"Black lives matter"

Thats funny because you defended the stop and frisk law that stopped people for no reason and even defended cops for unfairly singling out blacks because you said they have a reason.

What reason?

Blacks commit crimes so stop all of them...thats your "legitimate reason"

I don't like the stop and frisk law. And I don't think the cop unfairly singled out a black because they were black. They probably fit the description, were young, being obnoxious, loitering, etc.

Was the kid in Ferguson unfairly singled out? How about the guy in NY that was known for hanging out on street corners and selling shit illegally? How about the kid waiving the toy gun that didn't have a red barrel?

Of course they probably was doing something to deserve the harrassment from a law you dont like. Because singling them out is unbelievable...What is more believable is that every person who has ever been stopped EVER probably deserved it because thats how racial profiling goes.

You dont seem to understand you are saying the exact thing I am...you're just trying to explain it away

So a police asking a black a question is harassment? I see.

Seems to me the criminal element in your society would love it if the cops were too uncomfortable to even stop them because of political correctness.
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

What he means is that black crime is scary and inexcusable not caring about black in general and white crime is understandable and speaks only to that person.
The people protesting that black lives matter would better serve their cause by protesting against the black gang thugs who are responsible for most black male murders. But they won't. They know that the thugs are far more dangerous than the police, so the police are a softer target.

New ideas here folks too bad tho that you dont get to tell people what to do. While you're at it tho whats stopping you from protesting in your community about the crime, drugs and murder?
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.
Thats funny because you defended the stop and frisk law that stopped people for no reason and even defended cops for unfairly singling out blacks because you said they have a reason.

What reason?

Blacks commit crimes so stop all of them...thats your "legitimate reason"

I don't like the stop and frisk law. And I don't think the cop unfairly singled out a black because they were black. They probably fit the description, were young, being obnoxious, loitering, etc.

Was the kid in Ferguson unfairly singled out? How about the guy in NY that was known for hanging out on street corners and selling shit illegally? How about the kid waiving the toy gun that didn't have a red barrel?

Of course they probably was doing something to deserve the harrassment from a law you dont like. Because singling them out is unbelievable...What is more believable is that every person who has ever been stopped EVER probably deserved it because thats how racial profiling goes.

You dont seem to understand you are saying the exact thing I am...you're just trying to explain it away

So a police asking a black a question is harassment? I see.

No as you indicated nothing is harassment and even if they are harassed its probably for a good reason :rolleyes:
NYPD: Hey black, didn't we see you here last week selling loose cigarettes?
Big Black Guy: Man, why are you guys bothering me.
NYPD: Why are you loitering on a street corner that one week ago we caught you breaking the law? Are you stupid? Are you that cocky? Put your hand behind your back.
Big Black: No.
NYPD: Choke hold

The end.

You meant ILLEGAL choke hold because you care a lot about Illegal activity...except not from police

I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.

Really? Show me the video of a black man being polite who got his ass kicked by the cops. It doesn't happen. All you would get is a ticket or arrested.

In our country, if the cops want to arrest you, you do not have the right to fight them. That's called resisting arrest. So if you don't like it that the "pussy cop" is arresting you, fight it in court. But see "you people" think like animals and instead of arguing against the cops, you defend the bad elements of your society. Instead of cleaning up your communities you'd rather continue the status quo where you get to be the victim. Why not instead of continuously making excuses, you work on you and I promise you the incidences with the police will go way down just like they are here in the white suburbs. Why do you think business' want to come to the burbs and not the city? Too dangerous in black neighborhoods. How you gonna fix this problem? Stop asking whity to fix all your problems. How are black people going to solve this problem? You say with more violence towards the police? How do you see that playing out? Stupid fuckers.

9 times out of 10 when the black guy says to the cop, "man why are you messing with me", the cop actually has a legitimate reason.

One video would just be a one off and not worth much in the way of evidence. You arent Black so you cant tell me what happens is a figment of my imagination. The only thing that stops white cops now is the advent of the cell phone. Its the constant harassment that causes the issues. They are paid to serve....and .....protect. Not harass.

And you have to stop being the victim. I think the only solution is if the neighborhood is 99% black, so should the police force, but then you'll complain that all cops in general are the problem.

What you won't ever do is take a good hard look at your own community. Because it is the problem, not the cops. Wonder why this doesn't happen in Arab, Hispanic & Jewish American communities?

