Black People must separate from White America.!

You guys this is william Joyce talking to himself.

Its a clone he created to make it look like black Americans are assholes.

I have never in my life met a black person who advocates what this idiot advocates.

I have met MANY Joyces.

[ame=]YouTube - exterminate white people[/ame]

edit: I didn't see that Tank already posted this video on this thread, however, it was not in responce to you.
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We are in the process of obtaining funding for the trip. Its not cheap, it cost money to move property, and many milions of people back to the mother land.!!

Are you planning a telethon? I heard that Danny Glover was available.

Personally I think you're full of shit and you have no plans on going to Africa. You wouldn't survive a day without the white man feeding you and wiping your ass.

The only thing we are going to need from the white man is some night vision goggles, assault rifles, and lots of amunition. We could have problems with some of those cannibal tribes that still have certain rituals that they adhear to.

The same cannibal tribes you came from?? ;)
I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.

LOL! I guess the Blacks are starting to realize that the White mans money that's been keeping the Black race afloat all these years is starting to run out as the White race diminishes. They know god damn well that the mexicans won't put up with their shit like the stupid White people did! :lol:
I propose a deal. All of the Originals will go back to their respective places of origin if all the devils go back to the caucasus mountains (by devil, I mean the wicked people who think like Tank, William Joyce and the like). All in favor?!?!
I'll know when you're back in Africa when you're not able to log on the internet anymore.

Are you saying that you are opposed to my proposal? Why? Could it be that you don't want us Originals to go after all? I'm beginning to believe that you don't really hate all black people. In fact, the more I read your posts, the more you sound like one of those angry eminem types, mad because your white high school sweetheart left you for the black captian of the football team.

When you say 'originals,' you must mean the descendants of the first slaves in America, you know, the ******* who sat around and allowed any white man to fuck your female relatives or do anything else to them they wished to do.

Vertebrates who allow such a thing to happen aren't really men at all, they are cowardly little monkeys who were afraid to protect their women because of their fear of the white man's wrath.

You monkeys are still the cowardly punks you always have been except now you know the white man is hesitant to put you in your place because if he goes to prison for killing your black asses, he must live for years with your 'brothers' and your cousins, the Latrino scum who are rapidly outnumbering even you *******, in a hell-hole prison where most of the guards and other personnel are also *******. That would be a fate worse than death to any white man with any honor.

There will always be white female scum who can be seduced by you *******' drugs and drug money, but they aren't really the type a white man would want, anyway. And we seldom see a white man dating a negress because they are so alien to our race we look on them as a sub-human species and it would be bestiality to have sex with them. Can't blame you ****** bucks for preferring even the dirtiest, fattest and smelliest of white women over your own hos.

In short, Malcolm X Huey Newton, you ******* can gloat for a short while with your ape-like, big-eared monkey brother as Chief Executive, but the white man will eventually take back his country and his rightful position as your master and owner, then you boys will really want to return to Mother Africa.
i agree, black people should separate from the superior white race, i will also pay for part of his ticket

Isn't it funny how you depigmented racist apes claim superiority based on the achievements of other whites without having done anything great yourselves?
i agree, black people should separate from the superior white race, i will also pay for part of his ticket

Isn't it funny how you depigmented racist apes claim superiority based on the achievements of other whites without having done anything great yourselves?

No, there is nothing funny about it at all, it's quite serious, and the fact that you blacks have little if anything to point to as your heritage except slavery to every other race, is the reason you resent whites who stand up and wave their racial flag.

We whites (most of us) are proud that we can look at our own forebears and be able to refer to greats like Michaelangelo, Columbus, the Curies, Edison, Ford, Goodyear, McCormick, Nobel, Pasteur, Tesla, Whitney and the Wright Brothers as the vanguard of human progress.

We are also proud to be of the same race as The great conquerors, explorers and discoverers like Alexander the Great, Balboa, Bering, Boone, Bradford, Byrd (Richard, not Robert), Cabot, Caesar, deChamplain, Lewis and Clark, Cook, Cortez, daGama, Drake, Erickson, Livingstone, Peary, Penn, Pike, Polo, Raliegh, DeSoto, and myriad other white men and women who are responsible for most of the progress man has made.

If you had a member of your family who had created something of value to civilization, you would undoubtedly boast about it and be proud, but about all the black race can point to as achievements would be agitators, sports players, singers, comedians and killers, and let me remind you that a horse always wins the Kentucky Derby and mockingbirds sing beautifully, if you can get my point.
Yes I live in an all black neighborhood, but whites from the suburbs keep moving in our all black neighborhood. They say they can not afford the commute to the city anymore.
Why have whites been moving into our pristine all Black hoods all of a sudden now??
Can someone explain this to me??:eek:

We may have to organize a Black panther party rally and march to try to keep the whites out of our neighborhood.!!

