"Black lives matter"

Funny that white people want blacks to do more in their community than what they are willing to do themselves in their own community

Whites dont have a violence problem in their communities.
What would you suggest we focus our efforts on? I mean surely you have some ideas since you brought it up.

Nope, from what I can see is that white violence is no problem but black violence is

Basically anything a black person does is "a problem" and when whites do the same its "not a problem" because you're all about fair.

Where are the white leaders to discuss violence in their community? Oh sorry, I forgot white violence is a-ok
First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

Whew ... Thank goodness I did what was necessary not to be the working poor or middle class ... No need to vote for a Democrat.

How does the GOP taking any votes for granted frustrate African Americans in regards to their support of the Democrat Party (let me just say that I don't think it does)?

I didn't suggest African Americans should vote Democrat or Republican ... I see no need for an African American to vote for either party because it is assumed they should or shouldn't as a matter of race. If they have to vote for one party or the other for racial reasons ... Pfft, I have no use for that kind of politics.


You are correct. Just like poor and middle class whites, poor and middle class blacks should be voting Democratic.

There are a lot more of us than there are you upper middle class/rich people. This is why you like it that they/we most people don't vote. If they voted, your side would have to change their policies because you wouldn't be taking their NON VOTE for granted. Then you would have to start honestly trying to appeal to the masses.
Funny that white people want blacks to do more in their community than what they are willing to do themselves in their own community

Whites dont have a violence problem in their communities.
What would you suggest we focus our efforts on? I mean surely you have some ideas since you brought it up.

Nope, from what I can see is that white violence is no problem but black violence is

Basically anything a black person does is "a problem" and when whites do the same its "not a problem" because you're all about fair.

Where are the white leaders to discuss violence in their community? Oh sorry, I forgot white violence is a-ok

Hmmmm....my white neighborhood has pretty much zero crime.
Any suggestions on where we should strive to improve?
I wouldnt mind if they moved the cups on the greens more often.....I could definitely get behind that.
And maybe petition the clubhouse to put Makers Mark on the rolling bar that the hot chick drives around the course.
Funny that white people want blacks to do more in their community than what they are willing to do themselves in their own community

Whites dont have a violence problem in their communities.
What would you suggest we focus our efforts on? I mean surely you have some ideas since you brought it up.

Nope, from what I can see is that white violence is no problem but black violence is

Basically anything a black person does is "a problem" and when whites do the same its "not a problem" because you're all about fair.

Where are the white leaders to discuss violence in their community? Oh sorry, I forgot white violence is a-ok

Hmmmm....my white neighborhood has pretty much zero crime.

Well I guess that means there is no white violence then huh? lol

Any suggestions on where we should strive to improve?

Maybe you can use all the suggestions you come up with for your own community? No?
Maybe the African American community is frustrated because they realized the Democrats are taking their votes for granted ... And sent them to the back of the bus again (or is willing to throw them under the bus) to make way for the Hispanic vote.


Why should Democrats care about a demographic that doesn't show up to vote?

I don't know ... I am neither a Democrat nor someone who doesn't vote. I don't even have an answer for their frustration ... Just observing the way things play out.

What are your ideas on the matter if any?


First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

We don't need your vote. You are correct in that we know you won't show up at the polls. Your Moms have no transportation and those who might be your Fathers are too drunk or stoned to get to the polls.

Moms could get an absentee ballot.

Anyways, until they wise up and realize voting matters, GOP white men, feel free to continue shitting on the black communities in America. When they don't vote they are saying they agree with you that they are 2nd class citizens. Think about it. Black people agree with you that they are too stupid to vote.

And black men. Stop with the fucking million man marches and the riots. If you can't even vote every 2 years just take whatever the white man gives you because whatever HE decides to give you is what you deserve because you don't even care. Clearly you don't care. If you cared you would vote.

Finally we do agree on something. They are stupid. Totally an inferior race altogether.
If the goal is to become a society that is truly color blind and a person is judged on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, people simply need to take full responsibility for their own actions rather than indulging in this endless finger pointing and excuse making based upon skin color.

