Black men started slavery; White male abolitionists effectively ended it.

Oh you don't care that they're slaves. You just care that they weren't called HUMAN.

Well that's a little bit of wordsmithing that the Dems came up with, so they could justify human rights violations. They continue to pull that shit today.
Not really. They had their human rights removed by whites which is the definition of chattel slavery. Why did you whites have to do that being so civilized and all? BTW you never answered the question. Would you rather be a goat fuckers sex toy while chained in a ship on the way to the US or chiliing in Africa serving tea? Please dont avoid the question.

Wow. Just. Wow.

Anyway. Serious, twisted racist hater revealed ^^^^^^^
Your avoidance issues are starting to become the stuff of legend. Which is it? The goat fucker using you for sperm depository or serving iced tea in Africa?

I'm sorry, you aren't making sense. But you seem very, very angry. Do all women make you angry, or just white ones?
Of course. I should have known another deflection.

So white women evoke rage in you? And you're proud of that?

That's interesting. Albeit creepy.
I brought it up for discussion, because that is what this discussion board is for. This isn't a conversation one can have in normal everyday life without the conversation devolving into snide comments, battles between superiority complexes, or someone getting so angry they want to hurt someone.

I don't see how any form of slavery can be justified, although that seems to be a common argument that old-school slavery was okay and New World slavery was the worst form of it. Leave it to Europeans to take something as bad as slavery and make it even worse.

If we all started in the 'Cradle of Civilization,' which may in fact be revisionist history as well, then yes black people started civilization, and the ancestors of all races are the same ancestors( and Asians too? probably not, there were likely multiple civilizations started at different places in the world from different beginnings of life. Adam and Eve are a fairy tale to explain an ethnocentric world view of the 'Genesis' ) . Maybe the people who became 'white' due to evolution of pigmentation via differences in climate and amount of sun were going North to get away from the oppressive cultures that enslaved other races in the 'cradle of civilization.'

Why was it okay for Egyptians to build their mighty empire on the backs of 'indentured servants'?

Why was it okay to force people into indentured servitude to begin with?

The responsibility for slavery is most likely shared by all cultural groups until recent history, so why make it out like some forms were acceptable, when all forms of slavery are abhorrent?

This is not a hurrah only for white males. Its good to acknowledge that there are people of all ethnicities and both genders that fought against it. When I state that if it was not for white male abolitionists slavery would still exist, I say that due to the fact that at that time, due to the racist power structure of America that only let white men vote, they were the only ones who had the political pull to actually change the oppressive laws.

Its very easy for a lot of people to hate, and that hate goes to the closest available target that resembles their idea of their enemy. Is it really that hard to love and understand commonalities of humanity. I wish the momentum and scope of Dr. King's dream had not died along with him. There were those close to him that could have carried that torch onwards, but everything seems to have devolved into simplistic easy forms of hate for most people again. We need another leader in this world to continue the dream of Dr. King. Would you, or do you, join in carrying on the dream and bringing about the reality of his Beloved Community?
First you said the bible was a fairy tale then you said the Egyptians used slaves? What do you mean by that? We still have slavery here in the US and protected by the constitution. When looking at the different forms of slavery throughout history the one thought up by whites in the form of chattel slavery was by far the worst. That doesnt make other forms of slavery ok but you keep forgetting the fact that there was no dehumanizing factor until chattel slavery. Thats the huge difference.
A serious quandary that seems overlooked in modern sociopolitical thought:

Slavery was started by blacks a very long time ago. It continued for millennia. Effectively, if it was not for 'good' white male abolitionists, it would not have ended in America.

Why is it considered okay for blacks to have enslaved every race imaginable back to the beginning of time?


Why can't people of color admit that it was ended because of the persistent struggles for centuries or even millennia politically and socially of white men who abhorred the institution that black men started way back then?

Not being facetious. I would like to hear a good logical response to this that doesn't have to delve into simply insulting others for their race.
There is a difference in the slavery called chattel slavery and the slavery that was practiced by Blacks in Africa. The chattel slavery was the province of whites. The slavery practised in Africa was more along the lines of indentured servitude. There is a reason its called slavery. Whites practiced it on other whites. Its called "slave" after the Slavic people.

So it's okay for blacks to have slaves.

But it's not okay for whites to have slaves.

Got it.

Wow- see I think that all slavery is bad.

But you think its okay for blacks to have slavery.

