"Black lives matter"

Sure. And we shouldn't feed our own kids until there are no more starving Africans.

This is such a straw man. And it has been addressed. There are going to be those who don't care about wasted lives, no matter what the race. We don't expect police officers to be among them.

Claiming that police officers don't care about black lives is another liberal lie.

So, if you see a police officer who doesn't care about all lives, you'll join in the protests to have him or her removed?

Violent protests to condemn violence are counter productive.

I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

Get a job and you won't have time to stay up all night and protest.

We make time for those things that are important to us.

And I have a job, thanks.
If black lives matter (and they do) those that are taken by other blacks should mean just as much as those taken by cops.

Sure. And we shouldn't feed our own kids until there are no more starving Africans.

This is such a straw man. And it has been addressed. There are going to be those who don't care about wasted lives, no matter what the race. We don't expect police officers to be among them.

Claiming that police officers don't care about black lives is another liberal lie.

So, if you see a police officer who doesn't care about all lives, you'll join in the protests to have him or her removed?

Violent protests to condemn violence are counter productive.

I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

After seeing and hearing about the behavior of what you call a "gentle giant" I think I'll pass.
Claiming that police officers don't care about black lives is another liberal lie.

So, if you see a police officer who doesn't care about all lives, you'll join in the protests to have him or her removed?

Violent protests to condemn violence are counter productive.

I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

Get a job and you won't have time to stay up all night and protest.

We make time for those things that are important to us.

And I have a job, thanks.

So did some of those folks who worked for the businesses that were destroyed by the protesters in Missouri. Now they have no job and it's right at Christmas time but you go right ahead and have your fun. Their kids didn't need Christmas anyways.
If black lives matter (and they do) those that are taken by other blacks should mean just as much as those taken by cops.
Who told you that they dont? The issue with cops taking lives is that they are sworn to protect and serve not harass and kill. You cant protest and hope criminals stop killing people. You can protest in the hopes that something is done about the cops.
hey asslicker, no one sees you bitching about the black on white crime rate

why is that?
If black lives matter (and they do) those that are taken by other blacks should mean just as much as those taken by cops.
Who told you that they dont? The issue with cops taking lives is that they are sworn to protect and serve not harass and kill. You cant protest and hope criminals stop killing people. You can protest in the hopes that something is done about the cops.
hey asslicker, no one sees you bitching about the black on white crime rate

why is that?

because it was whitey's fault, of course.
If black lives matter (and they do) those that are taken by other blacks should mean just as much as those taken by cops.
Who told you that they dont? The issue with cops taking lives is that they are sworn to protect and serve not harass and kill. You cant protest and hope criminals stop killing people. You can protest in the hopes that something is done about the cops.
hey asslicker, no one sees you bitching about the black on white crime rate

why is that?
I dont care about it because there are not too many incidents of Black cops shooting unarmed white kids.
Sorry for thinking the real problem here is police brutality when you think it's speaking out against it. Our bad.

The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
Dear WelfareQueen
What I find determines it
Is if they feel they will be heard.

Nobody protests in the street everytime a woman is raped, because ppl don't think they can change that.

But with police, now they feel they will be heard in the media so they protest.

Same with gay marriage that ppl fought silently, ignored, but now they protest openly because the media will cover it.

The issue of Missing and Black has long been known as a media bias, where young white women are well publicized. Thats not protested because ppl dont feel they can solve that problem witj public prressure.

The Boko Haram issue disappeared, with the missing girls now sold into slavery, because ppl dont feel they can change that either.
If black lives matter (and they do) those that are taken by other blacks should mean just as much as those taken by cops.
Who told you that they dont? The issue with cops taking lives is that they are sworn to protect and serve not harass and kill. You cant protest and hope criminals stop killing people. You can protes in the hopes that something is done about the cops.