Remember, I am a liberal who understands and has defended black people on all the reasons why the black community is the way it is. It isn't like things were great for black people the minute they were set free. It wasn't even good for black people in the 1960's. But it got better in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, now it's 2015 almost. How much longer is it going to take for black society to improve?
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.

I am working on making things better. So was Chris Rock when he made that video. So was Charles Barkley & Bill Cosby when they said what they said about black society.

I agree we should not have cops like the cops in Ferguson, Ohio or NY. Yes the cops need better training and to clean up their act too. Definitely agree with you the cops need to be fixed too.

I'm just saying what Chris Rock said. Black people need to start acting better when they are around cops.

I said before, I didn't like it when the cop arrested me. It cost me $1000 for a lawyer to get off. The cop was an asshole and he was wrong. Do you know who decides if I'm right or wrong? A jury or a judge. I got off.

And trust me, if the cop is harassing blacks then the judge will see a pattern that everyone who that cop arrests claims he was unfair. And you can call his superior officer and make a complaint. Or you can sue. If you don't have enough to sue then I guess the cop isn't breaking the law so when you get mad at him he's going to view you as a threat and ask you to put your hands behind your back.
You meant ILLEGAL choke hold because you care a lot about Illegal activity...except not from police

I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.

Really? Show me the video of a black man being polite who got his ass kicked by the cops. It doesn't happen. All you would get is a ticket or arrested.

In our country, if the cops want to arrest you, you do not have the right to fight them. That's called resisting arrest. So if you don't like it that the "pussy cop" is arresting you, fight it in court. But see "you people" think like animals and instead of arguing against the cops, you defend the bad elements of your society. Instead of cleaning up your communities you'd rather continue the status quo where you get to be the victim. Why not instead of continuously making excuses, you work on you and I promise you the incidences with the police will go way down just like they are here in the white suburbs. Why do you think business' want to come to the burbs and not the city? Too dangerous in black neighborhoods. How you gonna fix this problem? Stop asking whity to fix all your problems. How are black people going to solve this problem? You say with more violence towards the police? How do you see that playing out? Stupid fuckers.

9 times out of 10 when the black guy says to the cop, "man why are you messing with me", the cop actually has a legitimate reason.

One video would just be a one off and not worth much in the way of evidence. You arent Black so you cant tell me what happens is a figment of my imagination. The only thing that stops white cops now is the advent of the cell phone. Its the constant harassment that causes the issues. They are paid to serve....and .....protect. Not harass.

And you have to stop being the victim. I think the only solution is if the neighborhood is 99% black, so should the police force, but then you'll complain that all cops in general are the problem.

What you won't ever do is take a good hard look at your own community. Because it is the problem, not the cops. Wonder why this doesn't happen in Arab, Hispanic & Jewish American communities?

Remember, I am a liberal who understands and has defended black people on all the reasons why the black community is the way it is. It isn't like things were great for black people the minute they were set free. It wasn't even good for black people in the 1960's. But it got better in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, now it's 2015 almost. How much longer is it going to take for black society to improve?

How do you stop being the victim of racist cops? I am interested in hearing those solutions.

You obviously dont know what I or other Black people do in our own communities. What did I tell you about speaking from ignorance? Cops are a large problem and yes it does happen in other ethnic communities. We get it worse due to the sliding scale of racism. So far your argument has been a large group of ignorant assumptions.

You sound like one of those liberals that ease your conscious by saying you advocate for Blacks while holding racist thoughts. We dont need or want whites like you defending us. You are part of the problem. We dont need your pity. We just need you to get the fuck out of the way and stop condoning racist cops.
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.

I see way too many black kids who don't even know their dads. How much do they actually care about their kids? I care about an Elephant being poached in Africa too and I care about the rain forest but I don't do a damn thing about either. If you care show you care.

I am a product of my environment not ignorance. Do you know I was 1 of only 3 whites in an all black school up until 5th grade? And I'll admit that when I moved out to the burbs the whites who had never met a black person before were more racist and ignorant than I.

If "you people" cared you would vote. You don't. So don't cry, don't say you care or say you don't matter. You don't matter. Why? Because you don't vote.

Now don't get bent out of shape if YOU personally vote. I'm talking about the majority of black people. Lets put it this way. Not enough of you care.

Why the Citizens Who Can Should Vote and Why 96 Million Citizens May Not Curtis Gans
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.

I am working on making things better. So was Chris Rock when he made that video. So was Charles Barkley & Bill Cosby when they said what they said about black society.

