Black Pastor Who Attempted To Set Up Trump Seen Pictured With Obama

Why do black people title themselves pastor or rev. Then do despicable deplorable acts?
Many blacks claim to be ministers yet have no church. I guess they get their license and then tell everyone they're a reverend, like Al Sharpton, but never do God's work.
You don't have to work to be ignorant, or you would fail at that, too.

Give us a link for your claim.

She gave him the parameters, and he went beyond them. This is all on Red Donald.
We all know you're employed Richard. It's the other part we're not sure of.
What he did was be polite even though she was being rude.

Puts the Kabosh on his supposed nasty personality disorder you people claim he has. It also shows he's not a narcissistic prick like Obama and Hillary, that respond in anger when confronted.

Everytime Trump is confronted he does the fetal position until he can get in front of a Keyboard.

"Mexico is going to pay for it! Uh oh, here comes Mexico....Shhhh. Dont say nothing"
Obama, don't cross this red line I drew. Walks across it, nothing from obama.

Face to face Trump shakes in his boots and you think that bringing up Obama changes that, but it doesnt
I didn't see no shaking, at least he didn't bow down to him, and he didn't back track on his threat.

You are two naive.....of course he bowed down to him....didn't you hear all the "nice" things he said about Mexico and Mexicans....when he gets back to the US in front of his deplorables he shoots his mouth off like some kind of macho man....but in front of the Mexican President all he could do was praise him and his people and their country.....what a doofus.
Wow what is it with you people? If he is stern you call him an as whole. If he is nice he is shaking in his boots. All I can say is when he wins, it will be great to see leadership in the white house again.
Isn't preaching politics from the Pulpit, illegal? Or is that just for Ministers?

I know you can use a Church to talk about political and life you can talk about the wrongs of abortion, but you CAN NOT say things like "vote for GWBush" or "my opponent clinton is an asshole, vote for me''.....???
It's only legal in black churches.
He tried to do something he was told not to do, he was corrected, he whimpered, and the Alt Right goes bonkers because their OrangeMessiah was chastised by a black woman.
He tried to do something he was told not to do, he was corrected, he whimpered, and the Alt Right goes bonkers because their OrangeMessiah was chastised by a black woman.

That's the liberal spin......but in reality this woman, who is an Obama supporter, who bragged online that she was gonna teach Trump a lesson, was waiting for him to start trashing a Democrat and rudely interrupted him, hoping he would act the way the media said he always acts, and bail Hillary out in the news. Instead he said he was sorry, and modified his speech. She then made sure her online post disappeared so she could appear non-biased. That's what really happened.
That's the liberal spin......but in reality this woman, who is an Obama supporter, who bragged online that she was gonna teach Trump a lesson, was waiting for him to start trashing a Democrat and rudely interrupted him, hoping he would act the way the media said he always acts, and bail Hillary out in the news. Instead he said he was sorry, and modified his speech. She then made sure her online post disappeared so she could appear non-biased. That's what really happened.
That's the truth, and who cares if you don't like it. All he had to do was follow the guidelines, and he want beyond them. Tough.
That's the liberal spin......but in reality this woman, who is an Obama supporter, who bragged online that she was gonna teach Trump a lesson, was waiting for him to start trashing a Democrat and rudely interrupted him, hoping he would act the way the media said he always acts, and bail Hillary out in the news. Instead he said he was sorry, and modified his speech. She then made sure her online post disappeared so she could appear non-biased. That's what really happened.
That's the truth, and who cares if you don't like it. All he had to do was follow the guidelines, and he want beyond them. Tough.
Guildlines you claim existed.....but have zero proof of.
He tried to do something he was told not to do, he was corrected, he whimpered, and the Alt Right goes bonkers because their OrangeMessiah was chastised by a black woman.
I just looked on the alt-Right reddit page to see if the actual alt-Right is going bonkers over this incident. So far, no signs of them giving a damn about this story at all.
He tried to do something he was told not to do, he was corrected, he whimpered, and the Alt Right goes bonkers because their OrangeMessiah was chastised by a black woman.

