Black men started slavery; White male abolitionists effectively ended it.

Who said they did?

So when blacks sold their black slaves to whites, they made the white people racist. That's where we are.
Why did whites buy enslaved people then declare they were not human? The Africans and Arabs didnt tell them that. Where did they come up with that concept?

Oh you don't care that they're slaves. You just care that they weren't called HUMAN.

Well that's a little bit of wordsmithing that the Dems came up with, so they could justify human rights violations. They continue to pull that shit today.
Not really. They had their human rights removed by whites which is the definition of chattel slavery. Why did you whites have to do that being so civilized and all? BTW you never answered the question. Would you rather be a goat fuckers sex toy while chained in a ship on the way to the US or chiliing in Africa serving tea? Please dont avoid the question.

Wow. Just. Wow.

Anyway. Serious, twisted racist hater revealed ^^^^^^^
Your avoidance issues are starting to become the stuff of legend. Which is it? The goat fucker using you for a sperm depository or serving iced tea in Africa?

hides behind the internet ^

will not do it in person
I brought it up for discussion, because that is what this discussion board is for. This isn't a conversation one can have in normal everyday life without the conversation devolving into snide comments, battles between superiority complexes, or someone getting so angry they want to hurt someone.

I don't see how any form of slavery can be justified, although that seems to be a common argument that old-school slavery was okay and New World slavery was the worst form of it. Leave it to Europeans to take something as bad as slavery and make it even worse.

If we all started in the 'Cradle of Civilization,' which may in fact be revisionist history as well, then yes black people started civilization, and the ancestors of all races are the same ancestors( and Asians too? probably not, there were likely multiple civilizations started at different places in the world from different beginnings of life. Adam and Eve are a fairy tale to explain an ethnocentric world view of the 'Genesis' ) . Maybe the people who became 'white' due to evolution of pigmentation via differences in climate and amount of sun were going North to get away from the oppressive cultures that enslaved other races in the 'cradle of civilization.'

Why was it okay for Egyptians to build their mighty empire on the backs of 'indentured servants'?

Why was it okay to force people into indentured servitude to begin with?

The responsibility for slavery is most likely shared by all cultural groups until recent history, so why make it out like some forms were acceptable, when all forms of slavery are abhorrent?

This is not a hurrah only for white males. Its good to acknowledge that there are people of all ethnicities and both genders that fought against it. When I state that if it was not for white male abolitionists slavery would still exist, I say that due to the fact that at that time, due to the racist power structure of America that only let white men vote, they were the only ones who had the political pull to actually change the oppressive laws.

Its very easy for a lot of people to hate, and that hate goes to the closest available target that resembles their idea of their enemy. Is it really that hard to love and understand commonalities of humanity. I wish the momentum and scope of Dr. King's dream had not died along with him. There were those close to him that could have carried that torch onwards, but everything seems to have devolved into simplistic easy forms of hate for most people again. We need another leader in this world to continue the dream of Dr. King. Would you, or do you, join in carrying on the dream and bringing about the reality of his Beloved Community?
First you said the bible was a fairy tale then you said the Egyptians used slaves? What do you mean by that? We still have slavery here in the US and protected by the constitution. When looking at the different forms of slavery throughout history the one thought up by whites in the form of chattel slavery was by far the worst. That doesnt make other forms of slavery ok but you keep forgetting the fact that there was no dehumanizing factor until chattel slavery. Thats the huge difference.

A lot of the Bible is accepted as a telling of history, and thus not considered myth, albeit an ethnocentric telling of history. There are also many other powerful myths presented throughout the Bible, alongside semi-realistic accounts of history. Adam and Eve is one part of that, the Creation story, which in all cultures is essentially a fairy tale. I stated that to support the idea that there were likely multiple places where civilizations began.

The following paragraph however may have been what I was wanting to get at from the beginning, without realizing it from the starting point. Can I get your opinion on this without digression?:

Its very easy for a lot of people to hate, and that hate goes to the closest available target that resembles their idea of their enemy. Is it really that hard to love and understand commonalities of humanity? I wish the momentum and scope of Dr. King's dream had not died along with him. There were those close to him that could have carried that torch onwards, but everything seems to have devolved into simplistic easy forms of hate for most people again. We need another leader in this world to continue the dream of Dr. King. Would you, or do you, join in carrying on the dream and bringing about the reality of his Beloved Community?

