"Black lives matter"

Sealy doesnt understand that his generalizations are just that. Maybe he would understand if I used Honey Boo, Mob Wives and Teen Mom as examples of white culture.

I believe only then would he see what he's doing. But...he'll probably find a reason why generalizing whites is not fair

We have a ghetto/black/inner city crime problem in this country, not a mob wife problem. Oh, and that's what the mob wife said when they busted her for embezzlement. She too thought the law was being unfair.

Anyways, there are 2 sides to every story. You guys don't want to admit that its not easy for a cop to work in the black community. Remember the movie Colors with Sean Penn? What happened to the nice cop who let his guard down? He got shot in the end.

I know because according to the scale black crimes are horrible and mob activity and teen pregnancy is not a problem while white
It is true, but how is that the point?

Apparently if whites really thought that black lives mattered they would stop black on black crime since blacks can't do it themselves.
White must not believe white lives matter either. They cant seem to stop white on white crime.

Whites believe it 5 times as much. :argue:
That cant be true. They commit the vast majority of crime.

So now that we have established you cannot do basic math beyond the most simple addition methods :eusa_eh:
When you make things more complicated than basic math my bullshit meter goes off. The numbers dont lie. White people commit the majority of the crime.[/QUOTE]

As the saying goes "blissfully ignorant"
As you can see from the video exercising our rights as free citizens puts us in the situation to be harassed by racist cops.

Last time I checked the general public doesnt make hiring decisions for the PD.

Yes there are plenty of people that are completely not racist. Your naive assertion is just a rationalization for the racist feeling you harbor. They call them stereotypes for a reason which ironically is the basis of racism. You are digging yourself a large hole here. There is not a race of men that dont cheat on their wives.

Yes you are easing your conscious. However, I sense it wont be long before you let out your latent racism at least to yourself. If my side stopped pointing fingers the bullshit would continue. No you wont get a pass from us pointing out the actions of white racists. No we wont stop breeding kids. You dont dictate what amount of kids we have.

I couldnt care less what you are tired of. Get out the way. You had 350 years to build your society. Stop whining that we havent built ours in 50 years with white society actively fighting our attempts.

What video and what are you doing when you say you are "exercising your rights? I knew a black drug dealer and he got arrested and he kept insisting on his phone call when he stood up fast they tazed him. He hit his head and was awarded $100k. So even a jury agreed they used excessive force. I'm just pointing out the cop wouldn't have tazed me because I would have gotten aggressive with the cops.
You meant ILLEGAL choke hold because you care a lot about Illegal activity...except not from police

I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.

Really? Show me the video of a black man being polite who got his ass kicked by the cops. It doesn't happen. All you would get is a ticket or arrested.

In our country, if the cops want to arrest you, you do not have the right to fight them. That's called resisting arrest. So if you don't like it that the "pussy cop" is arresting you, fight it in court. But see "you people" think like animals and instead of arguing against the cops, you defend the bad elements of your society. Instead of cleaning up your communities you'd rather continue the status quo where you get to be the victim. Why not instead of continuously making excuses, you work on you and I promise you the incidences with the police will go way down just like they are here in the white suburbs. Why do you think business' want to come to the burbs and not the city? Too dangerous in black neighborhoods. How you gonna fix this problem? Stop asking whity to fix all your problems. How are black people going to solve this problem? You say with more violence towards the police? How do you see that playing out? Stupid fuckers.

9 times out of 10 when the black guy says to the cop, "man why are you messing with me", the cop actually has a legitimate reason.

One video would just be a one off and not worth much in the way of evidence. You arent Black so you cant tell me what happens is a figment of my imagination. The only thing that stops white cops now is the advent of the cell phone. Its the constant harassment that causes the issues. They are paid to serve....and .....protect. Not harass.

Now watch how he excuses this too...because any reason from a police officer harrassing a black person is "legitimate" in his eyes.

Then ask him about a waiting period for firearms and watch sparks fly from his ears talking about weird shit like "rights"

What constitutes harassment?
Thats funny because you defended the stop and frisk law that stopped people for no reason and even defended cops for unfairly singling out blacks because you said they have a reason.

What reason?

Blacks commit crimes so stop all of them...thats your "legitimate reason"

I don't like the stop and frisk law. And I don't think the cop unfairly singled out a black because they were black. They probably fit the description, were young, being obnoxious, loitering, etc.

Was the kid in Ferguson unfairly singled out? How about the guy in NY that was known for hanging out on street corners and selling shit illegally? How about the kid waiving the toy gun that didn't have a red barrel?

Of course they probably was doing something to deserve the harrassment from a law you dont like. Because singling them out is unbelievable...What is more believable is that every person who has ever been stopped EVER probably deserved it because thats how racial profiling goes.

You dont seem to understand you are saying the exact thing I am...you're just trying to explain it away

So a police asking a black a question is harassment? I see.

No as you indicated nothing is harassment and even if they are harassed its probably for a good reason :rolleyes:

I never see cops go to the mall and just walk around picking on blacks. 99% of the time its cops going into high crime neighborhood after a crime has been committed.

And anyone the cops try to talk to says stop harassing me?

Oh, and this happens more in black neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods. If someone murders someone in a black neighborhood, no one talks to the cops. Snitches are bitches in the black community. In the white community your best friend will call the cops on you if you murdered someone. Black people need to stop protecting murderers.
As you can see from the video exercising our rights as free citizens puts us in the situation to be harassed by racist cops.

Last time I checked the general public doesnt make hiring decisions for the PD.

Yes there are plenty of people that are completely not racist. Your naive assertion is just a rationalization for the racist feeling you harbor. They call them stereotypes for a reason which ironically is the basis of racism. You are digging yourself a large hole here. There is not a race of men that dont cheat on their wives.

Yes you are easing your conscious. However, I sense it wont be long before you let out your latent racism at least to yourself. If my side stopped pointing fingers the bullshit would continue. No you wont get a pass from us pointing out the actions of white racists. No we wont stop breeding kids. You dont dictate what amount of kids we have.

