Black Racism, justified, and correct.

I am not ignoring your questions, I have answered your questions before, like I stated earlier, the reparations questions will always be there.
White decendants of slave owners, will always be viewed as people who benefited from
many years of free labor provided by blacks, that did in fact enrich Ameirca, during slavery and beyound, and this wealth has been transfered to modern day white America, or has been converted.
As a matter of fact, all Whites have benefited from the forced unpaid labor of Black slaves, from the times of slavery,
to our present day modern capitalistic system.

So rather than working together to find a solution that benefits everyone, you just want to continue with century-old blame that'll divide racial issues even more. How pitiful you are, but I still challenge your claim you're black and not really just more of the same white liberal trash.

Well of course you wont respond, because you know the responses that I post to your
logic are in fact factual and correct. And I don't judge people by their skin color, that would be illogical.
Speaking of not responding, why are you ignoring the questions I posed to you?

I am not ignoring your questions, I have answered your questions before, like I stated earlier, the reparations questions will always be there.
White decendants of slave owners, will always be viewed as people who benefited from
many years of free labor provided by blacks, that did in fact enrich Ameirca, during slavery and beyound, and this wealth has been transfered to modern day white America, or has been converted.
As a matter of fact, all Whites have benefited from the forced unpaid labor of Black slaves, from the times of slavery,
to our present day modern capitalistic system.

No you've never answered any of my questions and your not answering them now. I want to know how much money in reparations do you think is fair? And apparently you're not acknowledging the thousands of black slave owners.

How much was whites enriched during slavery?

Can you trace your lineage to a certain slaveholder?

Can you show damages done through acts of slavery?

Your premise is a false assumption that only whites have benefited from slavery. If slave labor created wealth for Americans, then obviously it has created wealth for black Americans as well, including the descendants of slaves. The GNP of black America is so large that it makes the African-American community the 10th most prosperous "nation" in the world. American blacks on average enjoy per capita incomes in the range of twenty to fifty times that of blacks living in any of the African nations from which they were allegedly kidnapped.

Slavery existed for thousands of years before the Atlantic slave trade was born, and in all societies. But in the thousand years of its existence, there never was an anti-slavery movement until white Christians - Englishmen and Americans -- created one. If not for the anti-slavery attitudes and military power of white Englishmen and Americans, the slave trade would not have been brought to an end. If not for the sacrifices of white soldiers and a white American president who gave his life to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks in America would still be slaves. If not for the dedication of Americans of all ethnicities and colors to a society based on the principle that all men are created equal, blacks in America would not enjoy the highest standard of living of blacks anywhere in the world, and indeed one of the highest standards of living of any people in the world. They would not enjoy the greatest freedoms and the most thoroughly protected individual rights anywhere. Where is the gratitude of black America and its leaders for those gifts?

Only a tiny minority of Americans ever owned slaves. This is true even for those who lived in the ante-bellum South where only one white in five was a slaveholder. Why should their descendants owe a debt? What about the descendants of the 350,000 Union soldiers who died to free the slaves? They gave their lives. What possible moral principle would ask them to pay (through their descendants) again?

These facts come from David Horowitz and I challenge you to disprove them.

Now, I've given you facts and I've asked you questions, are you going to answer the questions or keep dodging them like a little coward?
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Speaking of not responding, why are you ignoring the questions I posed to you?

I am not ignoring your questions, I have answered your questions before, like I stated earlier, the reparations questions will always be there.
White decendants of slave owners, will always be viewed as people who benefited from
many years of free labor provided by blacks, that did in fact enrich Ameirca, during slavery and beyound, and this wealth has been transfered to modern day white America, or has been converted.
As a matter of fact, all Whites have benefited from the forced unpaid labor of Black slaves, from the times of slavery,
to our present day modern capitalistic system.

No you've never answered any of my questions and your not answering them now. I want to know how much money in reparations do you think is fair? And apparently you're not acknowledging the thousands of black slave owners.

How much was whites enriched during slavery?

Can you trace your lineage to a certain slaveholder?

Can you show damages done through acts of slavery?

Your premise is a false assumption that only whites have benefited from slavery. If slave labor created wealth for Americans, then obviously it has created wealth for black Americans as well, including the descendants of slaves. The GNP of black America is so large that it makes the African-American community the 10th most prosperous "nation" in the world. American blacks on average enjoy per capita incomes in the range of twenty to fifty times that of blacks living in any of the African nations from which they were allegedly kidnapped.

