"Black lives matter"

I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


You're talking to brainwashed tool/parrot.

Because I don't see things your way all the time?

Notice I'm not taking a liberal position on this issue Stephanie? Can you tell me the last time you took a liberal position on anything other than doggy style?
The general population pretty much knows the score and are getting tired of the bullshit from the ghetto,and it's starting to show.
The race card is no longer holds any weight because of over use.
We have a black president yet race relations have worsened because blacks now know that just because the prez has the same color skin as you,doesnt mean your lot in life will improve.

A muslim president at that...self proclaimed.

I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


You're talking to brainwashed tool/parrot.

Because I don't see things your way all the time?

Notice I'm not taking a liberal position on this issue Stephanie? Can you tell me the last time you took a liberal position on anything other than doggy style?

No because all you do is sing the praises for the Democrat party. You never find anything wrong with them and you just repeat their talking points constantly. that why
Yea, like the way they found to make money in 2007 by causing a global recession. This is what happens when the rich take over your country/government. Do you think this is the first time in history that the rich have ever taken over a country or it's government?

Are you suggesting the global recession made the rich people poor or closed the gap between the rich and poor ... Because neither was the case. I didn't suggest that anything you have offered would result in a desirable outcome ... And I will continue to remind you the rich don't need your permission to make money.

It is the constant reminder that you will always be at the mercy of someone else or government ... Until you grab hold of your boot straps and make it different.


No that's not what I'm suggesting and by replying that way I can see you only hear what you want to hear.

By the way, bragging about how much money you have does not help your case. Not everyone can or will be rich like you. It doesn't work that way. This isn't Switzerland where everyone can be rich. So "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" is not good advice for all the worker bees in America. Fact is, we know the job prospects for 20 somethings is a lot different than it was 20 years ago. I remember working for a company in the 90's where 40 sales people made 6 figures. Today 3 guys there make 6 figures.

There are 45 million people in America stuck below the poverty line. Show me one Republican politician who has a serious plan to help those people.

What we know is that the middle class and poor doesn't have enough of the $. However they did it, the rich changed things so that instead of them having 75% of all the $ and us 25%, they rigged it so that today they have 90% and we have 10%. They distributed the wealth. So don't get mad when we have to redistribute it. FDR did this very thing and there is even a fire side chat where he explained what he was going to do and how the rich were sitting on idol money.

You are god damn right the government can do something about it. The government is the referee. If the government one day again represented We The People then the corporations would lose the control they have over us now.

Bankers wouldn't rule.

Gas and Healthcare Giants wouldn't be able to gouge us or have monopolies like they do now.

Unions would become popular again. Wages would go up.

We would raise corporate tax rates and taxes on the rich not the middle class like Snyder is doing in Michigan.

We would take back the media that was taken over after the Deregulations Act of 1997. Another thing besides NAFTA that Bill Clinton did for the corporations and this cost him because they took over the media and talked about Monica until 1999 and it cost Gore.
I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


You're talking to brainwashed tool/parrot.

Because I don't see things your way all the time?

Notice I'm not taking a liberal position on this issue Stephanie? Can you tell me the last time you took a liberal position on anything other than doggy style?

No because all you do is sing the praises for the Democrat party. You never find anything wrong with them and you just repeat their talking points constantly. that why

I repeat our position on the issues? It isn't like you don't sound like you just got done sucking Rush's cock.
I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


You're talking to brainwashed tool/parrot.

Because I don't see things your way all the time?

Notice I'm not taking a liberal position on this issue Stephanie? Can you tell me the last time you took a liberal position on anything other than doggy style?

No because all you do is sing the praises for the Democrat party. You never find anything wrong with them and you just repeat their talking points constantly. that why

I repeat our position on the issues? It isn't like you don't sound like you just got done sucking Rush's cock.

typical liberal. you can dish it but can't take it so you go get all vulgar and nasty
I haven't listened to Rush in 10 years so you just proved my point
way to go
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No that's not what I'm suggesting and by replying that way I can see you only hear what you want to hear.

By the way, bragging about how much money you have does not help your case.

I am suggesting that your desires will continue to drive business and wealth off-shore. I stated before that I am certainly not in the top 1% ... And wasn't bragging about anything.

