"Black lives matter"

NYPD: Hey black, didn't we see you here last week selling loose cigarettes?
Big Black Guy: Man, why are you guys bothering me.
NYPD: Why are you loitering on a street corner that one week ago we caught you breaking the law? Are you stupid? Are you that cocky? Put your hand behind your back.
Big Black: No.
NYPD: Choke hold

The end.

You meant ILLEGAL choke hold because you care a lot about Illegal activity...except not from police

I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
NYPD: Hey black, didn't we see you here last week selling loose cigarettes?
Big Black Guy: Man, why are you guys bothering me.
NYPD: Why are you loitering on a street corner that one week ago we caught you breaking the law? Are you stupid? Are you that cocky? Put your hand behind your back.
Big Black: No.
NYPD: Choke hold

The end.

You meant ILLEGAL choke hold because you care a lot about Illegal activity...except not from police

I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.
NYPD: Hey black, didn't we see you here last week selling loose cigarettes?
Big Black Guy: Man, why are you guys bothering me.
NYPD: Why are you loitering on a street corner that one week ago we caught you breaking the law? Are you stupid? Are you that cocky? Put your hand behind your back.
Big Black: No.
NYPD: Choke hold

The end.

You meant ILLEGAL choke hold because you care a lot about Illegal activity...except not from police

I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.

Really? Show me the video of a black man being polite who got his ass kicked by the cops. It doesn't happen. All you would get is a ticket or arrested.

In our country, if the cops want to arrest you, you do not have the right to fight them. That's called resisting arrest. So if you don't like it that the "pussy cop" is arresting you, fight it in court. But see "you people" think like animals and instead of arguing against the cops, you defend the bad elements of your society. Instead of cleaning up your communities you'd rather continue the status quo where you get to be the victim. Why not instead of continuously making excuses, you work on you and I promise you the incidences with the police will go way down just like they are here in the white suburbs. Why do you think business' want to come to the burbs and not the city? Too dangerous in black neighborhoods. How you gonna fix this problem? Stop asking whity to fix all your problems. How are black people going to solve this problem? You say with more violence towards the police? How do you see that playing out? Stupid fuckers.

9 times out of 10 when the black guy says to the cop, "man why are you messing with me", the cop actually has a legitimate reason.
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Black people don't worry about white people? Are you kidding me? You claim we are the reason your communities are in the shape they are in. You come to communities that we built up and you tear them down. And you cry when we don't want you living next to us. You don't worry about us because we bring your property value up, not down.

What we did in the 70's is we left Detroit when you blacks moved in. Then you blacks ruined Detroit and now you are coming out to the burbs, where you are now ruining them. Crime has gone way up. I guess you can take a black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black.
NYPD: Hey black, didn't we see you here last week selling loose cigarettes?
Big Black Guy: Man, why are you guys bothering me.
NYPD: Why are you loitering on a street corner that one week ago we caught you breaking the law? Are you stupid? Are you that cocky? Put your hand behind your back.
Big Black: No.
NYPD: Choke hold

The end.

You meant ILLEGAL choke hold because you care a lot about Illegal activity...except not from police

I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.

Really? Show me the video of a black man being polite who got his ass kicked by the cops. It doesn't happen. All you would get is a ticket or arrested.

In our country, if the cops want to arrest you, you do not have the right to fight them. That's called resisting arrest. So if you don't like it that the "pussy cop" is arresting you, fight it in court. But see "you people" think like animals and instead of arguing against the cops, you defend the bad elements of your society. Instead of cleaning up your communities you'd rather continue the status quo where you get to be the victim. Why not instead of continuously making excuses, you work on you and I promise you the incidences with the police will go way down just like they are here in the white suburbs. Why do you think business' want to come to the burbs and not the city? Too dangerous in black neighborhoods. How you gonna fix this problem? Stop asking whity to fix all your problems. How are black people going to solve this problem? You say with more violence towards the police? How do you see that playing out? Stupid fuckers.

9 times out of 10 when the black guy says to the cop, "man why are you messing with me", the cop actually has a legitimate reason.

One video would just be a one off and not worth much in the way of evidence. You arent Black so you cant tell me what happens is a figment of my imagination. The only thing that stops white cops now is the advent of the cell phone. Its the constant harassment that causes the issues. They are paid to serve....and .....protect. Not harass.

Thats funny because you defended the stop and frisk law that stopped people for no reason and even defended cops for unfairly singling out blacks because you said they have a reason.

What reason?

Blacks commit crimes so stop all of them...thats your "legitimate reason"
Black people don't worry about white people? Are you kidding me? You claim we are the reason your communities are in the shape they are in. You come to communities that we built up and you tear them down. And you cry when we don't want you living next to us. You don't worry about us because we bring your property value up, not down.

