Black people advocate for segregation

Lets face it. They want their 40 acres and a mule. Of course, even if they got that, it would still not be enough.

That was never an actual policy, even during Reconstruction.
Maybe not, but I do know of a recent policy that would give around 50 grand is what was told to me by my neighbor, to the decedents of black farmers who were supposedly to have lost their land back in the day. My neighbor sent his in and told me he did. I don't think he qualified though, because he never said anymore about it.

Yes I think it is generalizing on the words of those who feel this way, and of course their are many whom are far beyond the ideology and/or the brainwashing that is being perpetrated and makes use of a biased view that comes from within the so called beat down trenches in life. People need to be careful that the elite of all colors don't play us all for complete fools in the end. Right now anyone can be played for fools, and that is what I see happening anymore, so yes people need to be careful what or whom they listen to, especially if in a position of poverty that creates the impressions that someone else as a race is always responsible for ones poverty in life, when in most all cases that isn't the case anymore. To continue the blame is what works for some so they won't abandon that concept or usage of such a thing ever or for as long as it works for them anyway.. Uniting would scare the Hell out of those who continue to exploit us all.
Like I said, my life is simple and my life is good. I have no reason to want to segregate. Neither does my family as we do not have a problem with the law or the police who enforce it. I have always been a fan of not putting myself in situations where even the potential risk of what happened to Michael Brown may occur. As such, the only encounters I have ever had with police have been at picnics and soccer games for my kid.

Damn pigs profiling soccer games! Someone call Spike Lee!
:lol: You were that 20 year old spec ed kid in high school, beagle9.

I am glad you have joined us again, because your drooling entries so well demonstrate what you folks are about.

Jarlaxle and Yurt were in the same dumbo corner.
Ummmmmm. You are slipping off the rails a bit, pal. Come on back, now.

You don't believe that Political Correctness forces compliance? Here's the guy who started the ball rolling on the Brendan Eich (Firefox) lynch mob. All he wanted was a public recantation of Eich's beliefs. He was big enough to allow Eich to keep his private beliefs:

I met with Brendan and asked him to just apologize for the discrimination under the law that we faced. He can still keep his personal beliefs, but I wanted him to recognize that we faced real issues with immigration and say that he never intended to cause people problems.

It’s heartbreaking to us that he was unwilling to say even that. . . .

Seriously, we assumed that he would reconsider his thoughts on the impact of the law (not his personal beliefs), issue an apology, and then he’d go on to be a great CEO.
So I'm not getting where you're coming from, lot's of people don't like to be forced to lie in order to keep in the good graces of liberal totalitarians. I'm one of them. I prefer truth and reality to lies and make-believe.

I can see where you might impress some people with your style. It's certainly not lazy. But I'm not one of them. Inserting random snippets from here and there as a way of assigning some trait to the audience isn't working for me.

How about simply having a discussion. I'm more interested in what you have to say than I am in your interpretations of what others have to say.

What part of what I've written is unclear to you? I prefer truth to lies. I take unpopularity as the price I pay for a clear conscience. I'm open to having my mind changed when you can refute my positions or evidence.

Multiculturalism has never worked. We gave it a try when the nation was 7:1 white to black and this was affordable. It's unworkable when the ratio gets down to 1:1. This now requires a lot of lies and oppression to keep the system, society, function. Something has to give. Democracy, Free Markets, Multiculturalism. Pick two.

If you want to pick multiculturalism and democracy, then free markets have to be abandoned because the power of racial voting blocs will insure massive transfers of wealth between groups and a managed economy in order to insure equal outcomes.

If you chose multiculturalism and free markets, then democracy has to be cast aside because the power of racial voting blocs has to be neutralized. People can rise and fall on their own merit and they're prohibited from using the power of their vote to bring about equal outcomes.

If you chose democracy and free markets, then multiculturalism has to go because racial voting blocs destroy both democracy and free markets.

I choose democracy and free markets.

Then you choose mob rule and tyranny.
Yes I think it is generalizing on the words of those who feel this way, and of course their are many whom are far beyond the ideology and/or the brainwashing that is being perpetrated and makes use of a biased view that comes from within the so called beat down trenches in life. People need to be careful that the elite of all colors don't play us all for complete fools in the end. Right now anyone can be played for fools, and that is what I see happening anymore, so yes people need to be careful what or whom they listen to, especially if in a position of poverty that creates the impressions that someone else as a race is always responsible for ones poverty in life, when in most all cases that isn't the case anymore. To continue the blame is what works for some so they won't abandon that concept or usage of such a thing ever or for as long as it works for them anyway.. Uniting would scare the Hell out of those who continue to exploit us all.
Like I said, my life is simple and my life is good. I have no reason to want to segregate. Neither does my family as we do not have a problem with the law or the police who enforce it. I have always been a fan of not putting myself in situations where even the potential risk of what happened to Michael Brown may occur. As such, the only encounters I have ever had with police have been at picnics and soccer games for my kid.

