Black Males Underperform in School To Avoid Appearing Gay

Dunno what schools you went to Samson, but the ones I attended in Colorado and Montana had males who were VERY interested in getting good grades, and were respected by many of the school.

Quite a few of them held school office, like class president and the like.
Asians are urged,pressured,encouraged,whatever by the parents do do well in school.Black kids for the most part are treated the same by their parents I'm sure.But there seems to be a whole lot of black kids that come from single parent households where the kids end up out on the street way too long after school. These kids are the ones that will get made fun of if they do well in school...

I can't provide the link so that makes this a bullshit statement I know....It is however my opinion.
But is it really not the truth?
Asians are urged,pressured,encouraged,whatever by the parents do do well in school.Black kids for the most part are treated the same by their parents I'm sure.But there seems to be a whole lot of black kids that come from single parent households where the kids end up out on the street way too long after school. These kids are the ones that will get made fun of if they do well in school...

I can't provide the link so that makes this a bullshit statement I know....It is however my opinion.
But is it really not the truth?

No BS. Lots of kids suffer from a lack of supervision after school. Student-athletes in season do better academically and behaviorally than during their off-season. They have something to do after school and in order to play, they have to pass 5 out of 7 classes.
I think blacks high testosterone levels and low IQ levels have something to do with this
In general - fatherless children (esp boys) are not as successful as children from two parent families. It is not genetics. Nor is it rocket science. :cuckoo:

interesting idea with a lot of evidence to back it up. why do you think genetics have nothing to do with it? successful people tend to be better at making most areas of their life work out. creation and nurture of a family is a common goal of successful people. why do you not think that the genes of successful parents have no say in the success of their offspring?

the same concept holds true for poverty. successful parents typically manage to acquire the means to support and nurture their offspring. why wouldnt the genetic material that leads to self sufficiency also be passed along to the children?

it is no secret that smart, healthy and wealthy parents tend to have smart, healthy and wealthy children. and poor, socially deficient parent(s) tend to have poor, socially deficient children. no matter what the race, although regression to the mean comes into play.
Ian - I am not interested in debating "nature vs nurture" I am a HS teacher in a very diverse school system. Our top students come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. The only thing they generally have in common is food on the table and two caring parents. It's not rocket science.

Closing the achievement gap between whites and minorities is a no brainer. Get married and take care of your children. Making unwanted children is despicable. And entirely preventable.
Chanel has got the real answer, in my opinion.

Regardless of ethnic, generally speaking, when I taught boys without fathers at home, they were much more difficult to deal with than boys who had fathers at home.

I think the real lesson good fathers teach their sons (by example, rather than by lecturing them) is that one CAN BE A REAL MAN, without being a jerk.

Teen boys left without adult role models typically have a difficult time figuring that out.


My theory is that in boyhood, masculinity and being contrarian, possible even being violent IS considered uber-masculine.

Usually, I've noted, male punks either had an absent father, or a brutal father.
In general - fatherless children (esp boys) are not as successful as children from two parent families. It is not genetics. Nor is it rocket science. :cuckoo:

Good thing you said "in general". I did fairly well in HS, and had a successful career in the Navy, and my real father left my mother when I was around a year old, with me becoming an orphan at 8.
Actually, I didn't "beat the odds" as you put it until after I'd been in the military for a while.

It's where I got my discipline.
Good to know.

We were talking about school children.

"Beating the odds" is not just my opinion. There's tons of research on the topic. Single parenthood puts additional strains on families. Number one being income - number two - time. Not rocket science.
Good to know.

We were talking about school children.

"Beating the odds" is not just my opinion. There's tons of research on the topic. Single parenthood puts additional strains on families. Number one being income - number two - time. Not rocket science.
There is the unfortunate tendency to admire the likes of Michael Vick and denigrate the likes of Clarence Thomas. Until that is reversed, there will continue to be tragedy.

We black males should all marry ugly fat white women? Or were you talking about the bitter black male shame of being thought of as an Affirmative Action hire that permeates the entire being of Clarence Thomas and drives his opinions on race related cases?
Wow, you can read the minds of Supreme Court justices? Don't be fucking stupid.
Ian - I am not interested in debating "nature vs nurture" I am a HS teacher in a very diverse school system. Our top students come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. The only thing they generally have in common is food on the table and two caring parents. It's not rocket science.

Closing the achievement gap between whites and minorities is a no brainer. Get married and take care of your children. Making unwanted children is despicable. And entirely preventable.

Divorce rates are through the roof in this country, for all races.
Children born out of wedlock rates are through the roof in this country, for one race.
Adolph makes a good point.

However, I submit that ALL males consider academics pussifying to some degree.

Males, regardless of color, are not really hormonally designed to sit, primly and properly, for hours on end.

Nope, just knuckle draggers such as yourself.

Me? I enjoyed school, and geometry and biology were 2 of my favorite subjects.

Well, you ARE a pussy.


Thanks for helping me make my point.

I don't know about loving school. I love learning. I didn't appreciate the route work. Sometimes I had teachers who demanded so many examples of the same function to prove understanding. :evil:

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. It was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, passed by the House on January 31, 1865, and adopted on December 6, 1865.

Less than a hundred and fifty years ago US Blacks were slaves. Now 'they' are in every echelon of business and making 'their' way. Tough economic times serve to create a disconnect, but the progression is clear.

After holding 'them' down, America raised 'them' up to attempt and effect a repair of a wrong. Some people ask me why I love America. Because it is an experiment in the moderation of humanity.


Israel is my spiritual love. The US and it's raison d'être is my mundane love. Look at the progression of a people who have been held to slavery for many, many, many thousands of years. Just as there were blacks who were involved in the slavery, there were kapos involved in the herding the Jews into the trains and is a human condition with many examples throughout the ages.

I see an increase in those who are of Black extraction and in positions of power working to change these effects.

Now, in these interim years since the abolishment of slavery the US has had both Democratic majorities and Republican majorities.

Still, the support continues...

Kudos to the US. :thup:

I just wish many of those Americans could see what I see. Many seem be blinded by the rhetoric.

Yet the path continues unbroken ...
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