"Black lives matter"

What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


his question is the snob of a liberal who votes for Democrats. Yet they vote for a party that enslaves PEOPLE to be beholding on government via TAXPAYERS. Instead of lifting them up as trying to get on their own two feet.

prime example

the life of Julia

We see the value of government. Fools like you don't realize that's your government and without it Blacksand would only pay you $3 a day.

The middle class exited because of liberal policies, not unregulated free markets.

You have a good life? Thank a liberal.

oh please, You are brainwashed and only a parrot....
I made it ON MY OWN for 60 years. Neither you or any liberal polices has a hand in any of it except FORCING more taxes on us and forcing us to pay for lazy bums who don't want to work
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.

If I had to select the one thing that gave me the largest overall advantage in accomplishing my goals ... It was my military service and the practical skills you gain there.


How come there are so many homeless or unemployed vets? Why don't they all go out and start their own business'?

why hasn't all them "liberal policies" taken care of everyone of them? they're such hero saints?
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


his question is the snob of a liberal who votes for Democrats. Yet they vote for a party that enslaves PEOPLE to be beholding on government via TAXPAYERS. Instead of lifting them up as trying to get on their own two feet.

prime example

the life of Julia

We see the value of government. Fools like you don't realize that's your government and without it Blacksand would only pay you $3 a day.

The middle class exited because of liberal policies, not unregulated free markets.

You have a good life? Thank a liberal.

oh please, You are brainwashed and only a parrot....
I made it ON MY OWN for 60 years. Neither you or any liberal polices has a hand in any of it except FORCING more taxes on us and forcing us to pay for lazy bums who don't want to work

Geez, I thought you were 12. You're kinda old to be acting like a skank.
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


his question is the snob of a liberal who votes for Democrats. Yet they vote for a party that enslaves PEOPLE to be beholding on government via TAXPAYERS. Instead of lifting them up as trying to get on their own two feet.

prime example

the life of Julia

We see the value of government. Fools like you don't realize that's your government and without it Blacksand would only pay you $3 a day.

The middle class exited because of liberal policies, not unregulated free markets.

You have a good life? Thank a liberal.

You have to the biggest brainwashed tool ever
Yes! What does that say when a big strong man like me is afraid of black men?

It says that you are scared. I mean what does it say about insects when women are afraid of them?

I pulled into this party store on a Sunday and it was closed. So I see this black guy walking up to me. If he was a criminal, I would have been screwed, unless I ran to my car. Well I didn't run to my car. I took my chances and he came up and asked me if I had a lighter. WHEW! I thought I was getting robbed. Sorry but car jackings happen way too often where I live and it is very rarely a white dude doing it.

Cool story, I cant believe you survived an encounter with a black guy.

I read the paper and watch the news every day here in Detroit. We have a black problem, not a white problem. We need to fix it and NOW. Until we do, I'm not going to feel sorry for the young black criminals who get shot every day. Maybe things are worse here in Detroit than they are where you are from? I don't know but we definitely have a problem.

My dad says black people were respectful until after the 1968 riots. I get why they rioted and I get why they were mad but it has been 46 years now and blacks need to stop being the angry victims and start cleaning up their communities. WITH OUR WITHOUT help from Whites.

Of course he says that...before then whites rioted over and over and over in black communities and they never retaliated. Then all of a sudden when they defend themselves they are considered "disrespectful". How dare you strike BACK? Where is your respect for me beating your ass for hundreds of years huh?

Just like we had to go help Africa with Ebola. Why? Why can't blacks take care of themselves

So, here is where you confirm that you dont believe there is any problem with black Americans or Crime or Detroit. This is where you are making a case for why all black people are fuck ups, right? But but you're not a racist...I mean, just because thinking another race is inferior is the definition of racist doesnt mean you are. :rolleyes:

If I go to a Detroit Public School, I think maybe 25% of the kids can speak proper English. Stop that.

Single black women, stop having so many babies.

Black men, if you have a child raise it right.

I'm sorry, and what is the excuse for white violence since they have their shit together? They just like it?[/QUOTE]
Last edited:
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


his question is the snob of a liberal who votes for Democrats. Yet they vote for a party that enslaves PEOPLE to be beholding on government via TAXPAYERS. Instead of lifting them up as trying to get on their own two feet.

prime example

the life of Julia

We see the value of government. Fools like you don't realize that's your government and without it Blacksand would only pay you $3 a day.

The middle class exited because of liberal policies, not unregulated free markets.

You have a good life? Thank a liberal.