I didn't see that coming.
Benevolent white men also honored them by declaring them 3/5 of a person, where before they didn't count for anything. Blessed be the white man!

declaring them 3/5 of a person

had it been your way

the representatives from the slave states would have far outweighed

the representatives from the non slave states

which certainly would have propelled slavery much further into the future

but you knew that
Had it been my way? Wtf are you talking about?

One group of white men wanted them to be worth nothing, another wanted them to count as at least a little human so their white votes would count more. Blessed be the white man!

But you knew that :cool:

so are you saying you agree with the 3/5s compromise that is what the fuck i am talking about

or are so saying they should have been counted on the census as 1 for 1

which is it
So are you saying people should have been enslaved?

what the fuck are you talking about

how the hell could you even come to that conclusion dumb ass

Not really. They had their human rights removed by whites which is the definition of chattel slavery. Why did you whites have to do that being so civilized and all? BTW you never answered the question. Would you rather be a goat fuckers sex toy while chained in a ship on the way to the US or chiliing in Africa serving tea? Please dont avoid the question.

Wow. Just. Wow.

Anyway. Serious, twisted racist hater revealed ^^^^^^^
Your avoidance issues are starting to become the stuff of legend. Which is it? The goat fucker using you for sperm depository or serving iced tea in Africa?

I'm sorry, you aren't making sense. But you seem very, very angry. Do all women make you angry, or just white ones?
Of course. I should have known another deflection.

So white women evoke rage in you? And you're proud of that?

That's interesting. Albeit creepy.
White women have been some of my greatest benefactors Why would they evoke rage? Its interesting you keep avoiding the question but I figured your crack supply is running out and you are distracted.
Benevolent white men also honored them by declaring them 3/5 of a person, where before they didn't count for anything. Blessed be the white man!

declaring them 3/5 of a person

had it been your way

the representatives from the slave states would have far outweighed

the representatives from the non slave states

which certainly would have propelled slavery much further into the future

but you knew that
Had it been my way? Wtf are you talking about?

One group of white men wanted them to be worth nothing, another wanted them to count as at least a little human so their white votes would count more. Blessed be the white man!

But you knew that :cool:

so are you saying you agree with the 3/5s compromise that is what the fuck i am talking about

or are so saying they should have been counted on the census as 1 for 1

which is it
So are you saying people should have been enslaved?

what the fuck are you talking about

how the hell could you even come to that conclusion dumb ass

It's a thread about white men and slavery. You asleep?
Benevolent white men also honored them by declaring them 3/5 of a person, where before they didn't count for anything. Blessed be the white man!

declaring them 3/5 of a person

had it been your way

the representatives from the slave states would have far outweighed

the representatives from the non slave states

which certainly would have propelled slavery much further into the future

but you knew that
Had it been my way? Wtf are you talking about?

One group of white men wanted them to be worth nothing, another wanted them to count as at least a little human so their white votes would count more. Blessed be the white man!

But you knew that :cool:

so are you saying you agree with the 3/5s compromise that is what the fuck i am talking about

or are so saying they should have been counted on the census as 1 for 1

which is it
So are you saying people should have been enslaved?

what the fuck are you talking about

how the hell could you even come to that conclusion dumb ass

The same way you came to your retarded conclusion and avoided answering my question.
There is a difference in the slavery called chattel slavery and the slavery that was practiced by Blacks in Africa. The chattel slavery was the province of whites. The slavery practised in Africa was more along the lines of indentured servitude. There is a reason its called slavery. Whites practiced it on other whites. Its called "slave" after the Slavic people.

asclepias explains the good slavery over the bad slavery --LOL
Yeah. The one whites pushed made you an animal with no rights. The "good" slavery you remained a human. Which one would you rather be involved in as slave?

at best you are a joke

Good deflection so you wouldnt have to answer the question. :laugh:

Let me see...would I rather be a slave belonging to a dude who came into my village and forcibly ripped me from my mother and family...or would I rather be a slave to a white girl?

Let me think...

Why would you rather be any kind of slave?

Really what the hell is this thread about?

Can we all agree slavery is bad?

Or is this just another stupid argument about who is more racist- blacks or whites?
Wow. Just. Wow.

Anyway. Serious, twisted racist hater revealed ^^^^^^^
Your avoidance issues are starting to become the stuff of legend. Which is it? The goat fucker using you for sperm depository or serving iced tea in Africa?

I'm sorry, you aren't making sense. But you seem very, very angry. Do all women make you angry, or just white ones?
Of course. I should have known another deflection.

So white women evoke rage in you? And you're proud of that?

That's interesting. Albeit creepy.
White women have been some of my greatest benefactors Why would they evoke rage? Its interesting you keep avoiding the question but I figured your crack supply is running out and you are distracted.

