Black Protesters Storm NYC Restaurants – Target & Harass White People Eating Brunch

Even the original Cosmos, written by that omnipresent white nerd, Carl Sagan, the reboot under Seth McFarlane used that smart black guy, Neil Degrasse Tyson. But I am not seeing too many aspiring astrophysicists in this hood. Just a bunch of thugs that want to pass off the blame for their antisocial behaviors to white racism.
All of us would be better off if blacks aspired being scholars instead of thugs. I don't know why they don't and I don't care anymore, black males tend to be over aggressive angry hateful and unpredictable. And THAT unfortunate little ditty is what makes racial profiling...legitimate. This isn't a police issue, it's a black mental health thing. And the black community needs to resolve it, and there isn't any laws needed. And whites can't do a damn thing.
All of us would be better off if blacks aspired being scholars instead of thugs. I don't know why they don't and I don't care anymore, black males tend to be over aggressive angry hateful and unpredictable. And THAT unfortunate little ditty is what makes racial profiling...legitimate. This isn't a police issue, it's a black mental health thing. And the black community needs to resolve it, and there isn't any laws needed. And whites can't do a damn thing.

Yep. Only the black community can fix the black community. Cops just try to maintain some order and contain the drugs and violence from spreading.
I was going to ask if there were any backbones in the joint, and I am not referring to ribs.

Do continue, black thug protesters. You might wake a few more of us whities up.

Seems to me if they keep this up , people will start standing up to them and say "were not the problem" and just throw their ass out the door. Maybe its time.
Maybe they picked that restaurant because it is full of pansies.
Surprise, surprise. How many times will I have to say, "Enjoy your race war"?

Thanks, NYPD. You've just pissed off a whole lot of black people....and de Blasio is still mayor.


It's all someone else's fault.

Not the protestors'.


The shooter who took out the two cops was to blame. But it was the PC Police, people like you, who are exacerbating the environment with deflection like this. You're contributing to the problem and you don't care.

YOu people are the ones blaming DeBlasio, Obama, and Holder for the assassination of those cops.

You must have missed the sentence in which I clearly said "the shooter who took out the two cops was to blame".

Funny how you didn't see that.

Try that crap on someone else.

No, what would be far better would be for the phonies and hypocrites of the PC Police to be marginalized and ignored. If they were no longer making things worse at every opportunity, we could easily come together as one nation. As long as they have influence, though, things will only get worse. Black Americans have been victimized by these people long enough.

I think that black folks think the only people victimizing them are the ones shooting their children and putting their men in choke holds.

That would be the real police, not the imaginary "PC Police".
No, what would be far better would be for the phonies and hypocrites of the PC Police to be marginalized and ignored. If they were no longer making things worse at every opportunity, we could easily come together as one nation. As long as they have influence, though, things will only get worse. Black Americans have been victimized by these people long enough.

I think that black folks think the only people victimizing them are the ones shooting their children and putting their men in choke holds.

That would be the real police, not the imaginary "PC Police".

I always get a chuckle when you and CC pretend to not know what I'm talking about.

Pretty much everyone else does, especially those who go mental and defensive whenever I use the term.

There is certainly no law requiring intellectual honesty here, so deny away.

No, what would be far better would be for the phonies and hypocrites of the PC Police to be marginalized and ignored. If they were no longer making things worse at every opportunity, we could easily come together as one nation. As long as they have influence, though, things will only get worse. Black Americans have been victimized by these people long enough.

I think that black folks think the only people victimizing them are the ones shooting their children and putting their men in choke holds.

That would be the real police, not the imaginary "PC Police".
Blacks kill black children at obscene rates, especially in that shit hole of a city you live in. Tell me how many black kids have been killed by blacks and how many by cops there.
I always get a chuckle when you and CC pretend to not know what I'm talking about.

Pretty much everyone else does, especially those who go mental and defensive whenever I use the term.

There is certainly no law requiring intellectual honesty here, so deny away.

I know exactly what you are talking about. You live in some fantasy world where black folks see the Eric Garner video and wouldn't get angry about it unless some "PC Police" told them to be.
Surprise, surprise. How many times will I have to say, "Enjoy your race war"?