When people learn to be just as critical of who they consider "us" as they do "them", they might get there. White leftists are too often so terrified of criticizing any "them" that they indulge in massive double standards. Black leftists are too often so engaged in finger pointing at "them" that they refuse to take any responsibility for "us". Likewise, white righties can get so caught up in attacking "them" that they are unwilling to see how the "us" might be contributing to the situation.

Identity politics suck.

I agree. I listen to black radio and the conversation rarely goes to talking about how black people need to get their shit together. Occasionally a caller says it but usually the conversation goes right back to how cops have always treated blacks unfairly.

Because when you have a topic you address that topic. Your logic says that if we talk about a book then we also have to talk about the way the book is made instead of the book itself.

There is no way black people are going to stay focused on the fact that their society/culture needs to change too, not just the cops. The guy in Ferguson stole and then assaulted the cop. The kid was waving around a gun. The guy was selling loose cigarettes and resisted arrest.

Again, I'm not saying the blacks are wrong and the whites are right. I'm just saying that if we only focus on what's wrong with the cops then we are ignoring half the problem.

I'm curious why you ignore white culture and their propensity for violence yet you believe that blacks need to get their shit together simply because you say so....but whites who commit crimes dont need reflection...they just need counseling for those poor white kids.

When a white person gets murdered why does the conversation never lead to whats wrong with the white community? You know why you just hate to be shown that you are bias toward blacks

Ok, but then after we are done focusing on the cop issue, lets go back to the issue I'm bringing up because I think it is a big part of the problem.

And I don't ignore white crime. Can you please tell me what white city in Metro Detroit that I would feel unsafe walking through during the daytime? Because I can't think of one. But I can name you several black cities that I know even black people wouldn't walk through.

Stop deflecting and changing the subject. Black people need to clean up their black ghettos and NOW!

Stop worrying about us whites. We're doing just fine. How is the black community doing? Ask yourselves why so many of your young black men are getting shot and stop being the victims. Raise your kids. Stop stealing. Stop being defensive. We'll never fix you people if you keep it up.
Why should Democrats care about a demographic that doesn't show up to vote?

I don't know ... I am neither a Democrat nor someone who doesn't vote. I don't even have an answer for their frustration ... Just observing the way things play out.

What are your ideas on the matter if any?


First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

We don't need your vote. You are correct in that we know you won't show up at the polls. Your Moms have no transportation and those who might be your Fathers are too drunk or stoned to get to the polls.

Moms could get an absentee ballot.

Anyways, until they wise up and realize voting matters, GOP white men, feel free to continue shitting on the black communities in America. When they don't vote they are saying they agree with you that they are 2nd class citizens. Think about it. Black people agree with you that they are too stupid to vote.

And black men. Stop with the fucking million man marches and the riots. If you can't even vote every 2 years just take whatever the white man gives you because whatever HE decides to give you is what you deserve because you don't even care. Clearly you don't care. If you cared you would vote.

Finally we do agree on something. They are stupid. Totally an inferior race altogether.

Until they prove you wrong I'll have to agree with you. And no march is going to prove you wrong. I want to see 80% of the black community show up to vote in 2016. If not, stop crying when white people in Florida pass a stand your ground law and it gets your Trevon Martin killed. If you care, show up and vote.
First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

Whew ... Thank goodness I did what was necessary not to be the working poor or middle class ... No need to vote for a Democrat.

How does the GOP taking any votes for granted frustrate African Americans in regards to their support of the Democrat Party (let me just say that I don't think it does)?

I didn't suggest African Americans should vote Democrat or Republican ... I see no need for an African American to vote for either party because it is assumed they should or shouldn't as a matter of race. If they have to vote for one party or the other for racial reasons ... Pfft, I have no use for that kind of politics.


What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?
You are correct. Just like poor and middle class whites, poor and middle class blacks should be voting Democratic.

There are a lot more of us than there are you upper middle class/rich people. This is why you like it that they/we most people don't vote. If they voted, your side would have to change their policies because you wouldn't be taking their NON VOTE for granted. Then you would have to start honestly trying to appeal to the masses.

