"Black lives matter"

Yes! What does that say when a big strong man like me is afraid of black men?

It says that you are scared. I mean what does it say about insects when women are afraid of them?

I pulled into this party store on a Sunday and it was closed. So I see this black guy walking up to me. If he was a criminal, I would have been screwed, unless I ran to my car. Well I didn't run to my car. I took my chances and he came up and asked me if I had a lighter. WHEW! I thought I was getting robbed. Sorry but car jackings happen way too often where I live and it is very rarely a white dude doing it.

Cool story, I cant believe you survived an encounter with a black guy.

I read the paper and watch the news every day here in Detroit. We have a black problem, not a white problem. We need to fix it and NOW. Until we do, I'm not going to feel sorry for the young black criminals who get shot every day. Maybe things are worse here in Detroit than they are where you are from? I don't know but we definitely have a problem.

My dad says black people were respectful until after the 1968 riots. I get why they rioted and I get why they were mad but it has been 46 years now and blacks need to stop being the angry victims and start cleaning up their communities. WITH OUR WITHOUT help from Whites.

Of course he says that...before then whites rioted over and over and over in black communities and they never retaliated. Then all of a sudden when they defend themselves they are considered "disrespectful". How dare you strike BACK? Where is your respect for me beating your ass for hundreds of years huh?

Just like we had to go help Africa with Ebola. Why? Why can't blacks take care of themselves

So, here is where you confirm that you dont believe there is any problem with black Americans or Crime or Detroit. This is where you are making a case for why all black people are fuck ups, right? But but you're not a racist...I mean, just because thinking another race is inferior is the definition of racist doesnt mean you are. :rolleyes:

If I go to a Detroit Public School, I think maybe 25% of the kids can speak proper English. Stop that.

Single black women, stop having so many babies.

Black men, if you have a child raise it right.

I'm sorry, and what is the excuse for white violence since they have their shit together? They just like it?

Being a progressive thinking person I have the ability to see both sides of every situation. For years I have defended the black position on racial issues. You need to realize I am only arguing with you because it is you who doesn't see the other side's points. I get everything you are saying. All that shit with the cops has to change. But so does our black society. You're acting like we don't have a problem with crime in the inner city or that all that crime is mostly black crime. I told you, I understand the reasons. No jobs, bad schools, years of being treated like second class citizens. I get all that. But you and me need to let that shit go. You blacks need to talk in private and agree that the Malcomb X way has to go and the MLK way is the only way to advance your society. Black women, stop having baby daddies. It's not cool. Black men, start raising your kids right.

One thing for sure is corporations aren't going to put business' in your communities if their employees are going to get shot and the shoplifting is going to eat up the profits. Why do you think there are no Walmarts or Meijers in the hoods?

One time I was a night watchman at Eastern Michigan University. 5 outrageously huge black men walked in and they didn't belong but I didn't have the balls to stop them. I went into survival mode. I could have taken one of them but not 2 or 5 of them and there would have been no one to stop them had they decided to beat me down. So they went into the dorms and I hoped they didn't cause any trouble. They knocked on the RA (Resident Advisors) room and knocked and when she opened they were pissing on her. True story. Do black men want the cops and us to be afraid of them? They sure try to intimidate. So don't be offended or call us pussies when we are afraid of animals. You have too many animals in your community. Sorry if the truth hurts.

Remember that guy who hit the kid on accident in Detroit and when he got out the young black men on the corner who witnessed it beat him into a coma? That wouldn't happen in a white neighborhood. What did my dad say about it? He said, "I told you sealybobo not to go into those neighborhoods".

My dad worked at Ford with black men who loved him because like me we are sincere. They told him "pete, don't have your sons driving into Detroit they'll shoot them just for being white". You can call me a racist but that's not going to solve our problem. How come I'm not racist this way against Jews or Indians or Mexicans? Maybe it's from experience. I read the paper and I watch the news and I see what's going on every day in Detroit. Fuck you want to say whites have a problem with crime? You guys have a Colombine every day in Detroit.

P.S. While I still believe you need to put your hands behind your back when a cop says to, I have had a huge change of heart the last few days on the cops. They are a problem. They've been corrupt for years and that does need to change. No that man selling loose cigarettes shouldn't have died. No that cop shouldn't have killed that kid with the gun. What the fuck is going on?

