"Black lives matter"

Sorry for thinking the real problem here is police brutality when you think it's speaking out against it. Our bad.

The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.
Sorry for thinking the real problem here is police brutality when you think it's speaking out against it. Our bad.

The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.

Who's racists views? These are your words. Correct?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Sorry for thinking the real problem here is police brutality when you think it's speaking out against it. Our bad.

The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.

Who's racists views? These are your words. Correct?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Your racist views. These are your words correct? Do you have a good reason for why these quotes from you are not racist?

The black community does have many deep seated and frankly sick cultural values.

Black culture that derides education and being well spoken as "acting white," is sick. A culture where blacks fathers abandon their children en masse is sick. A culture in which 1 in 4 males is incarcerated is sick.
There is little that a President can do to make people stop having illegitimate children, or pay attention in school, or stop doing drugs, or stop killing each other. These are personal decisions, made day after day and perpetuating 90% of "Blacks'" problems in our society. The other 10%, granted, is he result of private and institutionalized racism.

But his AG lends credence to the "It's not our FAULT!" crowd when he makes inflammatory comments and threats, and feeds the perception that, for example, the grand juries in St Louis and New York didn't do their jobs. It's pretty fucking bad when the chief law enforcement official in the country says, in effect, that the law enforcement system is screwing people of black African ancestry.
Why can't he stop welfare that subsidizes out of wedlock children no matter what race, simply by Executive Order?
Children would go hungry?
Might lose some weight too.

Children go hungry in Africa, not here.

I would be interested in your thoughts on how to stop black on black crime, but I know you don't want to report back to another whitey.
Children don't go hungry here
BECAUSE of welfare and other programs we have here that Africa doesn't.

I'm seeing this one floating around from the Left now.

What a steaming pile of insulting bullshit.

If black lives matter to the Left, why aren't they screaming about the dozens of murders blacks every fucking month in major cities? Why aren't they screaming about black children having to grow up without a father? Why aren't they screaming for moms to be given vouchers to send their kids out of the hood for a good education?

Black lives matter to these people only when they can be leveraged for political gain, period.

Blacks have been victimized twice in this country's history, and here is the manifestation. I think they're deciding that's not good enough. Good for them.


Be careful Mac. :)

The countdown to the racist label coming your way begins in 3 ..... 2..... 1......

Yeah. They can take that BS, fold it into a nice, neat little square, and cram it.

Black live do not appear to matter in the least to Black folks the way they're murdering one another.

The Left doesn't hold them accountable, spinning and deflecting for them, enabling counterproductive behavior.

Black "leaders" don't hold them accountable, spinning and deflecting for them, enabling counterproductive behavior.

Anyone who actually tries to hold them accountable is called a racist.

Is it any wonder when they fail to act in their own best interest?


So then, are we supposed to somehow care if they don't care themselves? Why is it a problem of mine?

As a human being, you might have concern for a group of people, Americans,who have been victimized twice in this nation's history.

Outside of that, I guess you're under no obligation to care.


If they don't care, I don't care. I have no concern or sympathy for folks who murder one another the way they do. It's high time they became civilized. Are they murdering one another because the Black they murdered persecuted them?
Black live do not appear to matter in the least to Black folks the way they're murdering one another.

The Left doesn't hold them accountable, spinning and deflecting for them, enabling counterproductive behavior.

Black "leaders" don't hold them accountable, spinning and deflecting for them, enabling counterproductive behavior.

Anyone who actually tries to hold them accountable is called a racist.

Is it any wonder when they fail to act in their own best interest?


So then, are we supposed to somehow care if they don't care themselves? Why is it a problem of mine?

As a human being, you might have concern for a group of people, Americans,who have been victimized twice in this nation's history.

Outside of that, I guess you're under no obligation to care.


If they don't care, I don't care. I have no concern or sympathy for folks who murder one another the way they do. It's high time they became civilized. Are they murdering one another because the Black they murdered persecuted them?

I would only have you look at what is done to them from the day they're born: The Left tells them that white people are out to get them, that Dad doesn't need to be around, that life is unfair and only someone else can make their lives better; the Left spins for and enables any bad behavior and defends them against anyone who challenges them.