Just as a question ... Where are you getting the idea that I might not want someone to vote? I actively encourage everyone to vote.

If you think people should vote for one party or another in regards to their fiscal position ... Then there is something I can add to that as well. The reason I don't care who shows up to vote (although would encourage everyone to do so) ... Is because nothing you or anyone else can ever vote for will stop me from doing what I need to do in order to remain fiscally secure.

I don't have to appeal to the masses because I don't rely on the government (or your vote) for my fiscal survival (freedom). Go vote Democrat or Republican if you can tell the difference between the two ... I am a Conservative and I am not waiting for you or the government to do anything for me.

In fact ... I wish you sorry SOB's would stop playing politics and get a grip on the budget and national debt before you ruin any chance of survival for the people you are claiming to protect.

Funny that white people want blacks to do more in their community than what they are willing to do themselves in their own community

Whites dont have a violence problem in their communities.
What would you suggest we focus our efforts on? I mean surely you have some ideas since you brought it up.

Nope, from what I can see is that white violence is no problem but black violence is

Basically anything a black person does is "a problem" and when whites do the same its "not a problem" because you're all about fair.

Where are the white leaders to discuss violence in their community? Oh sorry, I forgot white violence is a-ok

Hmmmm....my white neighborhood has pretty much zero crime.

Well I guess that means there is no white violence then huh? lol

Any suggestions on where we should strive to improve?

Maybe you can use all the suggestions you come up with for your own community? No?

When a crime happens in our community it shocks everyone.

Wait! That is until all the black people moved from Detroit out to the suburbs. Remember when Detroit went from 2 million residence to 700,000? So now the party store on the lake that had never ever been robbed was robbed by some black guy. And gun shots, cars being broken into, more drugs, crime.

This is why whites left Detroit in the first place. Now the blacks are following us out to the burbs and ruining the burbs??? Bullshit! No where else for us to move so now we have to deal with you black people. If we have to deal with you, we are not going to sugar coat it. EVOLVE PLEASE! Stop being ghetto. Raise your kids. Get a job. Finish school. Put a rubber on.
If the goal is to become a society that is truly color blind and a person is judged on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, people simply need to take full responsibility for their own actions rather than indulging in this endless finger pointing and excuse making based upon skin color.

When people learn to be just as critical of who they consider "us" as they do "them", they might get there. White leftists are too often so terrified of criticizing any "them" that they indulge in massive double standards. Black leftists are too often so engaged in finger pointing at "them" that they refuse to take any responsibility for "us". Likewise, white righties can get so caught up in attacking "them" that they are unwilling to see how the "us" might be contributing to the situation.

Identity politics suck.

I agree. I listen to black radio and the conversation rarely goes to talking about how black people need to get their shit together. Occasionally a caller says it but usually the conversation goes right back to how cops have always treated blacks unfairly.

Because when you have a topic you address that topic. Your logic says that if we talk about a book then we also have to talk about the way the book is made instead of the book itself.

There is no way black people are going to stay focused on the fact that their society/culture needs to change too, not just the cops. The guy in Ferguson stole and then assaulted the cop. The kid was waving around a gun. The guy was selling loose cigarettes and resisted arrest.

Again, I'm not saying the blacks are wrong and the whites are right. I'm just saying that if we only focus on what's wrong with the cops then we are ignoring half the problem.

I'm curious why you ignore white culture and their propensity for violence yet you believe that blacks need to get their shit together simply because you say so....but whites who commit crimes dont need reflection...they just need counseling for those poor white kids.

When a white person gets murdered why does the conversation never lead to whats wrong with the white community? You know why you just hate to be shown that you are bias toward blacks

Ok, but then after we are done focusing on the cop issue, lets go back to the issue I'm bringing up because I think it is a big part of the problem.[/quote]

Fine, just saying that when you are talking about one topic....switching to another one makes it look like you are deflecting.

And I don't ignore white crime. Can you please tell me what white city in Metro Detroit that I would feel unsafe walking through during the daytime? Because I can't think of one. But I can name you several black cities that I know even black people wouldn't walk through.