I couldnt care less what you are tired of. Get out the way. You had 350 years to build your society. Stop whining that we havent built ours in 50 years with white society actively fighting our attempts.

Can you name one person who doesn't have a prejudice bone in their body? I used to say I didn't but then a black friend pointed out to me everyone is at least a little racist or prejudice.

How long have you had in Africa? 100,000 years and yet you had to come running to whitey to fix their Ebola problem?

Keep in mind my goal or hope in all this is for crime to go down in our black societies and if that happens then less incidences like this will occur.

Again, I see a problem with our cops and our justice system too. But I also see a problem with black society. If you don't then you are stupid or blind or too bias to be fair. Fixing what is wrong with black society will go a long way.

One other thing. What is so wrong with me trying to get more of you to vote? Is that racist of me? Because I always thought it was racist that whites didn't want blacks to vote. You say black life matters to black people? Prove it. Vote.

Racist and prejudice are two different things. Racist is ignorance. Prejudice is prejudging. Yes I can name a ton within my own family and circles of influence that are not racists.

I'm not in Africa. What are you talking about?

You should keep that in mind if thats really what your goal is. I happen to know different. Cops harass black people for walking down the street with their hands in their pockets. Thats not a crime.

You have every right to see a problem in the Black community. Concentrate on fixing what you can influence and we will take care of our problems. The things you can influence start with your own personal ignorance and racism.

Who said there was anything wrong with trying to get more Blacks to vote? I think your lack of intellect and your profound ignorance concerning Black people will cause you to find a very non receptive audience if your intention is to help.
Apparently if whites really thought that black lives mattered they would stop black on black crime since blacks can't do it themselves.
White must not believe white lives matter either. They cant seem to stop white on white crime.

Whites believe it 5 times as much. :argue:
That cant be true. They commit the vast majority of crime.

So now that we have established you cannot do basic math beyond the most simple addition methods :eusa_eh:
When you make things more complicated than basic math my bullshit meter goes off. The numbers dont lie. White people commit the majority of the crime.

As the saying goes "blissfully ignorant"[/QUOTE]
Yes you are blissfully ignorant if you really think whites dont commit the majority of crimes. Whats even worse is thats just the ones they get arrested for doing so.
Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.

I see way too many black kids who don't even know their dads. How much do they actually care about their kids? I care about an Elephant being poached in Africa too and I care about the rain forest but I don't do a damn thing about either. If you care show you care.

I am a product of my environment not ignorance. Do you know I was 1 of only 3 whites in an all black school up until 5th grade? And I'll admit that when I moved out to the burbs the whites who had never met a black person before were more racist and ignorant than I.

If "you people" cared you would vote. You don't. So don't cry, don't say you care or say you don't matter. You don't matter. Why? Because you don't vote.

Now don't get bent out of shape if YOU personally vote. I'm talking about the majority of black people. Lets put it this way. Not enough of you care.

Why the Citizens Who Can Should Vote and Why 96 Million Citizens May Not Curtis Gans

Those kids dont know their dads most of the time because their dads are locked up in prison at a higher rate than whites for a crime that whites commit at a higher rate and get incarcerated for less. Again that points at white racism.
You say you grew up in a Black neighborhood but you dont understand why some Black people dont vote? I guess I can give you a pass since it was only up until the 5th grade. Lots of Black people dont vote because they have long been convinced it doesnt make a difference. We have a Black POTUS and Black kids are still being shot. Thats not a good example of why its important to vote for people convinced that voting doesnt work.

Like I said before I am a liberal so you can't give me an argument that I haven't already made for black people in the past. I get it. The high incarceration rates. Crack gets like and cocaine gets probation because blacks do crack and whites do coke. I get all that. I know black people are living in a racist society.

What I'm saying is that even a liberal like me doesn't want black people moving into my neighborhood. Crime will go up and property values will go down. Too many average black Americans are just way too ghetto and the next generation needs to raise their kids better, more respectful, able to speak intelligently, etc. We had a black guy move into my condo's. One bedroom. The guy brings his baby mamma, her 3 kids. They treated the lake front like it was their ghetto yard. They had domestic fights where they pulled guns on each other. One night I found a friend of the high school kid sleeping under our stairwell. What the fuck??? I called the cops and had him removed. And we got this family evicted. We had to cross all our t's and dot all our I's because when he left he said he was going to sue us for racism. I think you guys have used up the race card.

They/You think voting doesn't matter? Then they/you don't matter. They kill your kids because you don't vote. Star voting and watch the politicians start to care more about you.

My grandmother stayed in that all black neighborhood up until she was in her 90's. She would never sell her home. She could have come live with us but she wouldn't move, even though she was mugged 2 times by 2 young black men. You never hear of 80 something year old women being mugged by white kids. Sorry if we are afraid of young black men but they give us plenty of reasons.
As you can see from the video exercising our rights as free citizens puts us in the situation to be harassed by racist cops.

Last time I checked the general public doesnt make hiring decisions for the PD.

Yes there are plenty of people that are completely not racist. Your naive assertion is just a rationalization for the racist feeling you harbor. They call them stereotypes for a reason which ironically is the basis of racism. You are digging yourself a large hole here. There is not a race of men that dont cheat on their wives.

Yes you are easing your conscious. However, I sense it wont be long before you let out your latent racism at least to yourself. If my side stopped pointing fingers the bullshit would continue. No you wont get a pass from us pointing out the actions of white racists. No we wont stop breeding kids. You dont dictate what amount of kids we have.

I couldnt care less what you are tired of. Get out the way. You had 350 years to build your society. Stop whining that we havent built ours in 50 years with white society actively fighting our attempts.

Can you name one person who doesn't have a prejudice bone in their body? I used to say I didn't but then a black friend pointed out to me everyone is at least a little racist or prejudice.

How long have you had in Africa? 100,000 years and yet you had to come running to whitey to fix their Ebola problem?

Keep in mind my goal or hope in all this is for crime to go down in our black societies and if that happens then less incidences like this will occur.