That's the liberal spin......but in reality this woman, who is an Obama supporter, who bragged online that she was gonna teach Trump a lesson, was waiting for him to start trashing a Democrat and rudely interrupted him, hoping he would act the way the media said he always acts, and bail Hillary out in the news. Instead he said he was sorry, and modified his speech. She then made sure her online post disappeared so she could appear non-biased. That's what really happened.
Jake is just trolling.
That's the liberal spin......but in reality this woman, who is an Obama supporter, who bragged online that she was gonna teach Trump a lesson, was waiting for him to start trashing a Democrat and rudely interrupted him, hoping he would act the way the media said he always acts, and bail Hillary out in the news. Instead he said he was sorry, and modified his speech. She then made sure her online post disappeared so she could appear non-biased. That's what really happened.
That's the truth, and who cares if you don't like it. All he had to do was follow the guidelines, and he want beyond them. Tough.
Guildlines you claim existed.....but have zero proof of.
Listen to the vid and find out.

That you don't agree means nothing because all you have is you misinformed opinion.
He tried to do something he was told not to do, he was corrected, he whimpered, and the Alt Right goes bonkers because their OrangeMessiah was chastised by a black woman.

That's the liberal spin......but in reality this woman, who is an Obama supporter, who bragged online that she was gonna teach Trump a lesson, was waiting for him to start trashing a Democrat and rudely interrupted him, hoping he would act the way the media said he always acts, and bail Hillary out in the news. Instead he said he was sorry, and modified his speech. She then made sure her online post disappeared so she could appear non-biased. That's what really happened.
Jake is just trolling.
The vid backs me up, so you are the one trolling. The Alt Right in this thread are going bonkers.
Everytime Trump is confronted he does the fetal position until he can get in front of a Keyboard.

"Mexico is going to pay for it! Uh oh, here comes Mexico....Shhhh. Dont say nothing"
Obama, don't cross this red line I drew. Walks across it, nothing from obama.

Face to face Trump shakes in his boots and you think that bringing up Obama changes that, but it doesnt
I didn't see no shaking, at least he didn't bow down to him, and he didn't back track on his threat.

You are two naive.....of course he bowed down to him....didn't you hear all the "nice" things he said about Mexico and Mexicans....when he gets back to the US in front of his deplorables he shoots his mouth off like some kind of macho man....but in front of the Mexican President all he could do was praise him and his people and their country.....what a doofus.
Wow what is it with you people? If he is stern you call him an as whole. If he is nice he is shaking in his boots.
He's always an asshole. He's only nice when he is reading someone else's words on a teleprompter or notes, so that doesn't take away his ass-holiness.

All I can say is when he wins, it will be great to see leadership in the white house again.
Yep, you're so used to the fuck-ups of Bush/Cheney that you think that is leadership. You don't know what leadership is, because Trumpf is certainly not the representation of leadership. The country is at its best right now, and morose conservatives keep saying the opposite. I guess they prefer the country be in the toilet, like when Bush/Cheney put it there....then you can say the country is doing "great"!

See, you gun lovers have even been able to buy more guns.....but you kept saying Obama was going to take your guns away.....:lmao:

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)
He tried to do something he was told not to do, he was corrected, he whimpered, and the Alt Right goes bonkers because their OrangeMessiah was chastised by a black woman.

That's the liberal spin......but in reality this woman, who is an Obama supporter, who bragged online that she was gonna teach Trump a lesson, was waiting for him to start trashing a Democrat and rudely interrupted him, hoping he would act the way the media said he always acts, and bail Hillary out in the news. Instead he said he was sorry, and modified his speech. She then made sure her online post disappeared so she could appear non-biased. That's what really happened.
Jake is just trolling.
The vid backs me up, so you are the one trolling. The Alt Right in this thread are going bonkers.
Who is alt-Right on this thread? So far, you helped me prove to 2AGuy he doesn't even know what it is.... I'm not Alt-Right, so who is Alt-Right here?

You're just trolling, never mind.....
You have merely been babbling, OOM, and that is what you do. Here are some articles for background reading. Many of our fellow posters fit some or all of the below. You fit the racial and tribal group wankers, yourself.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States. "

What Is the Alt-Right? 3 Things You Should Know Whether or not Trump actually represents the alt-right is debatable, particularly since he has not embraced the traditional Republican opposition to affirmative action and does not talk about inherent differences in the races, something hard core alt-right devotees do obsessively. But in light of Trump's anti-immigration rhetoric, denouncements of political correctness and professed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, many alt-Righties have indeed enthusiastically latched onto his campaign.