Slavery existed for thousands of years before the Atlantic slave trade was born, and in all societies. But in the thousand years of its existence, there never was an anti-slavery movement until white Christians - Englishmen and Americans -- created one. If not for the anti-slavery attitudes and military power of white Englishmen and Americans, the slave trade would not have been brought to an end. If not for the sacrifices of white soldiers and a white American president who gave his life to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks in America would still be slaves. If not for the dedication of Americans of all ethnicities and colors to a society based on the principle that all men are created equal, blacks in America would not enjoy the highest standard of living of blacks anywhere in the world, and indeed one of the highest standards of living of any people in the world. They would not enjoy the greatest freedoms and the most thoroughly protected individual rights anywhere. Where is the gratitude of black America and its leaders for those gifts?

Only a tiny minority of Americans ever owned slaves. This is true even for those who lived in the ante-bellum South where only one white in five was a slaveholder. Why should their descendants owe a debt? What about the descendants of the 350,000 Union soldiers who died to free the slaves? They gave their lives. What possible moral principle would ask them to pay (through their descendants) again?

These facts come from David Horowitz and I challenge you to disprove them.

Now, I've given you facts and I've asked you questions, are you going to answer the questions or keep dodging them like a little coward?

Your questions are absurd, and illogical, and does not mention the fact that All whites in
America reaped the benefits of slavery, weather their ancestors owned slaves or not.
Blacks are still at the bottom of the American socioeconomic system. Your questions fails
to also acknowledge the fact that this forced unpaid labor allowed whites to enrich
themselves, and is a theft from the Black slaves!, and to this day nothing has been done
to correct this theft from Black American slaves!. You try to dilute the issue by bringing up
irrellivent issues surrounding the topic of slavery.
nice dodge. I guess retorting is a bit more difficult than robbing liquor stores.

I hope you are not holding your breath on those reparations, dude. THAT is a pipe dream that will never happen above and beyond racist affirmative action.
I am not ignoring your questions, I have answered your questions before, like I stated earlier, the reparations questions will always be there.
White decendants of slave owners, will always be viewed as people who benefited from
many years of free labor provided by blacks, that did in fact enrich Ameirca, during slavery and beyound, and this wealth has been transfered to modern day white America, or has been converted.
As a matter of fact, all Whites have benefited from the forced unpaid labor of Black slaves, from the times of slavery,
to our present day modern capitalistic system.

No you've never answered any of my questions and your not answering them now. I want to know how much money in reparations do you think is fair? And apparently you're not acknowledging the thousands of black slave owners.

How much was whites enriched during slavery?

Can you trace your lineage to a certain slaveholder?

Can you show damages done through acts of slavery?

Your premise is a false assumption that only whites have benefited from slavery. If slave labor created wealth for Americans, then obviously it has created wealth for black Americans as well, including the descendants of slaves. The GNP of black America is so large that it makes the African-American community the 10th most prosperous "nation" in the world. American blacks on average enjoy per capita incomes in the range of twenty to fifty times that of blacks living in any of the African nations from which they were allegedly kidnapped.

Slavery existed for thousands of years before the Atlantic slave trade was born, and in all societies. But in the thousand years of its existence, there never was an anti-slavery movement until white Christians - Englishmen and Americans -- created one. If not for the anti-slavery attitudes and military power of white Englishmen and Americans, the slave trade would not have been brought to an end. If not for the sacrifices of white soldiers and a white American president who gave his life to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks in America would still be slaves. If not for the dedication of Americans of all ethnicities and colors to a society based on the principle that all men are created equal, blacks in America would not enjoy the highest standard of living of blacks anywhere in the world, and indeed one of the highest standards of living of any people in the world. They would not enjoy the greatest freedoms and the most thoroughly protected individual rights anywhere. Where is the gratitude of black America and its leaders for those gifts?

Only a tiny minority of Americans ever owned slaves. This is true even for those who lived in the ante-bellum South where only one white in five was a slaveholder. Why should their descendants owe a debt? What about the descendants of the 350,000 Union soldiers who died to free the slaves? They gave their lives. What possible moral principle would ask them to pay (through their descendants) again?

These facts come from David Horowitz and I challenge you to disprove them.

Now, I've given you facts and I've asked you questions, are you going to answer the questions or keep dodging them like a little coward?

Your questions are absurd, and illogical, and does not mention the fact that All whites in
America reaped the benefits of slavery, weather their ancestors owned slaves or not.
Blacks are still at the bottom of the American socioeconomic system. Your questions fails
to also acknowledge the fact that this forced unpaid labor allowed whites to enrich
themselves, and is a theft from the Black slaves!, and to this day nothing has been done
to correct this theft from Black American slaves!. You try to dilute the issue by bringing up
irrellivent issues surrounding the topic of slavery.

Well you've shown yourself to be a coward.

What about blacks? Did they not reap any beneifits?

Asking how much in reparations in irrelevant?

Asking if you can prove you're a direct descendent is irrelevant?

Asking about the thousands of black slaveowners is irrelevant?

Asking about the hundreds of thousands of white men that fought and died to free your your people is irrelevant?