That's a fucked up thing to do to a kid, and it's been happening to American Blacks for generations now. I understand your frustration, but I can't blame them for being angry after what's been done to them. I think they're starting to see that those who claim to "care" have hurt them.

Where's Sharpton and Obama now?

In Top 10 States With Most Abortions, 60% of Babies Killed Were Black or Hispanic
by Sarah Zagorski | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 12/5/14 4:47 PM
AsLifeNewspreviously reported, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released its national abortion report last month and the new statistics show the number of abortions in the United States have declined to a historic low.

However, unfortunately, a new analysis reveals that out of the ten states where the most abortions occurred, 60.48% of the babies killed were African American and Hispanic.
According to the Census Bureau, Blacks and Hispanics comprise only13.2% and 17.1%of the population respectively; however they get37.3% and 22%of all abortions.

Additionally, while it definitely isn’t news that Planned Parenthood targets minority groups, the new statistics confirm a pattern that has been going on for years.
In the media, Planned Parenthood is praised for being “diverse”, but 79% of all their abortion facilities are located near minority neighborhoods.

There is no way that’s simply “coincidental.” Since 1973, approximately 13 million black babies have been lost because of abortion, and out of the approximately 4000 abortions that are performed daily in the United States, 1452 of them are performed on African American women and their unborn children.
The new report from the CDC is based on information gathered from central health agencies of 49 reporting areas including the District of Columbia; New York City; and 47 states, excluding California, Maryland, and New Hampshire.
CNS News shares more:

all of it here:
In Top 10 States With Most Abortions 60 of Babies Killed Were Black or Hispanic LifeNews.com
Sorry for thinking the real problem here is police brutality when you think it's speaking out against it. Our bad.

The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.

Who's racists views? These are your words. Correct?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Your racist views. These are your words correct? Do you have a good reason for why these quotes from you are not racist?

The black community does have many deep seated and frankly sick cultural values.

Black culture that derides education and being well spoken as "acting white," is sick. A culture where blacks fathers abandon their children en masse is sick. A culture in which 1 in 4 males is incarcerated is sick.

Eactly how is any of that racist?
Sorry for thinking the real problem here is police brutality when you think it's speaking out against it. Our bad.

The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.

Who's racists views? These are your words. Correct?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Your racist views. These are your words correct? Do you have a good reason for why these quotes from you are not racist?

The black community does have many deep seated and frankly sick cultural values.

Black culture that derides education and being well spoken as "acting white," is sick. A culture where blacks fathers abandon their children en masse is sick. A culture in which 1 in 4 males is incarcerated is sick.

Eactly how is any of that racist?

He can't find anything else and he's grasping. And he will not directly address your question because he can't.

There are aspects of white culture that are negative. For example: I have always thought white culture was far too obsessed with money and materialism. I do not think white culture has ever fully appreciated the role women play in society.

Now....that is just my opinion. People are free to agree or disagree. But expressing such an opinion is not racist.

Asschap is simply trying to deflect from his own obvious hatred. How does he explain these remarks.

"I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Black live do not appear to matter in the least to Black folks the way they're murdering one another.

The Left doesn't hold them accountable, spinning and deflecting for them, enabling counterproductive behavior.

Black "leaders" don't hold them accountable, spinning and deflecting for them, enabling counterproductive behavior.

Anyone who actually tries to hold them accountable is called a racist.

Is it any wonder when they fail to act in their own best interest?


So then, are we supposed to somehow care if they don't care themselves? Why is it a problem of mine?

As a human being, you might have concern for a group of people, Americans,who have been victimized twice in this nation's history.

Outside of that, I guess you're under no obligation to care.


If they don't care, I don't care. I have no concern or sympathy for folks who murder one another the way they do. It's high time they became civilized. Are they murdering one another because the Black they murdered persecuted them?

I would only have you look at what is done to them from the day they're born: The Left tells them that white people are out to get them, that Dad doesn't need to be around, that life is unfair and only someone else can make their lives better; the Left spins for and enables any bad behavior and defends them against anyone who challenges them.