While sharing some policy preferences with political conservatives, the alt-Right's reasons for doing so are vastly different. For the alt-right, support for stricter immigration measures, for example, is not so much about public safety or economics as it is about racial preservation.

1. While claiming to be on the right, the movement aims to distinguish themselves — hence the "alt" qualifier — from mainstream conservatives whom they regard as weak. Actual conservatives, likewise, work to distance themselves from the alt-right.

2. The alt-Right abhors "political correctness" and is obsessed with racial and tribal nationalist identities.






You have merely been babbling, OOM, and that is what you do. Here are some articles for background reading. Many of our fellow posters fit some or all of the below. You fit the racial and tribal group wankers, yourself.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States. "

What Is the Alt-Right? 3 Things You Should Know Whether or not Trump actually represents the alt-right is debatable, particularly since he has not embraced the traditional Republican opposition to affirmative action and does not talk about inherent differences in the races, something hard core alt-right devotees do obsessively. But in light of Trump's anti-immigration rhetoric, denouncements of political correctness and professed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, many alt-Righties have indeed enthusiastically latched onto his campaign.

While sharing some policy preferences with political conservatives, the alt-Right's reasons for doing so are vastly different. For the alt-right, support for stricter immigration measures, for example, is not so much about public safety or economics as it is about racial preservation.

1. While claiming to be on the right, the movement aims to distinguish themselves — hence the "alt" qualifier — from mainstream conservatives whom they regard as weak. Actual conservatives, likewise, work to distance themselves from the alt-right.

2. The alt-Right abhors "political correctness" and is obsessed with racial and tribal nationalist identities.






A few of those can be considered alt-Right. 2AGuy is definitely not, and I have never seen aris2chat say anything alt-Right-ish..
You have merely been babbling, OOM, and that is what you do. Here are some articles for background reading. Many of our fellow posters fit some or all of the below. You fit the racial and tribal group wankers, yourself.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States. "

What Is the Alt-Right? 3 Things You Should Know Whether or not Trump actually represents the alt-right is debatable, particularly since he has not embraced the traditional Republican opposition to affirmative action and does not talk about inherent differences in the races, something hard core alt-right devotees do obsessively. But in light of Trump's anti-immigration rhetoric, denouncements of political correctness and professed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, many alt-Righties have indeed enthusiastically latched onto his campaign.

While sharing some policy preferences with political conservatives, the alt-Right's reasons for doing so are vastly different. For the alt-right, support for stricter immigration measures, for example, is not so much about public safety or economics as it is about racial preservation.

1. While claiming to be on the right, the movement aims to distinguish themselves — hence the "alt" qualifier — from mainstream conservatives whom they regard as weak. Actual conservatives, likewise, work to distance themselves from the alt-right.

2. The alt-Right abhors "political correctness" and is obsessed with racial and tribal nationalist identities.






A few of those can be considered alt-Right. 2AGuy is definitely not, and I have never seen aris2chat say anything alt-Right-ish..
But you are not the expert, so OK.
You have merely been babbling, OOM, and that is what you do. Here are some articles for background reading. Many of our fellow posters fit some or all of the below. You fit the racial and tribal group wankers, yourself.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States. "

What Is the Alt-Right? 3 Things You Should Know Whether or not Trump actually represents the alt-right is debatable, particularly since he has not embraced the traditional Republican opposition to affirmative action and does not talk about inherent differences in the races, something hard core alt-right devotees do obsessively. But in light of Trump's anti-immigration rhetoric, denouncements of political correctness and professed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, many alt-Righties have indeed enthusiastically latched onto his campaign.

While sharing some policy preferences with political conservatives, the alt-Right's reasons for doing so are vastly different. For the alt-right, support for stricter immigration measures, for example, is not so much about public safety or economics as it is about racial preservation.

1. While claiming to be on the right, the movement aims to distinguish themselves — hence the "alt" qualifier — from mainstream conservatives whom they regard as weak. Actual conservatives, likewise, work to distance themselves from the alt-right.

