"Black lives matter"

yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?
yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.
Has Black America Reached the Point of No Return?
ByPatricia L. Dickson
I never imagined that we would reach a point in this country where facts would be ignored on a national level. We seem to have reached it with the Michael Brown case.
As I watched the spectacle of our elected official in the Congressional Black Caucus stand on the house floor and use the debunked “hands up, don’t shoot” gesture, I realized that black America has reached a point of no return. Every day since the Grand Jury decision was released (along with the autopsy findings and witness testimonies), our so-called black elected leaders along with black academics have appeared on network news programs making absurd pronouncements as though there had not been a Grand Jury proceeding. They outright ignore the facts and pretend as though Michael Brown did not commit any crime at all. They are able to continue such foolishness with the help of their cohorts in the left-wing media. Even some of the so-called black pastors are continuing the lie. It is obvious that these individuals are living in some alternate universe different from the rest of America.
Missouri state senatorMaria Chappelle-Nadal, who represents Ferguson in the state legislature, went on national television and declared, “This is our race war.” If the rioting and looting that took place in Ferguson were indeed their race war, whom were they fighting? It appears that they were at war with themselves, since they burned down their own community. They surely were not at war with white America.
My friend Raynard Jackson wrote an article titled “Blacks Have Declared War On Our Own People,” published on the black websiteNewsOne, where he presented a scathing indictment of the current state of black America. He systematically took apart the ridiculous assertions that black leaders have been parroting since the release of the Grand Jury’s decision.
I do believe that war has been declared on Blacks, especially Black males; but who has made the declaration of war? I would argue that Blacks have declared war on their own people. White folks haven’t, nor racists, or the KKK.
He countered the assertion that white America does not value the lives of blacks by pointing out how the lyrics in rap music devalues black life more than anything white America could ever do.
We have created our own Frankenstein monster. This new Hip-Hop generation has experimented in the laboratory called a recording studio; and by exercising their First Amendment Right of freedom of speech and expression through music, they have lost control of the very monster to which they gave birth.
In the beginning, like with Frankenstein, people marveled at this new creation and people were willing to pay to see and hear it. There was “Rappers Delight,” there was “The Message,” and there was “Fight the Power.” Then, the imagery and lyrics took a twisted turn under a perverted interpretation of the First Amendment called “keeping it real.”

Now, the establishment, especially the police, had become the enemy. Hip-Hop became a counter-culture movement that turned into a monster that could no longer be controlled. Women became “bitches and hoes,” men became hyper-sexualized thugs who were only out to force themselves on your daughters and to “get rich or die trying.”

If it’s okay for Blacks to devalue the lives of our own people, how can we demand that Whites value us? White folks don’t need to do anything for Ferguson. They have all the power they need. The issue is will they exercise it?

No one is going to value an individual’s life more than he himself does. If one puts his or her own life in danger by attacking a police officer and attempts to take his weapon, how can that individual expect the officer not to value his life as well by defending himself? Oh, I forgot. According to black leaders and the left-wing media, Mike Brown was just walking down the street, minding his own business, and the racist white cop got out of his car and started firing at him. Is this entire ordeal an episode ofThe Twilight Zone?

As I witness black leaders’ and left-wing political pundits’ blatant attempt to ignore the facts that led to the Grand Jury’s decision not to charge officer Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown, Jr., I am wondering: what is the outcome that black leaders are seeking? Why are they so invested in a lie? What could they possibly gain from ignoring facts that the rest of America has accepted?

As I watched the spectacle of our elected official in the Congressional Black Caucus stand on the house floor and use the debunked “hands up, don’t shoot” gesture, I realized that black America has reached a point of no return. Every day since the Grand Jury decision was released (along with the autopsy findings and witness testimonies), our so-called black elected leaders along with black academics have appeared on network news programs making absurd pronouncements as though there had not been a Grand Jury proceeding. They outright ignore the facts and pretend as though Michael Brown did not commit any crime at all. They are able to continue such foolishness with the help of their cohorts in the left-wing media. Even some of the so-called black pastors are continuing the lie. It is obvious that these individua

ALL of it here:
Read more:http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/12/point_of_no_return.html#ixzz3LEKubUEo
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I'm seeing this one floating around from the Left now.

What a steaming pile of insulting bullshit.

If black lives matter to the Left, why aren't they screaming about the dozens of murders blacks every fucking month in major cities? Why aren't they screaming about black children having to grow up without a father? Why aren't they screaming for moms to be given vouchers to send their kids out of the hood for a good education?

