Black Male Achievement: Cause Not Only Poverty

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anything in the article about black females...where are you getting your information on them?

Statistics. Black females are just behind white females in college graduation rates. White males significantly behind black females, black males way down there.

I heard an interesting discussion that pointed out a big problem in poor (and in this case black) families is that the mothers don't have an extensive vocabulary with which to speak to their kids and/or they have not embraced all the little get ahead tricks that people that in the burbs embrace (black and white toys for infants, etc).

Not sure how that fits in with the boy vs. girl learning curve though.

I find it rather shocking that the white literacy level is also pretty low by fourth grade.

I agree, i have always called it getoneese. Blacks need to speak English to get ahead in this world.

For a while they were trying to justify the lack of English by calling it ebonics which i think is ridiculous.

Ebonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Statistics. Black females are just behind white females in college graduation rates. White males significantly behind black females, black males way down there.

I heard an interesting discussion that pointed out a big problem in poor (and in this case black) families is that the mothers don't have an extensive vocabulary with which to speak to their kids and/or they have not embraced all the little get ahead tricks that people that in the burbs embrace (black and white toys for infants, etc).

Not sure how that fits in with the boy vs. girl learning curve though.

I find it rather shocking that the white literacy level is also pretty low by fourth grade.

I agree, i have always called it getoneese. Blacks need to speak English to get ahead in this world.

For a while they were trying to justify the lack of English by calling it ebonics which i think is ridiculous.

Ebonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yep!......I've hired and interviewed quite a few blacks over the years. Those who were qualified, on top of properly speaking the language got hired. Those who were qualified and didn't properly speak the language were politely sent on their way......No way in hell was I going to spend 10-12 hours a day listening to that ghetto jibberish.

I heard an interesting discussion that pointed out a big problem in poor (and in this case black) families is that the mothers don't have an extensive vocabulary with which to speak to their kids and/or they have not embraced all the little get ahead tricks that people that in the burbs embrace (black and white toys for infants, etc).

Not sure how that fits in with the boy vs. girl learning curve though.

I find it rather shocking that the white literacy level is also pretty low by fourth grade.

I agree, i have always called it getoneese. Blacks need to speak English to get ahead in this world.

For a while they were trying to justify the lack of English by calling it ebonics which i think is ridiculous.

Ebonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yep!......I've hired and interviewed quite a few blacks over the years. Those who were qualified, on top of properly speaking the language got hired. Those who were qualified and didn't properly speak the language were politely sent on their way......No way in hell was I going to spend 10-12 hours a day listening to that ghetto jibberish.

I my opinion the base problem is welfare and all entitlement programs. They set up black men to think/feel a lower standard is expectable and enough to get by in the world. There is not need to apply themselves to education, no need for parents to push them to do better in school, so long as there is a crutch.

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anything in the article about black females...where are you getting your information on them?

Statistics. Black females are just behind white females in college graduation rates. White males significantly behind black females, black males way down there.

So the conclusion: Woman are much smart than men regardless of Race! :clap2:

Well that is why God gave up a penis, because we are too dumb to realize how to sit and piss, we need to be able to stand and piss or we make a bloody mess! :lol:
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anything in the article about black females...where are you getting your information on them?

Statistics. Black females are just behind white females in college graduation rates. White males significantly behind black females, black males way down there.

Cool! Girls Rule! Excellent news!
HEY!....settle down sparky. WE still got the muscles. Well, at least us NON-LIBERAL males do.
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anything in the article about black females...where are you getting your information on them?

Statistics. Black females are just behind white females in college graduation rates. White males significantly behind black females, black males way down there.

I heard an interesting discussion that pointed out a big problem in poor (and in this case black) families is that the mothers don't have an extensive vocabulary with which to speak to their kids and/or they have not embraced all the little get ahead tricks that people that in the burbs embrace (black and white toys for infants, etc).

Not sure how that fits in with the boy vs. girl learning curve though.

I find it rather shocking that the white literacy level is also pretty low by fourth grade.

I'd say that in general the lower the literacy rate of the parents, the more obstacles the kids would be facing. However, given the difference between males and females, it doesn't account for the differences. Also a common sense explanation would have to be found for the generations of immigrant children who managed to succeed in academics, without English spoken at home, not just as a second language.
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anything in the article about black females...where are you getting your information on them?

Statistics. Black females are just behind white females in college graduation rates. White males significantly behind black females, black males way down there.

