Black Pastor Who Attempted To Set Up Trump Seen Pictured With Obama

Why do black people title themselves pastor or rev. Then do despicable deplorable acts?
Many blacks claim to be ministers yet have no church. I guess they get their license and then tell everyone they're a reverend, like Al Sharpton, but never do God's work.
'Rev. Al' was an 'ordained minister when he was four years old.
Who 'ordained him?
The fucking OJ jury.
I can purchase a certificate which 'proves' I've attended an 'on-line' preacher's school.
Cost me forty bucks.
That's the truth, willowtree! My grandson became an 'online-schooled' minister for the sole purpose of performing a marriage ceremony for a friend. He sent me pictures of the event in front of an old church with him at a lecturn..packing a pistol! When I told him the groom didn't look THAT reluctant, he laughed and said he wore the six-gun (his own) at their request. It looked pretty 1870s, which is evidently the couple's idea. Anyway, I was flummoxed. I sure hope the on-line schools don't offer neurosurgery on their curricula.
Wonder what "lesson" she wanted to teach him? The one about how blacks much be sheltered from opposing views? The one where those blacks aren't smart enough to decide for themselves if his speech has value? Or maybe that whitey doesn't belong in da hood?

Bait taken. I love fishing for idiots. So far today's catch has been quite impressive

Aww, you're trying to pretend your daily whining about it being hard to be white is just bait. Thats cute. When a girl turns you down do you also say "I didnt like you anyway" too? :badgrin:
Why do black people title themselves pastor or rev. Then do despicable deplorable acts?
Many blacks claim to be ministers yet have no church. I guess they get their license and then tell everyone they're a reverend, like Al Sharpton, but never do God's work.
'Rev. Al' was an 'ordained minister when he was four years old.
Who 'ordained him?
The fucking OJ jury.
I can purchase a certificate which 'proves' I've attended an 'on-line' preacher's school.
Cost me forty bucks.
That's the truth, willowtree! My grandson became an 'online-schooled' minister for the sole purpose of performing a marriage ceremony for a friend. He sent me pictures of the event in front of an old church with him at a lecturn..packing a pistol! When I told him the groom didn't look THAT reluctant, he laughed and said he wore the six-gun (his own) at their request. It looked pretty 1870s, which is evidently the couple's idea. Anyway, I was flummoxed. I sure hope the on-line schools don't offer neurosurgery on their curricula.
OOPS! I should have cited dannyboys, not willowtree. mea culpa!
Wonder what "lesson" she wanted to teach him? The one about how blacks much be sheltered from opposing views? The one where those blacks aren't smart enough to decide for themselves if his speech has value? Or maybe that whitey doesn't belong in da hood?

Bait taken. I love fishing for idiots. So far today's catch has been quite impressive

Aww, you're trying to pretend your daily whining about it being hard to be white is just bait. Thats cute. When a girl turns you down do you also say "I didnt like you anyway" too? :badgrin:
Whining about being white? Lol

Hysterical. I thank a fake God everyday I wasn't born ugly
So, Trump got punked again! :2up:
After he did Putin and Russian propaganda a favor by doing an interview on Russian state TV, he claimed he didn't know his interview was going to be on a Russian state TV station. What? He's that naive? :disbelief: Being so naive is not a trait to have when you want to hold the most powerful position in the world. The position requires solid judgement, without question.
No wonder, so many of the world's top minds, think Trump doesn't have it to be president. And he keeps proving it over and over again.
Trump's up by six points today.
One more hillary collapse and Biden goes to the mound.

That has nothing to do with the fact that Trump doesn't have it to be president of the United States. Also, consider that have won't be voting for either major party candidate, which I have stated repeatedly. So in other words, you are an obvious Trump supporter, I hope you never claim to be an intelligent and well-informed voter who loves his country.
Wonder what "lesson" she wanted to teach him? The one about how blacks much be sheltered from opposing views? The one where those blacks aren't smart enough to decide for themselves if his speech has value? Or maybe that whitey doesn't belong in da hood?

