"Black lives matter"


Needs more photoshop and straw

I think many would like to see black folks put as much energy into the wholesale slaughter of their young men....by other young black men....as they do on this issue.

Yes....the black community has a valid complaint about aspects of the criminal justice system.

But whites concerns about the explosion of black violent crime is valid as well. Why are blacks so energized about one issue and seemingly so apathetic about the other?

Don't they realize blacks killing blacks is taking far more of their children? Where is the outrage?

Why are whites out there energized about this one issue? Better question: Why are you comparing cops to criminals who do jail time for their crimes and police officers walk.

Are cops and criminals the same?

Is going free while being a cop the same as being locked up while being a criminal?

Nope on both accounts. Why you are you not concerned with white crimes? You seem really interested in only stopping crime in one community and not the other....because you're fair?

I'm seeing this one floating around from the Left now.

What a steaming pile of insulting bullshit.

If black lives matter to the Left, why aren't they screaming about the dozens of murders blacks every fucking month in major cities? Why aren't they screaming about black children having to grow up without a father? Why aren't they screaming for moms to be given vouchers to send their kids out of the hood for a good education?

Black lives matter to these people only when they can be leveraged for political gain, period.

Blacks have been victimized twice in this country's history, and here is the manifestation. I think they're deciding that's not good enough. Good for them.


It's all talk. Liberals lie. They rescue their own inner victims by proclaiming to love any external "victim" they can find.
Funny that white people want blacks to do more in their community than what they are willing to do themselves in their own community

Needs more photoshop and straw

I think many would like to see black folks put as much energy into the wholesale slaughter of their young men....by other young black men....as they do on this issue.

Yes....the black community has a valid complaint about aspects of the criminal justice system.

But whites concerns about the explosion of black violent crime is valid as well. Why are blacks so energized about one issue and seemingly so apathetic about the other?

Don't they realize blacks killing blacks is taking far more of their children? Where is the outrage?

Why are whites out there energized about this one issue? Better question: Why are you comparing cops to criminals who do jail time for their crimes and police officers walk.

Are cops and criminals the same?

Is going free while being a cop the same as being locked up while being a criminal?

Nope on both accounts. Why you are you not concerned with white crimes? You seem really interested in only stopping crime in one community and not the other....because you're fair?

Read more carefully. I clearly said both are valid issues. I also clearly said I would like to see the black community equally energized by both issues. :)
Funny that white people want blacks to do more in their community than what they are willing to do themselves in their own community
They havent gotten over the fact that we wont ever be slaves again.

Explain these comments. They are your words....right?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
If the goal is to become a society that is truly color blind and a person is judged on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, people simply need to take full responsibility for their own actions rather than indulging in this endless finger pointing and excuse making based upon skin color.

When people learn to be just as critical of who they consider "us" as they do "them", they might get there. White leftists are too often so terrified of criticizing any "them" that they indulge in massive double standards. Black leftists are too often so engaged in finger pointing at "them" that they refuse to take any responsibility for "us". Likewise, white righties can get so caught up in attacking "them" that they are unwilling to see how the "us" might be contributing to the situation.

Identity politics suck.

Needs more photoshop and straw

I think many would like to see black folks put as much energy into the wholesale slaughter of their young men....by other young black men....as they do on this issue.

Yes....the black community has a valid complaint about aspects of the criminal justice system.

But whites concerns about the explosion of black violent crime is valid as well. Why are blacks so energized about one issue and seemingly so apathetic about the other?

Don't they realize blacks killing blacks is taking far more of their children? Where is the outrage?

Why are whites out there energized about this one issue? Better question: Why are you comparing cops to criminals who do jail time for their crimes and police officers walk.

Are cops and criminals the same?

Is going free while being a cop the same as being locked up while being a criminal?

Nope on both accounts. Why you are you not concerned with white crimes? You seem really interested in only stopping crime in one community and not the other....because you're fair?

Read more carefully. I clearly said both are valid issues. I also clearly said I would like to see the black community equally energized by both issues. :)

Read more carefully I didnt address either of those issues. I am wondering why you are comparing cops to criminals and no jail time to jail time.

But its ok, its something you cannot explain which makes it even more silly

I'm seeing this one floating around from the Left now.

What a steaming pile of insulting bullshit.

If black lives matter to the Left, why aren't they screaming about the dozens of murders blacks every fucking month in major cities? Why aren't they screaming about black children having to grow up without a father? Why aren't they screaming for moms to be given vouchers to send their kids out of the hood for a good education?

