Black men started slavery; White male abolitionists effectively ended it.

Squeeze Berry, I posted a reply, but it posted as a new post instead of replying directly to you. I hope it helps explain what I am trying to say.

you have supplied zero evidence
"I'm afraid of Black people and pretty much nothing you say can cure that phobia."

We're only afraid of black people when they approach us at intersections, or walk towards our houses from the street.

I'm sure the ones that aren't criminal are really great people.
Thanks for admitting your fear. However, I dont buy the "Blacks are criminals" excuse. I'm not afraid of whites no matter where I see them. I dont expect whites to shoot me at a movie theater or in a mall. I know all whites are not serial killers, drug addicts/dealers, and mass murderers. It has to be something more primordial with your fear.

white woman are targeted by black males for muggings, rape and murder.

can't blame white women for shooting first and asking questions later

survival instincts and all that
White women love Black men. We are like chocolate to them. I think you are talking about timid white guys such as yourself.
Truth doesn't matter to these idiots.

It wouldn't matter if blacks were killing 50 times as many whites per year or anything else. Separation is the only choice and it might not be peaceful.
Youre wasting your words with people like squeeze. He is too caught up with blaming Black people for his lot in life. He sees Black people as the boogeyman.

cite one post where I blamed anyone for my "lot in life" except myself

my lot isn't all that bad BTW, you just make shit up
Touched a nerve I see. You are obviously a loser that has as a buffer between him and suicide the belief that "at least I am better than a ******." Your posts on this board scream inferiority complex. Your lot is obviously terrible in life Of course you blame Black people for such a poor life.

link to my blaming black people for my lot in life

link to my having a "poor life"

your posts on this board scream too high of an opinion of yourself
There are no links for you having a poor life. You arent famous or something. We know because you cant help but uplift yourself by attacking Black people. Its the hallmark of a perpetual loser. Everybody knows that.

you don't know everybody, nor myself
I know you through your posts. They are saturated with fear and dripping with a major inferiority complex that tells you I and others of my race are superior to you. Why are you so intimidated by me?
cite one post where I blamed anyone for my "lot in life" except myself

my lot isn't all that bad BTW, you just make shit up
Touched a nerve I see. You are obviously a loser that has as a buffer between him and suicide the belief that "at least I am better than a ******." Your posts on this board scream inferiority complex. Your lot is obviously terrible in life Of course you blame Black people for such a poor life.

link to my blaming black people for my lot in life

link to my having a "poor life"

your posts on this board scream too high of an opinion of yourself
There are no links for you having a poor life. You arent famous or something. We know because you cant help but uplift yourself by attacking Black people. Its the hallmark of a perpetual loser. Everybody knows that.

you don't know everybody, nor myself
I know you through your posts. They are saturated with fear and dripping with a major inferiority complex that tells you I and others of my race are superior to you. Why are you so intimidated by me?


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