Black lives matter to these people only when they can be leveraged for political gain, period.

Blacks have been victimized twice in this country's history, and here is the manifestation. I think they're deciding that's not good enough. Good for them.



You are an insult to mankind. This is not a partisan matter...This is a human rights matter, a civil rights matter, a fair justice matter. Where is your outrage at these killings? Did Eric Garner deserve to be choked to death? Was he a thug too?

You are trying to attach ulterior motives to people who care. Why? Because you and your right wing ilk CAN'T feel empathy or care.

Instead YOU ARE THE ONE trying to make this a partisan matter. Why? Because that is your ONLY narrative. It is the only way you can address this issue. I challenged you to comment on the right wing narrative that portrayed these blacks as monsters...crickets.

The right has been given their talking points...talk about black on black crime. We say Rudy Giuliani do it on Meet the Press, and parrots 24/7 on faux news...

Here is what these parrots like you aren't saying...

Black on black crime is a fact. And so is white on white crime, and Hispanic on Hispanic crime.

FACT...white Americans are just as likely to be killed by other whites. According to Justice Department statistics (pdf), 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites.

In fact, all races share similar ratios. Yet there's no outrage or racialized debate about "white on white" violence. Instead, the myth and associated fear of "black on black" crime is sold as a legitimate, mainstream descriptive and becomes American status quo.

The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

Given this mathematical truth, would anyone encourage African Americans to begin shooting suspicious white males in their neighborhoods for fear that they'll be raped, assaulted or murdered? Perhaps George Zimmerman's defenders should answer that question. If African Americans were to act as irrationally as Zimmerman did, would any rationale suffice to avoid arrest?

And why is no consideration given to the fact that Trayvon Martin, and millions of black boys and girls like him, harbor a reasonably founded fear of whites but are hardly ever provided the deference and dignity that victimhood affords?

The term "black on black" crime is a destructive, racialized colloquialism that perpetuates an idea that blacks are somehow more prone to violence. This is untrue and fully verifiable by FBI, DOJ and census (pdf) data. Yet the fallacy is so fixed that even African Americans have come to believe it.

Everything is partisan for people like you. You're an ideologue who is willing to lie and manipulate facts to "prove" a "point". And here's my favorite:

"The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1."

"The Truth" my ass. For you to quote crime statistics demonstrates how completely blinded by your partisan ideology you truly are.
  • Aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
  • Forcible rape 2-1, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
  • Larceny theft 2-1, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
And why didn't you mention that blacks commit murders at seven times the rate of whites? Oh, I know why: Because you're just another dishonest partisan ideologue.

How has crime and violence become a bigger problem in the "black community"? It's because YOU and people LIKE YOU have victimized blacks for the second time in this country's history, and it's wonderful to see them beginning to decide that they're had enough of your lies and your elitist condescension.

People like you are just as responsible for black crime as any black criminal, as you have isolated them from the rest of American society and culture from the day they're born. The isolation YOU have caused. YOU victimize them, YOU watch it manifest, and then YOU point the finger.

I defend blacks, you victimize them.

Play this game with someone else. You're disgusting. Done.


What is pile of horseshit. YOU are the OP. YOU are the one who tried to make this a partisan issue. There is NO escaping that fact.

HOW has 'people like me' victimized blacks and isolated them? PLEASE explain.

Simple----you excuse unexcuseable behavior. Either blacks refuse to comply with societal rules or are too ignorant to understand them. Which is it ?

There is another possibility, and, I believe, the correct one.

The rules that many in that particular community follow have been established just for them, as 'authentic victims,' by the Liberal establishment.....

The 'Rule' is 'it is never your fault, you should never be held responsible because you are oppressed.'

Coulter does a great job in expounding upon that view in "Mugged," chapter seven

  1. When Obama, or other politicians, appeal for the black vote, it is on the basis of felt grievances and presumed oppression. It is a worthy pursuit to seek the explanation for this view among a large segment of black population. It wasn’t the result of the slavery and/or the Civil War
  2. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived.
  3. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.” http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/941114/archive_013670.htm

Ann Coulter? Really PC? She is a MORON.