You are the one that's irrelevant as well as being a coward that cannot answer simple direct questions.

You really should stop spouting off bullshit that you cannot prove and refuse to defend.
Yeah, tell us how blacks aren't benefiting from capitalism today. After all, the poorest homeless black man today is most likely even wealthier than most blacks during the civil rights era.

1."racism is never justified",Wrong. Not when you are constantly being subjected to racism
by a majority race, that has no respect for your minority race, throughout their entire
societal system. Minority reverse racism,directed at the oppressor racist race is a natural
and expected response, in order to deal with a constant oppressive racist society, controlled by Whites, for the benefit of Whites.

2."Respect is something you Earn" Black people have been disrespected in America since its inception. Blacks are still being disrespected systematically in America, therefore they
are not going to be respectful towards White people,because of this constant ,current and historical disrespect from Whites.Wrong again.

3."White men are not stealing Black women." Wrong again, White men are manipulating a system, that
facilitates the acquisition of Black women, another form of stealing Black women, by way
black male underemployment, black men are railroaded into the American Prison system by
a racists Judicial system, and our women are being Psychologically brainwashed into believing that their black men are not good enough for them, by the society on a whole, and the media indoctrination system of White male , and white female false superiority.

4."Blacks are doing a good job at destroying their family unit" Wrong again!, Blacks in America live with the matrix of White manipulation and influence. It is the White racists systematic societal effects, that have caused the Black family to disintegrate, at its current
pace , and has caused the situation the Black males and Females , currently find themselves in, Blacks are not creating government policy,Whites are.Even though the President is now half Black, a mulatto , which is just another form of mind control,
electing a black President to install a false sense of racial equality or harmony, when it
does not really exist.

5."Its not just Whites that are Homosexual, or this will not harm the Black community"Wrong again. There are more white homosexuals in America when compared to blacks in America. Homosexual marriage , or to legitimize an abnormal lifestyle, confuses, young black impressionable minds , into thinking that this may be a lifestyle choice, when in actuality, it is just another form of racial genocide, as a homosexual
couple can not reproduce themselves.Thus this is another form of destruction for the Black

6."Most people wont fight a civil war , or just go back to Africa"Wrong again. Many minorities, are aware as to what the majority whites are doing and are up to, not only in America, but all over the world.So the war may start within America, and the war may also
be at Americas borders.So , you will have problems within America, and at your front and back door.!At the Mexican, and Canadian Borders.!?

Wow. I'm not even going to bother responding to this point by point. All I can say is that I am sorry you have so little faith or respect for your own "race" and that you harbour so much anger toward others. Your posting makes it very clear that the first (and apparently only) thing you see when you look at people is their skin colour and this is a failing that falls on YOU and you alone. You can fling out all the rhetoric about how blacks in general (and you in particular) have been oppressed down through the ages but at the end of the day how you live your life is YOUR choice.

Oh and if you ever spouted off that shit about black women being brainwashed and manipulated in some of front of my friend or'd be bitchslapped. They make their own choices. Some only date black men. Some prefer white men and some simply like men in general so long as they fit certain criteria such as intelligence, holding a steady job, treating them well etc. No black man is entitled to a black woman simply because he's black and the man SHE has chosen to be with isn't. If a black man wants a black woman (actually this statement is true for just about any race of women) then he needs to step up, be a man and treat her properly.

Racism and oppression based on race won't end until everyone stops judging each other the basis of the amount of melanin under they skin. You can talk about the "white race" all you want and spout your shit about black superiority and the purity of the black race and keeping yourselves seperate but you know what? That makes you as much of a bigot as the white skinheads yelling the same thing. You're both wrong and neither is justified.

Not that you'll agree with anything I said so I am done now.

ETA: O.k. not quite done. In my initial post, under #6 I didn't say most people didn't want to fight a civil war OR go back to Africa. I said that they don't want to fight a civil war so YOU had to go to whichever country you choose, whether that country is in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, wherever you think you'd be happy.

Well of course you wont respond, because you know the responses that I post to your
logic are in fact factual and correct. And I don't judge people by their skin color, that would be illogical.

LMAO...If you got the idea that I think anything you said was correct then you really are delusional.
At least you openly admit you support racism.

Well look at all the White cracker Homo marriage racists, weirdos, that I have been exposed to for the last forty years of my life.!
There is nothing normal about white people for me to like.!!
They steal land , implement genocidal plans against indigenous races, to get their land and natural resources.!!

Is that you, Van? :eek:
You nitwit how many true blacks to you think are still running around in America take Obama himself you jackass, what about Halle Barry, Denzel Washington should i gone on ! The only true blacks are in Africa, and thats going to change with the Chinese being there !
No you've never answered any of my questions and your not answering them now. I want to know how much money in reparations do you think is fair? And apparently you're not acknowledging the thousands of black slave owners.