Black lives matter to these people only when they can be leveraged for political gain, period.

Blacks have been victimized twice in this country's history, and here is the manifestation. I think they're deciding that's not good enough. Good for them.


I'm as liberal as they come. I have empathy and I can see where black people are coming from. BUT, I can also see where/how/why/when blacks are wrong. What is the one common denominator in all these cases? The stupid ass young black man argued and fought with the police. Smart people don't do this. It is YES SIR NO SIR when we talk to cops. Young black men need to learn how to do this. Even if you feel like the police are being unfair, you still need to put your hands behind your back and let them cuff and arrest you. This happens to white people too. It happened to me. I had to go get $1000 lawyer to get off. What I didn't do is refuse to put my hands behind my back when the cop told me he was arresting me. If I would have resisted, I don't think the cop should be criminally prosecuted for whatever goes down after that. My fault not his.

Now in every case they are showing us across the country I would fire every one of those cops and I would award the victims families' millions of dollars and I would train the cops to do better and I would clean up the cops and I would make sure that a black city has 75% black cops, etc.

Fact is, this can and will happen to young white men too if they act like fools. Time to smarten up America.

Oh yea, and by the way, black people feel like they are being unfairly treated like 2nd class citizens? I say they are second class citizens. Want proof? How many of them voted in the last midterm? EXACTLY! So sorry black people but you do not matter in this country. Want to matter? Start fucking voting. Don't march. Don't riot. VOTE you fucking idiots!!!!
If the goal is to become a society that is truly color blind and a person is judged on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, people simply need to take full responsibility for their own actions rather than indulging in this endless finger pointing and excuse making based upon skin color.

When people learn to be just as critical of who they consider "us" as they do "them", they might get there. White leftists are too often so terrified of criticizing any "them" that they indulge in massive double standards. Black leftists are too often so engaged in finger pointing at "them" that they refuse to take any responsibility for "us". Likewise, white righties can get so caught up in attacking "them" that they are unwilling to see how the "us" might be contributing to the situation.

Identity politics suck.

I agree. I listen to black radio and the conversation rarely goes to talking about how black people need to get their shit together. Occasionally a caller says it but usually the conversation goes right back to how cops have always treated blacks unfairly.

There is no way black people are going to stay focused on the fact that their society/culture needs to change too, not just the cops. The guy in Ferguson stole and then assaulted the cop. The kid was waving around a gun. The guy was selling loose cigarettes and resisted arrest.

Again, I'm not saying the blacks are wrong and the whites are right. I'm just saying that if we only focus on what's wrong with the cops then we are ignoring half the problem.
I know a drug dealer black guy who served time for shooting someone, supposedly. He moved to the burbs from Detroit to sell drugs to white kids. One night he got arrested for something else and he kept insisting that he get his 1 phone call. I remember being arrested. They gave you your one phone call but it was when they were ready, not me. So anyways, this guy stands up hard and fast to the cop and says I KNOW MY RIGHTS and the cop tazed him. He fell and hit his eye and sued the cops and got over $100,000.
Blacks are frustrated that Obama has done nothing for them.

Maybe the African American community is frustrated because they realized the Democrats are taking their votes for granted ... And sent them to the back of the bus again (or is willing to throw them under the bus) to make way for the Hispanic vote.


Why should Democrats care about a demographic that doesn't show up to vote?
Blacks are frustrated that Obama has done nothing for them.

Maybe the African American community is frustrated because they realized the Democrats are taking their votes for granted ... And sent them to the back of the bus again (or is willing to throw them under the bus) to make way for the Hispanic vote.


Why should Democrats care about a demographic that doesn't show up to vote?

I don't know ... I am neither a Democrat nor someone who doesn't vote. I don't even have an answer for their frustration ... Just observing the way things play out.

What are your ideas on the matter if any?

The general population pretty much knows the score and are getting tired of the bullshit from the ghetto,and it's starting to show.
The race card is no longer holds any weight because of over use.
We have a black president yet race relations have worsened because blacks now know that just because the prez has the same color skin as you,doesnt mean your lot in life will improve.

Because no matter how much training we give the cops they're still going to have to go out and deal with criminals. Sorry if those criminals tend to be mostly black.

What we need are black cops in black neighborhoods. Then it won't be about color when the cop kills your stupid ass when you resist arrest.