There is no lenient attitude about crime in America. We are 5% of the world population and have 25% of the world's prison population. And the scary thing about incarceration is PRIVATE enterprise lobbyists are pushing for more laws like Arizona's horrible profiling law SB 1070,

Private Prison Companies Helped Write SB 1070

SB 1070, which makes it a crime to be an undocumented immigrant in the state and requires racial profiling, was largely conceived and drafted by a conservative business lobbying group in Washington, D.C. The group, called the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, includes board members from state and federal elected officials as well as representatives of major companies including the Corrections Corporation of America, the country’s largest private prison company. Russell Pearce, the Arizona state legislator who claims responsibility for SB 1070, is one of the state legislators on ALEC’s board.

According to the NPR report, which was based on extensive culling of campaign finance reports and lobbying and corporate records, ALEC, and particularly CCA, played a pivotal role in conceiving, writing and naming the law that would become SB 1070.

The investigation sheds new light on the complicated and sinister motivations behind the country’s expanding and out of control immigration enforcement system. The federal government deported close to 400,000 people last year and again this year. Most of those deported are detained in detention centers, many of which are privately owned.

REPORT: Banking on Bondage: Private Prisons and Mass Incarceration

(2011 Report): The imprisonment of human beings at record levels is both a moral failure and an economic one—especially at a time when more and more Americans are struggling to make ends meet and when state governments confront enormous fiscal crises. This report finds, however, that mass incarceration provides a gigantic windfall for one special interest group—the private prison industry—even as current incarceration levels harm the country as a whole. Read the Report »

The current incarceration rate deprives record numbers of individuals of their liberty, disproportionately affects people of color, and has at best a minimal effect on public safety. Meanwhile, the crippling cost of imprisoning increasing numbers of Americans saddles government budgets with rising debt and exacerbates the current fiscal crisis confronting states across the nation.

Private prison companies, however, essentially admit that their business model depends on locking up more and more people. For example, in a 2010 Annual Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) stated: “The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by . . . leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices . . . .” As incarceration rates skyrocket, the private prison industry expands at exponential rates, holding ever more people in its prisons and jails, and generating massive profits.

And while supporters of private prisons tout the idea that governments can save money through privatization, the evidence that private prisons save taxpayer money is mixed at best – in fact, private prisons may in some instances cost more than governmental ones. Private prisons have also been linked to numerous cases of violence and atrocious conditions.
yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).
yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).
Maybe the tazer was too heavy? After all Brown made him feel like a 5 year old.
yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?
yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?

If you think all unacceptable behavior deserves death, then that's your problem.

Normal people don't shoot everyone who engages in unacceptable behavior. It's called a proportionate response.
yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?
Are you talking about the confrontation where Andy Griffith almost ran over Brown and grabbed him around the neck after politely asking him to get on the sidewalk?
yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?

If you think all unacceptable behavior deserves death, then that's your problem.

Normal people don't shoot everyone who engages in unacceptable behavior. It's called a proportionate response.

Normal behavior is to obey the law. It is what we expect citizens to do. If they can't or won't they are placing themselves at risk. How long have blacks known that police offers aren't perfect ?
yes----I meant inexcusable behavior. Why do you defend it ?

I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?

If you think all unacceptable behavior deserves death, then that's your problem.

Normal people don't shoot everyone who engages in unacceptable behavior. It's called a proportionate response.

maybe the next time YOU and the Bfgrn can be there to STOP it all. him robbing a store and the police being called onto the scene...please so we don't have to Listen to your alls whining anymore
I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?

If you think all unacceptable behavior deserves death, then that's your problem.

Normal people don't shoot everyone who engages in unacceptable behavior. It's called a proportionate response.

Normal behavior is to obey the law. It is what we expect citizens to do. If they can't or won't they are placing themselves at risk. How long have blacks known that police offers aren't perfect ?
I think your problem is that you are ok with slippage. No one is perfect but when you sign up for the job of LEO you have standards to meet. One would include being respectful.
I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?

If you think all unacceptable behavior deserves death, then that's your problem.

Normal people don't shoot everyone who engages in unacceptable behavior. It's called a proportionate response.

maybe the next time YOU and the Bfgrn can be there to STOP it all. him robbing a store and the police being called onto the scene...please so we don't have to your alls whining anymore
If the store owner never called the police why do you assume there was a robbery?
I don't excuse inexcusable behavior. If Michael Brown was guilty of petty larceny, he should have faced justice. But the sentence for petty larceny, or disobeying a police officer's vulgar demand is NOT execution.

WHY do YOU defend inexcusable behavior? Because it is carried out by a "person of authority", who is merely a government agent?

Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?

If you think all unacceptable behavior deserves death, then that's your problem.