That is assuming their is a problem to fix. Is there?
You are assuming that isolated cases represents the whole. Should it?
Of the police shootings, is anyone removing the obvious "good shootings" - where there is no doubt the officer had no choice? No they are not. They list the overall statistic and try to spin it as it is all unjustifiable homicide.
On the other hand, black on black murder is overwhelmingly caused by criminal intent. But again, identifying and discussing that does not fit the narrative of the baiters and apologist.

How Often are Unarmed Black Men Shot Down By Police?

But if we want to know how many Law Enforcement Shootings are "Unjustified" - we get no answer from the FBI. None.

One source, in a report called "Operation Ghetto Storm" says that in 2012 that of the 739 "Justified" shootings shown above from 2012,
313 of them were Black. 44% of them or 136, were unarmed. 27% of them (83) were claimed by Law Enforcement to have Gun at the time of the shooting, but that could not be later confirmed or the "gun" was in fact, a toy or other non-lethal object. 20% of them (62) were confirmed to have been armed with a gun, knife or cutting tool.
If black lives matter (and they do) those that are taken by other blacks should mean just as much as those taken by cops.
Who told you that they dont? The issue with cops taking lives is that they are sworn to protect and serve not harass and kill. You cant protest and hope criminals stop killing people. You can protes in the hopes that something is done about the cops.

That is assuming their is a problem to fix. Is there?
You are assuming that isolated cases represents the whole. Should it?
Of the police shootings, is anyone removing the obvious "good shootings" - where there is no doubt the officer had no choice? No they are not. They list the overall statistic and try to spin it as it is all unjustifiable homicide.
On the other hand, black on black murder is overwhelmingly caused by criminal intent. But again, identifying and discussing that does not fit the narrative of the baiters and apologist.
Yes there is a problem. Your disagreement doesnt change that. Yes the good shootings are removed. Who told you they werent? Your last statement is another ignorant assumption. Black on Black murder is an issue we are concerned with. White people need to be concerned with their white on white murder and crime problems instead of having a fainting spell over Black issues.

"Yes their is a problem"
In the Brown/Wilson case. What happened? What caused the death of Brown?
Who caused it to happen? Where does the fault lie?

On one side, Wilson is driving his car. If he would have taken a right instead of a left somewhere, or vice-versa. It would not have happened. So is the fault Wilsons for driving on this road? Is that why it happened? Of course not. The fact is if Wilson would have not been on that street, statistically speaking, it is highly likely he would have finished his career without having ever fired a shot in the line of duty.
On the other side we have Brown. Walking down a center of the street after having just robbed a liquor store. Peculiar behavior to say the least. He had to have imagined that the owner of the store called the police. Even when Wislon approached, the two still walked in the middle of the road. According to multiple witnesses, Wilson called out to them, still in the car, to get out of the road. THEY REFUSED. Why??
The rest of the story is debatable, and all happened in a mere moment of time.
But what lead up to Brown's death? What created the situation?
The answer to that is easy. Brown is a defiant thug who is so full of himself that even after robbing a store clerk by force he refuses to obey a police officer who obviously did not know he just commited a crime. Instead of having the common sense to be relieved that he isn't about to go to jail and GLADLY get out of the road - he acts like a jackass imbecile and remains defiant.
Brown created his fate.
Your first sentence is confusing. You used "their" incorrectly and quoted it. What was that for?

You appear to be all over the place. A few points. The store owner never called in to report the alleged robbery. I'm glad you can admit the behavior was peculiar. In fact its downright unbelievable to say someone that just robbed a store would not only be walking down the middle fo the street, but also draw attention to himself when told to get out of the street. What is even more unbelievable is that Wilson instead of just getting out of his car actually backed up and pinned himself in the car by stopping right next to Brown. I'm pretty sure I know how it went down. It all came down to the fact that Wilson was angry Brown resisted his attempts to intimidate him. For that he killed Brown and got away with it.

Good post. Here are two really good articles by Ezra Klein.

Officer Darren Wilson's story is unbelievable. Literally.