Thanks, NYPD. You've just pissed off a whole lot of black people....and de Blasio is still mayor.


It's all someone else's fault.

Not the protestors'.


The shooter who took out the two cops was to blame. But it was the PC Police, people like you, who are exacerbating the environment with deflection like this. You're contributing to the problem and you don't care.


Protestors are reacting. This looks like some sort of random event that just happened today? No. Start with Trayvon Martin and roll the footage forward.

How did NYPD piss off people with Martin?
Blacks kill black children at obscene rates, especially in that shit hole of a city you live in. Tell me how many black kids have been killed by blacks and how many by cops there.

Guy, here's the thing. When a black kid kills another black kid, he goes to jail. And mostly everyone's fine with that.

They are also fine with the 88% of white people who are killed by other white people going to prison.

What bothers them for some reason is when a cop kills a black person, one who is unarmed, not a threat and not doing anything a reasonable person would think was worth killing someone for (jaywalking, selling cigarettes) and then faces no legal consequences. That upsets people for some reason.
I always get a chuckle when you and CC pretend to not know what I'm talking about.

Pretty much everyone else does, especially those who go mental and defensive whenever I use the term.

There is certainly no law requiring intellectual honesty here, so deny away.

I know exactly what you are talking about. You live in some fantasy world where black folks see the Eric Garner video and wouldn't get angry about it unless some "PC Police" told them to be.

Actually, I could believe that is your perception of this, yes.

Mix in a little fact with a tornado of spin & hyperbole & fiction, and that's pretty much what comes out.

The thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues are somehow distorted in the above way, and there's not much I can do about that.

Blacks kill black children at obscene rates, especially in that shit hole of a city you live in. Tell me how many black kids have been killed by blacks and how many by cops there.

Guy, here's the thing. When a black kid kills another black kid, he goes to jail. And mostly everyone's fine with that.

They are also fine with the 88% of white people who are killed by other white people going to prison.

What bothers them for some reason is when a cop kills a black person, one who is unarmed, not a threat and not doing anything a reasonable person would think was worth killing someone for (jaywalking, selling cigarettes) and then faces no legal consequences. That upsets people for some reason.
I thought blacks were victimized by those who kill their children. I didn't understand it was conditional on who they were killed by. Maybe the mantra "Black Lives Matter" should be amended.
Actually, I could believe that is your perception of this, yes.

Mix in a little fact with a tornado of spin & hyperbole & fiction, and that's pretty much what comes out.

The thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues are somehow distorted in the above way, and there's not much I can do about that.

Do you really think people are upset about police brutality because the PC Police told them to? Yes or no?
I thought blacks were victimized by those who kill their children. I didn't understand it was conditional on who they were killed by. Maybe the mantra "Black Lives Matter" should be amended.

Well, EuroTrash, there you go thinking again. Yes, people SHOULD be upset when their children are killed by those who are supposed to be protecting them and face no consequences for doing so.
Well, EuroTrash, there you go thinking again. Yes, people SHOULD be upset when their children are killed by those who are supposed to be protecting them and face no consequences for doing so.
Wow. I've got a teenager and I would be seriously pissed if anyone hurt him. The conditions of anger seem alien to me, but then I guess I don't know what it's like to be black.

I'm guessing you've never had kids.
A huge majority don't think we have a police problem.......they think we have a black problem.

And by the way.........anybody else see the massive show of law enforcement yesterday? Of course, they came to pay their respects but also.........and make no mistake ( people on this board who hail from Scratchmyassville USA don't get it ).......that's also to send a weee little message to the savages.:coffee:
Do you really think people are upset about police brutality because the PC Police told them to? Yes or no?


I believe they're upset because police brutality does exist, AND because they have been raised in a culture that amplifies the environment to a point far beyond a rational level.

How has that amplification taken place? By having generations of American Blacks told from the day they're born that white people are out to get them, that resisting arrest is justified, that every word a white person says that is critical of them is a racist lie, that they will not be held responsible for any negative actions, and that a group of people can be relied upon to protect and defend them, even if this accomplishes nothing more than enabling future bad behavior and isolating them more and more from society with each passing day. And we see this from people like you, here, every day.

Thanks for asking.


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