When crazy people say crazy things, I've found it's best to ignore the crazy part of what they say, and pretend like some of what they say makes sense, and respond to that.

You are the one who said they evoked rage in you.
Just a few more black men to add to the fire.... seems muslim's have been doing it for a few years also!

asclepias explains the good slavery over the bad slavery --LOL
Yeah. The one whites pushed made you an animal with no rights. The "good" slavery you remained a human. Which one would you rather be involved in as slave?

at best you are a joke

Good deflection so you wouldnt have to answer the question. :laugh:

Let me see...would I rather be a slave belonging to a dude who came into my village and forcibly ripped me from my mother and family...or would I rather be a slave to a white girl?

Let me think...

Why would you rather be any kind of slave?

Really what the hell is this thread about?

Can we all agree slavery is bad?

Or is this just another stupid argument about who is more racist- blacks or whites?
Crackgirl cant hold a normal conversation. Especially when she is running low.
According to Schlep, Somalians treat their slaves great. It's not like they're truly's more of a manager/client relationship.

Yeah, that's the ticket.
Your avoidance issues are starting to become the stuff of legend. Which is it? The goat fucker using you for sperm depository or serving iced tea in Africa?

I'm sorry, you aren't making sense. But you seem very, very angry. Do all women make you angry, or just white ones?
Of course. I should have known another deflection.

So white women evoke rage in you? And you're proud of that?

That's interesting. Albeit creepy.
White women have been some of my greatest benefactors Why would they evoke rage? Its interesting you keep avoiding the question but I figured your crack supply is running out and you are distracted.

When crazy people say crazy things, I've found it's best to ignore the crazy part of what they say, and pretend like some of what they say makes sense, and respond to that.

You are the one who said they evoked rage in you.
Where did I say that? Can you quote me?
Yeah. The one whites pushed made you an animal with no rights. The "good" slavery you remained a human. Which one would you rather be involved in as slave?

at best you are a joke

Good deflection so you wouldnt have to answer the question. :laugh:

Let me see...would I rather be a slave belonging to a dude who came into my village and forcibly ripped me from my mother and family...or would I rather be a slave to a white girl?

Let me think...

Why would you rather be any kind of slave?

Really what the hell is this thread about?

Can we all agree slavery is bad?

Or is this just another stupid argument about who is more racist- blacks or whites?
Crackgirl cant hold a normal conversation. Especially when she is running low.

Racist pig says what?
Benevolent white men also honored them by declaring them 3/5 of a person, where before they didn't count for anything. Blessed be the white man!

declaring them 3/5 of a person

had it been your way

the representatives from the slave states would have far outweighed

the representatives from the non slave states

which certainly would have propelled slavery much further into the future

but you knew that
Had it been my way? Wtf are you talking about?

One group of white men wanted them to be worth nothing, another wanted them to count as at least a little human so their white votes would count more. Blessed be the white man!

But you knew that :cool:

so are you saying you agree with the 3/5s compromise that is what the fuck i am talking about

or are so saying they should have been counted on the census as 1 for 1

which is it
I think slavery in this country was a travesty. But then again I'm not a blessed white man! What do you think Mr. Berzerk? Should they have been worth a whole person to the benefit of their slavers or been worth nothing as their slavers treated them?

I think slavery in this country was a travesty.

so do i however we are discussing the census issue yo brought up on the 3/5 compromise

you still have not answered the question was the compromise a good thing or a bad thing
I'm sorry, you aren't making sense. But you seem very, very angry. Do all women make you angry, or just white ones?
Of course. I should have known another deflection.

So white women evoke rage in you? And you're proud of that?

That's interesting. Albeit creepy.
White women have been some of my greatest benefactors Why would they evoke rage? Its interesting you keep avoiding the question but I figured your crack supply is running out and you are distracted.

When crazy people say crazy things, I've found it's best to ignore the crazy part of what they say, and pretend like some of what they say makes sense, and respond to that.

You are the one who said they evoked rage in you.
Where did I say that? Can you quote me?
I said:
I'm sorry, you aren't making sense. But you seem very, very angry. Do all women make you angry, or just white ones?

You said: Of course.
Benevolent white men also honored them by declaring them 3/5 of a person, where before they didn't count for anything. Blessed be the white man!

declaring them 3/5 of a person

had it been your way

the representatives from the slave states would have far outweighed

the representatives from the non slave states

which certainly would have propelled slavery much further into the future

but you knew that
Had it been my way? Wtf are you talking about?

