*Black Pastors Coalition, Throw Obama Under De Bus*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Over Gay Marriage.
2. God Bless these Negro Pastors.
3. This could be the end of Obama.
4. Then we get him for forgery of that birth certificate!
5. Its a great day today!!!!
6. When Black Pastors throw him under de bus, then you know his ship is sunk!
7 Link:Black pastors group launches anti-Obama campaign around gay marriage – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

"Washington (CNN) – A group of conservative black pastors are responding to President Barack Obama’s support of same-sex marriage with what they say will be a national campaign aimed at rallying black Americans to rethink their overwhelming support of the President, though the group’s leader is offering few specifics about the effort.

The Rev. Williams Owens, who is president and founder of the Coalition of African-Americans Pastors and the leader of the campaign, has highlighted opposition to same-sex marriage among African-Americans. He calls this campaign “an effort to save the family.”

8. I just might drink a beer tonight to celebrate!:badgrin:


Look at this guys signature! Bwahahahah. I bet you used to blame crime on Jazz too.
Sorry bout that,


Look at this guys signature! Bwahahahah. I bet you used to blame crime on Jazz too.

1. Wait are you not going to even try to defend Obama on this?:badgrin:
2. Just going to deflect with a stupid attack on my sig line?
3. Thats all you got????
4. Wow, when the Obamabots, don't put up even a show of defense, we know Obama is on the run.
5. Oh and rap sucks!


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