I agree we should not have cops like the cops in Ferguson, Ohio or NY. Yes the cops need better training and to clean up their act too. Definitely agree with you the cops need to be fixed too.

I'm just saying what Chris Rock said. Black people need to start acting better when they are around cops.

I said before, I didn't like it when the cop arrested me. It cost me $1000 for a lawyer to get off. The cop was an asshole and he was wrong. Do you know who decides if I'm right or wrong? A jury or a judge. I got off.

And trust me, if the cop is harassing blacks then the judge will see a pattern that everyone who that cop arrests claims he was unfair. And you can call his superior officer and make a complaint. Or you can sue. If you don't have enough to sue then I guess the cop isn't breaking the law so when you get mad at him he's going to view you as a threat and ask you to put your hands behind your back.
You need to rethink your game plan if you really believe you are making things better. Youre not. Chris Rock, Charles Barkley, and Bill Cosby all share one thing. They are Black celebrities and not everyday Black people. They dont live in the ghettos and have facial recognition where ever they go. White people are asking them for autographs not being afraid of them. Which pretty much proves my point I made about your ignorant fear being a problem.

Black people have some ownership in this but the root of the problem is white racism. You deal with your racism and the problem goes away.

I cant trust you because I know better. The judge wont see a pattern. Lots of judges are whites and they are also racist. Example I was told to go sell drugs by a judge when attempting to get custody of my daughter. A judge said that to me in court, on record, in front of everyone. They are part and parcel of the racist system built by whites.
Lets assume this chart is correct
White on white murders, 2.630 out of 243,419,206 whites or 1 out of every 92,548 people.
Black on black murders. 2,447 out of 41,729,006 blacks or 1 out of every 17,053.
Sooo...to have the same murder rate as blacks, whites would have to kill 14,274 of each other per year.
According to your chart, black/black murder is over 5 times as high as white/white.

Now, what was that about Black lives matter too?

You are missing the point. Black on black, white on white, Hispanic on Hispanic...the vast majority of violent crime is INTRA-racial, not inter-racial. The vast majority of blacks are killed by blacks, and the vast majority of whites are killed by other whites.

It is true, but how is that the point?

Apparently if whites really thought that black lives mattered they would stop black on black crime since blacks can't do it themselves.
White must not believe white lives matter either. They cant seem to stop white on white crime.

Whites believe it 5 times as much. :argue:
That cant be true. They commit the vast majority of crime.[/QUOTE]

So now that we have established you cannot do basic math beyond the most simple addition methods :eusa_eh:
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
I understand its your opinion but your opinion is wrong. I dont give a fug about anyone if they are not working towards making things better. Ignorance and fear breeds more ignorance and fear. You are simply a product of ignorance. For example you say Blacks dont care about their children. Why do you think we protest our children getting shot down? You say we dont care about ourselves. Why do we struggle to rise above the conditions a white racist society created? Your posts are full of puerile ignorance and bullshit which makes things worse.

It doesnt matter where I live. Black people are people no matter where they live. if you live around violence then move. Whites have historically proven to be more violent than anyone else so once you clean up the violence white people have done then you can comment on Black violence with a shred of credibility.

I see way too many black kids who don't even know their dads. How much do they actually care about their kids? I care about an Elephant being poached in Africa too and I care about the rain forest but I don't do a damn thing about either. If you care show you care.

I am a product of my environment not ignorance. Do you know I was 1 of only 3 whites in an all black school up until 5th grade? And I'll admit that when I moved out to the burbs the whites who had never met a black person before were more racist and ignorant than I.

If "you people" cared you would vote. You don't. So don't cry, don't say you care or say you don't matter. You don't matter. Why? Because you don't vote.

Now don't get bent out of shape if YOU personally vote. I'm talking about the majority of black people. Lets put it this way. Not enough of you care.

Why the Citizens Who Can Should Vote and Why 96 Million Citizens May Not Curtis Gans

Those kids dont know their dads most of the time because their dads are locked up in prison at a higher rate than whites for a crime that whites commit at a higher rate and get incarcerated for less. Again that points at white racism.
You say you grew up in a Black neighborhood but you dont understand why some Black people dont vote? I guess I can give you a pass since it was only up until the 5th grade. Lots of Black people dont vote because they have long been convinced it doesnt make a difference. We have a Black POTUS and Black kids are still being shot. Thats not a good example of why its important to vote for people convinced that voting doesnt work.
Sealy doesnt understand that his generalizations are just that. Maybe he would understand if I used Honey Boo, Mob Wives and Teen Mom as examples of white culture.