Bait taken. I love fishing for idiots. So far today's catch has been quite impressive

Aww, you're trying to pretend your daily whining about it being hard to be white is just bait. Thats cute. When a girl turns you down do you also say "I didnt like you anyway" too? :badgrin:
Whining about being white? Lol

Hysterical. I thank a fake God everyday I wasn't born ugly

Yes hysterical how you cry everyday about being abused by blacks and then when someone says something you go "Just kidding har har" while a single tear streams down your pink cheek
He's going to stand up to our Enemies!! This is the same thing that happened when he went to Mexico. He got shoved in a corner then talked shit once he left
You Leftists have an amazing talent for seeing and hearing things that never happened.

Ahh, nothing ever happened right? Trump never went to Mexico. The Mexican President sd he WOULD pay for the wall. They were NOT beefing over Twitter!

None of that happened, it was all in my mind

Thats the saddest excuse I've heard yet
The Mexican President doesn't have any say in whether or not Mexico will pay for the wall. They will pay whether they want to or not.

And when Trump was face to face to tell him that...The Mexican President was the only one with the balls to bring it up to his face. Trump the negotiator said nothing, just like with this Pastor. Then waited until he was gone to talk smack....Internet tough guy....Real life push over to insult them than try to get along with them, right?

We don't need some smug jackass picking fights with world leaders.

I just wonder which story you assholes are going to stick with. Either he's unstable and easily agitated or he's a pussy. Make up your mind.
If this had been against Clinton instead of Trump. The left loons would have been screaming to revoke the churches tax exempt status.
Trump acted very sincerely, you just can't stand the fact that he is gaining ground fast.
She bitch slapped him, jknowgood: a black woman bitch slapped your baby and you can't handle it.
She was rude.

He could have just walked out of the place or told her to kiss his ass, but he didn't become rude like she did.

LOL...Everytime the tough guy is confronted he shrivels up
What he did was be polite even though she was being rude.

Puts the Kabosh on his supposed nasty personality disorder you people claim he has. It also shows he's not a narcissistic prick like Obama and Hillary, that respond in anger when confronted.

Everytime Trump is confronted he does the fetal position until he can get in front of a Keyboard.

"Mexico is going to pay for it! Uh oh, here comes Mexico....Shhhh. Dont say nothing"
You Leftists have an amazing talent for seeing and hearing things that never happened.

Ahh, nothing ever happened right? Trump never went to Mexico. The Mexican President sd he WOULD pay for the wall. They were NOT beefing over Twitter!

None of that happened, it was all in my mind

Thats the saddest excuse I've heard yet
The Mexican President doesn't have any say in whether or not Mexico will pay for the wall. They will pay whether they want to or not.

And when Trump was face to face to tell him that...The Mexican President was the only one with the balls to bring it up to his face. Trump the negotiator said nothing, just like with this Pastor. Then waited until he was gone to talk smack....Internet tough guy....Real life push over
Trump was realistic. His plan to make Mexico pay for the wall does not require Mexico's permission. There was zero sense in getting into a squabble with the pygmie president who was trying to pick a fight, so Trump acted like a true statesman and just ignored him. He then told the truth, that there was no "discussion" on who would pay for the wall because indeed there wasn't. Mexico will pay for the wall, whether they want to or not.

Thats fine but when confronted with it he shunk. When asked about it, he lied. When corrected, he whined. Never once did he stand up to even speak about it. The Mexican president brought it up and said no. Trump sat there.