Someone brought up remember that racist rancher who had the people show up with their guns and the government stood down? Why didn't the government kill all those guys carrying guns? Would they have mowed down blacks who all had guns like that? I bet they would have. This has to change. Trust me, I'm more on your side than you know, it's jus that blacks need to take a look in the mirror an guys like you need to stop being defensive. You should be embarrassed. Just like Chris Rock said, Who's more racist? Black people because we hate n*#*$rs too.

We'll never be THIS good at it. Notice it says the "soldiers forced to stand back while white massacre goes on".

Blacks need to go back to being this respectful :rolleyes:

No one is saying that. See, this is black people not understanding that the way they are confrontational with cops is why they are getting beaten and shot by the cops.

What do you do if a cop asks you to put your hands behind your back? I know you ask him why fo. Lets say he says never mind why fo just do it. What do you do?

The answer is, put your hands behind your back. No if ands or butts about it. You'll have your day in court.

What you guys can't keep doing is fight back/resist arrest. Sorry but that's the rules for everyone like Michael Jackson said, "it don't matter if your black or white".

So we can change how the cops react to you blacks being confrontational or we can educate you blacks to stop being confrontational. Nothing good will come of it.
I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

Get a job and you won't have time to stay up all night and protest.

We make time for those things that are important to us.

And I have a job, thanks.

So did some of those folks who worked for the businesses that were destroyed by the protesters in Missouri. Now they have no job and it's right at Christmas time but you go right ahead and have your fun. Their kids didn't need Christmas anyways.

Leap to conclusions much? You might want to stretch before you try to jump that far again.

You wouldn't find me looting, nor would you ever see me defending looting. Furthermore, I would defend a person's right to defend themselves from looters with any force necessary.

Then, what has your protesting actually accomplished other than keeping you up at night?

Especially when they don't even vote. There was a time when they actually wanted the right to vote.
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


his question is the snob of a liberal who votes for Democrats. Yet they vote for a party that enslaves PEOPLE to be beholding on government via TAXPAYERS. Instead of lifting them up as trying to get on their own two feet.

prime example

the life of Julia

We see the value of government. Fools like you don't realize that's your government and without it Blacksand would only pay you $3 a day.

The middle class exited because of liberal policies, not unregulated free markets.

You have a good life? Thank a liberal.

Well you can also pat yourselves on the backs for this. because of you and Obama's "liberal" policies the people took away your POWER, first the house and then the Senate. in just six year under OBama. break you arm patting yourself on the back for that....
Pew: Trust in Government has “Collapsed”

Posted by Amy Miller Friday, December 5, 2014 at 10:00am
Not exactly a new trend.


Surprising absolutely no one, a Pew survey released last month reveals that not only to Americans by and large not trust the government, but that sentiment is nothing new.

As of February of this year, only 24% of Americans said that they trust the government “always” or “most of the time. What’s more, as trust has decreased (dark blue line), distrust has increased (light blue line):

This means that those who don’t explicitly trust the government aren’t just ambivalent about it; we’re looking at active distrust from an electorate who has seen years of infighting, splits, and general intransigence where we should be seeing governance.

When it comes to political parties, the trends are a little less clear; but even trust of the government amongst Democrats has stagnated well below 50%:

Pew’s data goes back all the way to the 50s during the Kennedy heyday; things went downhill in 1964, and they’ve never recovered. A brief spike in 2001 during the Bush II Administration reached 54%—but that’s still 23 points behind the peak during the early years of the Johnson Administration. What’s interesting (and discouraging) about the trend of decreasing trust is that not even Barack Obama, with his hope and change and groundswell electoral victory, was able to boost numbers above the mid-20% range.

Why is that? Because everything he’s done—even things that progressive memes tell us are wildly smart and popular—has made life harder for the American people:

ALL of it here:
people don t trust the government Pew survey chart

The rich/Republicans are sooo happy their plan worked. By playing dirty politics they turned the masses off to voting and they win every midterm. And just watch how many black people who voted for Obama won't show up in 16 because no black will be on the ballot. Pretty pathetic huh?

Every time I see black people protesting/picketing/rioting I remind myself that at least 70 % of them don't vote so I ask you why should the government give a rats ass if they don't like how they are being treated? If they care, show up and fucking vote!

Lets assume this chart is correct
White on white murders, 2.630 out of 243,419,206 whites or 1 out of every 92,548 people.
Black on black murders. 2,447 out of 41,729,006 blacks or 1 out of every 17,053.
Sooo...to have the same murder rate as blacks, whites would have to kill 14,274 of each other per year.
According to your chart, black/black murder is over 5 times as high as white/white.