What we did in the 70's is we left Detroit when you blacks moved in. Then you blacks ruined Detroit and now you are coming out to the burbs, where you are now ruining them. Crime has gone way up. I guess you can take a black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black.

Now tell everyone whos to blame for Chicago.

When do dont say the residents my next question is "Why are you blaming white people?"
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.
NYPD: Hey black, didn't we see you here last week selling loose cigarettes?
Big Black Guy: Man, why are you guys bothering me.
NYPD: Why are you loitering on a street corner that one week ago we caught you breaking the law? Are you stupid? Are you that cocky? Put your hand behind your back.
Big Black: No.
NYPD: Choke hold

The end.

You meant ILLEGAL choke hold because you care a lot about Illegal activity...except not from police

I'm basically saying the exact same thing Chris Rock is saying here.

For some reason the link isn't posting. Google how not to get your ass kicked by the cops chris rock and watch it. Then learn it black people. If you can't, you'll continue to get the beat downs.

The problem is that even if you are not acting like that pussies with badges and guns want to mess with you. Whats going to happen is cops are going to start getting shot or injured in other ways. We used to drop sandbags on their asses when they started harassing us too much. It always sent the message.

Really? Show me the video of a black man being polite who got his ass kicked by the cops. It doesn't happen. All you would get is a ticket or arrested.

In our country, if the cops want to arrest you, you do not have the right to fight them. That's called resisting arrest. So if you don't like it that the "pussy cop" is arresting you, fight it in court. But see "you people" think like animals and instead of arguing against the cops, you defend the bad elements of your society. Instead of cleaning up your communities you'd rather continue the status quo where you get to be the victim. Why not instead of continuously making excuses, you work on you and I promise you the incidences with the police will go way down just like they are here in the white suburbs. Why do you think business' want to come to the burbs and not the city? Too dangerous in black neighborhoods. How you gonna fix this problem? Stop asking whity to fix all your problems. How are black people going to solve this problem? You say with more violence towards the police? How do you see that playing out? Stupid fuckers.

9 times out of 10 when the black guy says to the cop, "man why are you messing with me", the cop actually has a legitimate reason.

One video would just be a one off and not worth much in the way of evidence. You arent Black so you cant tell me what happens is a figment of my imagination. The only thing that stops white cops now is the advent of the cell phone. Its the constant harassment that causes the issues. They are paid to serve....and .....protect. Not harass.

Now watch how he excuses this too...because any reason from a police officer harrassing a black person is "legitimate" in his eyes.

Then ask him about a waiting period for firearms and watch sparks fly from his ears talking about weird shit like "rights"
Thats funny because you defended the stop and frisk law that stopped people for no reason and even defended cops for unfairly singling out blacks because you said they have a reason.

What reason?

Blacks commit crimes so stop all of them...thats your "legitimate reason"

I don't like the stop and frisk law. And I don't think the cop unfairly singled out a black because they were black. They probably fit the description, were young, being obnoxious, loitering, etc.

Was the kid in Ferguson unfairly singled out? How about the guy in NY that was known for hanging out on street corners and selling shit illegally? How about the kid waiving the toy gun that didn't have a red barrel?
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Thats funny because you defended the stop and frisk law that stopped people for no reason and even defended cops for unfairly singling out blacks because you said they have a reason.

What reason?

Blacks commit crimes so stop all of them...thats your "legitimate reason"

I don't like the stop and frisk law. And I don't think the cop unfairly singled out a black because they were black. They probably fit the description, were young, being obnoxious, loitering, etc.

Was the kid in Ferguson unfairly singled out? How about the guy in NY that was known for hanging out on street corners and selling shit illegally? How about the kid waiving the toy gun that didn't have a red barrel?
What you seem to be missing is regardless of a law cops harass Black people you dunce.
Black people don't worry about white people? Are you kidding me? You claim we are the reason your communities are in the shape they are in. You come to communities that we built up and you tear them down. And you cry when we don't want you living next to us. You don't worry about us because we bring your property value up, not down.

What we did in the 70's is we left Detroit when you blacks moved in. Then you blacks ruined Detroit and now you are coming out to the burbs, where you are now ruining them. Crime has gone way up. I guess you can take a black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black.

Now tell everyone whos to blame for Chicago.

When do dont say the residents my next question is "Why are you blaming white people?"