Again, I see a problem with our cops and our justice system too. But I also see a problem with black society. If you don't then you are stupid or blind or too bias to be fair. Fixing what is wrong with black society will go a long way.

One other thing. What is so wrong with me trying to get more of you to vote? Is that racist of me? Because I always thought it was racist that whites didn't want blacks to vote. You say black life matters to black people? Prove it. Vote.

Racist and prejudice are two different things. Racist is ignorance. Prejudice is prejudging. Yes I can name a ton within my own family and circles of influence that are not racists.

I'm not in Africa. What are you talking about?

You should keep that in mind if thats really what your goal is. I happen to know different. Cops harass black people for walking down the street with their hands in their pockets. Thats not a crime.

You have every right to see a problem in the Black community. Concentrate on fixing what you can influence and we will take care of our problems. The things you can influence start with your own personal ignorance and racism.

Who said there was anything wrong with trying to get more Blacks to vote? I think your lack of intellect and your profound ignorance concerning Black people will cause you to find a very non receptive audience if your intention is to help.

You have the same ignorant prejudice towards cops that we have towards you.

And the guy wasn't just walking down the street with his hands in his pockets. I heard about that story. Turns out he was pacing/casing a business for hours. He kept walking by suspiciously looking in the window of the business and he was acting suspicious.

There is no lack of intellect pal. I'm trying to be brutally honest with you guys. I see every point you are making and I get it. What I'm hoping though is that you also take just as hard a look at your own communities problems as you do the cops. We could fix every problem we have with the cops tomorrow then what? We would still have a black crime problem.

So how do you want cops to deal with black criminals in the future? If they won't put their hands behind their back, what do you think the cops should do?

All I'm saying is don't resist arrest. If you do you might get killed. The cops have a tough job. Stop making it tougher.

And please have mostly black cops police black communities.
Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.

I see way too many black kids who don't even know their dads. How much do they actually care about their kids? I care about an Elephant being poached in Africa too and I care about the rain forest but I don't do a damn thing about either. If you care show you care.

I am a product of my environment not ignorance. Do you know I was 1 of only 3 whites in an all black school up until 5th grade? And I'll admit that when I moved out to the burbs the whites who had never met a black person before were more racist and ignorant than I.

If "you people" cared you would vote. You don't. So don't cry, don't say you care or say you don't matter. You don't matter. Why? Because you don't vote.

Now don't get bent out of shape if YOU personally vote. I'm talking about the majority of black people. Lets put it this way. Not enough of you care.

Why the Citizens Who Can Should Vote and Why 96 Million Citizens May Not Curtis Gans

Those kids dont know their dads most of the time because their dads are locked up in prison at a higher rate than whites for a crime that whites commit at a higher rate and get incarcerated for less. Again that points at white racism.
You say you grew up in a Black neighborhood but you dont understand why some Black people dont vote? I guess I can give you a pass since it was only up until the 5th grade. Lots of Black people dont vote because they have long been convinced it doesnt make a difference. We have a Black POTUS and Black kids are still being shot. Thats not a good example of why its important to vote for people convinced that voting doesnt work.

Like I said before I am a liberal so you can't give me an argument that I haven't already made for black people in the past. I get it. The high incarceration rates. Crack gets like and cocaine gets probation because blacks do crack and whites do coke. I get all that. I know black people are living in a racist society.

What I'm saying is that even a liberal like me doesn't want black people moving into my neighborhood. Crime will go up and property values will go down. Too many average black Americans are just way too ghetto and the next generation needs to raise their kids better, more respectful, able to speak intelligently, etc. We had a black guy move into my condo's. One bedroom. The guy brings his baby mamma, her 3 kids. They treated the lake front like it was their ghetto yard. They had domestic fights where they pulled guns on each other. One night I found a friend of the high school kid sleeping under our stairwell. What the fuck??? I called the cops and had him removed. And we got this family evicted. We had to cross all our t's and dot all our I's because when he left he said he was going to sue us for racism. I think you guys have used up the race card.

They/You think voting doesn't matter? Then they/you don't matter. They kill your kids because you don't vote. Star voting and watch the politicians start to care more about you.

My grandmother stayed in that all black neighborhood up until she was in her 90's. She would never sell her home. She could have come live with us but she wouldn't move, even though she was mugged 2 times by 2 young black men. You never hear of 80 something year old women being mugged by white kids. Sorry if we are afraid of young black men but they give us plenty of reasons.

You are one confused puppy. You say that you know Blacks battle against a racist sytem and you are a liberal but you wouldnt want Blacks moving into your neighborhood? You simply a racist trying to come to terms with your conflicts. True liberals dont feel like that.

I live in a neighborhood that has some Black families and crime hasnt went up nor has property values gone down. If you were intelligent you would understand property value is based on perception. I perceive a neighborhood is good so I pay top dollar to move in. Racism lowers property values not Black people. You keep giving me these one off situations. I can do that as well. My buddy rented to this white family that turned one his properties into a meth lab. The city declared it unsafe for human habitation due to the filth and the chemicals and he lost a lot of money on it. I think you guys have used up the reverse race card.

Another one of my friends mothers was the victim of a home invasion by 4 white guys. Luckily she had a shot gun and nailed one of the fucking punks in the leg. She was a 68 year old Black woman and the punks were white.
White must not believe white lives matter either. They cant seem to stop white on white crime.

Whites believe it 5 times as much. :argue:
That cant be true. They commit the vast majority of crime.

So now that we have established you cannot do basic math beyond the most simple addition methods :eusa_eh:
When you make things more complicated than basic math my bullshit meter goes off. The numbers dont lie. White people commit the majority of the crime.

As the saying goes "blissfully ignorant"
Yes you are blissfully ignorant if you really think whites dont commit the majority of crimes. Whats even worse is thats just the ones they get arrested for doing so.[/QUOTE]

That's because we make up 90% of the population and you only 10%.

Question is, why are 90% of the prison population black?

