Black Man Being Led by a Rope

I'm not sure if you're aware, but the police walk "buddy style" next to criminals thousands of times a day across the country. For some reason Galveston is the first instance where I've ever heard of police escorting somebody with a rope while riding a horse. That town is just fucking retarded.
You have no idea what it's like to be family of a cop who is putting his life on the line every time he steps out in a uniform on the job to deal with criminals and people who do insane things on a serial basis. No criminal is a cop's buddy, and home invaders are the very worst of the very worst criminals to look out for doing off the wall bazarro world crap that winds up with a cop dead or disabled for life. That town is not fucking anything. They have a procedure that works with no harm no foul. No, it doesn't look good, but you don't have a clue what that character has done. If he was apprehended 5 times, and the average criminal is apprehended only 2% of the time, do the math. There isn't an unlocked door in Gaveston Town that alleged mentally ill man doesn't know about. And bless the families of those two cops who had to deal and make the right call with that invader. They did the right thing and did not harm the man.
The Police represent their community

Leading a non violent, mentally unstable person through the street dragged by a horse does not represent Galveston very well

Stupid, callous thing to do
No it wasn't. There wasn't a neon note attached to Mr. Mentally Unstable saying to handle with kid gloves. He got the regular treatment. There was absolutely no harm, no foul, and the cuffed man was not being goaded nor dragged, because he knew he did something bad, and was hoping not to get into more trouble. His family's claims of his being mentally ill didn't provide him with a home in his illness, nor did they contact city or county services to see to it he did not get into trouble, since they could not handle him and keep him from tresspassing and invading other people's property without permission.
The cops look like a couple of assholes
The guy was a non violent offender

Being mentally unstable he could have freaked out and been injured by the horses
He could have freaked out and injured the officers or their animals

Galveston police admitted it was a stupid thing to do
I agree
Fine. Now, give every criminal who has ever been apprehended invading someone else's privacy and property a mental evaluation. They are then to be instructed to wear a bracelet with the medications they are taking and the illness that may find them doing inappropriate things in inappropriate places and their residence is to be placed underneath their names so that they may be taken home in a limousine, hired by the city of Galveston to kid-glove people with such trials. :rolleyes:
If illegals are not criminals, neither is he
Humans are not dogs

But I’m sure your Klan friends will get a kick out of that picture

The linked article, the author made a point that we dont' treat dogs like this.

But, we do.

I'm just addressing a point raised by the linked article.

What is with the race baiting you fucktard?

From the article, did you fucking read it?

"You don't even do a dog like that," said Sherri Kelly, visiting the island from Spring. "I don't care. That's inhumane."

It is a stupid thing for her to say, but I thought I was pretty merciful. YOu were an asshole.

How often does your Klan group meet?
I’m sure if you bring that picture, you will be getting free drinks all night
Hes not a Democrat. Why did you think he was?
KKK is 100 percent RepubliKlan today

You race baiting liar.

Hey, check this out.

YOu ever see the like?


OMG, how inhumane!!!
Yes Yes Yes...we get equate the guy in the OP with a dog. We get that already.
Totally unnecessary

One of them should have got off their horse
and walked him to where they were going...
How far could the guy have gotten
had they not used the rope and the guy fled

They’re on fucking horses
Patrol car cops are protected from criminals by bullet-proof glass screens between themselves and the criminal in the back seat. You expect a cop to walk buddy style next to someone who's no different from those they have to protect themselves from in a police car?

No way!
Do you know how fucking idiotic your reply is?

What is acting as an equivalent to bulletproof glass?
The horses ass

If the officer is holding the rope
and the guy makes a break for it,
he’d likely cause the officer to tumble off the horse
or cause the horse distress which would be worse

If the guy wanted he could kick either of the horses
Don’t you think they considered that

They would have not transported him as they did
had they actually considered him to present a risk

This is a man with mental health issues
they have dealt with numerous times for the same issue

The day that picture was taken he was being arrested
because he refused to leave the Merrill Lynch building

From the Galveston, Texas, Merrill Lynch website....

Through our volunteerism and charitable outreach, our Branch helps support the economic, social and cultural life of the places in which we live and work. In virtually every Merrill location across the country, employees are involved in fundraising activities meant to benefit their many neighborhoods and causes. And as a local Branch office, we feel it is important for us to “give back” and help maintain vibrant, healthy communities and non-profit organizations.

Here's a gentle bar of soap to help you clean out your filthy dirty vocabulary:
View attachment 273174

Get busy. ahhhh! :cheeky-smiley-018:
That town is not fucking anything.
I’ll wait until you’re finished using it
The linked article, the author made a point that we dont' treat dogs like this.

But, we do.

I'm just addressing a point raised by the linked article.

What is with the race baiting you fucktard?

From the article, did you fucking read it?

