Black MSNBC Pundit: ‘white people turn violent’ when they ‘don’t get their way’

They've been listed too many times to count. Not only encouraging riots and violence, but major figures like Kamala Harris actually raising money to bail out rioters so they could take part in more riots.
So then, it should be easy to list it one more time. Go.
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First you revisit where you claim we claimed Biden bailed out BLM / Antifa / Black Bloc Rioters
Retard. You were the one who claimed it was listed multiple times. Then prove it.

Prove it by linking to it. Either that or accept you are a lying retard.

I know you are a lying retard and won't produce the link but hey, surprise me. Go.
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Retard. You were the one who claimed it was listed multiple times. Then prove it.

Prove it by linking to it. Either that or accept you are a lying retard.

I know you are a lying retard and won't produce the link but hey, surprise me. Go.
4 others produced the Links , I defer to their links
4 others produced the Links , I defer to their links

I was gonna this point I'm losing count.

"Magnus" might sound like the name of some intellectual Roman stoic - but in reality every single post is nothing short of pure imbecility.
I was gonna this point I'm losing count.

"Magnus" might sound like the name of some intellectual Roman stoic - but in reality every single post is nothing short of pure imbecility.
When Magnus posts, it‘s….blah, blah, blah, retard, blah, blah, retard, blah, blah, blah, blah, retards, etc., etc., etc.

Such is the intelligence and articulation skills of someone who would vote for someone with advancing dementia for president.
LOL Have you seen Biden or any Dems encouraging the riots? But I can show you many examples of the orange douchebag and his many trumptards claiming that the elections were fraudulent and egging his followers to march on to the Capitol to intimidate legislatures.

You guys can try to wriggle out of this as much as you can but the simple fact remains that you retards encouraged violence simply because you lost the election.

As for trying to hang a member of your own party let alone the sitting VP? Here, from your orange loser's own mouth, his nonchalance that his VP was threatened. As a bonus, you also get the other retard MTG encouraging violence on another Republican for daring to go against your fuhrer.

Trump’s defense of ‘Hang Mike Pence!’ is only the most notable rationalization of violence​

Donald Trump’s attempt to rationalize the “Hang Mike Pence!” chant that erupted at the Capitol on Jan. 6 would be almost amusing if it weren’t so grotesque.

“The people were very angry,” Trump told ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, the verbal equivalent of a shrug. Karl had raised the question of Pence’s safety that day and mentioned the chant, prompting Trump to offer an extended riff about how it was “common sense” that Pence should have taken action in a half-baked effort to preserve Trump’s presidency. It’s nakedly self-serving in a by-now familiar way, an effort to cast the calls for execution as a natural offshoot of the crowd’s belief both that the election was stolen (a false belief that Trump bears primary responsibility for stoking) and that Pence could do something about it (same).

Further along sits Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who spends a great deal of her time these days trying to cast those who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 as “political prisoners.” She does still focus on Hill policy debates, sure, as when she railed against Republicans who had voted for the infrastructure bill — the bipartisan infrastructure bill crafted in part by members of her own party — as traitors or neo-socialists. She encouraged her social media followers to call those Republicans to complain, offering their phone numbers in a tweet. At least one, Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), subsequently received death threats.
Speaking to The Post afterward, Greene insisted that she did not “condone” the threats. But when our story about the threats against Upton ran, she giddily used it to once again encourage her followers to call Upton and once again shared his phone number.
Damn, you're dense. Do you really not know the difference between "legislatures" and "legislators"?
That is not at all what he said.
Typical Leftist that you are, you put YOUR words in other people's mouths and then condemn
THEM for what YOU said. Sickening and ignorant.
Retard. Try to keep up. The poster I was responding to, made up his own interpretation of the MSNBC host. So, I did the same. Tit for Tat.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
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Damn, you're dense. Do you really not know the difference between "legislatures" and "legislators"?
That's your defense? Nitpicking spelling mistakes. And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
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That's your defense? Nitpicking spelling mistakes. And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
It speaks to your overall retardation.

You think some Jan 6 rioters wanted to hang Mike Pence. Good grief. They did not. They didn't even attempt to kidnap him.

Damn, you're dense.
It speaks to your overall retardation.

You think some Jan 6 rioters wanted to hang Mike Pence. Good grief. They did not. They didn't even attempt to kidnap him.

Damn, you're dense.
Yeah, because they weren't able to catch Pence. Not only were the Jan 6 rioters traitors but they were incompetent traitors.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
It speaks to your overall retardation.

You think some Jan 6 rioters wanted to hang Mike Pence. Good grief. They did not. They didn't even attempt to kidnap him.

Damn, you're dense.
Yes they did want to hang him. They didn't kinap him because they couldn't.
True, flat out racism is A-OK with the Progressive Left. As long as it flows in the "correct" direction.

The wingnuts have completely lost it.

(nutjob to the stars) Elie Mystal:

Gee, I guess they forgot all about those record budget busting, life/building destroying George Floyd "peaceful protests".

The Left can literally burn down Police Stations, courthouses, small businesses, and murder black people; because Trump.

Rules for thee, but not for me.
Most of the damage done during George Floyd was not by blacks. Secondly, the protests happened because a black citizen was murdered by police. BizPac Review is a crap right wing extremist website, and what Mystal said has credibility when you consider that 1-6 happened because a bunch of people were mad because their candidate did not win an election.
Most of the damage done during George Floyd was not by blacks. Secondly, the protests happened because a black citizen was murdered by police. BizPac Review is a crap right wing extremist website, and what Mystal said has credibility when you consider that 1-6 happened because a bunch of people were mad because their candidate did not win an election.
1/6 Lasted Hours on 1000 Acres - George Floyd Riots lasted 11 months + across entire country

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