Black man led through streets on a rope ‘like a slave’ sues police

Galveston is an Island region outside Houston, and hate to tell you cops still ride horses and sorry for the guy arrested but if it were me I would not be upset...

The live video showed that every other mode of transportation on the streets at the time were motor vehicles. There were only two horses on the streets. Seems like a choice, rather than necessity.

Additionally, one of the men who was sent by the government with a gun was heard saying that leading Mr Neely by a rope would look bad. To choose do so was, again a choice. Perhaps a bit of human nature. As you may know, man is a mixture of good and evil.

In fact, they were also heard telling the man that they'd drag him if he didn't comply.

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From the report, he was just a homeless American trying to lay his head down some place. Thus the simple trespassing charge. I mention this as a courtesy to the casual reader who may just skip over the article and jump right into the mosh pit. Well, that and the fact that op chose to shit stir rather than to offer any crelevant ontext of the incident.

There was no reason whatsoever to do that to that man. They could have called for a transport unit. Exhibitionists gonna exhibition...
No one wants crazy drug addicted criminal bums in their neighborhoods. You will NEVER gain peoples support for that nonsense.

A restaurant owner was telling me about an issue he has, with a homeless man living on the sidewalk in front of his business. He was in a wheelchair and would just shit in his wheel chair and sort of let it fall onto the side walk by the entrance to the food selling place.

As you can imagine, the owner was not happy. He called the police. Many times. But, we as a society, have forgotten how to maintain civilization and the cops did not have the authority to DO anything with this bum.

Luckily, the near by beer store, where he was buying his booze finally banned him, and he moved on.

I guess Texas was better off. Until today. The cops are being taught. Homeless people rule the streets and normal people have no rights.
Galveston is an Island region outside Houston, and hate to tell you cops still ride horses and sorry for the guy arrested but if it were me I would not be upset...

The live video showed that every other mode of transportation on the streets at the time were motor vehicles. There were only two horses on the streets. Seems like a choice, rather than necesity.

Additionally, one of the men who was sent by the government with a gun was heard saying that leading Mr Neely by a rope would look bad. To choose do so was, again a choice. Perhaps a bit of human nature. As you may know, man is a mixture of good and evil.

True, but I know down here most cops would do that to anyone of any color just because let me be clear Galveston Police are power tripping wannabes just like HPD...
From the report, he was just a homeless American trying to lay his head down some place. Thus the simple trespassing charge. I mention this as a courtesy to the casual reader who may just skip over the article and jump right into the mosh pit. Well, that and the fact that op chose to shit stir rather than to offer any crelevant ontext of the incident.

There was no reason whatsoever to do that to that man. They could have called for a transport unit. Exhibitionists gonna exhibition...
No one wants crazy drug addicted criminal bums in their neighborhoods. You will NEVER gain peoples support for that nonsense.

A restaurant owner was telling me about an issue he has, with a homeless man living on the sidewalk in front of his business. He was in a wheelchair and would just shit in his wheel chair and sort of let it fall onto the side walk by the entrance to the food selling place.

As you can imagine, the owner was not happy. He called the police. Many times. But, we as a society, have forgotten how to maintain civilization and the cops did not have the authority to DO anything with this bum.

Luckily, the near by beer store, where he was buying his booze finally banned him, and he moved on.

I guess Texas was better off. Until today. The cops are being taught. Homeless people rule the streets and normal people have no rights.
See that is one major difference between a society that is hostile and oppressive to minorities and one that isn't.
Here in the UK most folk would have called Social Services not the Police.
Relevant reading...

“First and foremost I must apologize to Mister Neely for this unnecessary embarrassment,” Galveston police chief Vernon L. Hale III said in a statement Monday. “Although this is a trained technique and best practice in some scenarios, I believe our officers showed poor judgement in this instance and could have waited for a transport unit at the location of the arrest.”

No one wants crazy drug addicted criminal bums in their neighborhoods. You will NEVER gain peoples support for that nonsense.

They could have called a transport unit. And they should have.

The man should have been treated like a human being and with some semblance of dignity. Not like an animal. Not paraded through the streets on a rope, talkin about, hey, look, we caught us a ******.
No, he should be treated like everyone else. If i fuck up, they arent going to call a "transport vehicle". That stupid bum isnt special because he stinks and causes trouble.
From the report, he was just a homeless American trying to lay his head down some place. Thus the simple trespassing charge. I mention this as a courtesy to the casual reader who may just skip over the article and jump right into the mosh pit. Well, that and the fact that op chose to shit stir rather than to offer any crelevant ontext of the incident.

There was no reason whatsoever to do that to that man. They could have called for a transport unit. Exhibitionists gonna exhibition...
No one wants crazy drug addicted criminal bums in their neighborhoods. You will NEVER gain peoples support for that nonsense.

A restaurant owner was telling me about an issue he has, with a homeless man living on the sidewalk in front of his business. He was in a wheelchair and would just shit in his wheel chair and sort of let it fall onto the side walk by the entrance to the food selling place.

As you can imagine, the owner was not happy. He called the police. Many times. But, we as a society, have forgotten how to maintain civilization and the cops did not have the authority to DO anything with this bum.

Luckily, the near by beer store, where he was buying his booze finally banned him, and he moved on.

I guess Texas was better off. Until today. The cops are being taught. Homeless people rule the streets and normal people have no rights.
See that is one major difference between a society that is hostile and oppressive to minorities and one that isn't.
Here in the UK most folk would have called Social Services not the Police.
Yeah? And what the fuck would social services do to stop this bum from tresspassing? Any society that sweeps their dirt under a rug is a pathetic society.
Of course, it is a 'trained technique', and has been for generations. Only difference with the way daddy used to do it. is the 'black guy is no longer led to the nearest tree.