Normal people don't shoot everyone who engages in unacceptable behavior. It's called a proportionate response.

maybe the next time YOU and the Bfgrn can be there to STOP it all. him robbing a store and the police being called onto the scene...please so we don't have to your alls whining anymore

If liberals REALLY cared about blacks they would steal for them so they didn't have to.
Petty larceny ? Did you conveniently forget the behavior that resulted in his death ?Another perfect example of liberal denial.

There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?

If you think all unacceptable behavior deserves death, then that's your problem.

Normal people don't shoot everyone who engages in unacceptable behavior. It's called a proportionate response.

maybe the next time YOU and the Bfgrn can be there to STOP it all. him robbing a store and the police being called onto the scene...please so we don't have to your alls whining anymore

If liberals REALLY cared about blacks they would steal for them so they didn't have to.

I would think so. Put their bodies on the front lines for them
There is nothing Brown did that should have resulted in his death. Officer Wilson bungled the confrontation. He should have moved away and waited for backup. But "Wyatt Earp" Wilson was an execution waiting to happen because he refused to carry and use non-lethal weapons (a tazer was too cumbersome for her to handle and pepper spray might get in her wittle eyes).

You mean the confrontation where the gentle bully hit an officer ? Is that acceptable behavior?

If you think all unacceptable behavior deserves death, then that's your problem.

Normal people don't shoot everyone who engages in unacceptable behavior. It's called a proportionate response.

maybe the next time YOU and the Bfgrn can be there to STOP it all. him robbing a store and the police being called onto the scene...please so we don't have to your alls whining anymore

If liberals REALLY cared about blacks they would steal for them so they didn't have to.

I would think so. Put their bodies on the front lines for them

Ya --that's the ticket. Sort of like chaining yourself to a poor helpless tree,

You are an insult to mankind. This is not a partisan matter...This is a human rights matter, a civil rights matter, a fair justice matter. Where is your outrage at these killings? Did Eric Garner deserve to be choked to death? Was he a thug too?

You are trying to attach ulterior motives to people who care. Why? Because you and your right wing ilk CAN'T feel empathy or care.

Instead YOU ARE THE ONE trying to make this a partisan matter. Why? Because that is your ONLY narrative. It is the only way you can address this issue. I challenged you to comment on the right wing narrative that portrayed these blacks as monsters...crickets.

The right has been given their talking points...talk about black on black crime. We say Rudy Giuliani do it on Meet the Press, and parrots 24/7 on faux news...

Here is what these parrots like you aren't saying...

Black on black crime is a fact. And so is white on white crime, and Hispanic on Hispanic crime.

FACT...white Americans are just as likely to be killed by other whites. According to Justice Department statistics (pdf), 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites.

In fact, all races share similar ratios. Yet there's no outrage or racialized debate about "white on white" violence. Instead, the myth and associated fear of "black on black" crime is sold as a legitimate, mainstream descriptive and becomes American status quo.

The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

Given this mathematical truth, would anyone encourage African Americans to begin shooting suspicious white males in their neighborhoods for fear that they'll be raped, assaulted or murdered? Perhaps George Zimmerman's defenders should answer that question. If African Americans were to act as irrationally as Zimmerman did, would any rationale suffice to avoid arrest?

And why is no consideration given to the fact that Trayvon Martin, and millions of black boys and girls like him, harbor a reasonably founded fear of whites but are hardly ever provided the deference and dignity that victimhood affords?

The term "black on black" crime is a destructive, racialized colloquialism that perpetuates an idea that blacks are somehow more prone to violence. This is untrue and fully verifiable by FBI, DOJ and census (pdf) data. Yet the fallacy is so fixed that even African Americans have come to believe it.

Everything is partisan for people like you. You're an ideologue who is willing to lie and manipulate facts to "prove" a "point". And here's my favorite:

"The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1."

"The Truth" my ass. For you to quote crime statistics demonstrates how completely blinded by your partisan ideology you truly are.
  • Aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
  • Forcible rape 2-1, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
  • Larceny theft 2-1, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
And why didn't you mention that blacks commit murders at seven times the rate of whites? Oh, I know why: Because you're just another dishonest partisan ideologue.

How has crime and violence become a bigger problem in the "black community"? It's because YOU and people LIKE YOU have victimized blacks for the second time in this country's history, and it's wonderful to see them beginning to decide that they're had enough of your lies and your elitist condescension.