Whats even better is that you dont have ONE thing to show that Trump plans to do. The only thing you are doing is musing about possible ways it could be done but that means about as much as me musing on what you're going to do in 20 min
All you got is spin. You can say that Trump was intimidated by the pygmy that was a foot shorter than him, but that's nothing more than malice based overlay. I gave you a good reason for Trump not to respond to the pygmy, a reason you can't refute. And Trump did not lie. You're lying right now, but he didn't. There was no discussion on payment on the wall. It takes two participants to dialogue and it was pointless for Trump to argue with an idiot.
He's going to stand up to our Enemies!! This is the same thing that happened when he went to Mexico. He got shoved in a corner then talked shit once he left
You Leftists have an amazing talent for seeing and hearing things that never happened.

Ahh, nothing ever happened right? Trump never went to Mexico. The Mexican President sd he WOULD pay for the wall. They were NOT beefing over Twitter!

None of that happened, it was all in my mind

Thats the saddest excuse I've heard yet
The Mexican President doesn't have any say in whether or not Mexico will pay for the wall. They will pay whether they want to or not.
The Mexican President made it quite clear that Trump would pay for it out of his own monies.
Sure he did.
Ahh, nothing ever happened right? Trump never went to Mexico. The Mexican President sd he WOULD pay for the wall. They were NOT beefing over Twitter!

None of that happened, it was all in my mind

Thats the saddest excuse I've heard yet
The Mexican President doesn't have any say in whether or not Mexico will pay for the wall. They will pay whether they want to or not.

And when Trump was face to face to tell him that...The Mexican President was the only one with the balls to bring it up to his face. Trump the negotiator said nothing, just like with this Pastor. Then waited until he was gone to talk smack....Internet tough guy....Real life push over
Trump was realistic. His plan to make Mexico pay for the wall does not require Mexico's permission. There was zero sense in getting into a squabble with the pygmie president who was trying to pick a fight, so Trump acted like a true statesman and just ignored him. He then told the truth, that there was no "discussion" on who would pay for the wall because indeed there wasn't. Mexico will pay for the wall, whether they want to or not.

Thats fine but when confronted with it he shunk. When asked about it, he lied. When corrected, he whined. Never once did he stand up to even speak about it. The Mexican president brought it up and said no. Trump sat there.

Whats even better is that you dont have ONE thing to show that Trump plans to do. The only thing you are doing is musing about possible ways it could be done but that means about as much as me musing on what you're going to do in 20 min
All you got is spin. You can say that Trump was intimidated by the pygmy that was a foot shorter than him, but that's nothing more than malice based overlay. I gave you a good reason for Trump not to respond to the pygmy, a reason you can't refute. And Trump did not lie. You're lying right now, but he didn't. There was no discussion on payment on the wall. It takes two participants to dialogue and it was pointless for Trump to argue with an idiot.
Why do black people title themselves pastor or rev. Then do despicable deplorable acts?
Many blacks claim to be ministers yet have no church. I guess they get their license and then tell everyone they're a reverend, like Al Sharpton, but never do God's work.
You don't have to work to be ignorant, or you would fail at that, too.

Give us a link for your claim.

She gave him the parameters, and he went beyond them. This is all on Red Donald.

In the meantime, when are the clintons or obama going to do something about Detroit, or the water crisis in Flint? They have the Negro vote, but want to spend most of what little money available on refugees they're bringing here. Like we don't have a poverty problem here already. The Donald, for all his faults, may be the one who actually tries to help people in this country in need. Obama or the clintons won't, which they've proven for years. They hang out with and golf with the super rich only.
You are ignorant. None of that counts with Donald being Donald. And no he does not care about poverty or minorities.

If he didn't care about poverty or minorities, he wouldn't go to Detroit or Flint. I actually think Trump wants to make the country better. I know that none of the democrats do except for Sanders. Notice the talk about who to replace clinton, in case she becomes too sick to carry on? Biden's one of the names tossed around. They won't even consider Bernie, will they? Of course not. He's kinda like Trump, not beholden to wall street, banks, corporations, and is against the TPP.
She bitch slapped him, jknowgood: a black woman bitch slapped your baby and you can't handle it.
She was rude.