"You don't even do a dog like that," said Sherri Kelly, visiting the island from Spring. "I don't care. That's inhumane."

It is a stupid thing for her to say, but I thought I was pretty merciful. YOu were an asshole.

How often does your Klan group meet?
I’m sure if you bring that picture, you will be getting free drinks all night
Hes not a Democrat. Why did you think he was?
KKK is 100 percent RepubliKlan today

You race baiting liar.

Hey, check this out.

YOu ever see the like?


OMG, how inhumane!!!
Yes Yes Yes...we get equate the guy in the OP with a dog. We get that already.
No...he’s a criminal. He should be restrained. He’s not responsible enough to function in a civilized society.
really bad look for the police here. the guy was nonviolent from what I see, just didn't have a pass to get in. If the cops were not being malicious it was stupid on their part. Pretty sure they will be doing traffic duty for the next 6 months
How often does your Klan group meet?
I’m sure if you bring that picture, you will be getting free drinks all night
Hes not a Democrat. Why did you think he was?
KKK is 100 percent RepubliKlan today

You race baiting liar.

Hey, check this out.

YOu ever see the like?


OMG, how inhumane!!!
Yes Yes Yes...we get equate the guy in the OP with a dog. We get that already.
No...he’s a criminal. He should be restrained. He’s not responsible enough to function in a civilized society.
He was in a public building and refused to leave

He was restrained with handcuffs...
It was not necessary to use a rope
to lead him where they were taking him

If he had a suitcase full of $100 bills
I promise you, they wouldn’t have asked him to leave
they would have tried to take advantage of
a mentally ill man with a suitcase full of money
No...he’s a criminal. He should be restrained. He’s not responsible enough to function in a civilized society.
The average person commits 3 Felonies per-day. I suppose the average person isn't responsible enough to function in a civilized society. Then again, you may need to elaborate on civilized, since I'm looking at a society with a Government that dismembers babies and incinerates cats.

Are you the type of person who believes that laws are what dictates ethics? What are ethics to you?

Well what the hell are they supposed to do, drag him? He's afoot and they're on horseback.
Call for a patrol vehicle, like they do everywhere else?
I’m sure they would have but it’s obvious that situation dictated the method used.
If the situation warranted it (it didn't) then why did the agency change their policy?
The right wing racist love it, reminds them of the "Good Ole Days".
Not one scrap of evidence in this case shows racism,

So two white cops riding horseback with a black man cuffed and being lead by a rope doesn't show racism, are you fucking kidding me.

and I'm against racial slurs as appeared above, and people on the right fought a war with people on the left to give black people freedom, losing many sons, and so did the southerners who were defeated after 4 long years of bitter killing one another.

So you are telling me that those racist Southerners were leftist, they were conservative as hell.

Don't you ever tell me that the right is racist. We're the ones who liberated blacks from slavery and made certain they could vote and hold public office.

:abgg2q.jpg:You go to far with the comedy.

A Republican President called in the National Guard to let the first black kid safely in an all-white school in Little Rock Arkansas in 1954.

Yea those Southern Leftist were racist as hell. Smfh.

I saw it on tv, but was a little young, although I recall asking my mother why would they have to have so many police around just to let one little girl get a good education since she was a gifted and intelligent kid who deserved the best from her earlier hard work doing homework in a school that couldn't keep up with her. And the Democrats stood there, shaking their fists and screaming epithets and inanities at her like crazy people.

Yep those right wing, conservative Southerners were pissed, weren't they.
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The right wing racist love it, reminds them of the "Good Ole Days".
Not one scrap of evidence in this case shows racism,

So two white cops riding horseback with a black man cuffed and being lead by a rope doesn't show racism, are you fucking kidding me.

and I'm against racial slurs as appeared above, and people on the right fought a war with people on the left to give black people freedom, losing many sons, and so did the southerners who were defeated after 4 long years of bitter killing one another.

So you are telling me that those racist Southerners were leftist, they were conservative as hell.

Don't you ever tell me that the right is racist. We're the ones who liberated blacks from slavery and made certain they could vote and hold public office.

:abgg2q.jpg:You go to far with the comedy.

A Republican President called in the National Guard to let the first black kid safely in an all-white school in Little Rock Arkansas in 1954.

Yea those Southern Leftist were racist as hell. Smfh.

I saw it on tv, but was a little young, although I recall asking my mother why would they have to have so many police around just to let one little girl get a good education since she was a gifted and intelligent kid who deserved the best from her earlier hard work doing homework in a school that couldn't keep up with her. And the Democrats stood there, shaking their fists and screaming epithets and inanities at her like crazy people.

Yep those right wing, conservative Southerners were pissed, weren't they.