Now, what was that about Black lives matter too?[/QUOTE]

Huh? Rhetorical question. This is a statement posing as a question. Typically, the questioner already knows the answer; often everyone within earshot knows the answer. Pretending the statement is a question is dishonest. If the questioner wants to make a statement, he should stand up like a man and do so.
The truth is your path to success is not possible for everyone. My concern is the masses or the workers of America.

Make sure guys like you are paying them a living wage.

Make sure you are paying your fair share in taxes to take care of the poor and so the middle class doesn't have to pay more. Right now with GOP in charge they are shifting the tax burden from you onto us. You may say you don't care but your party sure does.

I don't have a party if I haven't made that clear ... I still vote for whatever candidate I think will do the best job in protecting the Constitution and fulfilling their obligations to country as a whole (which happens to include everyone).

The Democrats don't decide my payroll because I have absolutely no use whatsoever for unskilled minimum wage employees. If anything ... I am always more interested in improving the lives and skills of others over paying them more money for minimal effort and resource.

I pay my taxes ... Although I will never discuss some ambiguous idea of what a "fair share" is. My taxes never go down no matter who is in office because I am continually upward mobile. If you can understand that ... Then you know how the rich keep getting richer regardless of what you throw at them. You cannot stop them ... Your agreement is not a necessity to their wealth. If you take more they will make more until they are tired of financing government screw-ups. You can slow their progress or make it more difficult and aggravating ... But it will never close the divide.

Rich people can take their ball and go home whenever they want ... They are not going to starve.

Sorry if it seems off-topic ... But it is all a reality of what anyone has to accomplish towards accepting actually responsibly for their own lives.
We can throw crap back and forth about race ... But until people understand you have responsibility to pull your own bootstraps up ... Nothing will ever change truly for the better.


I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We'll never be THIS good at it. Notice it says the "soldiers forced to stand back while white massacre goes on".

Blacks need to go back to being this respectful :rolleyes:

No one is saying that. See, this is black people not understanding that the way they are confrontational with cops is why they are getting beaten and shot by the cops.

Its always one persons fault and cops never make mistakes. Got it.


Lets assume this chart is correct
White on white murders, 2.630 out of 243,419,206 whites or 1 out of every 92,548 people.
Black on black murders. 2,447 out of 41,729,006 blacks or 1 out of every 17,053.
Sooo...to have the same murder rate as blacks, whites would have to kill 14,274 of each other per year.
According to your chart, black/black murder is over 5 times as high as white/white.

Now, what was that about Black lives matter too?

Huh? Rhetorical question. This is a statement posing as a question. Typically, the questioner already knows the answer; often everyone within earshot knows the answer. Pretending the statement is a question is dishonest. If the questioner wants to make a statement, he should stand up like a man and do so.[/QUOTE]

There is way too much crime being perpetrated by black men. How can we lower the numbers? We want to help but I think you have to fix you. Your parents have to do a better job raising you.

We'll never be THIS good at it. Notice it says the "soldiers forced to stand back while white massacre goes on".

Blacks need to go back to being this respectful :rolleyes:

No one is saying that. See, this is black people not understanding that the way they are confrontational with cops is why they are getting beaten and shot by the cops.

Its always one persons fault and cops never make mistakes. Got it.

So you refuse to acknowledge the black community has a problem that needs fixing? Ok, run the next time a cop says freeze or fight back when he says put your hands behind your back. Then have me on a grand jury and ask me if we should charge the cop. I'll say NOPE!
What is it that black women are doing wrong? Is it that the kid doesn't have a dad? Are they so busy they don't know their kids are running around with hood rats? How come so many black men can't speak English? That should be step one black women. Teach your boys how to speak. Seems like black women can speak properly but black men can't. Weird. And it's ok if you want to talk with your friends like that but when a cop shows up it's YES SIR NO SIR just like I do when I see a cop. Why is that so hard?
Black lives only matters to Democrats when they can be used to cause mayhem, riots and looting. Disruption of other peoples lives for whatever the hell they are marching for which is grab bag of total BS
Black lives only matters to Democrats when they can be used to cause mayhem, riots and looting. Disruption of other peoples lives for whatever the hell they are marching for which is grab bag of total BS

Are you kidding me? The Koch brothers/Republicans love this shit. The corporate media is loving this race shit. Remember how I told you that the rich/Republicans use wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism to divide the poor? So this black issue is only going to help win over poor racists to your party. We already know the blacks may cry for a few months but they won't vote so this black issue is a huge win for the GOP. Don't either be a fool or a liar. Are you dumb or being intellectually dishonest with me?
Black lives only matters to Democrats when they can be used to cause mayhem, riots and looting. Disruption of other peoples lives for whatever the hell they are marching for which is grab bag of total BS

If you are one of the masses you should realize that an injustice to one is an injustice to everyone. One night it might be you who finds your kid dead because he resisted arrest.
I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


We'll never be THIS good at it. Notice it says the "soldiers forced to stand back while white massacre goes on".

