Black man led through streets on a rope ‘like a slave’ sues police

Although it looked bad the context made it acceptable since the arrest was done by horseback duty police/deputies whatever.

The male officer advised that one of them go retrieve the truck and bring it over in order to transport the man to the station.

The female officer acknowledged the recommendation and vocally refused and then specifically said that she'd rather parade him through the steets.

Now what.
Some officers and judges like to use the embarassment method as well as parents, to try and change repeat behavior where regular punishment doesn't seem to sink in. It's a way of using the human ego to adjust behavior flaws.
If it was purposely devised in a hate crime mentality then that will be found out and proper legal process will bring proper justice and adjustments to procedures will follow.
We all realize it was not smart by way of visuals, but criminals don't have a right to coddling and appearances, like they never exactly care about the humility of their victims, which have you spoken up about anywhere? Like humility of a cop having water bottles and buckets spilled on them?
Where you vocal when the transvestite twerked while yelling at the cops close up? Did you speak up about the humility of a cop running from his car on fire as they try to burn him alive? Did you voice anything when the cop was hit with a stick or bat in NY while they took pictures and laughed?
Why is one humility above others unless your prejudices against police is exposed by your argument.
Why is one humility above others unless your prejudices against police is exposed by your argument.

You're begging the question here. Some people call it assuming the answer, I call it begging the question.

So far as what I would or would not say about the other instances of what you're defining as 'prejudices', if I know me, I likely would have, depending on the circumstances.

Judgment and punishment is reserved for the courts. Not the whims of the arrestors. After they made the arrest, their job was done. Or should have been...
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Good Lord. What a place to be Black.

I remember when this happened. I'm shocked it didn't make more headlines. The guy is probably trying to cash in on the racial strife to be honest. But hell yeah, he should have sued them when it happened.

Did the guy committ a crime ?

If so, fuck him.

If his only crime was being black.....I hope he walks away with millions.
I'll tell yas, the way I used to have fun on a horse, and I grew up with em there in the extreme northeast Tennessee, Shady Valley, to be exact, was to get in the wind through the valley. That's fun, lemme tell ya. Especially when you're like 12? Pft. It's gosh darned spiritual.

If the City of Galveston thinks fun is tying a man to a rope and leading him through town, like a trophy, presenting the spectacle about hey, everybody look, we got us a ******, then they have a strange notion of fun.

That's just not what having fun on a horse is supposed to be.
It ain't for no reason it was called "Shady Valley!"
Why is one humility above others unless your prejudices against police is exposed by your argument.

You're begging the question here. Some people call it assuming the answer, I call it begging the question.

So far as what I would or would not say about the other instances of what you're defining as 'prejudices', if I know me, I likely would have, depending on the circumstances.

Judgment and punishment is reserved for the courts. Not the whims of the arrestors. After they made the arrest, their job was done. Or should have been...
So then the same people complaining about vigilante justice would complain about the protesters and rioters today who have brought it upon itself to judge and try even innocent people(wrong they don't),they pick a side and double standard based on instilled outrage created by a media broadcast of propaganda that is controlled and affiliation pride (gang mentallity).
Same with this, you selectively pick and choose "OUT OF CONTEXT" EVENTS that are emotionally charged by your subjected opinion of an event you don't have all the facts onb so you say stuff like the police aren't the judge and trial yet you lift yourself high to do that yourselves without the facts, but what is provided selectively & narrated through spin by that propaganda media who uses you and plays you for it's emotional affect=pawns far worse then the man dragged around hy the roped hands.
By the way why is rope worse then handcuffs, but for imaginary fake concern created by the media tricks to create hysteria?
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Good Lord. What a place to be Black.
Since when is tying someones hands and leading them by a rope a racial thing? Horseback law enforcement has been arresting people like this for hundreds of years. Why are you trying to imply this is only done to black people?

Post a picture of anywhere in Modern America where a white guy is being treated like that and conservatives are cheering and we'll call it even.
Anybody who defends the police actions is an absolute sicko.