Yea yea yea, we know all the liberal reasons for it. But seriously. What can we do to stop so many young black men from becoming prisoners? NO!!! Scratch that. What can YOU do? In America, you are responsible for you.
As you can see from the video exercising our rights as free citizens puts us in the situation to be harassed by racist cops.

Last time I checked the general public doesnt make hiring decisions for the PD.

Yes there are plenty of people that are completely not racist. Your naive assertion is just a rationalization for the racist feeling you harbor. They call them stereotypes for a reason which ironically is the basis of racism. You are digging yourself a large hole here. There is not a race of men that dont cheat on their wives.

Yes you are easing your conscious. However, I sense it wont be long before you let out your latent racism at least to yourself. If my side stopped pointing fingers the bullshit would continue. No you wont get a pass from us pointing out the actions of white racists. No we wont stop breeding kids. You dont dictate what amount of kids we have.

I couldnt care less what you are tired of. Get out the way. You had 350 years to build your society. Stop whining that we havent built ours in 50 years with white society actively fighting our attempts.

Can you name one person who doesn't have a prejudice bone in their body? I used to say I didn't but then a black friend pointed out to me everyone is at least a little racist or prejudice.

How long have you had in Africa? 100,000 years and yet you had to come running to whitey to fix their Ebola problem?

Keep in mind my goal or hope in all this is for crime to go down in our black societies and if that happens then less incidences like this will occur.

Again, I see a problem with our cops and our justice system too. But I also see a problem with black society. If you don't then you are stupid or blind or too bias to be fair. Fixing what is wrong with black society will go a long way.

One other thing. What is so wrong with me trying to get more of you to vote? Is that racist of me? Because I always thought it was racist that whites didn't want blacks to vote. You say black life matters to black people? Prove it. Vote.

Racist and prejudice are two different things. Racist is ignorance. Prejudice is prejudging. Yes I can name a ton within my own family and circles of influence that are not racists.

I'm not in Africa. What are you talking about?

You should keep that in mind if thats really what your goal is. I happen to know different. Cops harass black people for walking down the street with their hands in their pockets. Thats not a crime.

You have every right to see a problem in the Black community. Concentrate on fixing what you can influence and we will take care of our problems. The things you can influence start with your own personal ignorance and racism.

Who said there was anything wrong with trying to get more Blacks to vote? I think your lack of intellect and your profound ignorance concerning Black people will cause you to find a very non receptive audience if your intention is to help.

You have the same ignorant prejudice towards cops that we have towards you.

And the guy wasn't just walking down the street with his hands in his pockets. I heard about that story. Turns out he was pacing/casing a business for hours. He kept walking by suspiciously looking in the window of the business and he was acting suspicious.

There is no lack of intellect pal. I'm trying to be brutally honest with you guys. I see every point you are making and I get it. What I'm hoping though is that you also take just as hard a look at your own communities problems as you do the cops. We could fix every problem we have with the cops tomorrow then what? We would still have a black crime problem.

So how do you want cops to deal with black criminals in the future? If they won't put their hands behind their back, what do you think the cops should do?

All I'm saying is don't resist arrest. If you do you might get killed. The cops have a tough job. Stop making it tougher.

And please have mostly black cops police black communities.
That didnt even make sense. Youre saying I'm ignorant but you are prejudice?

He was just walking down the street. Who told you he was casing anything? Didnt you here him say in the video he was walking down the street? What do you mean suspiciously? Thats a judgement not a fact. ironically its racism again. He was Black so he should have kept his eyes glued to the sidewalk? I thought store owners had windows so people could look?

There is a lack of intellect. You arent saying anything I havent heard racists say before and in the same exact manner. If you fixed every problem you had with the cops tomorrow it would be a miracle but it would make a difference in the community. Your inability to understand that is not relevant and why I told you fix the things you can fix. Yes we would still have a Black crime problem exactly like we have a white crime problem.

Cops should deal with Black criminals the same way they deal with white criminals. When a white guy points a gun at a cop they try to talk him down. Do the same with Black guys. If someone refuses to be arrested then you arrest them regardless of what they refuse. You dont need to shoot them or choke them out.

All I'm saying is stop harassing and you wont have people resisting arrest because their would be no attitudes towards the cops to begin with..
Whites believe it 5 times as much. :argue:
That cant be true. They commit the vast majority of crime.

So now that we have established you cannot do basic math beyond the most simple addition methods :eusa_eh:
When you make things more complicated than basic math my bullshit meter goes off. The numbers dont lie. White people commit the majority of the crime.

As the saying goes "blissfully ignorant"
Yes you are blissfully ignorant if you really think whites dont commit the majority of crimes. Whats even worse is thats just the ones they get arrested for doing so.

That's because we make up 90% of the population and you only 10%.

Question is, why are 90% of the prison population black?

Yea yea yea, we know all the liberal reasons for it. But seriously. What can we do to stop so many young black men from becoming prisoners? NO!!! Scratch that. What can YOU do? In America, you are responsible for you.[/QUOTE]

The reasons dont make a difference. More whites commit crimes. Its really that simple. What can we do to stop whites from being criminals and prisoners? Again clean your own house before commenting on mine.
I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.

I see way too many black kids who don't even know their dads. How much do they actually care about their kids? I care about an Elephant being poached in Africa too and I care about the rain forest but I don't do a damn thing about either. If you care show you care.

I am a product of my environment not ignorance. Do you know I was 1 of only 3 whites in an all black school up until 5th grade? And I'll admit that when I moved out to the burbs the whites who had never met a black person before were more racist and ignorant than I.

If "you people" cared you would vote. You don't. So don't cry, don't say you care or say you don't matter. You don't matter. Why? Because you don't vote.

Now don't get bent out of shape if YOU personally vote. I'm talking about the majority of black people. Lets put it this way. Not enough of you care.

