend to think it's just a by-product of Capitalist, and proto-Capitalist (Mercantilism) greed.

Slavery was about profits.
It is when its based on race like the slavery here in the US was.

You dont have to hate someone to be racist against them. Whites had to import Blacks because whites were too weak to do the work required to build this country into the economic giant it became.

You dont have to beg. If it was just a product of capitalism then they wouldnt have made it race based. They would have exploited the massive amount of poor white trash.
America became an economic giant because of the industrial revolution, affordable fuel, an ocean on two coasts, and huge advancements in technology.
And yes they did exploit the poor white trash as you put it, from Ireland and elsewhere.

Yes, but America didn't become as Donnie Trump would say "Yuge" until "Zee Germans" devastated Europe not once, but twice, now I hear they're going for thrice with Merkel the Multiculturalist.
I'm surprised you haven't been called a Russian shill yet, bro.
More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
You should have stopped at greedy Jews. They use all of us as puppets.

Jews are a big issue, indeed.

So, you're an Anglo, I take it? LOL
Are Iberians considered anglos?

Well, Catholics generally make more sense on the Jewish question, than Protestants do.
No they don't. You need to meet my church family. Lol

Protestants sent a letter to Catholics stating they were too bigoted on Jews for speaking of Jewish Deicide as the New Testament supports.
They band together and create the system just like the founding fathers banded together and created the constitution but decided to keep slavery.

So, Slavery is Racism?

So, if you hate Black Africans so much, and think of them as an inferior race, you import them into your back yard?


I beg to differ, I tend to think it's just a by-product of Capitalist, and proto-Capitalist (Mercantilism) greed.

Slavery was about profits.
It is when its based on race like the slavery here in the US was.

You dont have to hate someone to be racist against them. Whites had to import Blacks because whites were too weak to do the work required to build this country into the economic giant it became.

You dont have to beg. If it was just a product of capitalism then they wouldnt have made it race based. They would have exploited the massive amount of poor white trash.
America became an economic giant because of the industrial revolution, affordable fuel, an ocean on two coasts, and huge advancements in technology.
And yes they did exploit the poor white trash as you put it, from Ireland and elsewhere.

Yes, but America didn't become as Donnie Trump would say "Yuge" until "Zee Germans" devastated Europe not once, but twice, now I hear they're going for thrice with Merkel the Multiculturalist.
I'm surprised you haven't been called a Russian shill yet, bro.

I support Intermarium, to link nations from the Baltics to the Balkans into a Nationalist Confederacy to combat the power of Western idiots, and Russian tyrants.
The violent leftist organization Black Lives Matter has launched an initiative to boycott white-owned businesses during the holidays in an attempt to resist “White capitalism.”..........................

Black Lives Matter To Boycott White Owned Businesses For ‘Black Christmas’

Well isn't this special Soros must be paying them to disrupt Christmas no doubt they are stepping in while ANTIFA lies low for a few months. Now it's their turn fkn assholes!!

And any store that kneels down to these pos anti american losers you deserve everything you have coming to you and you are also part of the pussy nation and don't belong in America if you are going to cower down to this bs.

They can buy whatever they want. Disrupt Christmas, too funny.
You should have stopped at greedy Jews. They use all of us as puppets.

Jews are a big issue, indeed.

So, you're an Anglo, I take it? LOL
Are Iberians considered anglos?

Well, Catholics generally make more sense on the Jewish question, than Protestants do.
No they don't. You need to meet my church family. Lol

Protestants sent a letter to Catholics stating they were too bigoted on Jews for speaking of Jewish Deicide as the New Testament supports.
Catholics have a jewish-style doctrine based on preisthood....they are heretics. Look at their pope....'nuff said, amigo.
You should have stopped at greedy Jews. They use all of us as puppets.

Jews are a big issue, indeed.

So, you're an Anglo, I take it? LOL
Are Iberians considered anglos?

Well, Catholics generally make more sense on the Jewish question, than Protestants do.
No they don't. You need to meet my church family. Lol

Protestants sent a letter to Catholics stating they were too bigoted on Jews for speaking of Jewish Deicide as the New Testament supports.

Catholics are more like Jews than Protestants. Where is this letter.
So, racist Whitey created a system where jobs go often to foreigners of a different race?

Manufacturing .... Whitey has job, it goes to China.

Blue collar... Whitey has a job, it goes to illegal Mexicans.

Silicon Valley... Whitey has a job, it goes to immigrants from India.

Wow, just wow... Such a system of White supremacy.... (Rolls eyes)
Your white leaders are now in it more for the money because whites have fucked themselves. They arent as highly educated anymore. The whites that own the ability to give jobs now want to make a profit. Lower class whites cant give them that because they are too weak or too lazy or too dumb.

More like greedy Jews, and greedy Anglos who dominate the elites in the U.S have put greed first, and did so because of cheap labor overwhelmingly.
Maybe so. It has a soothing effect on the eyes though. When I go down to Silicon Valley and work on projects I usually work with Indians, Africans, and Mexicans. Nothing but brown as far as you can see.
Imagine if that were the streets you walked on every day? How awesome would that be for you?
Thats why I like going to Africa and Jamaica.

Which is better.

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