Cool! Girls Rule! Excellent news!

Actually we should all find the male post secondary rates troubling. This is more than women being able to go to university, seems boys are being dumbed down, regardless of race.
Statistics. Black females are just behind white females in college graduation rates. White males significantly behind black females, black males way down there.

I heard an interesting discussion that pointed out a big problem in poor (and in this case black) families is that the mothers don't have an extensive vocabulary with which to speak to their kids and/or they have not embraced all the little get ahead tricks that people that in the burbs embrace (black and white toys for infants, etc).

Not sure how that fits in with the boy vs. girl learning curve though.

I find it rather shocking that the white literacy level is also pretty low by fourth grade.

I'd say that in general the lower the literacy rate of the parents, the more obstacles the kids would be facing. However, given the difference between males and females, it doesn't account for the differences. Also a common sense explanation would have to be found for the generations of immigrant children who managed to succeed in academics, without English spoken at home, not just as a second language.
I'm not talking about English, per se, but language and vocabulary itself. Immigrants may speak another language, but their vocabulary can still be quite large and hence their capacity for learning and thinking. Same with the mother that only made it through eighth grade...that doesn't mean she was not intelligent or had a limited vocabulary.
What you be up in other peoples business for, aint none of your business whos going to school and who not.

Mind your own hood.

Maybe the brothers got better things to do,


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How do we complain about the performance of Black males when a


White female says this about the educational system:


Something does not make sense.

That student's YouTube contains a profound paradox that I don't have time to comment on now.

Apologetics and excuses are so old and so tiring. Read Joe Bageant and you find the same attitudes, expectations and values in poor white society. There is always an assumption of a level field in which comparisons are made and conscience salved. But so long as society operates for the privileged and neglects the realities of the inner city and the remote burbs, we will always have this discussion. Wish I had more time to discuss.

"'Practical' politics, it is held, calls for policies that appeal to the fortunate. The poor do not vote; the alert politician bids for the comfortable and the rich. This would be politically foolish for the Democratic Party; those whose primary concern is to protect their income, their capital and their business interest will always vote for the party that most strongly affirms its service to their pecuniary well-being. This is and has always been the republicans. The Democrats have no future as a low grade substitute.." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'

Ah yes...the ever popular NATURE VERSUS NURTURE debate.

Isn't it obvious to every one of us that BOTH play a part in outcomes?
Ah yes...the ever popular NATURE VERSUS NURTURE debate.

Isn't it obvious to every one of us that BOTH play a part in outcomes?

if it isn't, it certainly should be. what isn't so obvious is that it can be broken down further.

Nature (genetics)

Nurture (physical conditions)

Nature influenced Nurture (cultural conditions)

Nurture influenced Nature (evolution)

of course those four could be broken up and defined more precisely
Few comments?

Our student reminds me of Joe's comment below. How is it humankind settle so easily into stultifying ideas and TV absurdity. The radicals of the sixties fought for rights and against a senseless war, the radicals of OO's fight for privilege and the corporation. Well fight may be the wrong word, whine better fits today.

"In any case, it seems that 40 years in retrospect, the human hive enjoys monolithism and totalism far more than anyone would have ever guessed back in the sixties. Most of industrial humanity, as it turns out, is, or would be, quite happy to come home from a hard day in the mines and settle down to Facebook or Twitter or hive broadcast “news” and passive entertainments, distributed by unseen “corporate entities.” I dunno, I think I liked dope and live music and sex better. But as all three diminish in my life with age, I’ve learned to settle for the Larry King Show and/or a lot less at times." Joe Bageant 'Algorithms and Red Wine' Joe Bageant: Algorithms and Red Wine

So if and when the absurdity of modern America hits you, and you wonder why are there so many cop shops, and why is making millions as you are bailed out OK but minimum wage is not, or war spending increases while educators get the boot, you'll find your mind in the sixties but don't stay there, thought can be a change element. Like the student's audience, faces will wrinkle and wonder, and tell you, someday you will be dead like us.

"In the political turnover in the United States in the autumn of 1994, as previously indicated, those opposing aid to the poor in its several forms won their stunning victory with the support of less than one quarter all eligible voters, fewer than half of whom had gone to the polls. The popular and media response was that those who had prevailed represented the view and voice of the public. Had there been a full turnout at the election, both the result and the reaction would have been decidedly different. The sense of social responsibility for the poor would have been greatly enhanced." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'
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