Here in the UK. and to our shame we have homeless. Many Cities and Towns have Bi-laws forbidding sleeping rough, but the Police are overwhelmed. Why didn't they just 'move him along' as they do here?

If we here know the history of slavery in the southern US states, I'm sure US law enforcement officers would know it.

Their training could not have possibly included restraining anybody with a noose around their neck - Health & Safety.
What if someone had caused the horse to bolt or if the guy simply tripped?

Why do so many posters bring Republican & Democrats into something that is simply on a human level and with your history a national disgrace that all Americans should be ashamed of?

The two officers concerned should be sacked and prosecuted.

We've always had these types of low life scum in the US. Trump just validates their single-digit IQ. So now you have people applauding police for shooting folks in the back, parading people through the streets lassoed like cattle, cheering vigilantes, and calling neo-nazis very fine people.

It won't last forever but nobody is going to look back on the Trump years as anything but a mini Dark Ages for the American experiment.
What were the cops on horse back supposed to do? Let him ride double? Let him go? ASK him nicely to follow them?

Call for a squad car. Just a thought.
..typical of you people --you don't know the facts and don't care about the think with your emotion and not your brains

this is very SIMPLE -to people with a brain and/or not racist:
A transport unit wasn’t immediately available at the time.

A blob supporter being all for parading a black man humiliatingly through the streets...

Shocking? No...not to anyone who knows blobbers.

Really...fuck off.
Fuck off, scum.

If the criminal felt that being arrested was humiliating, that's good. You're not supposed to be proud of getting arrested, you fucking moron.

The race of the perp or the arresting officer is only relevant to bigots like you. Your racial prejudice is disgusting.
From the report, he was just a homeless American trying to lay his head down some place. Thus the simple trespassing charge. I mention this as a courtesy to the casual reader who may just skip over the article and jump right into the mosh pit. Well, that and the fact that op chose to shit stir rather than to offer any crelevant ontext of the incident.

There was no reason whatsoever to do that to that man. They could have called for a transport unit. Exhibitionists gonna exhibition...

read again, they DID.
View attachment 400484

Good Lord. What a place to be Black.

I remember when this happened. I'm shocked it didn't make more headlines. The guy is probably trying to cash in on the racial strife to be honest. But hell yeah, he should have sued them when it happened.

Did the guy committ a crime ?

If so, fuck him.

If his only crime was being black.....I hope he walks away with millions.
His "crime" was sleeping on the pavement. Why was he being arrested in the first place ?
View attachment 400484

Good Lord. What a place to be Black.

I remember when this happened. I'm shocked it didn't make more headlines. The guy is probably trying to cash in on the racial strife to be honest. But hell yeah, he should have sued them when it happened.

Did the guy committ a crime ?

If so, fuck him.

If his only crime was being black.....I hope he walks away with millions.
His "crime" was sleeping on the pavement. Why was he being arrested in the first place ?
Sleeping while black.

But really....this story is pretty old. It sounds to me like he is suddenly offended by this. Just like the Ford/Kav dynamic.
If you bring it up 35 minutes after you're assaulted or have credibility
35 days, you have less
35 have even less
35 have none

It doesn't diminish what happened to you but it does diminish the injury you received.
View attachment 400484

Good Lord. What a place to be Black.
He is being led like a prisoner not a slave

It's better to be black here than in Africa or anywhere else
Its even better to be white. And thats the point.
When one moves the goalposts all over as you do one has no point
IF I was wrong the incident would never have happened.

You know well that 'daddy' in the context I used it includes 'Grand', and 'Great', and who said lynchings stopped when the law said they had to stop.

No, you were pretty obvious in smearing the people of texas TODAY, as though they were just a few years away from bad actors that have all been dead in the ground for generations.

The HOMELESS POPULATION in this country is a real freaking problem. Most of them are fucked in the head and should be committed against their will, for their own safety and the safety of others. And so our cities are not LITERALLY SHITHOLES.

A cop of horse riding cops leading an arrested bum by a rope, is not a problem. That it "looks bad" to some hysterical snowflakes is THEM being the problem, not the cops, or the rope.

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