You have to the biggest brainwashed tool ever

Your synapses are not firing correctly.
Yes! What does that say when a big strong man like me is afraid of black men?

It says that you are scared. I mean what does it say about insects when women are afraid of them?

I pulled into this party store on a Sunday and it was closed. So I see this black guy walking up to me. If he was a criminal, I would have been screwed, unless I ran to my car. Well I didn't run to my car. I took my chances and he came up and asked me if I had a lighter. WHEW! I thought I was getting robbed. Sorry but car jackings happen way too often where I live and it is very rarely a white dude doing it.

Cool story, I cant believe you survived an encounter with a black guy.

I read the paper and watch the news every day here in Detroit. We have a black problem, not a white problem. We need to fix it and NOW. Until we do, I'm not going to feel sorry for the young black criminals who get shot every day. Maybe things are worse here in Detroit than they are where you are from? I don't know but we definitely have a problem.

My dad says black people were respectful until after the 1968 riots. I get why they rioted and I get why they were mad but it has been 46 years now and blacks need to stop being the angry victims and start cleaning up their communities. WITH OUR WITHOUT help from Whites.

Of course he says that...before then whites rioted over and over and over in black communities and they never retaliated. Then all of a sudden when they defend themselves they are considered "disrespectful". How dare you strike BACK? Where is your respect for me beating your ass for hundreds of years huh?

Just like we had to go help Africa with Ebola. Why? Why can't blacks take care of themselves

So, here is where you confirm that you dont believe there is any problem with black Americans or Crime or Detroit. This is where you are making a case for why all black people are fuck ups, right? But but you're not a racist...I mean, just because thinking another race is inferior is the definition of racist doesnt mean you are. :rolleyes:
If I go to a Detroit Public School, I think maybe 25% of the kids can speak proper English. Stop that.

Single black women, stop having so many babies.

Black men, if you have a child raise it right.

I'm sorry, and what is the excuse for white violence since they have their shit together? They just like it?[/QUOTE]

Now, let us look at your post.

When was the last time you encountered a public school graduate, black or white, that could speak coherently in correct English?

When was the last time you went to Wal Mart, or something like it, and DID NOT see single, pregnant or child toting white girl, usually accompanied by a grandmother doing the parenting for all of them?

And with all the young white bucks out here with baby mommas scattered all over the woods, it will not be long before we achieve bastard parity between blacks and whites.

So, what's the point, the whole country is being reduced to some lowest common denominator.

We are past singling out one race for the bastardization of America, or the ignorance of our grandchildren.

We'll never be THIS good at it. Notice it says the "soldiers forced to stand back while white massacre goes on".

Blacks need to go back to being this respectful :rolleyes:
Yes! What does that say when a big strong man like me is afraid of black men?

It says that you are scared. I mean what does it say about insects when women are afraid of them?

I pulled into this party store on a Sunday and it was closed. So I see this black guy walking up to me. If he was a criminal, I would have been screwed, unless I ran to my car. Well I didn't run to my car. I took my chances and he came up and asked me if I had a lighter. WHEW! I thought I was getting robbed. Sorry but car jackings happen way too often where I live and it is very rarely a white dude doing it.

Cool story, I cant believe you survived an encounter with a black guy.

I read the paper and watch the news every day here in Detroit. We have a black problem, not a white problem. We need to fix it and NOW. Until we do, I'm not going to feel sorry for the young black criminals who get shot every day. Maybe things are worse here in Detroit than they are where you are from? I don't know but we definitely have a problem.

My dad says black people were respectful until after the 1968 riots. I get why they rioted and I get why they were mad but it has been 46 years now and blacks need to stop being the angry victims and start cleaning up their communities. WITH OUR WITHOUT help from Whites.

Of course he says that...before then whites rioted over and over and over in black communities and they never retaliated. Then all of a sudden when they defend themselves they are considered "disrespectful". How dare you strike BACK? Where is your respect for me beating your ass for hundreds of years huh?

Just like we had to go help Africa with Ebola. Why? Why can't blacks take care of themselves

So, here is where you confirm that you dont believe there is any problem with black Americans or Crime or Detroit. This is where you are making a case for why all black people are fuck ups, right? But but you're not a racist...I mean, just because thinking another race is inferior is the definition of racist doesnt mean you are. :rolleyes:
If I go to a Detroit Public School, I think maybe 25% of the kids can speak proper English. Stop that.

Single black women, stop having so many babies.

Black men, if you have a child raise it right.

