Black people advocate for segregation

Lets face it. They want their 40 acres and a mule. Of course, even if they got that, it would still not be enough.

That was never an actual policy, even during Reconstruction.
Maybe not, but I do know of a recent policy that would give around 50 grand is what was told to me by my neighbor, to the decedents of black farmers who were supposedly to have lost their land back in the day. My neighbor sent his in and told me he did. I don't think he qualified though, because he never said anymore about it.

Pigford-Vilsack..go look it up.
Ever hear a negro speak against government entitlements?

Do you get a 'tingle' every time you type the word "negro," loser? Do you and the other girls giggle over using an archaic reference to black people 'because you can'? Is that the kind of thrill you feel safe getting away with, you ridiculous pussy? Of course you'll flap your limp little wrists around and whine that "it's a real term, so I can use it if I want!" like the pissy little coward that you are. You don't have the balls to use the term you want to use, so you play this little game and get your little thrill. You're a fucking joke, and every reasonable person here knows it.

Just so you know, PUSSY.
The far right race haters are as dumb as dumb can be. Rota and Owl are perfect examples of racial dumbos.

"racial dumbos". How old are you, son?
I notice you won't go anywhere near the actual topic and prefer to sit on the side and act as a cheerleader.

You can always tell when you struck a nerve with those ignorant morons. Just simply state the truth. Then watch them stumble over themselves with their irrational claims.

LOL. I am still bewildered by the idiot trying to equate the republicans using the race card to the same degree as democrats.

Hey, you think he is referring to the republicans freeing them from slavery, desegregating the schools or passing the civil rights bill in 1964?

Or is he claiming the republicans run to these situations in Ferguson and get out in front of the cameras and claim white right wing cops are causing a war on black men in this country and setting up registration tables all around the city in Ferguson and right down next to the funeral home where the gentle giant was being kept?

I cannot tell with those pieces of shit if he equates those things. Is he claiming republicans are over overwhelmingly pro-welfare like the democrats are in order to buy votes?

You know, the scary thing is, I think he is equating all of those things. Scary, isn't it?
Lets face it. They want their 40 acres and a mule. Of course, even if they got that, it would still not be enough.

That was never an actual policy, even during Reconstruction.
Maybe not, but I do know of a recent policy that would give around 50 grand is what was told to me by my neighbor, to the decedents of black farmers who were supposedly to have lost their land back in the day. My neighbor sent his in and told me he did. I don't think he qualified though, because he never said anymore about it.

Pigford-Vilsack..go look it up.

Ever hear a negro speak against government entitlements?

Do you get a 'tingle' every time you type the word "negro," loser? Do you and the other girls giggle over using an archaic reference to black people 'because you can'? Is that the kind of thrill you feel safe getting away with, you ridiculous pussy? Of course you'll flap your limp little wrists around and whine that "it's a real term, so I can use it if I want!" like the pissy little coward that you are. You don't have the balls to use the term you want to use, so you play this little game and get your little thrill. You're a fucking joke, and every reasonable person here knows it.

Just so you know, PUSSY.


Hey..I was wondering about your screen name.
I've been to japan and was wondering if the translation I found below is correct?
I know "unko", (roughly translated) means "shit" in japanese and I thought it was weird that you'd use that word as part of a screen name, so I tried to find a translation...I couldn't find anything except this;
Urban Dictionary Unkotare

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

Your screen name means dripping shit?
just sayin
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Ever hear a negro speak against government entitlements?

Do you get a 'tingle' every time you type the word "negro," loser? Do you and the other girls giggle over using an archaic reference to black people 'because you can'? Is that the kind of thrill you feel safe getting away with, you ridiculous pussy? Of course you'll flap your limp little wrists around and whine that "it's a real term, so I can use it if I want!" like the pissy little coward that you are. You don't have the balls to use the term you want to use, so you play this little game and get your little thrill. You're a fucking joke, and every reasonable person here knows it.

Just so you know, PUSSY.


Keep 'playing.' Everyone knows what you're doing and why every time you use that term, PUSSY.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be. don't like word games? That's interesting.
Why do you resort to them so often, then?
I don't really want an answer because first of all, I know you won't and second I just proved my point anyway.

That might be possible if you had an actual point to prove.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be. don't like word games? That's interesting.
Why do you resort to them so often, then?
I don't really want an answer because first of all, I know you won't and second I just proved my point anyway.

That might be possible if you had an actual point to prove.

My point is that you won't address the topic because you know you wouldn't have a leg to stand on so instead you have spent 2 days trying to change the subject and derailing the thread.
If you disagree with the topic, explain why. It serves no purpose (except to relieve your frustration) to join a thread and play word games, yet not ever address the topic.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be. don't like word games? That's interesting.
Why do you resort to them so often, then?
I don't really want an answer because first of all, I know you won't and second I just proved my point anyway.

That might be possible if you had an actual point to prove.

My point is that you won't address the topic because you know you wouldn't have a leg to stand on so instead you have spent 2 days trying to change the subject and derailing the thread.
If you disagree with the topic, explain why. It serves no purpose (except to relieve your frustration) to join a thread and play word games, yet not ever address the topic.