Michael Brown spent his last day with his friend Dorian Johnson. Here's what Johnson saw.
If black lives matter (and they do) those that are taken by other blacks should mean just as much as those taken by cops.
Who told you that they dont? The issue with cops taking lives is that they are sworn to protect and serve not harass and kill. You cant protest and hope criminals stop killing people. You can protest in the hopes that something is done about the cops.
hey asslicker, no one sees you bitching about the black on white crime rate

why is that?
If black lives matter (and they do) those that are taken by other blacks should mean just as much as those taken by cops.
Who told you that they dont? The issue with cops taking lives is that they are sworn to protect and serve not harass and kill. You cant protest and hope criminals stop killing people. You can protest in the hopes that something is done about the cops.
hey asslicker, no one sees you bitching about the black on white crime rate

why is that?

I've never seen this chart before. Interesting.
why is that?

Lets assume this chart is correct
White on white murders, 2.630 out of 243,419,206 whites or 1 out of every 92,548 people.
Black on black murders. 2,447 out of 41,729,006 blacks or 1 out of every 17,053.
Sooo...to have the same murder rate as blacks, whites would have to kill 14,274 of each other per year.
According to your chart, black/black murder is over 5 times as high as white/white.

Now, what was that about Black lives matter too?
Sure. And we shouldn't feed our own kids until there are no more starving Africans.

This is such a straw man. And it has been addressed. There are going to be those who don't care about wasted lives, no matter what the race. We don't expect police officers to be among them.

Claiming that police officers don't care about black lives is another liberal lie.

So, if you see a police officer who doesn't care about all lives, you'll join in the protests to have him or her removed?

Violent protests to condemn violence are counter productive.

I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

After seeing and hearing about the behavior of what you call a "gentle giant" I think I'll pass.

So, no matter what kind of evidence points to a law enforcement officer who doesn't respect the lives of those he/she is supposed to serve and protect, you'd rather put your hands over your ears and shut your eyes.
So, if you see a police officer who doesn't care about all lives, you'll join in the protests to have him or her removed?

Violent protests to condemn violence are counter productive.

I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

Get a job and you won't have time to stay up all night and protest.

We make time for those things that are important to us.

And I have a job, thanks.

So did some of those folks who worked for the businesses that were destroyed by the protesters in Missouri. Now they have no job and it's right at Christmas time but you go right ahead and have your fun. Their kids didn't need Christmas anyways.

Leap to conclusions much? You might want to stretch before you try to jump that far again.

You wouldn't find me looting, nor would you ever see me defending looting. Furthermore, I would defend a person's right to defend themselves from looters with any force necessary.
Violent protests to condemn violence are counter productive.

I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

Get a job and you won't have time to stay up all night and protest.

We make time for those things that are important to us.

And I have a job, thanks.

So did some of those folks who worked for the businesses that were destroyed by the protesters in Missouri. Now they have no job and it's right at Christmas time but you go right ahead and have your fun. Their kids didn't need Christmas anyways.

Leap to conclusions much? You might want to stretch before you try to jump that far again.

You wouldn't find me looting, nor would you ever see me defending looting. Furthermore, I would defend a person's right to defend themselves from looters with any force necessary.

Then, what has your protesting actually accomplished other than keeping you up at night?
Claiming that police officers don't care about black lives is another liberal lie.

So, if you see a police officer who doesn't care about all lives, you'll join in the protests to have him or her removed?

Violent protests to condemn violence are counter productive.

I didn't ask you to violently protest. There are plenty of peaceful protests, nationwide.

After seeing and hearing about the behavior of what you call a "gentle giant" I think I'll pass.

So, no matter what kind of evidence points to a law enforcement officer who doesn't respect the lives of those he/she is supposed to serve and protect, you'd rather put your hands over your ears and shut your eyes.

There was no evidence of a law enforcement officer showing disrespect to a citizen. The actions were very carefully scrutinized by the legal process that we have in place. You need to open your eyes and ears and face the facts.

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