Why the Citizens Who Can Should Vote and Why 96 Million Citizens May Not Curtis Gans

Those kids dont know their dads most of the time because their dads are locked up in prison at a higher rate than whites for a crime that whites commit at a higher rate and get incarcerated for less. Again that points at white racism.
You say you grew up in a Black neighborhood but you dont understand why some Black people dont vote? I guess I can give you a pass since it was only up until the 5th grade. Lots of Black people dont vote because they have long been convinced it doesnt make a difference. We have a Black POTUS and Black kids are still being shot. Thats not a good example of why its important to vote for people convinced that voting doesnt work.

Like I said before I am a liberal so you can't give me an argument that I haven't already made for black people in the past. I get it. The high incarceration rates. Crack gets like and cocaine gets probation because blacks do crack and whites do coke. I get all that. I know black people are living in a racist society.

What I'm saying is that even a liberal like me doesn't want black people moving into my neighborhood. Crime will go up and property values will go down. Too many average black Americans are just way too ghetto and the next generation needs to raise their kids better, more respectful, able to speak intelligently, etc. We had a black guy move into my condo's. One bedroom. The guy brings his baby mamma, her 3 kids. They treated the lake front like it was their ghetto yard. They had domestic fights where they pulled guns on each other. One night I found a friend of the high school kid sleeping under our stairwell. What the fuck??? I called the cops and had him removed. And we got this family evicted. We had to cross all our t's and dot all our I's because when he left he said he was going to sue us for racism. I think you guys have used up the race card.

They/You think voting doesn't matter? Then they/you don't matter. They kill your kids because you don't vote. Star voting and watch the politicians start to care more about you.

My grandmother stayed in that all black neighborhood up until she was in her 90's. She would never sell her home. She could have come live with us but she wouldn't move, even though she was mugged 2 times by 2 young black men. You never hear of 80 something year old women being mugged by white kids. Sorry if we are afraid of young black men but they give us plenty of reasons.

You are one confused puppy. You say that you know Blacks battle against a racist sytem and you are a liberal but you wouldnt want Blacks moving into your neighborhood? You simply a racist trying to come to terms with your conflicts. True liberals dont feel like that.

I live in a neighborhood that has some Black families and crime hasnt went up nor has property values gone down. If you were intelligent you would understand property value is based on perception. I perceive a neighborhood is good so I pay top dollar to move in. Racism lowers property values not Black people. You keep giving me these one off situations. I can do that as well. My buddy rented to this white family that turned one his properties into a meth lab. The city declared it unsafe for human habitation due to the filth and the chemicals and he lost a lot of money on it. I think you guys have used up the reverse race card.

Another one of my friends mothers was the victim of a home invasion by 4 white guys. Luckily she had a shot gun and nailed one of the fucking punks in the leg. She was a 68 year old Black woman and the punks were white.

Sorry pal but even liberal whites don't want blacks moving into their neighborhoods. When whites left Detroit it wasn't just the conservative whites that left. It was all of us.

I'm just giving you the brutal honest truth. That's what USMB is for. And this is coming from a LIBERAL! I'm someone who see's every point you are making. I'm almost playing devils advocate here.

Maybe it's different where I live. I google most dangerous US cities and I see 4 of the 25 are in my state and all the neighborhoods are black. 100% of them are BLACK! Stop making excuses. Do you guys really need our help on this? What is it you need?

First thing we need from you is to stop being in denial

I'm seeing this one floating around from the Left now.

What a steaming pile of insulting bullshit.

If black lives matter to the Left, why aren't they screaming about the dozens of murders blacks every fucking month in major cities? Why aren't they screaming about black children having to grow up without a father? Why aren't they screaming for moms to be given vouchers to send their kids out of the hood for a good education?

Black lives matter to these people only when they can be leveraged for political gain, period.

Blacks have been victimized twice in this country's history, and here is the manifestation. I think they're deciding that's not good enough. Good for them.

I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.

I see way too many black kids who don't even know their dads. How much do they actually care about their kids? I care about an Elephant being poached in Africa too and I care about the rain forest but I don't do a damn thing about either. If you care show you care.

I am a product of my environment not ignorance. Do you know I was 1 of only 3 whites in an all black school up until 5th grade? And I'll admit that when I moved out to the burbs the whites who had never met a black person before were more racist and ignorant than I.

If "you people" cared you would vote. You don't. So don't cry, don't say you care or say you don't matter. You don't matter. Why? Because you don't vote.

Now don't get bent out of shape if YOU personally vote. I'm talking about the majority of black people. Lets put it this way. Not enough of you care.

Why the Citizens Who Can Should Vote and Why 96 Million Citizens May Not Curtis Gans

Those kids dont know their dads most of the time because their dads are locked up in prison at a higher rate than whites for a crime that whites commit at a higher rate and get incarcerated for less. Again that points at white racism.
You say you grew up in a Black neighborhood but you dont understand why some Black people dont vote? I guess I can give you a pass since it was only up until the 5th grade. Lots of Black people dont vote because they have long been convinced it doesnt make a difference. We have a Black POTUS and Black kids are still being shot. Thats not a good example of why its important to vote for people convinced that voting doesnt work.

Like I said before I am a liberal so you can't give me an argument that I haven't already made for black people in the past. I get it. The high incarceration rates. Crack gets like and cocaine gets probation because blacks do crack and whites do coke. I get all that. I know black people are living in a racist society.

What I'm saying is that even a liberal like me doesn't want black people moving into my neighborhood. Crime will go up and property values will go down. Too many average black Americans are just way too ghetto and the next generation needs to raise their kids better, more respectful, able to speak intelligently, etc. We had a black guy move into my condo's. One bedroom. The guy brings his baby mamma, her 3 kids. They treated the lake front like it was their ghetto yard. They had domestic fights where they pulled guns on each other. One night I found a friend of the high school kid sleeping under our stairwell. What the fuck??? I called the cops and had him removed. And we got this family evicted. We had to cross all our t's and dot all our I's because when he left he said he was going to sue us for racism. I think you guys have used up the race card.

They/You think voting doesn't matter? Then they/you don't matter. They kill your kids because you don't vote. Star voting and watch the politicians start to care more about you.