You've spend all your time avoiding questions you don't like. You can't even define your terms.
The far right race haters are as dumb as dumb can be. Rota and Owl are perfect examples of racial dumbos.

"racial dumbos". How old are you, son?
I notice you won't go anywhere near the actual topic and prefer to sit on the side and act as a cheerleader.

You can always tell when you struck a nerve with those ignorant morons. Just simply state the truth. Then watch them stumble over themselves with their irrational claims.

LOL. I am still bewildered by the idiot trying to equate the republicans using the race card to the same degree as democrats.

Hey, you think he is referring to the republicans freeing them from slavery, desegregating the schools or passing the civil rights bill in 1964?

Or is he claiming the republicans run to these situations in Ferguson and get out in front of the cameras and claim white right wing cops are causing a war on black men in this country and setting up registration tables all around the city in Ferguson and right down next to the funeral home where the gentle giant was being kept?

I cannot tell with those pieces of shit if he equates those things. Is he claiming republicans are over overwhelmingly pro-welfare like the democrats are in order to buy votes?

You know, the scary thing is, I think he is equating all of those things. Scary, isn't it?

Well, you're right, of course but there's no point trying to engage in a discussion with them.
They place more value on being snarky, name calling and grandstanding than they do on acting like a mature adult.
You think they'd insult, talk trash and name call to anyone's face the way they do it here?
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

No.It means I'm not running around in circles for you.
You've spent page after page trying to change the subject and name calling and dodging and playing word games.
What? you don't like it when someone plays word games with you?
You've made it clear you aren't here to have an honest discussion. I've tried all day long, so don't expect me to take you seriously now.

I'm sorry the inquisition didn't go as planned. Maybe if you ever asked any honest questions you might get some honest answers.

More deflection.

Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white athletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?

Your powers of clairvoyance continue to amaze. You should think about going into business with this guy.

Again you dodge the questions, why is that?
Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white athletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?

Because all your dumb fucking half wit questions presuppose that you know what I think. Are you beginning to catch on now Kreskin?

Then it shouldn't be any trouble to rip him to shreds...but instead you spend the whole day evading and playing word games.

In other words: I'm not playing your word game by your rules.

If you feel I have worded the questions wrong then just point it out and answer the question in terms you think are fair.

But you just use this as an excuse to not answer questions that basically force you to admit that you don't give a potters damn about white peoples civil rights. In fact the idea that white people are being given unjust treatment in their own political and criminal justice system is hilarious to you.
Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white atheletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?

Once again, ask an honest, serious question if you want to be taken seriously, you ignorant coward.
But once again;
Why are you OK with obvious discrimination against white athletes?
Why cant whites have organizations similar to the NAACP and la Raza without being labeled racists or white supremacists?
Why are you OK with officer Wilson having his civil rights violated?
Yes I think it is generalizing on the words of those who feel this way, and of course their are many whom are far beyond the ideology and/or the brainwashing that is being perpetrated and makes use of a biased view that comes from within the so called beat down trenches in life. People need to be careful that the elite of all colors don't play us all for complete fools in the end. Right now anyone can be played for fools, and that is what I see happening anymore, so yes people need to be careful what or whom they listen to, especially if in a position of poverty that creates the impressions that someone else as a race is always responsible for ones poverty in life, when in most all cases that isn't the case anymore. To continue the blame is what works for some so they won't abandon that concept or usage of such a thing ever or for as long as it works for them anyway.. Uniting would scare the Hell out of those who continue to exploit us all.
Like I said, my life is simple and my life is good. I have no reason to want to segregate. Neither does my family as we do not have a problem with the law or the police who enforce it. I have always been a fan of not putting myself in situations where even the potential risk of what happened to Michael Brown may occur. As such, the only encounters I have ever had with police have been at picnics and soccer games for my kid.
Sell out...

You know that is what you are figured to be by some right ? It's really sad.

But it is his choice. Voluntary segregation I don't have a problem with. Minorities do it all the time, only white people are prevented by law and libtard harassment to not be allowed to self segregate.

Personally I don't want to segregate by race. I lived in a neighborhood that started getting a bunch of government aid families moved in (section 8?, don't remember now), but the people who lived in the neighborhood stopped the bastards they moved in from ruining our neighborhoods. We monitored those families, and if one looked like a drug pick up point, we called the cops. IF they caused some ruckus on the street we maintained a presence and called the cops watching what the cretins did till the cops got there and out in the street lights so everyone coulkd see who we were and that we were not afraid of them.

WE WON, not the thugs. A lot of good black families with well mannered children lived in our neighborhood and we were glad to have them. About half the families we ran out were white, and by running them out I mean we called the cops on them when they started shit.

When we sold our house a few years later it had good solid gain over the purchase price. The whites that move out in response to blacks moving in are usually panic sales and they lose a lot of equity.

All you have to do to keep you neighborhoods respectable is to talk to your neighbors, find out who is concerned and willing to help the DO SOMETHING. Basing your response on race is a sure losing response.

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