You really don't need to describe the fairy tale anymore ... Because you are never going to succeed in convincing me it won't push businesses off-shore.

You are trying to tackle a wealth driven equation with a middle class mentality ... Good Luck!

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I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

Get a job and you won't have time to stay up all night and protest.

We make time for those things that are important to us.

And I have a job, thanks.

So did some of those folks who worked for the businesses that were destroyed by the protesters in Missouri. Now they have no job and it's right at Christmas time but you go right ahead and have your fun. Their kids didn't need Christmas anyways.

Leap to conclusions much? You might want to stretch before you try to jump that far again.

You wouldn't find me looting, nor would you ever see me defending looting. Furthermore, I would defend a person's right to defend themselves from looters with any force necessary.

Then, what has your protesting actually accomplished other than keeping you up at night?

Well, it's certainly got people talking. Having a dialogue is a good start.

Furthermore, it expresses that mistreatment by police will not be tolerated. People are going to call officers out on their behavior.
Hopefully you don't think that cops getting called out on their behaviour is some kind of new thing. Well maybe if it makes you feel good about all the protesting you did----.
We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


You're talking to brainwashed tool/parrot.

Because I don't see things your way all the time?

Notice I'm not taking a liberal position on this issue Stephanie? Can you tell me the last time you took a liberal position on anything other than doggy style?

No because all you do is sing the praises for the Democrat party. You never find anything wrong with them and you just repeat their talking points constantly. that why

I repeat our position on the issues? It isn't like you don't sound like you just got done sucking Rush's cock.

typical liberal. you can dish it but can't take it so you go get all vulgar and nasty
I haven't listened to Rush in 10 years so you just proved my point
way to go

I love stupid right wing middle class Republicans. They don't know that the same talking points Fox is spoon feeding them is the same shit Rush and Drudge and all the rest are feeding them. In fact the RNC emails them not only what to say but how to say it.

Haven't you ever watched the Daily Show where John Stewart shows every corporate and/or right wing media saying the EXACT same thing down to the verbage? Then I come here and you're saying the exact same thing. So whether or not you know it, Rush is brainwashing you. Maybe it isn't Rush himself but you know what we mean.
We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


You're talking to brainwashed tool/parrot.

Because I don't see things your way all the time?

Notice I'm not taking a liberal position on this issue Stephanie? Can you tell me the last time you took a liberal position on anything other than doggy style?

No because all you do is sing the praises for the Democrat party. You never find anything wrong with them and you just repeat their talking points constantly. that why

I repeat our position on the issues? It isn't like you don't sound like you just got done sucking Rush's cock.

typical liberal. you can dish it but can't take it so you go get all vulgar and nasty
I haven't listened to Rush in 10 years so you just proved my point
way to go

Does a typical liberal speak out against blacks and defend the cops? So I guess I'm not the typical liberal now am I honey?
if black lives don't matter to blacks, why should whites care?

Exactly. Lets see what percent of blacks show up and vote in 2016. If it isn't over 50%, fuck em. Sorry blacks. Ninja's right. If you don't care enough to show up and vote every 2 years, why should we give a fuck about you?

Not to mention this all boils down to you don't put your hands behind your back when the cop says you are under arrest. I do. I was arrested 2 times. Both times I did whatever the cop told me to do.

What is it that blacks are worried the cops are going to do? For example, the guy in Ferguson. Why was he angry or confrontational with the cop? Why didn't the black guy in NY put his hands behind his back? Why did that stupid black mom let her son go out and play with a gun that doesn't have the red in the barrel that all toy manufacturers have to put on their toy guns?

But also, why didn't the cops shoot all those white people when they went to take that rancher's cattle and the whites showed up with guns to have a stand off with the police? If those were black people the government wouldn't have stood down. The citizens of Detroit or Harlem or Compton can't have an armed standoff with the police so why can whites do that?

Bundy ranch standoff galvanized right-wing radicals report says - LA Times
if black lives don't matter to blacks, why should whites care?

Exactly. Lets see what percent of blacks show up and vote in 2016. If it isn't over 50%, fuck em. Sorry blacks. Ninja's right. If you don't care enough to show up and vote every 2 years, why should we give a fuck about you?