I'm sorry, and what is the excuse for white violence since they have their shit together? They just like it?[/QUOTE]

Now, let us look at your post.

When was the last time you encountered a public school graduate, black or white, that could speak coherently in correct English?

When was the last time you went to Wal Mart, or something like it, and DID NOT see single, pregnant or child toting white girl, usually accompanied by a grandmother doing the parenting for all of them?

And with all the young white bucks out here with baby mommas scattered all over the woods, it will not be long before we achieve bastard parity between blacks and whites.

So, what's the point, the whole country is being reduced to some lowest common denominator.

We are past singling out one race for the bastardization of America, or the ignorance of our grandchildren.[/QUOTE]

We are? What happened between this post and the last that suddenly made people stop singling out one race?

We'll never be THIS good at it. Notice it says the "soldiers forced to stand back while white massacre goes on".

Blacks need to go back to being this respectful :rolleyes:

You have to go back almost 100 years to find a major white riot.
Last edited:
Road Runner that wasnt a "major riot" that was a RACE riot. Killing people and burning shit down in the black areas
Yes! What does that say when a big strong man like me is afraid of black men?

It says that you are scared. I mean what does it say about insects when women are afraid of them?

I pulled into this party store on a Sunday and it was closed. So I see this black guy walking up to me. If he was a criminal, I would have been screwed, unless I ran to my car. Well I didn't run to my car. I took my chances and he came up and asked me if I had a lighter. WHEW! I thought I was getting robbed. Sorry but car jackings happen way too often where I live and it is very rarely a white dude doing it.

Cool story, I cant believe you survived an encounter with a black guy.

I read the paper and watch the news every day here in Detroit. We have a black problem, not a white problem. We need to fix it and NOW. Until we do, I'm not going to feel sorry for the young black criminals who get shot every day. Maybe things are worse here in Detroit than they are where you are from? I don't know but we definitely have a problem.

My dad says black people were respectful until after the 1968 riots. I get why they rioted and I get why they were mad but it has been 46 years now and blacks need to stop being the angry victims and start cleaning up their communities. WITH OUR WITHOUT help from Whites.

Of course he says that...before then whites rioted over and over and over in black communities and they never retaliated. Then all of a sudden when they defend themselves they are considered "disrespectful". How dare you strike BACK? Where is your respect for me beating your ass for hundreds of years huh?

Just like we had to go help Africa with Ebola. Why? Why can't blacks take care of themselves

So, here is where you confirm that you dont believe there is any problem with black Americans or Crime or Detroit. This is where you are making a case for why all black people are fuck ups, right? But but you're not a racist...I mean, just because thinking another race is inferior is the definition of racist doesnt mean you are. :rolleyes:
If I go to a Detroit Public School, I think maybe 25% of the kids can speak proper English. Stop that.

Single black women, stop having so many babies.

Black men, if you have a child raise it right.

I'm sorry, and what is the excuse for white violence since they have their shit together? They just like it?

Now, let us look at your post.

When was the last time you encountered a public school graduate, black or white, that could speak coherently in correct English?

When was the last time you went to Wal Mart, or something like it, and DID NOT see single, pregnant or child toting white girl, usually accompanied by a grandmother doing the parenting for all of them?

And with all the young white bucks out here with baby mommas scattered all over the woods, it will not be long before we achieve bastard parity between blacks and whites.

So, what's the point, the whole country is being reduced to some lowest common denominator.

We are past singling out one race for the bastardization of America, or the ignorance of our grandchildren.

We are? What happened between this post and the last that suddenly made you stop singling out one race?[/QUOTE]

Nothing happened, I have always been an equal opportunity hater of the sorry and shiftless of any race, creed, color, or perversion.
Road Runner that wasnt a "major riot" that was a RACE riot. Killing people and burning shit down in the black areas

My point is it was almost 100 years ago.
And how does that change anything? What? Riots and killing were ok then? Its been a long time so it doesnt count?

My god, If killing is bad....and riots are bad....Then killing one race while the Military lets it happen has to be somewhere in that bad qualification
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


his question is the snob of a liberal who votes for Democrats. Yet they vote for a party that enslaves PEOPLE to be beholding on government via TAXPAYERS. Instead of lifting them up as trying to get on their own two feet.

prime example

the life of Julia

We see the value of government. Fools like you don't realize that's your government and without it Blacksand would only pay you $3 a day.

The middle class exited because of liberal policies, not unregulated free markets.

You have a good life? Thank a liberal.