You say it's time for blacks to return to Africa. When are you going back and how many kinfolk can you haul with you?

We are in the process of obtaining funding for the trip. Its not cheap, it cost money to move property, and many milions of people back to the mother land.!!

The mother land, home of some of the most lawless countries in the world. Welcome home, and you'll be bringing America's most lawless citizens with you. What a place that will be
You say it's time for blacks to return to Africa. When are you going back and how many kinfolk can you haul with you?

We are in the process of obtaining funding for the trip. Its not cheap, it cost money to move property, and many milions of people back to the mother land.!!

Do you have a website where I can donate? I'll pledge a hundred grand if it will get your ass out of my country faster.
i agree, black people should separate from the superior white race, i will also pay for part of his ticket

Isn't it funny how you depigmented racist apes claim superiority based on the achievements of other whites without having done anything great yourselves?

No, there is nothing funny about it at all, it's quite serious, and the fact that you blacks have little if anything to point to as your heritage except slavery to every other race, is the reason you resent whites who stand up and wave their racial flag.

We whites (most of us) are proud that we can look at our own forebears and be able to refer to greats like Michaelangelo, Columbus, the Curies, Edison, Ford, Goodyear, McCormick, Nobel, Pasteur, Tesla, Whitney and the Wright Brothers as the vanguard of human progress.

We are also proud to be of the same race as The great conquerors, explorers and discoverers like Alexander the Great, Balboa, Bering, Boone, Bradford, Byrd (Richard, not Robert), Cabot, Caesar, deChamplain, Lewis and Clark, Cook, Cortez, daGama, Drake, Erickson, Livingstone, Peary, Penn, Pike, Polo, Raliegh, DeSoto, and myriad other white men and women who are responsible for most of the progress man has made.

If you had a member of your family who had created something of value to civilization, you would undoubtedly boast about it and be proud, but about all the black race can point to as achievements would be agitators, sports players, singers, comedians and killers, and let me remind you that a horse always wins the Kentucky Derby and mockingbirds sing beautifully, if you can get my point.

:clap2: Great speech! But you know what, it wasn't worth a hill of beans!! That old rhetoric you are spilling don't jive no more...we are not in the 19th and 20th centuries any longer, this is the 21st century!! You may want to hang onto the belief that the majority of White America sees Black America as a cancer that needs to be extracted from it's society and expunged forever BUT that's not what's happening in real life today!! From what I see, White people WANT relationships with Black Americans and it's not out of fear of them, or drugs or guilt it's b/c we are all human beings created by God and we should all live by God's teachings and love one another. I am not preaching but have you watched any Evangelist's programs lately...nothing but White, Black, and all other nationalities sitting together in the pews and the ministers preaching are White and Black, men and women!! I also know that there are plenty of people in this country who think just like you and want all races to be seperate and believe that the White race is the dominant race! So be it!! I just know from personal experience that nothing ever stays the same and in this case, that is so very true!! May you and your family have a blessed Easter and May God Bless all of you!!
Isn't it funny how you depigmented racist apes claim superiority based on the achievements of other whites without having done anything great yourselves?

No, there is nothing funny about it at all, it's quite serious, and the fact that you blacks have little if anything to point to as your heritage except slavery to every other race, is the reason you resent whites who stand up and wave their racial flag.

We whites (most of us) are proud that we can look at our own forebears and be able to refer to greats like Michaelangelo, Columbus, the Curies, Edison, Ford, Goodyear, McCormick, Nobel, Pasteur, Tesla, Whitney and the Wright Brothers as the vanguard of human progress.

We are also proud to be of the same race as The great conquerors, explorers and discoverers like Alexander the Great, Balboa, Bering, Boone, Bradford, Byrd (Richard, not Robert), Cabot, Caesar, deChamplain, Lewis and Clark, Cook, Cortez, daGama, Drake, Erickson, Livingstone, Peary, Penn, Pike, Polo, Raliegh, DeSoto, and myriad other white men and women who are responsible for most of the progress man has made.

If you had a member of your family who had created something of value to civilization, you would undoubtedly boast about it and be proud, but about all the black race can point to as achievements would be agitators, sports players, singers, comedians and killers, and let me remind you that a horse always wins the Kentucky Derby and mockingbirds sing beautifully, if you can get my point.