Black people. What do you do when a cop says put your hands behind your back? Learn the answer to this question and it will solve all your problems. Also, what do you do when a cop yells freeze?
Blacks are frustrated that Obama has done nothing for them.

Maybe the African American community is frustrated because they realized the Democrats are taking their votes for granted ... And sent them to the back of the bus again (or is willing to throw them under the bus) to make way for the Hispanic vote.


Why should Democrats care about a demographic that doesn't show up to vote?

I don't know ... I am neither a Democrat nor someone who doesn't vote. I don't even have an answer for their frustration ... Just observing the way things play out.

What are your ideas on the matter if any?


First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?
Blacks are frustrated that Obama has done nothing for them.

Maybe the African American community is frustrated because they realized the Democrats are taking their votes for granted ... And sent them to the back of the bus again (or is willing to throw them under the bus) to make way for the Hispanic vote.


Why should Democrats care about a demographic that doesn't show up to vote?

I don't know ... I am neither a Democrat nor someone who doesn't vote. I don't even have an answer for their frustration ... Just observing the way things play out.

What are your ideas on the matter if any?


First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

We don't need your vote. You are correct in that we know you won't show up at the polls. Your Moms have no transportation and those who might be your Fathers are too drunk or stoned to get to the polls.
Blacks are frustrated that Obama has done nothing for them.

Maybe the African American community is frustrated because they realized the Democrats are taking their votes for granted ... And sent them to the back of the bus again (or is willing to throw them under the bus) to make way for the Hispanic vote.


Why should Democrats care about a demographic that doesn't show up to vote?

I don't know ... I am neither a Democrat nor someone who doesn't vote. I don't even have an answer for their frustration ... Just observing the way things play out.

What are your ideas on the matter if any?


First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

We don't need your vote. You are correct in that we know you won't show up at the polls. Your Moms have no transportation and those who might be your Fathers are too drunk or stoned to get to the polls.

Moms could get an absentee ballot.

Anyways, until they wise up and realize voting matters, GOP white men, feel free to continue shitting on the black communities in America. When they don't vote they are saying they agree with you that they are 2nd class citizens. Think about it. Black people agree with you that they are too stupid to vote.

And black men. Stop with the fucking million man marches and the riots. If you can't even vote every 2 years just take whatever the white man gives you because whatever HE decides to give you is what you deserve because you don't even care. Clearly you don't care. If you cared you would vote.
First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

Whew ... Thank goodness I did what was necessary not to be the working poor or middle class ... No need to vote for a Democrat.

How does the GOP taking any votes for granted frustrate African Americans in regards to their support of the Democrat Party (let me just say that I don't think it does)?

I didn't suggest African Americans should vote Democrat or Republican ... I see no need for an African American to vote for either party because it is assumed they should or shouldn't as a matter of race. If they have to vote for one party or the other for racial reasons ... Pfft, I have no use for that kind of politics.

If the goal is to become a society that is truly color blind and a person is judged on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, people simply need to take full responsibility for their own actions rather than indulging in this endless finger pointing and excuse making based upon skin color.

When people learn to be just as critical of who they consider "us" as they do "them", they might get there. White leftists are too often so terrified of criticizing any "them" that they indulge in massive double standards. Black leftists are too often so engaged in finger pointing at "them" that they refuse to take any responsibility for "us". Likewise, white righties can get so caught up in attacking "them" that they are unwilling to see how the "us" might be contributing to the situation.

Identity politics suck.

I agree. I listen to black radio and the conversation rarely goes to talking about how black people need to get their shit together. Occasionally a caller says it but usually the conversation goes right back to how cops have always treated blacks unfairly.

Because when you have a topic you address that topic. Your logic says that if we talk about a book then we also have to talk about the way the book is made instead of the book itself.

There is no way black people are going to stay focused on the fact that their society/culture needs to change too, not just the cops. The guy in Ferguson stole and then assaulted the cop. The kid was waving around a gun. The guy was selling loose cigarettes and resisted arrest.

Again, I'm not saying the blacks are wrong and the whites are right. I'm just saying that if we only focus on what's wrong with the cops then we are ignoring half the problem.

I'm curious why you ignore white culture and their propensity for violence yet you believe that blacks need to get their shit together simply because you say so....but whites who commit crimes dont need reflection...they just need counseling for those poor white kids.

When a white person gets murdered why does the conversation never lead to whats wrong with the white community? You know why you just hate to be shown that you are bias toward blacks

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