How do you feel about certain people referring to people like you as uncle Tom? Democratic black politicians refer to Justice Clarence Thomas as an uncle Tom, and he still has his job. Why? Is it so called "reverse racism?" Whatever reverse racism is, right? I mean the reverse of racism is no racism at all.

The simple fact is what happened in Ferguson is not common in the US. Based on all statistical facts that anyone can research. However, the MASSIVE NONSTOP HYPE that surrounds these stories makes us think it is happening all over the US on a daily basis.Which, is the goal of certain people, certain politicians, for certain reasons.

We have proven this over and over and again. This is not new either. I have quoted this many times, and I will do it again. You tell me who this refers to in our society today.....

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T Washington 1911

Now, that was in 1911. Today, things (opportunities) could not be more prevalent. Opportunity, after opportunity and it has resulted in a black president, the richest woman in this country being black, a black supreme court judge, a black female secretary of state. No, not like in 1911 when those things would have never existed on a mass scale. No way, and yet Booker T still observed that.

The simple fact is the race card is too valuable politically for the democrats. Anyone denying that are ignorant, in denial, totally blind, or all three. I would be greatly offended if I were black and I was being patronized on such a mass scale and used.
Hello, OP........

Are the things you repeatedly post in bold supposed to be your direct quotes? You keep saying that black Americans have been asking for those things for decades. Who? When? Please cite the instances of black Americans asking for those things.

Thank you.

I am beginning to think that you do not know what the term "direct quote" means.

I couldn't care less what you "think".

I'm not spending page after page trying to have a mature discussion with you. I've tried several times before.

When you can't support a position you take, rather than saying, "hey, you might be right" get snarky, and try every dishonest debate tactic that you know, to divert, change the subject or cause a distraction.
When you think you're "losing" you play word games or try to run me around endlessly in circles.

Stick to your one liners and grandstanding for your friends. I'm done with you. Declare "victory, call me names or whatever you like.
Like I said, I couldn't care less.
Hello, OP........

Are the things you repeatedly post in bold supposed to be your direct quotes? You keep saying that black Americans have been asking for those things for decades. Who? When? Please cite the instances of black Americans asking for those things.

Thank you.

I am beginning to think that you do not know what the term "direct quote" means.

I couldn't care less what you "think".

I'm not spending page after page trying to have a mature discussion with you. I've tried several times before.

When you can't support a position you take, rather than saying, "hey, you might be right" get snarky, and try every dishonest debate tactic that you know, to divert, change the subject or cause a distraction.
When you think you're "losing" you play word games or try to run me around endlessly in circles.

Stick to your one liners and grandstanding for your friends. I'm done with you. Declare "victory, call me names or whatever you like.
Like I said, I couldn't care less.

He actually has the audacity to ask when black people ever asked for anything.

Holy shit.

Liberals are literally impossible to have any kind of constructive conversation with. They keep yapping about having an honest discussion. Oh, the fucking irony and hypocrisy and ignorance of the left is staggering.

The starkey guy is now the dumbest one of all. You ever read his posts?
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Hello, OP........

Are the things you repeatedly post in bold supposed to be your direct quotes? You keep saying that black Americans have been asking for those things for decades. Who? When? Please cite the instances of black Americans asking for those things.

Thank you.

I am beginning to think that you do not know what the term "direct quote" means.

I couldn't care less what you "think".

I'm not spending page after page trying to have a mature discussion with you. I've tried several times before.

When you can't support a position you take, rather than saying, "hey, you might be right" get snarky, and try every dishonest debate tactic that you know, to divert, change the subject or cause a distraction.
When you think you're "losing" you play word games or try to run me around endlessly in circles.

Stick to your one liners and grandstanding for your friends. I'm done with you. Declare "victory, call me names or whatever you like.
Like I said, I couldn't care less.

He actually has the audacity to ask when black people ever asked for anything.

Holy shit.

Liberals are literally impossible to have any kind of constructive conversation with. They keep yapping about having an honest discussion. Oh, the fucking irony and hypocrisy and ignorance of the left is staggering.

The stat guy the dumbest one of all. You ever read his posts?

I know. Another favorite tactic to cause a distraction and derail a thread is to ask for the definition of every word or ask for the names of anyone involved or the date they ever said anything or it isn't true.

This is an exaggeration for effect, but essentially by his logic, if I can't give the name and date of birth of everyone that died on the Titanic, it didn't happen..