How is it racist? Do they not do the same for white criminals?
The right wing racist love it, reminds them of the "Good Ole Days".
Not one scrap of evidence in this case shows racism,

So two white cops riding horseback with a black man cuffed and being lead by a rope doesn't show racism, are you fucking kidding me.

and I'm against racial slurs as appeared above, and people on the right fought a war with people on the left to give black people freedom, losing many sons, and so did the southerners who were defeated after 4 long years of bitter killing one another.

So you are telling me that those racist Southerners were leftist, they were conservative as hell.

Don't you ever tell me that the right is racist. We're the ones who liberated blacks from slavery and made certain they could vote and hold public office.

:abgg2q.jpg:You go to far with the comedy.

A Republican President called in the National Guard to let the first black kid safely in an all-white school in Little Rock Arkansas in 1954.

Yea those Southern Leftist were racist as hell. Smfh.

I saw it on tv, but was a little young, although I recall asking my mother why would they have to have so many police around just to let one little girl get a good education since she was a gifted and intelligent kid who deserved the best from her earlier hard work doing homework in a school that couldn't keep up with her. And the Democrats stood there, shaking their fists and screaming epithets and inanities at her like crazy people.

Yep those right wing, conservative Southerners were pissed, weren't they.

How is it racist? Do they not do the same for white criminals?

Then you shouldn't have a problem posting a picture of one.
The right wing racist love it, reminds them of the "Good Ole Days".
Not one scrap of evidence in this case shows racism,

So two white cops riding horseback with a black man cuffed and being lead by a rope doesn't show racism, are you fucking kidding me.

and I'm against racial slurs as appeared above, and people on the right fought a war with people on the left to give black people freedom, losing many sons, and so did the southerners who were defeated after 4 long years of bitter killing one another.

So you are telling me that those racist Southerners were leftist, they were conservative as hell.

Don't you ever tell me that the right is racist. We're the ones who liberated blacks from slavery and made certain they could vote and hold public office.

:abgg2q.jpg:You go to far with the comedy.

A Republican President called in the National Guard to let the first black kid safely in an all-white school in Little Rock Arkansas in 1954.

Yea those Southern Leftist were racist as hell. Smfh.

I saw it on tv, but was a little young, although I recall asking my mother why would they have to have so many police around just to let one little girl get a good education since she was a gifted and intelligent kid who deserved the best from her earlier hard work doing homework in a school that couldn't keep up with her. And the Democrats stood there, shaking their fists and screaming epithets and inanities at her like crazy people.

Yep those right wing, conservative Southerners were pissed, weren't they.

How is it racist? Do they not do the same for white criminals?

Then you shouldn't have a problem posting a picture of one.
Here you go! This one is of a black man on a horse arresting a white guy, but he wasnt as nice as the white officers who at least gave the black criminal a longer leash.


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I'm not sure if you're aware, but the police walk "buddy style" next to criminals thousands of times a day across the country. For some reason Galveston is the first instance where I've ever heard of police escorting somebody with a rope while riding a horse. That town is just fucking retarded.
You have no idea what it's like to be family of a cop who is putting his life on the line every time he steps out in a uniform on the job to deal with criminals and people who do insane things on a serial basis. No criminal is a cop's buddy, and home invaders are the very worst of the very worst criminals to look out for doing off the wall bazarro world crap that winds up with a cop dead or disabled for life. That town is not fucking anything. They have a procedure that works with no harm no foul. No, it doesn't look good, but you don't have a clue what that character has done. If he was apprehended 5 times, and the average criminal is apprehended only 2% of the time, do the math. There isn't an unlocked door in Gaveston Town that alleged mentally ill man doesn't know about. And bless the families of those two cops who had to deal and make the right call with that invader. They did the right thing and did not harm the man.
The Police represent their community

Leading a non violent, mentally unstable person through the street dragged by a horse does not represent Galveston very well

Stupid, callous thing to do
No it wasn't. There wasn't a neon note attached to Mr. Mentally Unstable saying to handle with kid gloves. He got the regular treatment. There was absolutely no harm, no foul, and the cuffed man was not being goaded nor dragged, because he knew he did something bad, and was hoping not to get into more trouble. His family's claims of his being mentally ill didn't provide him with a home in his illness, nor did they contact city or county services to see to it he did not get into trouble, since they could not handle him and keep him from tresspassing and invading other people's property without permission.
The cops look like a couple of assholes
The guy was a non violent offender

Being mentally unstable he could have freaked out and been injured by the horses
He could have freaked out and injured the officers or their animals

Galveston police admitted it was a stupid thing to do
I agree
Fine. Now, give every criminal who has ever been apprehended invading someone else's privacy and property a mental evaluation. They are then to be instructed to wear a bracelet with the medications they are taking and the illness that may find them doing inappropriate things in inappropriate places and their residence is to be placed underneath their names so that they may be taken home in a limousine, hired by the city of Galveston to kid-glove people with such trials. :rolleyes:
Better yet is to treat every detainee with respect. They are innocent until proven guilty

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