I'm not a turn the other cheek type of guy. It takes a special person to go through what King went through. I'm fine as long as there is no enemy within reach. I can be peaceful and all that good stuff. When an enemy steps into view my intent is to destroy them. I dont know what this has to do with your OP but there it is.
no the civil war ended that

no compromise no union slavery would have continued under another flag
What does the civil war have to do with my question? Why cant you guys answer questions without lying or deflecting?

would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

so you didnt want the slaves counted in the census
So you wanted people enslaved?

i dont

however you seem to be under the impression that the slaves

should not have been counted in the census
So you think it was a good thing or the lesser of two evils?

no the civil war ended that

no compromise no union slavery would have continued under another flag
What does the civil war have to do with my question? Why cant you guys answer questions without lying or deflecting?

would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

You keep saying that as a way to avoid questions. It's kind of weird and fakey-like.
You keep claiming you'd rather be a goat fuckers sex slave. Thats kind of weird to me.
What does the civil war have to do with my question? Why cant you guys answer questions without lying or deflecting?

would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

so you didnt want the slaves counted in the census
So you wanted people enslaved?

i dont

however you seem to be under the impression that the slaves

should not have been counted in the census
You are correct. The enslaved should not have been counted as 3/5 of a person. They should have been freed immediately and counted as a whole person.
no the civil war ended that

no compromise no union slavery would have continued under another flag
What does the civil war have to do with my question? Why cant you guys answer questions without lying or deflecting?

would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

You keep saying that as a way to avoid questions. It's kind of weird and fakey-like.
You keep claiming you'd rather be a goat fuckers sex slave. Thats kind of weird to me.
you would never say this to KG in a biker bar
no the civil war ended that

no compromise no union slavery would have continued under another flag
What does the civil war have to do with my question? Why cant you guys answer questions without lying or deflecting?

would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

You keep saying that as a way to avoid questions. It's kind of weird and fakey-like.
You keep claiming you'd rather be a goat fuckers sex slave. Thats kind of weird to me.

Quote me saying that, dear.

Or should I report you for lying?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::rofl:
What does the civil war have to do with my question? Why cant you guys answer questions without lying or deflecting?

would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

You keep saying that as a way to avoid questions. It's kind of weird and fakey-like.
You keep claiming you'd rather be a goat fuckers sex slave. Thats kind of weird to me.
you would never say this to KG in a biker bar
He has a hatred of white women, he can't help it.
would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

so you didnt want the slaves counted in the census
So you wanted people enslaved?

i dont

however you seem to be under the impression that the slaves

should not have been counted in the census
You are correct. The enslaved should not have been counted as 3/5 of a person. They should have been freed immediately and counted as a whole person.

So should Indians who are less than 30 percent Indian be counted as Indians?

You do realize that many tribes consider only their own tribe to be *people*...right?
What does the civil war have to do with my question? Why cant you guys answer questions without lying or deflecting?

would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

You keep saying that as a way to avoid questions. It's kind of weird and fakey-like.
You keep claiming you'd rather be a goat fuckers sex slave. Thats kind of weird to me.
you would never say this to KG in a biker bar

Why wouldnt I?
would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

so you didnt want the slaves counted in the census
So you wanted people enslaved?

i dont

however you seem to be under the impression that the slaves

should not have been counted in the census
You are correct. The enslaved should not have been counted as 3/5 of a person. They should have been freed immediately and counted as a whole person.

the democrat southern states did not want any part of that

they would have rather split

anyway all that would have done is give the southern states more power

have been an idiot all of your life
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

so you didnt want the slaves counted in the census
So you wanted people enslaved?

i dont

however you seem to be under the impression that the slaves

should not have been counted in the census
You are correct. The enslaved should not have been counted as 3/5 of a person. They should have been freed immediately and counted as a whole person.

the democrat southern states did not want any part of that

they would have rather split

anyway all that would have done is give the southern states more power

have been an idiot all of your life
No stupid. Freeing the enslaved would not have given them more power. Giving them 3/5 instead of nothing gave them more power.
would you have not wanted the slaves counted at all in the census
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

You keep saying that as a way to avoid questions. It's kind of weird and fakey-like.
You keep claiming you'd rather be a goat fuckers sex slave. Thats kind of weird to me.
you would never say this to KG in a biker bar
He has a hatred of white women, he can't help it.
my complaint is what would happen to him if he insulted you around us ???
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

You keep saying that as a way to avoid questions. It's kind of weird and fakey-like.
You keep claiming you'd rather be a goat fuckers sex slave. Thats kind of weird to me.
you would never say this to KG in a biker bar
He has a hatred of white women, he can't help it.
my complaint is what would happen to him if he insulted you around us ???

It would never happen.
You keep avoiding my question. Can you answer it?

You keep saying that as a way to avoid questions. It's kind of weird and fakey-like.
You keep claiming you'd rather be a goat fuckers sex slave. Thats kind of weird to me.
you would never say this to KG in a biker bar
He has a hatred of white women, he can't help it.
my complaint is what would happen to him if he insulted you around us ???
Nothing would happen. You would have just turned red and picked some ticks out of the fur on your arm to soothe yourself.
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