Well you can also pat yourselves on the backs for this. because of you and Obama's "liberal" policies the people took away your POWER, first the house and then the Senate. in just six year under OBama. break you arm patting yourself on the back for that....
Pew: Trust in Government has “Collapsed”

Posted by Amy Miller Friday, December 5, 2014 at 10:00am
Not exactly a new trend.


Surprising absolutely no one, a Pew survey released last month reveals that not only to Americans by and large not trust the government, but that sentiment is nothing new.

As of February of this year, only 24% of Americans said that they trust the government “always” or “most of the time. What’s more, as trust has decreased (dark blue line), distrust has increased (light blue line):

This means that those who don’t explicitly trust the government aren’t just ambivalent about it; we’re looking at active distrust from an electorate who has seen years of infighting, splits, and general intransigence where we should be seeing governance.

When it comes to political parties, the trends are a little less clear; but even trust of the government amongst Democrats has stagnated well below 50%:

Pew’s data goes back all the way to the 50s during the Kennedy heyday; things went downhill in 1964, and they’ve never recovered. A brief spike in 2001 during the Bush II Administration reached 54%—but that’s still 23 points behind the peak during the early years of the Johnson Administration. What’s interesting (and discouraging) about the trend of decreasing trust is that not even Barack Obama, with his hope and change and groundswell electoral victory, was able to boost numbers above the mid-20% range.

Why is that? Because everything he’s done—even things that progressive memes tell us are wildly smart and popular—has made life harder for the American people:

ALL of it here:
people don t trust the government Pew survey chart
Yes! What does that say when a big strong man like me is afraid of black men?

It says that you are scared. I mean what does it say about insects when women are afraid of them?

I pulled into this party store on a Sunday and it was closed. So I see this black guy walking up to me. If he was a criminal, I would have been screwed, unless I ran to my car. Well I didn't run to my car. I took my chances and he came up and asked me if I had a lighter. WHEW! I thought I was getting robbed. Sorry but car jackings happen way too often where I live and it is very rarely a white dude doing it.

Cool story, I cant believe you survived an encounter with a black guy.

I read the paper and watch the news every day here in Detroit. We have a black problem, not a white problem. We need to fix it and NOW. Until we do, I'm not going to feel sorry for the young black criminals who get shot every day. Maybe things are worse here in Detroit than they are where you are from? I don't know but we definitely have a problem.

My dad says black people were respectful until after the 1968 riots. I get why they rioted and I get why they were mad but it has been 46 years now and blacks need to stop being the angry victims and start cleaning up their communities. WITH OUR WITHOUT help from Whites.

Of course he says that...before then whites rioted over and over and over in black communities and they never retaliated. Then all of a sudden when they defend themselves they are considered "disrespectful". How dare you strike BACK? Where is your respect for me beating your ass for hundreds of years huh?

Just like we had to go help Africa with Ebola. Why? Why can't blacks take care of themselves

So, here is where you confirm that you dont believe there is any problem with black Americans or Crime or Detroit. This is where you are making a case for why all black people are fuck ups, right? But but you're not a racist...I mean, just because thinking another race is inferior is the definition of racist doesnt mean you are. :rolleyes:
If I go to a Detroit Public School, I think maybe 25% of the kids can speak proper English. Stop that.

Single black women, stop having so many babies.

Black men, if you have a child raise it right.

I'm sorry, and what is the excuse for white violence since they have their shit together? They just like it?

Now, let us look at your post.

When was the last time you encountered a public school graduate, black or white, that could speak coherently in correct English?

When was the last time you went to Wal Mart, or something like it, and DID NOT see single, pregnant or child toting white girl, usually accompanied by a grandmother doing the parenting for all of them?

And with all the young white bucks out here with baby mommas scattered all over the woods, it will not be long before we achieve bastard parity between blacks and whites.

So, what's the point, the whole country is being reduced to some lowest common denominator.

We are past singling out one race for the bastardization of America, or the ignorance of our grandchildren.

We are? What happened between this post and the last that suddenly made you stop singling out one race?

Nothing happened, I have always been an equal opportunity hater of the sorry and shiftless of any race, creed, color, or perversion.
Road Runner that wasnt a "major riot" that was a RACE riot. Killing people and burning shit down in the black areas

My point is it was almost 100 years ago.[/QUOTE]
What does that have to do with his point?
How come there are so many homeless or unemployed vets? Why don't they all go out and start their own business'?

That's an excellent question ... And I can only express that what I learned in the military allowed me to address other concerns in achieving the additional goals. I also made decisions that didn't allow compounding complications (such as family etc...).