He could have just walked out of the place or told her to kiss his ass, but he didn't become rude like she did.

LOL...Everytime the tough guy is confronted he shrivels up
What he did was be polite even though she was being rude.

Puts the Kabosh on his supposed nasty personality disorder you people claim he has. It also shows he's not a narcissistic prick like Obama and Hillary, that respond in anger when confronted.

Everytime Trump is confronted he does the fetal position until he can get in front of a Keyboard.

"Mexico is going to pay for it! Uh oh, here comes Mexico....Shhhh. Dont say nothing"
Actually, Trump handled her polite request very well. He was invited to speak on what he would do for the Flint water crisis, not to list his complaints about Hillary, and she reminded him of that. Flint is just the tip of the failing infrastructure crisis and the issue needs addressing for future breakdowns all across the land. Evidently the Senate has agreed to fund replacement lead pipes, but the House will not give a penny, so the crisis deepens. Anyway, Trump was surprisingly gracious, especially considering the hostile crowd of about 100. The local press was not allowed in the building. Any shots you see are from the travelling press.
So, Trump got punked again! :2up:
After he did Putin and Russian propaganda a favor by doing an interview on Russian state TV, he claimed he didn't know his interview was going to be on a Russian state TV station. What? He's that naive? :disbelief: Being so naive is not a trait to have when you want to hold the most powerful position in the world. The position requires solid judgement, without question.
No wonder, so many of the world's top minds, think Trump doesn't have it to be president. And he keeps proving it over and over again.
Trump's up by six points today.
One more hillary collapse and Biden goes to the mound.
You so hope that is no, and you so know it is a no.
Why do black people title themselves pastor or rev. Then do despicable deplorable acts?
Many blacks claim to be ministers yet have no church. I guess they get their license and then tell everyone they're a reverend, like Al Sharpton, but never do God's work.
You don't have to work to be ignorant, or you would fail at that, too.

Give us a link for your claim.

She gave him the parameters, and he went beyond them. This is all on Red Donald.

In the meantime, when are the clintons or obama going to do something about Detroit, or the water crisis in Flint? They have the Negro vote, but want to spend most of what little money available on refugees they're bringing here. Like we don't have a poverty problem here already. The Donald, for all his faults, may be the one who actually tries to help people in this country in need. Obama or the clintons won't, which they've proven for years. They hang out with and golf with the super rich only.
You are ignorant. None of that counts with Donald being Donald. And no he does not care about poverty or minorities.

If he didn't care about poverty or minorities, he wouldn't go to Detroit or Flint. I actually think Trump wants to make the country better. I know that none of the democrats do except for Sanders. Notice the talk about who to replace clinton, in case she becomes too sick to carry on? Biden's one of the names tossed around. They won't even consider Bernie, will they? Of course not. He's kinda like Trump, not beholden to wall street, banks, corporations, and is against the TPP.
Both parties are beholden to those interests, and nothing is going to bring those jobs back except market forces.
Why do black people title themselves pastor or rev. Then do despicable deplorable acts?
Many blacks claim to be ministers yet have no church. I guess they get their license and then tell everyone they're a reverend, like Al Sharpton, but never do God's work.
You don't have to work to be ignorant, or you would fail at that, too.

Give us a link for your claim.

She gave him the parameters, and he went beyond them. This is all on Red Donald.

In the meantime, when are the clintons or obama going to do something about Detroit, or the water crisis in Flint? They have the Negro vote, but want to spend most of what little money available on refugees they're bringing here. Like we don't have a poverty problem here already. The Donald, for all his faults, may be the one who actually tries to help people in this country in need. Obama or the clintons won't, which they've proven for years. They hang out with and golf with the super rich only.
You are ignorant. None of that counts with Donald being Donald. And no he does not care about poverty or minorities.