What does that mean exactly? That you arent afraid of white people the way you are blacks. Um ok then...

Stop deflecting and changing the subject. Black people need to clean up their black ghettos and NOW!

And whites basically have no excuse for being violent. In fact their violence is seen as not a problem at all...or it must be a logical reason for it. Like those poor Columbine kids...Who made them shoot up the whole school? Was it bullies? It most certainly WAS NOT that they are just violent or ghetto or Al Sharpton blah blah

Stop worrying about us whites.

Why? You seem so concerned with blacks and make excuses for white violence while saying there are no excuses for black violence.

We're doing just fine. How is the black community doing?

We're doing fine, focus on your people and we will focus on ours. Stop making excuses

Ask yourselves why so many of your young black men are getting shot and stop being the victims. Raise your kids. Stop stealing. Stop being defensive. We'll never fix you people if you keep it up.

The same reason whites are getting shot and being victims. Why you consider a crime worst based on the perps skin color is beyond me
You are correct. Just like poor and middle class whites, poor and middle class blacks should be voting Democratic.

There are a lot more of us than there are you upper middle class/rich people. This is why you like it that they/we most people don't vote. If they voted, your side would have to change their policies because you wouldn't be taking their NON VOTE for granted. Then you would have to start honestly trying to appeal to the masses.

Just as a question ... Where are you getting the idea that I might not want someone to vote? I actively encourage everyone to vote.

If you think people should vote for one party or another in regards to their fiscal position ... Then there is something I can add to that as well. The reason I don't care who shows up to vote (although would encourage everyone to do so) ... Is because nothing you or anyone else can ever vote for will stop me from doing what I need to do in order to remain fiscally secure.

I don't have to appeal to the masses because I don't rely on the government (or your vote) for my fiscal survival (freedom). Go vote Democrat or Republican if you can tell the difference between the two ... I am a Conservative and I am not waiting for you or the government to do anything for me.

In fact ... I wish you sorry SOB's would stop playing politics and get a grip on the budget and national debt before you ruin any chance of survival for the people you are claiming to protect.


But that's one of the reasons the rich gives to stupid middle class to vote GOP. They tell them the Democrats will raise their taxes to give it to the poor. That's actually a lie. The truth is if the GOP are in power then they give tax breaks to the rich and shift the tax burden onto the masses.

And didn't your side say vote for McCain so you could keep the bush tax breaks in place?

I just love it how your side convinced the masses that it doesn't matter if you vote or who you vote for. By all the money you guys spent to win, it sure does seem that in deed it does matter to you who wins. You just want to convince us that it doesn't matter because that's easier and better than you having to change your anti middle class policies.
First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

Whew ... Thank goodness I did what was necessary not to be the working poor or middle class ... No need to vote for a Democrat.

How does the GOP taking any votes for granted frustrate African Americans in regards to their support of the Democrat Party (let me just say that I don't think it does)?

I didn't suggest African Americans should vote Democrat or Republican ... I see no need for an African American to vote for either party because it is assumed they should or shouldn't as a matter of race. If they have to vote for one party or the other for racial reasons ... Pfft, I have no use for that kind of politics.


You are correct. Just like poor and middle class whites, poor and middle class blacks should be voting Democratic.

There are a lot more of us than there are you upper middle class/rich people. This is why you like it that they/we most people don't vote. If they voted, your side would have to change their policies because you wouldn't be taking their NON VOTE for granted. Then you would have to start honestly trying to appeal to the masses.

Jeewhiz, you have some nerve telling others how they should vote. Not everyone like to be a SLAVE to a party or the government. you do evidently
If the goal is to become a society that is truly color blind and a person is judged on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, people simply need to take full responsibility for their own actions rather than indulging in this endless finger pointing and excuse making based upon skin color.

When people learn to be just as critical of who they consider "us" as they do "them", they might get there. White leftists are too often so terrified of criticizing any "them" that they indulge in massive double standards. Black leftists are too often so engaged in finger pointing at "them" that they refuse to take any responsibility for "us". Likewise, white righties can get so caught up in attacking "them" that they are unwilling to see how the "us" might be contributing to the situation.