:clap2: Great speech! But you know what, it wasn't worth a hill of beans!! That old rhetoric you are spilling don't jive no more...we are not in the 19th and 20th centuries any longer, this is the 21st century!! You may want to hang onto the belief that the majority of White America sees Black America as a cancer that needs to be extracted from it's society and expunged forever BUT that's not what's happening in real life today!! From what I see, White people WANT relationships with Black Americans and it's not out of fear of them, or drugs or guilt it's b/c we are all human beings created by God and we should all live by God's teachings and love one another. I am not preaching but have you watched any Evangelist's programs lately...nothing but White, Black, and all other nationalities sitting together in the pews and the ministers preaching are White and Black, men and women!! I also know that there are plenty of people in this country who think just like you and want all races to be seperate and believe that the White race is the dominant race! So be it!! I just know from personal experience that nothing ever stays the same and in this case, that is so very true!! May you and your family have a blessed Easter and May God Bless all of you!!

Great Conquerers, murderers , mass rapists , and genocidal maniacs.Who spread European diseases to the indegenous indians of North and South America.

There is nothing there to be proud of sir.
I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.
Wow... welcome back James Crow. Where the hell you been, homes? Why you hangin out with Bull Connor in blackface?

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I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.

Lincoln was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy ahead of you on this one.

Liberia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pack your bags and buy a ticket!
There's only one race, the human race, and we're all in it together whether you like it or not.

No, there is only the living race, and that includes every living thing from humans to micro-organisms like bacteria or protozoans. We are all living, organic beings who deserve the same courtesy and respect from each other as we extend to the Creator who made us all.

Any human has the right to love and protect an amoeba, a cockroach, a house fly, an elephant, or any other living thing, and the marriage rites should certainly not be proscribed from any of us to any other form of us; for example, a rhinoscerous and a gopher have the same freedom to be life partners as a negro and a Japanese person do, or as a white person and a Polar bear, and that right should be codified in our legal system, guaranteeing that we are all God's living subjects.

To say that the only race is the human race is the height of racism, and the bigot who suggests it needs an education in humility and equality.

Actually, there should also be a law permitting certain human organisms to mate with the inanimate objects that give him pleasure, such as a man and his car. There are many human males who think so much of their automobiles they sometimes find themselves thinking erotic thoughts regarding themselves and the exhaust pipes of their beloved cars.

This poster once knew of a certain liberal fellow who was so attached to his vehicle that he would sneak out of his house at night, being careful not to wake his wife, and go into his garage, where there stood the apple of his eye, a 1969 Volvo station wagon he had nurtured for years and would never part with.

With a gleam in his eye, he would place the piece of raw liver he had taken from his freezer, and thawed in his microwave, up into the old girl's exhaust pipe, creating a nice warm place for his pleasure.

Thinking the old girl was in neutral, he used his automatic starter to crank her up, but she was actually in reverse, and began to slowly back up over the liberal professor whose only sin was loving his car, which eased over him and broke the part of him that was in the exhaust pipe.

The fellow survived his horrid misfortune, but was unable from then on to perform for either an auto or a woman, and to this day always uses public transportation. So, as is obvious, there are men (and women) who have their little peccadilloes that can sometimes cause catastrophic results, but that is no reason to deny them the right to love whom, or what, they want.

If a Caucasian person wants to have sexual pleasure with a mule, a negro, a Ford Fairlane or a watermelon, that should be his god-given right.
No, there is nothing funny about it at all, it's quite serious, and the fact that you blacks have little if anything to point to as your heritage except slavery to every other race, is the reason you resent whites who stand up and wave their racial flag.

We whites (most of us) are proud that we can look at our own forebears and be able to refer to greats like Michaelangelo, Columbus, the Curies, Edison, Ford, Goodyear, McCormick, Nobel, Pasteur, Tesla, Whitney and the Wright Brothers as the vanguard of human progress.

We are also proud to be of the same race as The great conquerors, explorers and discoverers like Alexander the Great, Balboa, Bering, Boone, Bradford, Byrd (Richard, not Robert), Cabot, Caesar, deChamplain, Lewis and Clark, Cook, Cortez, daGama, Drake, Erickson, Livingstone, Peary, Penn, Pike, Polo, Raliegh, DeSoto, and myriad other white men and women who are responsible for most of the progress man has made.

If you had a member of your family who had created something of value to civilization, you would undoubtedly boast about it and be proud, but about all the black race can point to as achievements would be agitators, sports players, singers, comedians and killers, and let me remind you that a horse always wins the Kentucky Derby and mockingbirds sing beautifully, if you can get my point.

:clap2: Great speech! But you know what, it wasn't worth a hill of beans!! That old rhetoric you are spilling don't jive no more...we are not in the 19th and 20th centuries any longer, this is the 21st century!! You may want to hang onto the belief that the majority of White America sees Black America as a cancer that needs to be extracted from it's society and expunged forever BUT that's not what's happening in real life today!! From what I see, White people WANT relationships with Black Americans and it's not out of fear of them, or drugs or guilt it's b/c we are all human beings created by God and we should all live by God's teachings and love one another. I am not preaching but have you watched any Evangelist's programs lately...nothing but White, Black, and all other nationalities sitting together in the pews and the ministers preaching are White and Black, men and women!! I also know that there are plenty of people in this country who think just like you and want all races to be seperate and believe that the White race is the dominant race! So be it!! I just know from personal experience that nothing ever stays the same and in this case, that is so very true!! May you and your family have a blessed Easter and May God Bless all of you!!