I'm done with him. Couldn't care less.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be. don't like word games? That's interesting.
Why do you resort to them so often, then?
I don't really want an answer because first of all, I know you won't and second I just proved my point anyway.
Someone wrote, "The simple fact is the race card is too valuable politically for the democrats. Anyone denying that are ignorant, in denial, totally blind, or all three. I would be greatly offended if I were black and I was being patronized on such a mass scale and used."

Horse shit. Both major parties play racial politics. The quoted is not black, remember; but a race hater and separator, which violates American values. Such folks need to step off.
Hello, OP........

Are the things you repeatedly post in bold supposed to be your direct quotes? You keep saying that black Americans have been asking for those things for decades. Who? When? Please cite the instances of black Americans asking for those things.

Thank you.

I am beginning to think that you do not know what the term "direct quote" means.

I couldn't care less what you "think".

I'm not spending page after page trying to have a mature discussion with you. I've tried several times before.

When you can't support a position you take, rather than saying, "hey, you might be right" get snarky, and try every dishonest debate tactic that you know, to divert, change the subject or cause a distraction.
When you think you're "losing" you play word games or try to run me around endlessly in circles.

Stick to your one liners and grandstanding for your friends. I'm done with you. Declare "victory, call me names or whatever you like.
Like I said, I couldn't care less.

He actually has the audacity to ask when black people ever asked for anything.

Holy shit.

Liberals are literally impossible to have any kind of constructive conversation with. They keep yapping about having an honest discussion. Oh, the fucking irony and hypocrisy and ignorance of the left is staggering.

The stat guy the dumbest one of all. You ever read his posts?

I know. Another favorite tactic to cause a distraction and derail a thread is to ask for the definition of every word or ask for the names of anyone involved or the date they ever said anything or it isn't true.

This is an exaggeration for effect, but essentially by his logic, if I can't give the name and date of birth of everyone that died on the Titanic, it didn't happen..

I'm done with him. Couldn't care less.

You see how the moron disagreed with the post where I stated that liberals patronize blacks? I think he is so fucking stupid, that he disagrees with Booker T Washington's observations.

He has moved ahead of the rest of the hypocritical morons on the left as the most ignorant poster on here.

I really do not know an English word that describes how stupid that is.


Retard? No, that is an insult to retarded people.

Fucktard? I like that one, even though it not an official word. I think it fits so well though.
"I know. Another favorite tactic to cause a distraction and derail a thread is to ask for the definition of every word or ask for the names of anyone involved or the date they ever said anything or it isn't true."

Exaggeration for effect is a favorite tactic of race haters and separators.
Someone wrote, "The simple fact is the race card is too valuable politically for the democrats. Anyone denying that are ignorant, in denial, totally blind, or all three. I would be greatly offended if I were black and I was being patronized on such a mass scale and used."

Horse shit. Both major parties play racial politics. The quoted is not black, remember; but a race hater and separator, which violates American values. Such folks need to step off.

You stupid double talking, hypocritical, ignorant moron.

No offense

LOL, at the stat moron denying that democrats and liberals constantly use the race card. He actually has the audacity to try and convince us that republicans have been using it to the same degree that democrats have.


Seriously. How fucking dumb does he think we are?
Lets face it. They want their 40 acres and a mule. Of course, even if they got that, it would still not be enough.

That was never an actual policy, even during Reconstruction.
Maybe not, but I do know of a recent policy that would give around 50 grand is what was told to me by my neighbor, to the decedents of black farmers who were supposedly to have lost their land back in the day. My neighbor sent his in and told me he did. I don't think he qualified though, because he never said anymore about it.

Precisely..The Pigford-Vilsack award to any negro ever in the history of the country who tried to grow a tomato plant qualified as being disadvantaged by white racism and deserved some...wait for money from the government...go look up pigford-vilsack.

That's what's called "income redistribution"..Take money from taxpayers who are predominantly white and channel it to negroes. Defacto "reparations"
Same thing for all other "minority" programs..take taxpayers money (predominantly white people) and "redistribute" it to minorities.
obama knows EXACTLY what he's doing...

Ever hear a negro speak against government entitlements?
The far right race haters are as dumb as dumb can be. Rota and Owl are perfect examples of racial dumbos.

"I know. Another favorite tactic to cause a distraction and derail a thread is to ask for the definition of every word or ask for the names of anyone involved or the date they ever said anything or it isn't true."

Exaggeration for effect is a favorite tactic of race haters and separators.

overbroad generalization and mischaracterization is a favorite tactic of people who want to avoid being exposed in a position or they can't defend.
The far right race haters are as dumb as dumb can be. Rota and Owl are perfect examples of racial dumbos.

"racial dumbos". How old are you, son?
I notice you won't go anywhere near the actual topic and prefer to sit on the side and act as a cheerleader.

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