Black Protesters Storm NYC Restaurants – Target & Harass White People Eating Brunch

The customers probably outnumber the protesters. The customers should just pick up chairs and start going all McDonalds mama on them.
I was going to ask if there were any backbones in the joint, and I am not referring to ribs.

Do continue, black thug protesters. You might wake a few more of us whities up.
I was going to ask if there were any backbones in the joint, and I am not referring to ribs.

Do continue, black thug protesters. You might wake a few more of us whities up.
It takes one person to stand up. Others will follow.
Did any stand up? First assholes that spit-screamed in my face would have been picking up their teeth.
I wonder what would happen if a bunch of whities went into a black filled restaurant and screamed "BLACK THUGS BLACK THUGS DON'T SHOOT DON'T SHOOT". Any guesses?
Boy those protesters sure did figure out a good way to get their point across.
I guess I'm supposed to now understand where they're coming from.
Boy those protesters sure did figure out a good way to get their point across.
I guess I'm supposed to now understand where they're coming from.
According to some tweets, "you will NOT touch OUR people" (while OUR people are spit-screaming at you in yer face). And how funny it was that one woman began to cry.

Yeah...their point got across all right. The KKK might be getting a shitload of new members.
Boy those protesters sure did figure out a good way to get their point across.
I guess I'm supposed to now understand where they're coming from.
According to some tweets, "you will NOT touch OUR people" (while OUR people are spit-screaming at you in yer face). And how funny it was that one woman began to cry.

Yeah...their point got across all right. The KKK might be getting a shitload of new members.

The black community listening to the effin left is their own worst enemy.
The protesters grabbed some of the customers by the arms. That calls for a steak knife between the ribs.
White folks need a good chant of their own.

What is the plague?

Black death. Black death.

What is this plague?

Black death. Black death.
Surprise, surprise. How many times will I have to say, "Enjoy your race war"?

Thanks, NYPD. You've just pissed off a whole lot of black people....and de Blasio is still mayor.


It's all someone else's fault.

Not the protestors'.


The shooter who took out the two cops was to blame. But it was the PC Police, people like you, who are exacerbating the environment with deflection like this. You're contributing to the problem and you don't care.

YOu people are the ones blaming DeBlasio, Obama, and Holder for the assassination of those cops.
White folks need a good chant of their own.

What is the plague?

Black death. Black death.

What is this plague?

Black death. Black death.

And stop killing white people, our lives matter! twice as many whites killed by blacks and that's 10 times per capita!
So what...what was that huge number...250? Probably 200 of them wiggers buying or selling drugs in the ghetto. Hardly a huge number. What a racist fucking gimp. Your people, the gimps, cause more tax dollars and discomfort to the American people than the average blacks.
Can't park close to the store...because fucking gimps. Build your business, gotta make it accessible to gimps. Can;t get on or off a plane, train or autombile...because a fucking gimps. Gimps riding the bus...blocking traffic while we have to wait for those gimps to be helped off. Fucking gimps and the special treatment. Go to the amusement lines for the fucking gimpos...they get to cut everyone. When will you people wise up and realize gimps are destroying America! We should send them to the flat lands and let them try to live on their own. The stats don't lie...gimps are a burden to the American people. Fucking gimp.
I am sure I am not speaking for myself, people are getting tired of this faux pretense of racism. Asians and northern Europeans have got past it, what is holding up blacks? Generally , black males are unpredictable hateful aggressive pricks. Not known for deep thought. Just aggression. Profiling my ass. Common now, why isn't there any blacks in that show Big Bang Theory?
I am sure I am not speaking for myself, people are getting tired of this faux pretense of racism. Asians and northern Europeans have got past it, what is holding up blacks? Generally , black males are unpredictable hateful aggressive pricks. Not known for deep thought. Just aggression. Profiling my ass. Common now, why isn't there any blacks in that show Big Bang Theory?
Black men and women would be insulted to be thought of as that nerdy.

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