Zone1 Black Privilege And The New Tokenism In Television


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
If you watch television these days it appears that everyone is a person of color. As a matter of fact.....most of the people in commercials these days are all black...with just a token white person thrown in. It's like watching an NBA game.

On Twitter I keep seeing videos of wokish whites kissing black people's feet and praising them in mass.
I think the pendulum has swung too far in one direction.
Now movies and television don't reflect the demographics of this country anymore.
Social Justice has gone too far......and this country is going to Hell in a hand-basket because of it.
This is the transformation of America that Obama spoke of years ago.
He knew that the best way to destroy a country is by patronizing one group in favor of another.

I have nothing against blacks in general....but I'm not gonna kiss their backsides. And I'm not gonna put up with this kind of abuse from them either....I don't care how privileged they feel. Democrats are trying to screw up America and blame it all on the invisible White Threat they claim is all over the place.



Hollywood has had to move out of Hollywood because of the crime that Democrats have caused and supported in their cities and states. They're literally cutting their own throats by their obvious patronizing of blacks and other people of color. The problem is that they will never learn no matter where they go....because they refuse to admit that their ideology causes all of this.

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I noticed that even on USMB people are either scared about this topic....or want to stay away from it because they don't want anyone to think they're racists.
But the fact that you notice this stuff doesn't make you a makes you a realist.
Stop watching TV then. You never cried about it when all of TV land was white.
I noticed that even on USMB people are either scared about this topic....or want to stay away from it because they don't want anyone to think they're racists.
But the fact that you notice this stuff doesn't make you a makes you a realist.

I notice it. Families made up of 2 adults one black one something else and an asian kid or whatever, basically people who check boxes. I can't recall the last movie or show that didn't have some kind of wokeism. Just finished watching Sons of Anarchy and was actually impressed with how much woke BS they were able to put into a show about a motorcycle gang.
I notice it. Families made up of 2 adults one black one something else and an asian kid or whatever, basically people who check boxes. I can't recall the last movie or show that didn't have some kind of wokeism. Just finished watching Sons of Anarchy and was actually impressed with how much woke BS they were able to put into a show about a motorcycle gang.
Disney has gone nuts with it. Hocus Pocus 2 is a prime example of it.
Most of their family oriented programming is lousy with wokism and isn't worth watching.
I noticed that even on USMB people are either scared about this topic....or want to stay away from it because they don't want anyone to think they're racists.
But the fact that you notice this stuff doesn't make you a makes you a realist.
Same with me. Several months ago I pointed out how the vast majority of posters in store windows were of blacks, and next to none of whites, and I’ve had that thrown in my face ever since with the constant screams of “raaaaacist.”

There is nothing wrong with pointing out the blatant favoritism toward blacks in advertising. It is especially notable with MACYs - a woke company that had eight minutes of silence during store hours to honor George Floyd - who sends out circulars that ALWAYS have a black woman or family on the cover, and inside pages that brag how they team with black designers to bring the “black perspective” to their clothes, etc. etc.. Talk about pandering!
If you watch television these days it appears that everyone is a person of color. As a matter of fact.....most of the people in commercials these days are all black...with just a token white person thrown in. It's like watching an NBA game.

On Twitter I keep seeing videos of wokish whites kissing black people's feet and praising them in mass.
I think the pendulum has swung too far in one direction.
Now movies and television don't reflect the demographics of this country anymore.
Social Justice has gone too far......and this country is going to Hell in a hand-basket because of it.
This is the transformation of America that Obama spoke of years ago.
He knew that the best way to destroy a country is by patronizing one group in favor of another.

I have nothing against blacks in general....but I'm not gonna kiss their backsides. And I'm not gonna put up with this kind of abuse from them either....I don't care how privileged they feel. Democrats are trying to screw up America and blame it all on the invisible White Threat they claim is all over the place.

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Hollywood has had to move out of Hollywood because of the crime that Democrats have caused and supported in their cities and states. They're literally cutting their own throats by their obvious patronizing of blacks and other people of color. The problem is that they will never learn no matter where they go....because they refuse to admit that their ideology causes all of this.

Another example of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

In this case the lie and wrongheaded notion that actors of color have some ‘advantage’ when it comes to roles in television and film.

The lie that white actors are somehow ‘disadvantaged’ by roles filled by actors of color.

The thread topic is an example of the racist right upset that they can’t turn on the TV or go to the movies without seeing an actor of color – racist conservatives complaining that there are ‘too many blacks’; what must a racist white conservative do to avoid being forced to see people of color.

What’s gone too far is rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate.
I noticed that even on USMB people are either scared about this topic....or want to stay away from it because they don't want anyone to think they're racists.
But the fact that you notice this stuff doesn't make you a makes you a realist.
I'm totally fine with more minorities represented in TV commercials. But how about represent all minorities and not just Black people?
Another example of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.
Nice titles that you use to deflect from the fact that the things he lists are definitely happening. This also flies in the face of the POC narrative that POC just want equality and equity. Those traits are clearly defined that NO PREFERENCE should be shown to anyone on the basis of race, creed or color. Reality bears that out.
I'm totally fine with more minorities represented in TV commercials. But how about represent all minorities and not just Black people?
It doesn't matter to me either way. I find it funny, though, it seems after the radical left burned down several of their cities and a small group of black Marxists shook down corporate America, suddenly, Hollywood is tripping over themselves 'woking' commercials.
The thread topic is an example of the racist right upset that they can’t turn on the TV or go to the movies without seeing an actor of colo
It shows nothing of the sort. The grievance is that these venues do not reflect the demographics of the nation. If you were a demographic that represented 60% of the nation and everything you saw broadcast relegated you to 10%, would you be satisfied that you were represented equitably? Of course you wouldn't, but here you are trying to tie a racist title on people who are complaining that they are not receiving the equal treatment that you claim to champion.

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