I believe only then would he see what he's doing. But...he'll probably find a reason why generalizing whites is not fair
You are missing the point. Black on black, white on white, Hispanic on Hispanic...the vast majority of violent crime is INTRA-racial, not inter-racial. The vast majority of blacks are killed by blacks, and the vast majority of whites are killed by other whites.

It is true, but how is that the point?

Apparently if whites really thought that black lives mattered they would stop black on black crime since blacks can't do it themselves.
White must not believe white lives matter either. They cant seem to stop white on white crime.

Whites believe it 5 times as much. :argue:
That cant be true. They commit the vast majority of crime.

So now that we have established you cannot do basic math beyond the most simple addition methods :eusa_eh:[/QUOTE]
When you make things more complicated than basic math my bullshit meter goes off. The numbers dont lie. White people commit the majority of the crime.
I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.

Really? Show me the video of a black man being polite who got his ass kicked by the cops. It doesn't happen. All you would get is a ticket or arrested.

In our country, if the cops want to arrest you, you do not have the right to fight them. That's called resisting arrest. So if you don't like it that the "pussy cop" is arresting you, fight it in court. But see "you people" think like animals and instead of arguing against the cops, you defend the bad elements of your society. Instead of cleaning up your communities you'd rather continue the status quo where you get to be the victim. Why not instead of continuously making excuses, you work on you and I promise you the incidences with the police will go way down just like they are here in the white suburbs. Why do you think business' want to come to the burbs and not the city? Too dangerous in black neighborhoods. How you gonna fix this problem? Stop asking whity to fix all your problems. How are black people going to solve this problem? You say with more violence towards the police? How do you see that playing out? Stupid fuckers.

9 times out of 10 when the black guy says to the cop, "man why are you messing with me", the cop actually has a legitimate reason.

One video would just be a one off and not worth much in the way of evidence. You arent Black so you cant tell me what happens is a figment of my imagination. The only thing that stops white cops now is the advent of the cell phone. Its the constant harassment that causes the issues. They are paid to serve....and .....protect. Not harass.

And you have to stop being the victim. I think the only solution is if the neighborhood is 99% black, so should the police force, but then you'll complain that all cops in general are the problem.

What you won't ever do is take a good hard look at your own community. Because it is the problem, not the cops. Wonder why this doesn't happen in Arab, Hispanic & Jewish American communities?

Remember, I am a liberal who understands and has defended black people on all the reasons why the black community is the way it is. It isn't like things were great for black people the minute they were set free. It wasn't even good for black people in the 1960's. But it got better in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, now it's 2015 almost. How much longer is it going to take for black society to improve?

How do you stop being the victim of racist cops? I am interested in hearing those solutions.

You obviously dont know what I or other Black people do in our own communities. What did I tell you about speaking from ignorance? Cops are a large problem and yes it does happen in other ethnic communities. We get it worse due to the sliding scale of racism. So far your argument has been a large group of ignorant assumptions.

You sound like one of those liberals that ease your conscious by saying you advocate for Blacks while holding racist thoughts. We dont need or want whites like you defending us. You are part of the problem. We dont need your pity. We just need you to get the fuck out of the way and stop condoning racist cops.

Stop putting yourself in the situation where a racist cop is affecting your life. I avoid the cops like the plague. I'm white. Even we don't want to get tangled up with the law. So we don't break the law.

Hire more black cops.

No one is completely not racist. I'm sure you have some racist/prejudice/bigoted views too. Sometimes stereotypes are true. Maybe not 100% of the time but enough. For example, my arab friend will cheat on his wife when he gets married some day. Unfortunately too many Arabic men cheat on their women. Enough that its a stereotype that happens to be true. Its not because I'm ignorant. I just know enough arab men to know they are cheaters. And black men are notorious for knocking women up and not being good fathers later. At least the cheating arab is a good father. Usually of course.

No I am not an easing my conscious liberal. Its not like I don't agree with most everything you are saying. Its just that your side needs to stop pointing fingers and you need to fix you. Currently you either are denying or ignoring the fact your society needs to improve on many different areas. First off, stop breeding so many kids and not raising them right.

PS. I wish we could just get out of your way and watch you improve but we've been waiting over 50 years and we are tired of waiting.
Those kids dont know their dads most of the time because their dads are locked up in prison at a higher rate than whites for a crime that whites commit at a higher rate and get incarcerated for less. Again that points at white racism.