Not to mention this all boils down to you don't put your hands behind your back when the cop says you are under arrest. I do. I was arrested 2 times. Both times I did whatever the cop told me to do.

What is it that blacks are worried the cops are going to do? For example, the guy in Ferguson. Why was he angry or confrontational with the cop? Why didn't the black guy in NY put his hands behind his back? Why did that stupid black mom let her son go out and play with a gun that doesn't have the red in the barrel that all toy manufacturers have to put on their toy guns?

But also, why didn't the cops shoot all those white people when they went to take that rancher's cattle and the whites showed up with guns to have a stand off with the police? If those were black people the government wouldn't have stood down. The citizens of Detroit or Harlem or Compton can't have an armed standoff with the police so why can whites do that?

Bundy ranch standoff galvanized right-wing radicals report says - LA Times
"What is it that blacks are worried the cops are going to do?"

Kill them.

"Why did that stupid black mom let her son go out and play with a gun that doesn't have the red in the barrel that all toy manufacturers have to put on their toy guns?"

Who told you she was stupid? Did you ever do anything your parents didnt know about as a child? If so you are an exception to the rule.
if black lives don't matter to blacks, why should whites care?

Exactly. Lets see what percent of blacks show up and vote in 2016. If it isn't over 50%, fuck em. Sorry blacks. Ninja's right. If you don't care enough to show up and vote every 2 years, why should we give a fuck about you?

Not to mention this all boils down to you don't put your hands behind your back when the cop says you are under arrest. I do. I was arrested 2 times. Both times I did whatever the cop told me to do.

What is it that blacks are worried the cops are going to do? For example, the guy in Ferguson. Why was he angry or confrontational with the cop? Why didn't the black guy in NY put his hands behind his back? Why did that stupid black mom let her son go out and play with a gun that doesn't have the red in the barrel that all toy manufacturers have to put on their toy guns?

But also, why didn't the cops shoot all those white people when they went to take that rancher's cattle and the whites showed up with guns to have a stand off with the police? If those were black people the government wouldn't have stood down. The citizens of Detroit or Harlem or Compton can't have an armed standoff with the police so why can whites do that?

Bundy ranch standoff galvanized right-wing radicals report says - LA Times

imo, to answer your last question, whites in general do not have a history of violence with police. I'm not saying some don't, but overall as a race. The police are more likely to just watch and protect.
Get a job and you won't have time to stay up all night and protest.

We make time for those things that are important to us.

And I have a job, thanks.

So did some of those folks who worked for the businesses that were destroyed by the protesters in Missouri. Now they have no job and it's right at Christmas time but you go right ahead and have your fun. Their kids didn't need Christmas anyways.

Leap to conclusions much? You might want to stretch before you try to jump that far again.

You wouldn't find me looting, nor would you ever see me defending looting. Furthermore, I would defend a person's right to defend themselves from looters with any force necessary.

Then, what has your protesting actually accomplished other than keeping you up at night?

Well, it's certainly got people talking. Having a dialogue is a good start.

Furthermore, it expresses that mistreatment by police will not be tolerated. People are going to call officers out on their behavior.

Next time you see a cop and he is there on a disturbance call, give him an attitude. Start taping him on your phone. Tell him "you know your rights". Tell him he is there to protect and serve you. Push his buttons and see what will not be tolerated.

If you are a criminal or getting in altercations with the police, it is your behavior that needs changing. We all know cops can be dicks. That's why we avoid them like the plague. And when we have to interact with them it's no sir yes sir.

Don't like the ticket he gave you or don't think you should have been arrested? Fight it in court. Anything else a grand jury is going to say you were at fault. Sorry.
Black lives only matters to Democrats when they can be used to cause mayhem, riots and looting. Disruption of other peoples lives for whatever the hell they are marching for which is grab bag of total BS

Are you kidding me? The Koch brothers/Republicans love this shit. The corporate media is loving this race shit. Remember how I told you that the rich/Republicans use wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism to divide the poor? So this black issue is only going to help win over poor racists to your party. We already know the blacks may cry for a few months but they won't vote so this black issue is a huge win for the GOP. Don't either be a fool or a liar. Are you dumb or being intellectually dishonest with me?

democrats use all kinds of wedge issues like race, sex, income etc...

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