2. The alt-Right abhors "political correctness" and is obsessed with racial and tribal nationalist identities.






A few of those can be considered alt-Right. 2AGuy is definitely not, and I have never seen aris2chat say anything alt-Right-ish..
But you are not the expert, so OK.
I am more than you. You're just a stupid leftist troll who is parroting the left wing line. You don't even know what the alt-Right is.
You have merely been babbling, OOM, and that is what you do. Here are some articles for background reading. Many of our fellow posters fit some or all of the below. You fit the racial and tribal group wankers, yourself.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States. "

What Is the Alt-Right? 3 Things You Should Know Whether or not Trump actually represents the alt-right is debatable, particularly since he has not embraced the traditional Republican opposition to affirmative action and does not talk about inherent differences in the races, something hard core alt-right devotees do obsessively. But in light of Trump's anti-immigration rhetoric, denouncements of political correctness and professed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, many alt-Righties have indeed enthusiastically latched onto his campaign.

While sharing some policy preferences with political conservatives, the alt-Right's reasons for doing so are vastly different. For the alt-right, support for stricter immigration measures, for example, is not so much about public safety or economics as it is about racial preservation.

1. While claiming to be on the right, the movement aims to distinguish themselves — hence the "alt" qualifier — from mainstream conservatives whom they regard as weak. Actual conservatives, likewise, work to distance themselves from the alt-right.

2. The alt-Right abhors "political correctness" and is obsessed with racial and tribal nationalist identities.






A few of those can be considered alt-Right. 2AGuy is definitely not, and I have never seen aris2chat say anything alt-Right-ish..
But you are not the expert, so OK.
I am more than you. You're just a stupid leftist troll who is parroting the left wing line. You don't even know what the alt-Right is.
There you go with personal attacks without anything of significance whatsoever on the OP or on the Alt Right for that matter. :lol: I have posted material for you to read from a variety of sources, and you just lash out. You are so lost. How old are you? Either you are ancient or you a millennial with little knowledge.
He tried to do something he was told not to do, he was corrected, he whimpered, and the Alt Right goes bonkers because their OrangeMessiah was chastised by a black woman.

That's the liberal spin......but in reality this woman, who is an Obama supporter, who bragged online that she was gonna teach Trump a lesson, was waiting for him to start trashing a Democrat and rudely interrupted him, hoping he would act the way the media said he always acts, and bail Hillary out in the news. Instead he said he was sorry, and modified his speech. She then made sure her online post disappeared so she could appear non-biased. That's what really happened.
Jake is just trolling.
The vid backs me up, so you are the one trolling. The Alt Right in this thread are going bonkers.
Who is alt-Right on this thread? So far, you helped me prove to 2AGuy he doesn't even know what it is.... I'm not Alt-Right, so who is Alt-Right here?

You're just trolling, never mind.....

Just because they won't admit it doesn't mean they aren't. Trump won't repudiate David any Trump supporter that is okay with Trump aligning with David Duke is an alt-right by definition.
You have merely been babbling, OOM, and that is what you do. Here are some articles for background reading. Many of our fellow posters fit some or all of the below. You fit the racial and tribal group wankers, yourself.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States. "

What Is the Alt-Right? 3 Things You Should Know Whether or not Trump actually represents the alt-right is debatable, particularly since he has not embraced the traditional Republican opposition to affirmative action and does not talk about inherent differences in the races, something hard core alt-right devotees do obsessively. But in light of Trump's anti-immigration rhetoric, denouncements of political correctness and professed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, many alt-Righties have indeed enthusiastically latched onto his campaign.

While sharing some policy preferences with political conservatives, the alt-Right's reasons for doing so are vastly different. For the alt-right, support for stricter immigration measures, for example, is not so much about public safety or economics as it is about racial preservation.

1. While claiming to be on the right, the movement aims to distinguish themselves — hence the "alt" qualifier — from mainstream conservatives whom they regard as weak. Actual conservatives, likewise, work to distance themselves from the alt-right.

2. The alt-Right abhors "political correctness" and is obsessed with racial and tribal nationalist identities.






A few of those can be considered alt-Right. 2AGuy is definitely not, and I have never seen aris2chat say anything alt-Right-ish..
But you are not the expert, so OK.
I am more than you. You're just a stupid leftist troll who is parroting the left wing line. You don't even know what the alt-Right is.
There you go with personal attacks without anything of significance whatsoever on the OP or on the Alt Right for that matter. :lol: I have posted material for you to read from a variety of sources, and you just lash out. You are so lost. How old are you? Either you are ancient or you a millennial with little knowledge. are using the term to troll. You obviously don't know anything much about the alt-Right or you wouldn't be labeling everyone you disagree with as alt-Right.

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