People like you are just as responsible for black crime as any black criminal, as you have isolated them from the rest of American society and culture from the day they're born. The isolation YOU have caused. YOU victimize them, YOU watch it manifest, and then YOU point the finger.

I defend blacks, you victimize them.

Play this game with someone else. You're disgusting. Done.


What is pile of horseshit. YOU are the OP. YOU are the one who tried to make this a partisan issue. There is NO escaping that fact.

HOW has 'people like me' victimized blacks and isolated them? PLEASE explain.

Simple----you excuse unexcuseable behavior. Either blacks refuse to comply with societal rules or are too ignorant to understand them. Which is it ?

There is another possibility, and, I believe, the correct one.

The rules that many in that particular community follow have been established just for them, as 'authentic victims,' by the Liberal establishment.....

The 'Rule' is 'it is never your fault, you should never be held responsible because you are oppressed.'

Coulter does a great job in expounding upon that view in "Mugged," chapter seven

  1. When Obama, or other politicians, appeal for the black vote, it is on the basis of felt grievances and presumed oppression. It is a worthy pursuit to seek the explanation for this view among a large segment of black population. It wasn’t the result of the slavery and/or the Civil War
  2. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived.
  3. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.” http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/941114/archive_013670.htm

Ann Coulter? Really PC? She is a MORON.

There is no lenient attitude about crime in America. We are 5% of the world population and have 25% of the world's prison population. And the scary thing about incarceration is PRIVATE enterprise lobbyists are pushing for more laws like Arizona's horrible profiling law SB 1070,

Private Prison Companies Helped Write SB 1070

SB 1070, which makes it a crime to be an undocumented immigrant in the state and requires racial profiling, was largely conceived and drafted by a conservative business lobbying group in Washington, D.C. The group, called the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, includes board members from state and federal elected officials as well as representatives of major companies including the Corrections Corporation of America, the country’s largest private prison company. Russell Pearce, the Arizona state legislator who claims responsibility for SB 1070, is one of the state legislators on ALEC’s board.

According to the NPR report, which was based on extensive culling of campaign finance reports and lobbying and corporate records, ALEC, and particularly CCA, played a pivotal role in conceiving, writing and naming the law that would become SB 1070.

The investigation sheds new light on the complicated and sinister motivations behind the country’s expanding and out of control immigration enforcement system. The federal government deported close to 400,000 people last year and again this year. Most of those deported are detained in detention centers, many of which are privately owned.

REPORT: Banking on Bondage: Private Prisons and Mass Incarceration

(2011 Report): The imprisonment of human beings at record levels is both a moral failure and an economic one—especially at a time when more and more Americans are struggling to make ends meet and when state governments confront enormous fiscal crises. This report finds, however, that mass incarceration provides a gigantic windfall for one special interest group—the private prison industry—even as current incarceration levels harm the country as a whole. Read the Report »

The current incarceration rate deprives record numbers of individuals of their liberty, disproportionately affects people of color, and has at best a minimal effect on public safety. Meanwhile, the crippling cost of imprisoning increasing numbers of Americans saddles government budgets with rising debt and exacerbates the current fiscal crisis confronting states across the nation.

Private prison companies, however, essentially admit that their business model depends on locking up more and more people. For example, in a 2010 Annual Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) stated: “The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by . . . leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices . . . .” As incarceration rates skyrocket, the private prison industry expands at exponential rates, holding ever more people in its prisons and jails, and generating massive profits.

And while supporters of private prisons tout the idea that governments can save money through privatization, the evidence that private prisons save taxpayer money is mixed at best – in fact, private prisons may in some instances cost more than governmental ones. Private prisons have also been linked to numerous cases of violence and atrocious conditions.

You were pretty close in this post, except that she's brilliant and you're a moron.

How many of her best-sellers have you read?
Everything is partisan for people like you. You're an ideologue who is willing to lie and manipulate facts to "prove" a "point". And here's my favorite:

"The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1."

"The Truth" my ass. For you to quote crime statistics demonstrates how completely blinded by your partisan ideology you truly are.
  • Aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
  • Forcible rape 2-1, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
  • Larceny theft 2-1, but you "forgot" to mention that whites outnumber blacks 6-1.
And why didn't you mention that blacks commit murders at seven times the rate of whites? Oh, I know why: Because you're just another dishonest partisan ideologue.

How has crime and violence become a bigger problem in the "black community"? It's because YOU and people LIKE YOU have victimized blacks for the second time in this country's history, and it's wonderful to see them beginning to decide that they're had enough of your lies and your elitist condescension.