Maybe I can expound ...

Teamwork (no offense but most civilians don't know crap about teamwork, tasking, logistics and cooperation to the same degree)

Mission Focus (likewise ... The ability to define the job properly and being decisive in assuring the mission remains on track and in compliance with overall stated goals and schedules. In regards to things like college ... Know when to work or study most effectively, maintain that schedule ... And play when your obligations are fulfilled)

Determination (the obvious acceptance that things will go wrong ... Do not struggle with blame issues that do not assist you in quickly adapting to changing situations. Never give up ... You are counting on you)

Intestinal Fortitude (constitution is an absolute must to succeed for most people ... Fear is a dream killer by any standard)

Overall .. The military is just better teacher in regards to putting mission over self.

Things that contribute to soldiers who do not have the same outcome in the civilian world vary drastically. Aside from obvious complications of injury (physical or mental) ... There are additional concerns.

Youth (all bullshit aside most soldiers are young men and young men while certainly not exclusive to men ... Do stupid things. If you would like to compare rates between homeless vets and the homeless in general ... I would like to see any data that identifies the difference in rates)

Discipline (often soldiers leaving the service rebel against the past years when they were told what to do, how to do it, what to eat, when to eat, what to wear, how to wear it and whatnot. While soldiers still have the liberty and leisure of some personal time and decisions ... They are always under the curtain of what is expected of a soldier. They get into the civilian world with limited rules and responsibilities and go hog wild in some cases)

Alcohol and other Destructive Behavior (face it ... Most soldiers albeit not all drink like fish. This is often the result of being in foreign places with nothing better to do with your free time. Take a soldier exiting the military with a confrontational attitude ... Then give them a bottle of booze and a bunch of smart ass civilians ... You get the point. Situations result in legal troubles as the result of destructive behavior ... And drug use can compound that)

Exceptionalism (this one really doesn't fit with the others but plays its part. Excellence and proficiency are enforced in the military ... And often crucial to performance, mission success and even promotion. This has the tendency to refine some soldiers into outstanding individuals. They are rewarded for their effort and their record moves with them from station to station.

When they get back to the civilian world that system is completely absent or an unholy politically correct, human resources nightmare. They have to start over in a new system that completely ignores their service outside of token recognition. The criteria for evaluation is not mission specific but a bunch of social engineering bullshit that tries to include everyone as exceptional.

The soldier is left with the feeling they have already been their best ... Already done the best they will ever be able to achieve and with life and death in the balance. The civilian world just looks like a bunch of mixed up garbage not worth messing with)

What are your ideas on the matter?

Last edited:
It says that you are scared. I mean what does it say about insects when women are afraid of them?

Cool story, I cant believe you survived an encounter with a black guy.

Of course he says that...before then whites rioted over and over and over in black communities and they never retaliated. Then all of a sudden when they defend themselves they are considered "disrespectful". How dare you strike BACK? Where is your respect for me beating your ass for hundreds of years huh?

So, here is where you confirm that you dont believe there is any problem with black Americans or Crime or Detroit. This is where you are making a case for why all black people are fuck ups, right? But but you're not a racist...I mean, just because thinking another race is inferior is the definition of racist doesnt mean you are. :rolleyes:
If I go to a Detroit Public School, I think maybe 25% of the kids can speak proper English. Stop that.

Single black women, stop having so many babies.

Black men, if you have a child raise it right.

I'm sorry, and what is the excuse for white violence since they have their shit together? They just like it?

Now, let us look at your post.

When was the last time you encountered a public school graduate, black or white, that could speak coherently in correct English?

When was the last time you went to Wal Mart, or something like it, and DID NOT see single, pregnant or child toting white girl, usually accompanied by a grandmother doing the parenting for all of them?

And with all the young white bucks out here with baby mommas scattered all over the woods, it will not be long before we achieve bastard parity between blacks and whites.

So, what's the point, the whole country is being reduced to some lowest common denominator.

We are past singling out one race for the bastardization of America, or the ignorance of our grandchildren.

We are? What happened between this post and the last that suddenly made you stop singling out one race?

Nothing happened, I have always been an equal opportunity hater of the sorry and shiftless of any race, creed, color, or perversion.
Road Runner that wasnt a "major riot" that was a RACE riot. Killing people and burning shit down in the black areas

My point is it was almost 100 years ago.
What does that have to do with his point?[/QUOTE]

I never got his point.

"Black lives matter"
Not to blacks themselves if you go by the black on black crime rates or their abortion records.

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