If he didn't care about poverty or minorities, he wouldn't go to Detroit or Flint. I actually think Trump wants to make the country better. I know that none of the democrats do except for Sanders. Notice the talk about who to replace clinton, in case she becomes too sick to carry on? Biden's one of the names tossed around. They won't even consider Bernie, will they? Of course not. He's kinda like Trump, not beholden to wall street, banks, corporations, and is against the TPP.
Trump isn't beholden to banks? Where does he get the money to build both here and across the world? And who does he stiff when he goes bankrupt?
A black pastor invited Donald Trump to her Flint Michigan church in order to set him up, even mentioned the event online and her plans to set him up, and she interrupted him during his speech to scold him for making a political speech.

These people will stop at nothing to get Hillary elected.

She invited Trump, broadcast on the internet she was going to give him a lesson, and then interrupted his speech. The internet post has since been taken down.

Trump was asked this morning about it and he said the congregation was very polite but that the pastor appeared nervous, literally shaking, from the moment she met him.

On Fox News this morning they showed a picture of The Rev. Faith Green Timmons, pastor of the Bethel United Methodist Church, standing next to Pres. Obama, and also found a post online of her discussing the upcoming event with Trump, explaining how she was going to teach him a lesson.


Flint pastor chastises Trump for politicizing event

Flint Pastor Interrupts Trump When He Begins Criticizing Clinton

Pastor interrupts Trump, asks him not to give stump speech

You meant to say the black pastor who showed Trump his ass.....:badgrin:

That was too funny.....Trump wanted a photo-op and all he got was his ass kicked to the curb.
He's going to stand up to our Enemies!! This is the same thing that happened when he went to Mexico. He got shoved in a corner then talked shit once he left
You Leftists have an amazing talent for seeing and hearing things that never happened.

Ahh, nothing ever happened right? Trump never went to Mexico. The Mexican President sd he WOULD pay for the wall. They were NOT beefing over Twitter!

None of that happened, it was all in my mind

Thats the saddest excuse I've heard yet
The Mexican President doesn't have any say in whether or not Mexico will pay for the wall. They will pay whether they want to or not.

And when Trump was face to face to tell him that...The Mexican President was the only one with the balls to bring it up to his face. Trump the negotiator said nothing, just like with this Pastor. Then waited until he was gone to talk smack....Internet tough guy....Real life push over to insult them than try to get along with them, right?

We don't need some smug jackass picking fights with world leaders.

I just wonder which story you assholes are going to stick with. Either he's unstable and easily agitated or he's a pussy. Make up your mind.

I think the bigger problem is that you see Trumps ideas as insulting. Thats why he didnt bring it up. But he'll bring up those insults later and later it will be fine.
She was rude.

He could have just walked out of the place or told her to kiss his ass, but he didn't become rude like she did.

LOL...Everytime the tough guy is confronted he shrivels up
What he did was be polite even though she was being rude.

Puts the Kabosh on his supposed nasty personality disorder you people claim he has. It also shows he's not a narcissistic prick like Obama and Hillary, that respond in anger when confronted.

Everytime Trump is confronted he does the fetal position until he can get in front of a Keyboard.

"Mexico is going to pay for it! Uh oh, here comes Mexico....Shhhh. Dont say nothing"
Actually, Trump handled her polite request very well. He was invited to speak on what he would do for the Flint water crisis, not to list his complaints about Hillary, and she reminded him of that. Flint is just the tip of the failing infrastructure crisis and the issue needs addressing for future breakdowns all across the land. Evidently the Senate has agreed to fund replacement lead pipes, but the House will not give a penny, so the crisis deepens. Anyway, Trump was surprisingly gracious, especially considering the hostile crowd of about 100. The local press was not allowed in the building. Any shots you see are from the travelling press.

Trump's little by little becoming more diplomatic. The democrats won't waste time on detroit or flint because they assume those votes are locked up. Clinton's busy at the billionaire fund raisers when she's not busy falling down and being sick.

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