People like you are just as responsible for black crime as any black criminal, as you have isolated them from the rest of American society and culture from the day they're born. The isolation YOU have caused. YOU victimize them, YOU watch it manifest, and then YOU point the finger.

I defend blacks, you victimize them.

Play this game with someone else. You're disgusting. Done.


What is pile of horseshit. YOU are the OP. YOU are the one who tried to make this a partisan issue. There is NO escaping that fact.

HOW has 'people like me' victimized blacks and isolated them? PLEASE explain.

Simple----you excuse unexcuseable behavior. Either blacks refuse to comply with societal rules or are too ignorant to understand them. Which is it ?

There is another possibility, and, I believe, the correct one.

The rules that many in that particular community follow have been established just for them, as 'authentic victims,' by the Liberal establishment.....

The 'Rule' is 'it is never your fault, you should never be held responsible because you are oppressed.'

Coulter does a great job in expounding upon that view in "Mugged," chapter seven

  1. When Obama, or other politicians, appeal for the black vote, it is on the basis of felt grievances and presumed oppression. It is a worthy pursuit to seek the explanation for this view among a large segment of black population. It wasn’t the result of the slavery and/or the Civil War
  2. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived.
  3. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.” http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/941114/archive_013670.htm

Ann Coulter? Really PC? She is a MORON.

There is no lenient attitude about crime in America. We are 5% of the world population and have 25% of the world's prison population. And the scary thing about incarceration is PRIVATE enterprise lobbyists are pushing for more laws like Arizona's horrible profiling law SB 1070,

Private Prison Companies Helped Write SB 1070

SB 1070, which makes it a crime to be an undocumented immigrant in the state and requires racial profiling, was largely conceived and drafted by a conservative business lobbying group in Washington, D.C. The group, called the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, includes board members from state and federal elected officials as well as representatives of major companies including the Corrections Corporation of America, the country’s largest private prison company. Russell Pearce, the Arizona state legislator who claims responsibility for SB 1070, is one of the state legislators on ALEC’s board.

According to the NPR report, which was based on extensive culling of campaign finance reports and lobbying and corporate records, ALEC, and particularly CCA, played a pivotal role in conceiving, writing and naming the law that would become SB 1070.

The investigation sheds new light on the complicated and sinister motivations behind the country’s expanding and out of control immigration enforcement system. The federal government deported close to 400,000 people last year and again this year. Most of those deported are detained in detention centers, many of which are privately owned.

REPORT: Banking on Bondage: Private Prisons and Mass Incarceration

(2011 Report): The imprisonment of human beings at record levels is both a moral failure and an economic one—especially at a time when more and more Americans are struggling to make ends meet and when state governments confront enormous fiscal crises. This report finds, however, that mass incarceration provides a gigantic windfall for one special interest group—the private prison industry—even as current incarceration levels harm the country as a whole. Read the Report »

The current incarceration rate deprives record numbers of individuals of their liberty, disproportionately affects people of color, and has at best a minimal effect on public safety. Meanwhile, the crippling cost of imprisoning increasing numbers of Americans saddles government budgets with rising debt and exacerbates the current fiscal crisis confronting states across the nation.

Private prison companies, however, essentially admit that their business model depends on locking up more and more people. For example, in a 2010 Annual Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) stated: “The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by . . . leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices . . . .” As incarceration rates skyrocket, the private prison industry expands at exponential rates, holding ever more people in its prisons and jails, and generating massive profits.

And while supporters of private prisons tout the idea that governments can save money through privatization, the evidence that private prisons save taxpayer money is mixed at best – in fact, private prisons may in some instances cost more than governmental ones. Private prisons have also been linked to numerous cases of violence and atrocious conditions.

You were pretty close in this post, except that she's brilliant and you're a moron.

How many of her best-sellers have you read?

I was thinking that same thing. She's a moron while he sits here on a message board making NADA:eusa_doh:
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The problem lies in how people perceive those who are in a bad way, whether that be poverty, criminality, unemployed - etc.
Many, including myself, when seeing someone who is in an unfortunate situation - FIRST look at how did they themselves contribute to their problem. What did they do or not do that put themselves there.
Many others, who see someone like this - DO NOT look at personal responsibility of their situation, but believe their problem must be a problem of society. And because it is societies fault - it is not the individuals problem to fix their situation. So they forever blame minority problems on society, not minorities themselves.
"Black lives matter" is simply a manifestation of this ludicrous belief system.

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