The hey day of lynching was more like great, great grandfather's time, than one generation back. And even then, it was rarer than not.

Your pretense that it was a regular facet of life, in living memory, is just false, divisive bullshit.
Of course, it is a 'trained technique', and has been for generations. Only difference with the way daddy used to do it. is the 'black guy is no longer led to the nearest tree.

The hey day of lynching was more like great, great grandfather's time, than one generation back. And even then, it was rarer than not.

Your pretense that it was a regular facet of life, in living memory, is just false, divisive bullshit.
It should have never happened at all!
From the report, he was just a homeless American trying to lay his head down some place. Thus the simple trespassing charge. I mention this as a courtesy to the casual reader who may just skip over the article and jump right into the mosh pit. Well, that and the fact that op chose to shit stir rather than to offer any crelevant ontext of the incident.

There was no reason whatsoever to do that to that man. They could have called for a transport unit. Exhibitionists gonna exhibition...
No one wants crazy drug addicted criminal bums in their neighborhoods. You will NEVER gain peoples support for that nonsense.

A restaurant owner was telling me about an issue he has, with a homeless man living on the sidewalk in front of his business. He was in a wheelchair and would just shit in his wheel chair and sort of let it fall onto the side walk by the entrance to the food selling place.

As you can imagine, the owner was not happy. He called the police. Many times. But, we as a society, have forgotten how to maintain civilization and the cops did not have the authority to DO anything with this bum.

Luckily, the near by beer store, where he was buying his booze finally banned him, and he moved on.

I guess Texas was better off. Until today. The cops are being taught. Homeless people rule the streets and normal people have no rights.
See that is one major difference between a society that is hostile and oppressive to minorities and one that isn't.
Here in the UK most folk would have called Social Services not the Police.
Yeah? And what the fuck would social services do to stop this bum from tresspassing? Any society that sweeps their dirt under a rug is a pathetic society.
How do you know he is a bum? Quick with your social profiling aren't you!
The armed male agent of the state was clearly heard recommending that the armed female agent of the state go get the truck and bring it to where they were to transport him.

The female agent of the state was clearly heard saying in response that she wanted him to instead walk all the way to the station versus bringing a truck over to transport him.

It's my view that the armed female agent of the state likely just felt personally empowered over the citizen and basically wanted to humiliate him. Seems like she was more interested in accommodating her own personal satisfaction versus safely and logically bringing the truck over to transport him.
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Of course, it is a 'trained technique', and has been for generations. Only difference with the way daddy used to do it. is the 'black guy is no longer led to the nearest tree.

The hey day of lynching was more like great, great grandfather's time, than one generation back. And even then, it was rarer than not.

Your pretense that it was a regular facet of life, in living memory, is just false, divisive bullshit.
It should have never happened at all!

Irrelevant to your smearing of the people of texas of today, and/or one generation back.

YOu were wrong to do so, and you were wrong in your facts, justifying your attack.
IF I was wrong the incident would never have happened.

You know well that 'daddy' in the context I used it includes 'Grand', and 'Great', and who said lynchings stopped when the law said they had to stop.
View attachment 400484

Good Lord. What a place to be Black.
Although it looked bad the context made it acceptable since the arrest was done by horseback duty police/deputies whatever.
What would you have done, let him ride with you sitting behind you with his hands in your pocket? As you end the night and empty your pockets you'd realize he wasn't being friendly with you, because you would be missing your wallet and your kazoo you play on the weekends, then and only then you'd realize there had to be a better non liberal way to bring in the perp. :)
Although it looked bad the context made it acceptable since the arrest was done by horseback duty police/deputies whatever.

The male officer advised that one of them go retrieve the truck and bring it over in order to transport the man to the station.

The female officer acknowledged the recommendation and vocally refused and then specifically said that she'd rather parade him through the steets.

Now what.
Relevant reading from the City of Galveston, Texas - Government fedbook page...

''Did you know that the Galveston Police Department has nine Mounted Patrol Officers? If you want to know why riding a horse is better (and way more fun) than driving a patrol car, watch this week’s #employeespotlight.''

So, I dunno, I guess girls just wanna fun? I mean, you heard her outright say, no I don't wanna drive the truck, when presented with the option. She instead said, no, I wanna ride him through town on my horse. She got a kind of sadistic way of having fun. I tell ya. Some people...

You could maybe give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was just too lazy to go load her horse and wheel the truck around. It was probably just a two horse trailer anyway. But, you know, heroes aren't generally lazy, so...might have to go with the former in this case.
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I'll tell yas, the way I used to have fun on a horse, and I grew up with em there in the extreme northeast Tennessee, Shady Valley, to be exact, was to get in the wind through the valley. That's fun, lemme tell ya. Especially when you're like 12? Pft. It's gosh darned spiritual.

If the City of Galveston thinks fun is tying a man to a rope and leading him through town, like a trophy, presenting the spectacle about hey, everybody look, we got us a ******, then they have a strange notion of fun.

That's just not what having fun on a horse is supposed to be.
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What were the cops on horse back supposed to do?
What I would like to know is why they ride horses in the first place.

God bless you always!!!

Horses are supposedly very good at crowd control, and do give good mobility, faster than on foot but more mobile than cars (depending on the setting), or so I've heard.
Thank you. To me, those who carry a badge should stick to cars and motorcycles considering how dangerous their job already is. Those who are armed have already made it as clear as glass that they won't hesitate to shoot at other people and so in my opinion, why should animals be brought into the picture when they are shot at enough already due to those who love to go hunting?

God bless you always!!!


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