What are you talking about? Chicago is basically the opposite of Detroit. In Detroit the city sucks and the burbs are nice. In Chicago they managed to get rid of the blacks so that there are dangerous black neighborhoods in Illinois but Chicago is real nice.
We want our cops to be tough, not pussies who like the rest of us are afraid of black people. Black people need to change if they want us to stop being afraid of them.
No white people need to change. Black people dont worry about white people. Its when white people are afraid due to ignorance that it causes a problem. Whites need therapy to stop being such wimps.

Our fear is not ignorant. It is a healthy amount of fear. It is justified.

I have been scammed before. I learned my lesson. Since then, I've had black people try to scam me. I don't give them what they want, and they get loud and defensive but the fact is, they want me to trust them more than anyone would or should trust someone they don't know that well.

One great example is this girl from Detroit came to my business and paid one time. Then she came back and back and back and never paid again, but she wanted to go use the back room and she wanted to borrow my laptop. No white person first of all would ever come in to a place of business and do what she did. She was basically a bum/homeless person. Anyways, long story short, she got mad when I told her no she could not borrow my laptop. All she would have had to do is open the back door and walk away and my computer would be gone. But I'm a racist for not opening up myself to being ripped off? Fuck her and you.

Your fear is ignorant because we could give a fuck about you. Its not healthy to fear. Its a genetic remnant of your time trapped during the ice age. Its also not justified. No on forced your ancestors to bring Black people here.

So what you have been scammed before. So have millions of others by white people. White people scam people more than any other race. So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I think my fear is justified BECAUSE you don't give a fuck about us or yourselves (including your own children) if you are a black man. Sure some white men are bad too but in your communities it's an epidemic.

It's not healthy to fear? The hell you say. It's why we lock our doors at night. There is such a think as a healthy amount or level of fear.

Sorry, I live in Detroit so I see the news every day. Maybe Canadian blacks or Idaho blacks aren't as bad as ghetto blacks. Where do you live?
Thats funny because you defended the stop and frisk law that stopped people for no reason and even defended cops for unfairly singling out blacks because you said they have a reason.

What reason?

Blacks commit crimes so stop all of them...thats your "legitimate reason"

I don't like the stop and frisk law. And I don't think the cop unfairly singled out a black because they were black. They probably fit the description, were young, being obnoxious, loitering, etc.

Was the kid in Ferguson unfairly singled out? How about the guy in NY that was known for hanging out on street corners and selling shit illegally? How about the kid waiving the toy gun that didn't have a red barrel?

Of course they probably was doing something to deserve the harrassment from a law you dont like. Because singling them out is unbelievable...What is more believable is that every person who has ever been stopped EVER probably deserved it because thats how racial profiling goes.

You dont seem to understand you are saying the exact thing I am...you're just trying to explain it away
Thats funny because you defended the stop and frisk law that stopped people for no reason and even defended cops for unfairly singling out blacks because you said they have a reason.

What reason?

Blacks commit crimes so stop all of them...thats your "legitimate reason"

I don't like the stop and frisk law. And I don't think the cop unfairly singled out a black because they were black. They probably fit the description, were young, being obnoxious, loitering, etc.

Was the kid in Ferguson unfairly singled out? How about the guy in NY that was known for hanging out on street corners and selling shit illegally? How about the kid waiving the toy gun that didn't have a red barrel?
What you seem to be missing is regardless of a law cops harass Black people you dunce.

Which national story is a good example where the cops were harassing the black unfairly?

If you are in the vicinity of a crime, the cop has the right to question you. If you are offensive you put him on the defensive.

You know how MLK protested and got arrested? Next time you feel like the cop is unfairly harassing you, take it like a man and go to jail. But be polite and do what the officer says so you don't get hit. And chances are if you are polite you won't even go to jail. Who knows? Try it and see. We know you say you're being unfairly picked on but me and Chris Rock say you are asking for it.
Black people don't worry about white people? Are you kidding me? You claim we are the reason your communities are in the shape they are in. You come to communities that we built up and you tear them down. And you cry when we don't want you living next to us. You don't worry about us because we bring your property value up, not down.

What we did in the 70's is we left Detroit when you blacks moved in. Then you blacks ruined Detroit and now you are coming out to the burbs, where you are now ruining them. Crime has gone way up. I guess you can take a black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black.

Now tell everyone whos to blame for Chicago.

When do dont say the residents my next question is "Why are you blaming white people?"

What are you talking about? Chicago is basically the opposite of Detroit. In Detroit the city sucks and the burbs are nice. In Chicago they managed to get rid of the blacks so that there are dangerous black neighborhoods in Illinois but Chicago is real nice.

Chicago..>Detroit...Whatever. Stop blaming white people
The people protesting that black lives matter would better serve their cause by protesting against the black gang thugs who are responsible for most black male murders. But they won't. They know that the thugs are far more dangerous than the police, so the police are a softer target.

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