One group of white men wanted them to be worth nothing, another wanted them to count as at least a little human so their white votes would count more. Blessed be the white man!

But you knew that :cool:

so are you saying you agree with the 3/5s compromise that is what the fuck i am talking about

or are so saying they should have been counted on the census as 1 for 1

which is it
I think slavery in this country was a travesty. But then again I'm not a blessed white man! What do you think Mr. Berzerk? Should they have been worth a whole person to the benefit of their slavers or been worth nothing as their slavers treated them?

I think slavery in this country was a travesty.

so do i however we are discussing the census issue yo brought up on the 3/5 compromise

you still have not answered the question was the compromise a good thing or a bad thing
So you think it was a good thing or the lesser of two evils?
Benevolent white men also honored them by declaring them 3/5 of a person, where before they didn't count for anything. Blessed be the white man!

declaring them 3/5 of a person

had it been your way

the representatives from the slave states would have far outweighed

the representatives from the non slave states

which certainly would have propelled slavery much further into the future

but you knew that
Had it been my way? Wtf are you talking about?

One group of white men wanted them to be worth nothing, another wanted them to count as at least a little human so their white votes would count more. Blessed be the white man!

But you knew that :cool:

so are you saying you agree with the 3/5s compromise that is what the fuck i am talking about

or are so saying they should have been counted on the census as 1 for 1

which is it
I think slavery in this country was a travesty. But then again I'm not a blessed white man! What do you think Mr. Berzerk? Should they have been worth a whole person to the benefit of their slavers or been worth nothing as their slavers treated them?

I think slavery in this country was a travesty.

so do i however we are discussing the census issue yo brought up on the 3/5 compromise

you still have not answered the question was the compromise a good thing or a bad thing
Slavery in this country was a travesty, until white Christian Republicans brought it down.

Now it's a travesty in the Muslim world, and specifically in SOMALIA. But according to Schlep, that's okay, because black slavers are nice to their slaves.
I brought it up for discussion, because that is what this discussion board is for. This isn't a conversation one can have in normal everyday life without the conversation devolving into snide comments, battles between superiority complexes, or someone getting so angry they want to hurt someone.

I don't see how any form of slavery can be justified, although that seems to be a common argument that old-school slavery was okay and New World slavery was the worst form of it. Leave it to Europeans to take something as bad as slavery and make it even worse.

If we all started in the 'Cradle of Civilization,' which may in fact be revisionist history as well, then yes black people started civilization, and the ancestors of all races are the same ancestors( and Asians too? probably not, there were likely multiple civilizations started at different places in the world from different beginnings of life. Adam and Eve are a fairy tale to explain an ethnocentric world view of the 'Genesis' ) . Maybe the people who became 'white' due to evolution of pigmentation via differences in climate and amount of sun were going North to get away from the oppressive cultures that enslaved other races in the 'cradle of civilization.'

Why was it okay for Egyptians to build their mighty empire on the backs of 'indentured servants'?

Why was it okay to force people into indentured servitude to begin with?

The responsibility for slavery is most likely shared by all cultural groups until recent history, so why make it out like some forms were acceptable, when all forms of slavery are abhorrent?

This is not a hurrah only for white males. Its good to acknowledge that there are people of all ethnicities and both genders that fought against it. When I state that if it was not for white male abolitionists slavery would still exist, I say that due to the fact that at that time, due to the racist power structure of America that only let white men vote, they were the only ones who had the political pull to actually change the oppressive laws.

I would presume since we are talking about abolition in the United States, then this discussion is primarily about slavery in the U.S.

Slavery in the U.S. was a terrible institution, but one we cannot pretend didn't exist.

As a nation we have no responsibilty or part of slavery that happened before the U.S. began or that didn't involve slaves coming to the U.S..

Slavery is wrong.

Slavery in the U.S. ended through the actions of men and women, white and black, U.S. and foreign.
Of course. I should have known another deflection.

So white women evoke rage in you? And you're proud of that?

That's interesting. Albeit creepy.
White women have been some of my greatest benefactors Why would they evoke rage? Its interesting you keep avoiding the question but I figured your crack supply is running out and you are distracted.

When crazy people say crazy things, I've found it's best to ignore the crazy part of what they say, and pretend like some of what they say makes sense, and respond to that.

You are the one who said they evoked rage in you.
Where did I say that? Can you quote me?
I said:
I'm sorry, you aren't making sense. But you seem very, very angry. Do all women make you angry, or just white ones?

You said: Of course.
Why dont I see any quotes from me saying that? Are you worried I will report you for lying? :laugh:

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