My grandmother stayed in that all black neighborhood up until she was in her 90's. She would never sell her home. She could have come live with us but she wouldn't move, even though she was mugged 2 times by 2 young black men. You never hear of 80 something year old women being mugged by white kids. Sorry if we are afraid of young black men but they give us plenty of reasons.

You are one confused puppy. You say that you know Blacks battle against a racist sytem and you are a liberal but you wouldnt want Blacks moving into your neighborhood? You simply a racist trying to come to terms with your conflicts. True liberals dont feel like that.

I live in a neighborhood that has some Black families and crime hasnt went up nor has property values gone down. If you were intelligent you would understand property value is based on perception. I perceive a neighborhood is good so I pay top dollar to move in. Racism lowers property values not Black people. You keep giving me these one off situations. I can do that as well. My buddy rented to this white family that turned one his properties into a meth lab. The city declared it unsafe for human habitation due to the filth and the chemicals and he lost a lot of money on it. I think you guys have used up the reverse race card.

Another one of my friends mothers was the victim of a home invasion by 4 white guys. Luckily she had a shot gun and nailed one of the fucking punks in the leg. She was a 68 year old Black woman and the punks were white.

Sorry pal but even liberal whites don't want blacks moving into their neighborhoods. When whites left Detroit it wasn't just the conservative whites that left. It was all of us.

I'm just giving you the brutal honest truth. That's what USMB is for. And this is coming from a LIBERAL! I'm someone who see's every point you are making. I'm almost playing devils advocate here.

Maybe it's different where I live. I google most dangerous US cities and I see 4 of the 25 are in my state and all the neighborhoods are black. 100% of them are BLACK! Stop making excuses. Do you guys really need our help on this? What is it you need?

First thing we need from you is to stop being in denial
Then they werent true liberals. They are white racists like you trying to ease their conscious.

I know thats your version of the truth but I have white liberal neighbors that disagree with you.

I dont think its different where you live. I think you are just a racist therefore your experience is going to be different. I dont make excuses. I give reasons. Making excuses implies you wield some authority that I must answer to. You dont have any authority. I just chose to counter your bullshit.

Once you pull your head out of your ass and realize white racism is an issue the better off you will be in dealing with your racism. Like Einstein said racism is a disease of white people.
As you can see from the video exercising our rights as free citizens puts us in the situation to be harassed by racist cops.

Last time I checked the general public doesnt make hiring decisions for the PD.

Yes there are plenty of people that are completely not racist. Your naive assertion is just a rationalization for the racist feeling you harbor. They call them stereotypes for a reason which ironically is the basis of racism. You are digging yourself a large hole here. There is not a race of men that dont cheat on their wives.

Yes you are easing your conscious. However, I sense it wont be long before you let out your latent racism at least to yourself. If my side stopped pointing fingers the bullshit would continue. No you wont get a pass from us pointing out the actions of white racists. No we wont stop breeding kids. You dont dictate what amount of kids we have.

I couldnt care less what you are tired of. Get out the way. You had 350 years to build your society. Stop whining that we havent built ours in 50 years with white society actively fighting our attempts.

Can you name one person who doesn't have a prejudice bone in their body? I used to say I didn't but then a black friend pointed out to me everyone is at least a little racist or prejudice.

How long have you had in Africa? 100,000 years and yet you had to come running to whitey to fix their Ebola problem?

Keep in mind my goal or hope in all this is for crime to go down in our black societies and if that happens then less incidences like this will occur.

Again, I see a problem with our cops and our justice system too. But I also see a problem with black society. If you don't then you are stupid or blind or too bias to be fair. Fixing what is wrong with black society will go a long way.

One other thing. What is so wrong with me trying to get more of you to vote? Is that racist of me? Because I always thought it was racist that whites didn't want blacks to vote. You say black life matters to black people? Prove it. Vote.

Racist and prejudice are two different things. Racist is ignorance. Prejudice is prejudging. Yes I can name a ton within my own family and circles of influence that are not racists.

I'm not in Africa. What are you talking about?

You should keep that in mind if thats really what your goal is. I happen to know different. Cops harass black people for walking down the street with their hands in their pockets. Thats not a crime.

You have every right to see a problem in the Black community. Concentrate on fixing what you can influence and we will take care of our problems. The things you can influence start with your own personal ignorance and racism.

Who said there was anything wrong with trying to get more Blacks to vote? I think your lack of intellect and your profound ignorance concerning Black people will cause you to find a very non receptive audience if your intention is to help.

You have the same ignorant prejudice towards cops that we have towards you.

And the guy wasn't just walking down the street with his hands in his pockets. I heard about that story. Turns out he was pacing/casing a business for hours. He kept walking by suspiciously looking in the window of the business and he was acting suspicious.

There is no lack of intellect pal. I'm trying to be brutally honest with you guys. I see every point you are making and I get it. What I'm hoping though is that you also take just as hard a look at your own communities problems as you do the cops. We could fix every problem we have with the cops tomorrow then what? We would still have a black crime problem.

So how do you want cops to deal with black criminals in the future? If they won't put their hands behind their back, what do you think the cops should do?

All I'm saying is don't resist arrest. If you do you might get killed. The cops have a tough job. Stop making it tougher.

And please have mostly black cops police black communities.
That didnt even make sense. Youre saying I'm ignorant but you are prejudice?

He was just walking down the street. Who told you he was casing anything? Didnt you here him say in the video he was walking down the street? What do you mean suspiciously? Thats a judgement not a fact. ironically its racism again. He was Black so he should have kept his eyes glued to the sidewalk? I thought store owners had windows so people could look?

There is a lack of intellect. You arent saying anything I havent heard racists say before and in the same exact manner. If you fixed every problem you had with the cops tomorrow it would be a miracle but it would make a difference in the community. Your inability to understand that is not relevant and why I told you fix the things you can fix. Yes we would still have a Black crime problem exactly like we have a white crime problem.