Identity politics suck.

I agree. I listen to black radio and the conversation rarely goes to talking about how black people need to get their shit together. Occasionally a caller says it but usually the conversation goes right back to how cops have always treated blacks unfairly.

Because when you have a topic you address that topic. Your logic says that if we talk about a book then we also have to talk about the way the book is made instead of the book itself.

There is no way black people are going to stay focused on the fact that their society/culture needs to change too, not just the cops. The guy in Ferguson stole and then assaulted the cop. The kid was waving around a gun. The guy was selling loose cigarettes and resisted arrest.

Again, I'm not saying the blacks are wrong and the whites are right. I'm just saying that if we only focus on what's wrong with the cops then we are ignoring half the problem.

I'm curious why you ignore white culture and their propensity for violence yet you believe that blacks need to get their shit together simply because you say so....but whites who commit crimes dont need reflection...they just need counseling for those poor white kids.

When a white person gets murdered why does the conversation never lead to whats wrong with the white community? You know why you just hate to be shown that you are bias toward blacks

Ok, but then after we are done focusing on the cop issue, lets go back to the issue I'm bringing up because I think it is a big part of the problem.

Fine, just saying that when you are talking about one topic....switching to another one makes it look like you are deflecting.

And I don't ignore white crime. Can you please tell me what white city in Metro Detroit that I would feel unsafe walking through during the daytime? Because I can't think of one. But I can name you several black cities that I know even black people wouldn't walk through.

What does that mean exactly? That you arent afraid of white people the way you are blacks. Um ok then...

Stop deflecting and changing the subject. Black people need to clean up their black ghettos and NOW!

And whites basically have no excuse for being violent. In fact their violence is seen as not a problem at all...or it must be a logical reason for it. Like those poor Columbine kids...Who made them shoot up the whole school? Was it bullies? It most certainly WAS NOT that they are just violent or ghetto or Al Sharpton blah blah

Stop worrying about us whites.

Why? You seem so concerned with blacks and make excuses for white violence while saying there are no excuses for black violence.

We're doing just fine. How is the black community doing?

We're doing fine, focus on your people and we will focus on ours. Stop making excuses

Ask yourselves why so many of your young black men are getting shot and stop being the victims. Raise your kids. Stop stealing. Stop being defensive. We'll never fix you people if you keep it up.

The same reason whites are getting shot and being victims. Why you consider a crime worst based on the perps skin color is beyond me[/QUOTE]

Yes! What does that say when a big strong man like me is afraid of black men? I pulled into this party store on a Sunday and it was closed. So I see this black guy walking up to me. If he was a criminal, I would have been screwed, unless I ran to my car. Well I didn't run to my car. I took my chances and he came up and asked me if I had a lighter. WHEW! I thought I was getting robbed. Sorry but car jackings happen way too often where I live and it is very rarely a white dude doing it.

I read the paper and watch the news every day here in Detroit. We have a black problem, not a white problem. We need to fix it and NOW. Until we do, I'm not going to feel sorry for the young black criminals who get shot every day. Maybe things are worse here in Detroit than they are where you are from? I don't know but we definitely have a problem.

My dad says black people were respectful until after the 1968 riots. I get why they rioted and I get why they were mad but it has been 46 years now and blacks need to stop being the angry victims and start cleaning up their communities. WITH OUR WITHOUT help from Whites.

Just like we had to go help Africa with Ebola. Why? Why can't blacks take care of themselves?

If I go to a Detroit Public School, I think maybe 25% of the kids can speak proper English. Stop that.

Single black women, stop having so many babies.

Black men, if you have a child raise it right.

By the way birth rates are way down. Not as many poor single women are having babies since the 2007 recession. I hope the number in the black community went down accordingly? I hope it wasn't just white women who stopped having babies when they can't even afford to support themselves?

US Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.