Blacks need to go back to being this respectful :rolleyes:

No one is saying that. See, this is black people not understanding that the way they are confrontational with cops is why they are getting beaten and shot by the cops.

Its always one persons fault and cops never make mistakes. Got it.

So you refuse to acknowledge the black community has a problem that needs fixing? Ok, run the next time a cop says freeze or fight back when he says put your hands behind your back. Then have me on a grand jury and ask me if we should charge the cop. I'll say NOPE![/QUOTE]

  1. Changing the subject: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating, but admits to no change of subject and pretends to be refuting the original on-subject statement of his opponent
I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


You're talking to brainwashed tool/parrot.
I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


Yea, like the way they found to make money in 2007 by causing a global recession. This is what happens when the rich take over your country/government. Do you think this is the first time in history that the rich have ever taken over a country or it's government?
I disagree. I think the progressive tax system we had in the past worked just fine. Of course the rich probably immediately started appealing/lobbying against the New Deal the day it was passed and never stopped chipping away at it just like they are doing with Obamacare. Obamacare sucks. I agree. We need free healthcare just like the rest of the world has. I don't see Australians or Canadians complaining. America is the only country that doesn't offer it.

On top of all the New Deal Government programs that created the middle class we enjoyed for 60 years, unions and labor laws also created the middle class.

Do you realize the world has never seen a middle class like the one America had from 1950 to 2000? Sure capitalism had a lot to do with it too but the average worker didn't have it so good because he "pulled himself up by the bootstraps". That's right wing bullshit. If it wasn't for liberal government labor policies and unions, there would be no middle class. Just like we see since Reagan started killing unions, as they go, so has the American Middle class. Don't act like it wasn't unregulated free market trade that took down the global economy.

But rich people and republicans lie and say it was because American companies couldn't afford to pay American wages. The unions made too much. So they sent all those jobs overseas and now we see the only job for the masses are walmart jobs.

So all the people that made up the middle class were not business owners like you. They were union labor.

We have a progressive tax system now ... And If you just hate rich people ... So what?

If you think that dictating business policies or supporting Unions will ever close the gap between the rich and poor ... I can tell you right now that is a fairy-tale. Rich people can always find ways to make more money ... And if you keep driving their activities off-shore it damn sure won't help the United States.

Keep making rich people take their money and businesses off-shore ... Then enact policies that enforce penalties for re-patriating the money they earn off-shore. Drive the rich out like the Romans did the wealthy merchants who relocated to more profitable locations. Then when you can no longer support your currency or pay your soldiers ... The rich folks will watch the looters digging through the rubble of the crap you created ... While drinking a martini in Barbados.

You don't have to agree ... Your agreement isn't necessary.


It use to be more progressive.

I don't like the argument "there's nothing we can do about it". I say bullshit. Remember the New Deal? The rich HATED IT! They called FDR a traitor to his class. I wish Clinton/Obama would have done more for the middle class but I don't blame them for not going to bat for people who don't even vote.

So while most people don't vote, I'll agree with you there is NOTHING we can do about it. The middle class in this country is going to disappear and you are going to see the low birth rates are going to cause a problem in this country in the future. But that's a whole other conversation. Actually I like it that the birth rate has dropped severely since the Bush recession. Maybe poor people aren't smart enough to vote but maybe some of them are smart enough to not have a baby when they can't afford it.
Yea, like the way they found to make money in 2007 by causing a global recession. This is what happens when the rich take over your country/government. Do you think this is the first time in history that the rich have ever taken over a country or it's government?

Are you suggesting the global recession made the rich people poor or closed the gap between the rich and poor ... Because neither was the case. I didn't suggest that anything you have offered would result in a desirable outcome ... And I will continue to remind you the rich don't need your permission to make money.

It is the constant reminder that you will always be at the mercy of someone else or government ... Until you grab hold of your boot straps and make it different.


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