That's a fucked up thing to do to a kid, and it's been happening to American Blacks for generations now. I understand your frustration, but I can't blame them for being angry after what's been done to them. I think they're starting to see that those who claim to "care" have hurt them.


Still not my problem. I don't ask them to interfere in or be concerned with my problems. I'm an adult and responsible for myself.
Sorry for thinking the real problem here is police brutality when you think it's speaking out against it. Our bad.

The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.

Who's racists views? These are your words. Correct?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Your racist views. These are your words correct? Do you have a good reason for why these quotes from you are not racist?

The black community does have many deep seated and frankly sick cultural values.

Black culture that derides education and being well spoken as "acting white," is sick. A culture where blacks fathers abandon their children en masse is sick. A culture in which 1 in 4 males is incarcerated is sick.

Eactly how is any of that racist?

Facts are racist.....
The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.

Who's racists views? These are your words. Correct?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Your racist views. These are your words correct? Do you have a good reason for why these quotes from you are not racist?

The black community does have many deep seated and frankly sick cultural values.

Black culture that derides education and being well spoken as "acting white," is sick. A culture where blacks fathers abandon their children en masse is sick. A culture in which 1 in 4 males is incarcerated is sick.

Eactly how is any of that racist?

Facts are racist.....

Yep. And so is anyone who disagrees with the liberal orthodoxy. Using the racist label is an attempt to shut people up....nothing more.
The real problem is the wholesale killing of young black men by other young black men in this Country. For every Michael Brown there are a 1,000 young black men being gunned down.

Why the hell doesn't the media and the Al Sharpton's of the world give a shit?

Oh yeah....because blacks killings blacks is an inconvenient truth that scores zero political points and makes no money for the race hustlers.
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.

Who's racists views? These are your words. Correct?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Your racist views. These are your words correct? Do you have a good reason for why these quotes from you are not racist?

The black community does have many deep seated and frankly sick cultural values.

Black culture that derides education and being well spoken as "acting white," is sick. A culture where blacks fathers abandon their children en masse is sick. A culture in which 1 in 4 males is incarcerated is sick.

Eactly how is any of that racist?

Facts are racist.....

The TRUTH must be depressed!!!
I just caught you lying again. Why do you say the media or Al Sharpton dont give a shit? The point you miss is that you evidently dont have a clue what Black people rail against in their community. Your racist views are part of the racial issue as it breeds distrust of white people in the Black community. As you spread the lies and innuendo that Blacks dont care about violence in their community you give fertile ground for that distrust to find root. Just because we dont report to you directly as to what we are doing is a problem you seem to have with being kept in the loop. You should stop worrying about Black violence and concentrate on the violence, crooks, and crime lovers in the white community.

Who's racists views? These are your words. Correct?

I never said I didnt call people apes. Of course I do. Anytime an ape types a racist statement i'm going to let them know...."I see you ape". What does that have to do with what I posted?"

"The reason I had to ask is because I know that dumb white trash are into molesting animals."

"No I asked because I have been told by dumb white trash that they have sex with cows and other animals. They thought it was funny while at the same time having a wistful look of fond remembrance of the event."

"I didnt ask you who you hung around with. I asked you what type of female. You sound like dumb white trash so I had to make sure."

"Regardless of what branch they were white trash."
Your racist views. These are your words correct? Do you have a good reason for why these quotes from you are not racist?

The black community does have many deep seated and frankly sick cultural values.

Black culture that derides education and being well spoken as "acting white," is sick. A culture where blacks fathers abandon their children en masse is sick. A culture in which 1 in 4 males is incarcerated is sick.

Eactly how is any of that racist?

Facts are racist.....

The TRUTH must be depressed!!!

It's getting harder and harder to keep the lid on these days....and blacks and liberals know it.

Needs more photoshop and straw

I think many would like to see black folks put as much energy into the wholesale slaughter of their young men....by other young black men....as they do on this issue.

Yes....the black community has a valid complaint about aspects of the criminal justice system.

But whites concerns about the explosion of black violent crime is valid as well. Why are blacks so energized about one issue and seemingly so apathetic about the other?

Don't they realize blacks killing blacks is taking far more of their children? Where is the outrage?

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