If I had to select the one thing that gave me the largest overall advantage in accomplishing my goals ... It was my military service and the practical skills you gain there.

Last edited:
First of all, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you are a worker who is poor or middle class then you should be voting Democratic.

And honestly, you are wrong. It isn't the Democrats taking anyone's vote for granted. It is the GOP taking for granted that only 40% of us voters will show up.

And what reasons should blacks vote GOP? Truth is nothing. So are you trying to convince blacks to not vote? Because you can't honestly be suggesting they vote GOP?

Whew ... Thank goodness I did what was necessary not to be the working poor or middle class ... No need to vote for a Democrat.

How does the GOP taking any votes for granted frustrate African Americans in regards to their support of the Democrat Party (let me just say that I don't think it does)?

I didn't suggest African Americans should vote Democrat or Republican ... I see no need for an African American to vote for either party because it is assumed they should or shouldn't as a matter of race. If they have to vote for one party or the other for racial reasons ... Pfft, I have no use for that kind of politics.


You are correct. Just like poor and middle class whites, poor and middle class blacks should be voting Democratic.

There are a lot more of us than there are you upper middle class/rich people. This is why you like it that they/we most people don't vote. If they voted, your side would have to change their policies because you wouldn't be taking their NON VOTE for granted. Then you would have to start honestly trying to appeal to the masses.

Jeewhiz, you have some nerve telling others how they should vote.

That's just my opinion. They can vote however they want. The problem is they don't vote. So if they don't vote, they don't matter. If they want cops to stop shooting their kids maybe they'll vote in 2016 AND 2018.

If they vote and the politicians think they'll show up in 2018 they'll stop ignoring them but the fact is, and the GOP knows it, even if the Dems run a half black half Hispanic woman in 2016 and we break turnout records, the GOP knows those people won't show up in 2018 because dumb Americans don't think it matters.
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


his question is the snob of a liberal who votes for Democrats. Yet they vote for a party that enslaves PEOPLE to be beholding on government via TAXPAYERS. Instead of lifting them up as trying to get on their own two feet.

prime example

the life of Julia
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


The truth is your path to success is not possible for everyone. My concern is the masses or the workers of America.

Make sure guys like you are paying them a living wage.

Make sure you are paying your fair share in taxes to take care of the poor and so the middle class doesn't have to pay more. Right now with GOP in charge they are shifting the tax burden from you onto us. You may say you don't care but your party sure does.
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.


his question is the snob of a liberal who votes for Democrats. Yet they vote for a party that enslaves PEOPLE to be beholding on government via TAXPAYERS. Instead of lifting them up as trying to get on their own two feet.

prime example

the life of Julia

We see the value of government. Fools like you don't realize that's your government and without it Blacksand would only pay you $3 a day.

The middle class exited because of liberal policies, not unregulated free markets.

You have a good life? Thank a liberal.
What did you do? Were you born into the right family? Did you marry the right man?

Born to a lower middle class family (bordered on poor)

Unmarried (never have been as a matter of convenience, have been too busy or lack of decent prospects)

Seven years in the Army straight out of High School (GI Bill so I could pay my own way to college)

Bachelors of Science - Psychology (Ended up actually hating most of that sissy bullshit about half way through my Masters)

Quality Technician and then Quality Auditor (worked for a trademarking agency while in college and a year or so after that)

Business Owner (opened and built up a Quality Consulting business over 5 years ... Then sold it including all intellectual materials, property, equipment, clients and contacts)

Business Owner (took the capital I earned from the sale and have opened two completely unrelated businesses)

But ...

I don't suppose that is the answer you were hoping for ... And there is no way I can describe to others the sacrifices necessary to do those things. I went years without having a personal life to speak of ... And that is not suitable for everyone I don't guess.

Perhaps people who cannot do what it is required to succeed ... Should consider which Sugar-Daddy they should vote for. All I can say is that they are part of the problem.

If I had to select the one thing that gave me the largest overall advantage in accomplishing my goals ... It was my military service and the practical skills you gain there.


How come there are so many homeless or unemployed vets? Why don't they all go out and start their own business'?

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