Cops should deal with Black criminals the same way they deal with white criminals. When a white guy points a gun at a cop they try to talk him down. Do the same with Black guys. If someone refuses to be arrested then you arrest them regardless of what they refuse. You dont need to shoot them or choke them out.

All I'm saying is stop harassing and you wont have people resisting arrest because their would be no attitudes towards the cops to begin with..

No, he was casing the joint. What you want us whites to do is not be alert and be so politically correct that we get fucked over because we don't want to seem racist when we see a black acting suspiciously.

The same thing happened to my grandmother. She owned a restaurant and they knew these black guys were casing the place and we called the cops and we were scared the cops wouldn't get there soon enough. Fuck you you would do the exact same thing. And its not unfair if the cops respond and question the suspicious loiterers. By the way, she had been robbed before. Never when the neighborhood was white though. Its why she sold it.
As you can see from the video exercising our rights as free citizens puts us in the situation to be harassed by racist cops.

Last time I checked the general public doesnt make hiring decisions for the PD.

Yes there are plenty of people that are completely not racist. Your naive assertion is just a rationalization for the racist feeling you harbor. They call them stereotypes for a reason which ironically is the basis of racism. You are digging yourself a large hole here. There is not a race of men that dont cheat on their wives.

Yes you are easing your conscious. However, I sense it wont be long before you let out your latent racism at least to yourself. If my side stopped pointing fingers the bullshit would continue. No you wont get a pass from us pointing out the actions of white racists. No we wont stop breeding kids. You dont dictate what amount of kids we have.

I couldnt care less what you are tired of. Get out the way. You had 350 years to build your society. Stop whining that we havent built ours in 50 years with white society actively fighting our attempts.

Can you name one person who doesn't have a prejudice bone in their body? I used to say I didn't but then a black friend pointed out to me everyone is at least a little racist or prejudice.

How long have you had in Africa? 100,000 years and yet you had to come running to whitey to fix their Ebola problem?

Keep in mind my goal or hope in all this is for crime to go down in our black societies and if that happens then less incidences like this will occur.

Again, I see a problem with our cops and our justice system too. But I also see a problem with black society. If you don't then you are stupid or blind or too bias to be fair. Fixing what is wrong with black society will go a long way.

One other thing. What is so wrong with me trying to get more of you to vote? Is that racist of me? Because I always thought it was racist that whites didn't want blacks to vote. You say black life matters to black people? Prove it. Vote.

Racist and prejudice are two different things. Racist is ignorance. Prejudice is prejudging. Yes I can name a ton within my own family and circles of influence that are not racists.

I'm not in Africa. What are you talking about?

You should keep that in mind if thats really what your goal is. I happen to know different. Cops harass black people for walking down the street with their hands in their pockets. Thats not a crime.

You have every right to see a problem in the Black community. Concentrate on fixing what you can influence and we will take care of our problems. The things you can influence start with your own personal ignorance and racism.

Who said there was anything wrong with trying to get more Blacks to vote? I think your lack of intellect and your profound ignorance concerning Black people will cause you to find a very non receptive audience if your intention is to help.

You have the same ignorant prejudice towards cops that we have towards you.

And the guy wasn't just walking down the street with his hands in his pockets. I heard about that story. Turns out he was pacing/casing a business for hours. He kept walking by suspiciously looking in the window of the business and he was acting suspicious.

There is no lack of intellect pal. I'm trying to be brutally honest with you guys. I see every point you are making and I get it. What I'm hoping though is that you also take just as hard a look at your own communities problems as you do the cops. We could fix every problem we have with the cops tomorrow then what? We would still have a black crime problem.

So how do you want cops to deal with black criminals in the future? If they won't put their hands behind their back, what do you think the cops should do?

All I'm saying is don't resist arrest. If you do you might get killed. The cops have a tough job. Stop making it tougher.

And please have mostly black cops police black communities.
That didnt even make sense. Youre saying I'm ignorant but you are prejudice?

He was just walking down the street. Who told you he was casing anything? Didnt you here him say in the video he was walking down the street? What do you mean suspiciously? Thats a judgement not a fact. ironically its racism again. He was Black so he should have kept his eyes glued to the sidewalk? I thought store owners had windows so people could look?

There is a lack of intellect. You arent saying anything I havent heard racists say before and in the same exact manner. If you fixed every problem you had with the cops tomorrow it would be a miracle but it would make a difference in the community. Your inability to understand that is not relevant and why I told you fix the things you can fix. Yes we would still have a Black crime problem exactly like we have a white crime problem.

Cops should deal with Black criminals the same way they deal with white criminals. When a white guy points a gun at a cop they try to talk him down. Do the same with Black guys. If someone refuses to be arrested then you arrest them regardless of what they refuse. You dont need to shoot them or choke them out.

All I'm saying is stop harassing and you wont have people resisting arrest because their would be no attitudes towards the cops to begin with..

No, he was casing the joint. What you want us whites to do is not be alert and be so politically correct that we get fucked over because we don't want to seem racist when we see a black acting suspiciously.

The same thing happened to my grandmother. She owned a restaurant and they knew these black guys were casing the place and we called the cops and we were scared the cops wouldn't get there soon enough. Fuck you you would do the exact same thing. And its not unfair if the cops respond and question the suspicious loiterers. By the way, she had been robbed before. Never when the neighborhood was white though. Its why she sold it.
Who told you he was casing the joint and do you have a link?

White people rob joints all the time. Whites dont get stopped and harassed for walking down the street with their hands in their pockets.
I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.

Really? Show me the video of a black man being polite who got his ass kicked by the cops. It doesn't happen. All you would get is a ticket or arrested.

In our country, if the cops want to arrest you, you do not have the right to fight them. That's called resisting arrest. So if you don't like it that the "pussy cop" is arresting you, fight it in court. But see "you people" think like animals and instead of arguing against the cops, you defend the bad elements of your society. Instead of cleaning up your communities you'd rather continue the status quo where you get to be the victim. Why not instead of continuously making excuses, you work on you and I promise you the incidences with the police will go way down just like they are here in the white suburbs. Why do you think business' want to come to the burbs and not the city? Too dangerous in black neighborhoods. How you gonna fix this problem? Stop asking whity to fix all your problems. How are black people going to solve this problem? You say with more violence towards the police? How do you see that playing out? Stupid fuckers.