Great Conquerers, murderers , mass rapists , and genocidal maniacs.Who spread European diseases to the indegenous indians of North and South America.

There is nothing there to be proud of sir.

Nothing in your spelling to be proud of either, old sport.
There's only one race, the human race, and we're all in it together whether you like it or not.

To say that the only race is the human race is the height of racism, and the bigot who suggests it needs an education in humility and equality.

A car is not a race, regardless of who is fucking it. A polar bear and a mole are both different species. You totally missed the point.

"There is but one race, the human race, and we're all in it together, whether you like that or not." I wrote that, and I believe it.

If that makes me a racist, believing that mankind can come to peace and learn to live and love one another, so be it. I believe in mankind, I believe we can do this.

We are far greater than any one of us can even imagine.

I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.

You do know that Lincoln offered to Fredrick Douglass a country in South America. They refused because they didn't want to be on their own. Haiti got rid of all the whites and they have been the poorest of the poor countries in Latin America, never taking one step forward! Liberia was set up by former African Slaves and it is home to atrocity after atrocity, civil war after civil war, high AIDS rates, high crime rates, high murder rates, high rape rates etc.

Go ahead and have the African Americans go back to African, but don't blame it on racism when the inner cities start thriving again!
I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.

You do know that Lincoln offered to Fredrick Douglass a country in South America. They refused because they didn't want to be on their own. Haiti got rid of all the whites and they have been the poorest of the poor countries in Latin America, never taking one step forward! Liberia was set up by former African Slaves and it is home to atrocity after atrocity, civil war after civil war, high AIDS rates, high crime rates, high murder rates, high rape rates etc.

Go ahead and have the African Americans go back to African, but don't blame it on racism when the inner cities start thriving again!

The only person going back to Africa is 52nd St. These young black men of today would kick him in his ass if he came up to them and said we need to go back to the mother land. They would tell him straight up that they were not born there and are not giving up the freedom they have living here to live in a country where they would actually have to fight for their lives to survive!! Would you blame them?
I am telling all black people there will come a time when we must all separate ourselves from White America.
White people have no morals. They are trying to force a sexaul perversion upon us all in Homosexual marriage laws, they have created many enemies throughout the rest of the world.America has become a target , and we black people have been targeted with them.

It is time for black Americans to seriously consider returning back to Africa.

You do know that Lincoln offered to Fredrick Douglass a country in South America. They refused because they didn't want to be on their own. Haiti got rid of all the whites and they have been the poorest of the poor countries in Latin America, never taking one step forward! Liberia was set up by former African Slaves and it is home to atrocity after atrocity, civil war after civil war, high AIDS rates, high crime rates, high murder rates, high rape rates etc.

Go ahead and have the African Americans go back to African, but don't blame it on racism when the inner cities start thriving again!

The only person going back to Africa is 52nd St. These young black men of today would kick him in his ass if he came up to them and said we need to go back to the mother land. They would tell him straight up that they were not born there and are not giving up the freedom they have living here to live in a country where they would actually have to fight for their lives to survive!! Would you blame them?

Do you blame white Americans for wanting them to go somewhere else? We are fed up with blacks and their primitive, animalistic, criminal, bullying, destroying, raping, murdering, loud, ridiculous, thieving, robbing, demonstrating, hating, rioting, burning, alien presence in our white culture that you people all hate and do all you can to not assimilate into, which we don't want either.

"These young black men" you refer to are the reason you people are so disliked by most white people. They have been raised up from infancy being told how evil and hateful we whites are to them and were to their ancestors, which has engendered the hostility and hatred they now feel for all whites. They apparently don't have the brains to realize that the whites of today had nothing to do with the lives of their great-grandparents, and don't want to pollute the genes of the white race with those of negroids

Those of you who don't want to return to Africa realize that there is nothing there that can compare with the lives you lead here in America, a place that was founded, explored, developed and built into the comparative paradise it is by whites, and there is no way your people could do the same thing in your native land because of your lack of initiative, motive, and the will to better your sorry selves.

If you continue your savage behavior toward us whites, there is no doubt we will be spurred into preserving our own by "any means necessary," to quote one of your criminal heroes' words. The white race will never succumb to what your evil leaders have planned for us, and another spark like the murders of those two fine young people in Knoxville that you laugh so hard about will set off the inferno that will end your presence here forever. So keep up the crimes and depredations. We're looking forward to that inferno.
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