Their solution? Stop complaining about that. The messenger is at fault not the message

You say you grew up in a Black neighborhood but you dont understand why some Black people dont vote? I guess I can give you a pass since it was only up until the 5th grade. Lots of Black people dont vote because they have long been convinced it doesnt make a difference. We have a Black POTUS and Black kids are still being shot. Thats not a good example of why its important to vote for people convinced that voting doesnt work.

Plus reducing voting times, the fact that the poor vote less than the rich because they have less time to do so. That includes black and white poor but lets keep talking about blacks only
Sealy doesnt understand that his generalizations are just that. Maybe he would understand if I used Honey Boo, Mob Wives and Teen Mom as examples of white culture.

I believe only then would he see what he's doing. But...he'll probably find a reason why generalizing whites is not fair

We have a ghetto/black/inner city crime problem in this country, not a mob wife problem. Oh, and that's what the mob wife said when they busted her for embezzlement. She too thought the law was being unfair.

Anyways, there are 2 sides to every story. You guys don't want to admit that its not easy for a cop to work in the black community. Remember the movie Colors with Sean Penn? What happened to the nice cop who let his guard down? He got shot in the end.
As you can see from the video exercising our rights as free citizens puts us in the situation to be harassed by racist cops.

Last time I checked the general public doesnt make hiring decisions for the PD.

Yes there are plenty of people that are completely not racist. Your naive assertion is just a rationalization for the racist feeling you harbor. They call them stereotypes for a reason which ironically is the basis of racism. You are digging yourself a large hole here. There is not a race of men that dont cheat on their wives.

Yes you are easing your conscious. However, I sense it wont be long before you let out your latent racism at least to yourself. If my side stopped pointing fingers the bullshit would continue. No you wont get a pass from us pointing out the actions of white racists. No we wont stop breeding kids. You dont dictate what amount of kids we have.

I couldnt care less what you are tired of. Get out the way. You had 350 years to build your society. Stop whining that we havent built ours in 50 years with white society actively fighting our attempts.
Those kids dont know their dads most of the time because their dads are locked up in prison at a higher rate than whites for a crime that whites commit at a higher rate and get incarcerated for less. Again that points at white racism.

Their solution? Stop complaining about that. The messenger is at fault not the message

You say you grew up in a Black neighborhood but you dont understand why some Black people dont vote? I guess I can give you a pass since it was only up until the 5th grade. Lots of Black people dont vote because they have long been convinced it doesnt make a difference. We have a Black POTUS and Black kids are still being shot. Thats not a good example of why its important to vote for people convinced that voting doesnt work.

Plus reducing voting times, the fact that the poor vote less than the rich because they have less time to do so. That includes black and white poor but lets keep talking about blacks only

You can't find the time between 8am and 8pm to show up to vote? Bullshit! Then don't complain.

And stop worrying what white do.
As you can see from the video exercising our rights as free citizens puts us in the situation to be harassed by racist cops.

Last time I checked the general public doesnt make hiring decisions for the PD.

Yes there are plenty of people that are completely not racist. Your naive assertion is just a rationalization for the racist feeling you harbor. They call them stereotypes for a reason which ironically is the basis of racism. You are digging yourself a large hole here. There is not a race of men that dont cheat on their wives.

Yes you are easing your conscious. However, I sense it wont be long before you let out your latent racism at least to yourself. If my side stopped pointing fingers the bullshit would continue. No you wont get a pass from us pointing out the actions of white racists. No we wont stop breeding kids. You dont dictate what amount of kids we have.

I couldnt care less what you are tired of. Get out the way. You had 350 years to build your society. Stop whining that we havent built ours in 50 years with white society actively fighting our attempts.

Can you name one person who doesn't have a prejudice bone in their body? I used to say I didn't but then a black friend pointed out to me everyone is at least a little racist or prejudice.

How long have you had in Africa? 100,000 years and yet you had to come running to whitey to fix their Ebola problem?

Keep in mind my goal or hope in all this is for crime to go down in our black societies and if that happens then less incidences like this will occur.

Again, I see a problem with our cops and our justice system too. But I also see a problem with black society. If you don't then you are stupid or blind or too bias to be fair. Fixing what is wrong with black society will go a long way.

One other thing. What is so wrong with me trying to get more of you to vote? Is that racist of me? Because I always thought it was racist that whites didn't want blacks to vote. You say black life matters to black people? Prove it. Vote.

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