9 times out of 10 when the black guy says to the cop, "man why are you messing with me", the cop actually has a legitimate reason.

One video would just be a one off and not worth much in the way of evidence. You arent Black so you cant tell me what happens is a figment of my imagination. The only thing that stops white cops now is the advent of the cell phone. Its the constant harassment that causes the issues. They are paid to serve....and .....protect. Not harass.

Now watch how he excuses this too...because any reason from a police officer harrassing a black person is "legitimate" in his eyes.

Then ask him about a waiting period for firearms and watch sparks fly from his ears talking about weird shit like "rights"

What constitutes harassment?

You're really in a hair splitting contest now if you're at the "what constitutes" stage.

Nothing constitutes harassment...when its not you.
I see way too many black kids who don't even know their dads. How much do they actually care about their kids? I care about an Elephant being poached in Africa too and I care about the rain forest but I don't do a damn thing about either. If you care show you care.

I am a product of my environment not ignorance. Do you know I was 1 of only 3 whites in an all black school up until 5th grade? And I'll admit that when I moved out to the burbs the whites who had never met a black person before were more racist and ignorant than I.

If "you people" cared you would vote. You don't. So don't cry, don't say you care or say you don't matter. You don't matter. Why? Because you don't vote.

Now don't get bent out of shape if YOU personally vote. I'm talking about the majority of black people. Lets put it this way. Not enough of you care.

Why the Citizens Who Can Should Vote and Why 96 Million Citizens May Not Curtis Gans

Those kids dont know their dads most of the time because their dads are locked up in prison at a higher rate than whites for a crime that whites commit at a higher rate and get incarcerated for less. Again that points at white racism.
You say you grew up in a Black neighborhood but you dont understand why some Black people dont vote? I guess I can give you a pass since it was only up until the 5th grade. Lots of Black people dont vote because they have long been convinced it doesnt make a difference. We have a Black POTUS and Black kids are still being shot. Thats not a good example of why its important to vote for people convinced that voting doesnt work.

Like I said before I am a liberal so you can't give me an argument that I haven't already made for black people in the past. I get it. The high incarceration rates. Crack gets like and cocaine gets probation because blacks do crack and whites do coke. I get all that. I know black people are living in a racist society.

What I'm saying is that even a liberal like me doesn't want black people moving into my neighborhood. Crime will go up and property values will go down. Too many average black Americans are just way too ghetto and the next generation needs to raise their kids better, more respectful, able to speak intelligently, etc. We had a black guy move into my condo's. One bedroom. The guy brings his baby mamma, her 3 kids. They treated the lake front like it was their ghetto yard. They had domestic fights where they pulled guns on each other. One night I found a friend of the high school kid sleeping under our stairwell. What the fuck??? I called the cops and had him removed. And we got this family evicted. We had to cross all our t's and dot all our I's because when he left he said he was going to sue us for racism. I think you guys have used up the race card.

They/You think voting doesn't matter? Then they/you don't matter. They kill your kids because you don't vote. Star voting and watch the politicians start to care more about you.

My grandmother stayed in that all black neighborhood up until she was in her 90's. She would never sell her home. She could have come live with us but she wouldn't move, even though she was mugged 2 times by 2 young black men. You never hear of 80 something year old women being mugged by white kids. Sorry if we are afraid of young black men but they give us plenty of reasons.

You are one confused puppy. You say that you know Blacks battle against a racist sytem and you are a liberal but you wouldnt want Blacks moving into your neighborhood? You simply a racist trying to come to terms with your conflicts. True liberals dont feel like that.

I live in a neighborhood that has some Black families and crime hasnt went up nor has property values gone down. If you were intelligent you would understand property value is based on perception. I perceive a neighborhood is good so I pay top dollar to move in. Racism lowers property values not Black people. You keep giving me these one off situations. I can do that as well. My buddy rented to this white family that turned one his properties into a meth lab. The city declared it unsafe for human habitation due to the filth and the chemicals and he lost a lot of money on it. I think you guys have used up the reverse race card.

Another one of my friends mothers was the victim of a home invasion by 4 white guys. Luckily she had a shot gun and nailed one of the fucking punks in the leg. She was a 68 year old Black woman and the punks were white.

Sorry pal but even liberal whites don't want blacks moving into their neighborhoods. When whites left Detroit it wasn't just the conservative whites that left. It was all of us.

I'm just giving you the brutal honest truth. That's what USMB is for. And this is coming from a LIBERAL! I'm someone who see's every point you are making. I'm almost playing devils advocate here.

Maybe it's different where I live. I google most dangerous US cities and I see 4 of the 25 are in my state and all the neighborhoods are black. 100% of them are BLACK! Stop making excuses. Do you guys really need our help on this? What is it you need?

First thing we need from you is to stop being in denial
Then they werent true liberals. They are white racists like you trying to ease their conscious.

I know thats your version of the truth but I have white liberal neighbors that disagree with you.

I dont think its different where you live. I think you are just a racist therefore your experience is going to be different. I dont make excuses. I give reasons. Making excuses implies you wield some authority that I must answer to. You dont have any authority. I just chose to counter your bullshit.

They aren't being honest with you.

And if I'm a racist then every white is a racist.

Sometimes I wonder if blacks were in charge and the roles were reverse would black people treat whites badly? From my experience living in Detroit I'd say yes they would.

The question is, would whites act like blacks if we were the minority or would they have more pride? Would we start our own business' and be self sufficient? Would our crime and birth rates be as high? Would we be so disrespectful to law enforcement? Would we have so many kids being raised in one parent homes?

One thing that amazes me is that black people, at least in Detroit, don't snitch on the criminals. If there was a drive by, no one is telling the cops who did it even if they know. That isn't happening in white communities.

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