How much was whites enriched during slavery?

Can you trace your lineage to a certain slaveholder?

Can you show damages done through acts of slavery?

Your premise is a false assumption that only whites have benefited from slavery. If slave labor created wealth for Americans, then obviously it has created wealth for black Americans as well, including the descendants of slaves. The GNP of black America is so large that it makes the African-American community the 10th most prosperous "nation" in the world. American blacks on average enjoy per capita incomes in the range of twenty to fifty times that of blacks living in any of the African nations from which they were allegedly kidnapped.

Slavery existed for thousands of years before the Atlantic slave trade was born, and in all societies. But in the thousand years of its existence, there never was an anti-slavery movement until white Christians - Englishmen and Americans -- created one. If not for the anti-slavery attitudes and military power of white Englishmen and Americans, the slave trade would not have been brought to an end. If not for the sacrifices of white soldiers and a white American president who gave his life to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks in America would still be slaves. If not for the dedication of Americans of all ethnicities and colors to a society based on the principle that all men are created equal, blacks in America would not enjoy the highest standard of living of blacks anywhere in the world, and indeed one of the highest standards of living of any people in the world. They would not enjoy the greatest freedoms and the most thoroughly protected individual rights anywhere. Where is the gratitude of black America and its leaders for those gifts?

Only a tiny minority of Americans ever owned slaves. This is true even for those who lived in the ante-bellum South where only one white in five was a slaveholder. Why should their descendants owe a debt? What about the descendants of the 350,000 Union soldiers who died to free the slaves? They gave their lives. What possible moral principle would ask them to pay (through their descendants) again?

These facts come from David Horowitz and I challenge you to disprove them.

Now, I've given you facts and I've asked you questions, are you going to answer the questions or keep dodging them like a little coward?

Your questions are absurd, and illogical, and does not mention the fact that All whites in
America reaped the benefits of slavery, weather their ancestors owned slaves or not.
Blacks are still at the bottom of the American socioeconomic system. Your questions fails
to also acknowledge the fact that this forced unpaid labor allowed whites to enrich
themselves, and is a theft from the Black slaves!, and to this day nothing has been done
to correct this theft from Black American slaves!. You try to dilute the issue by bringing up
irrellivent issues surrounding the topic of slavery.

Well you've shown yourself to be a coward.

What about blacks? Did they not reap any beneifits?

Asking how much in reparations in irrelevant?

Asking if you can prove you're a direct descendent is irrelevant?

Asking about the thousands of black slaveowners is irrelevant?

Asking about the hundreds of thousands of white men that fought and died to free your your people is irrelevant?

You are the one that's irrelevant as well as being a coward that cannot answer simple direct questions.

You really should stop spouting off bullshit that you cannot prove and refuse to defend.

In response to your questions:
"The benefits Blacks have obtained in America" , when equally compared to the Benefits the majority White population have obtained, is a lot less, and very unequal.

"The question of how much slavery reparations would be sufficient", can not be calculated,
unless you factor in what those many years of forced slave labor would convert to , with interest, in todays dollars.

"Asking if you can prove you are a direct decendent of a Slave"
Any Black American with a WASP, or English last name, proves that they were once enslaved by an English European. As many slaves were given the name of the Slave owner
after the slave was purchased, as a means of identification, if the slave ever ran away, the slave owner could claim the runaway slave as his , or her slave.

"Black Slave owners" , this is another illogical question, as Black slavery in Africa, was part of Tribal customs for many thousands of years ,before white Europeans arrived in Africa.
And it was not considered to be slavery as we view it.The slaves were never bruatlized.

"These white men" were not really fighting over weather slavery should or should not be legal, many historians
state that White men enlisted for the Civil war in order to keep the "Union of American States" intact. Many of
these whites could care less about Blacks, many from the north were in fact racists along with the southern racist.
Did you ever hear of the "Draft Riots" , in New York City, on July, 13, 1863's ?. White men went on a
rampage attacking and murdering any black person they could get their hands on, including children in a orphanage.Thousands lost their lives.They did not want to lose their lives fighting for Black people. Look it up,
Google it if you don't belive me,"Civil War Draft Riots" in New York City, during 1860,the exact date escapes me but I will look it up, and include it in this post. The White men felt that they should not have to die in a "****** War".
Do the research on this one please.!
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what a crock of shit. As if SLAVERY wasn't slavery until a white guy took over the fucking whip. :rofl:

yea, kinda like genocide in Africa is nor REALLY genocide because blacks have tribal traditions.. yea. or something like that.

feel free to move back to the motherland, darkness. You'll be BEGGING to come back to a white majority in less than a month.
Ok, Mr. 52ndStreet... I'm sure if you give us your location and a country in Africa you'd like to live in, we could get you nice cheap affordable 1-way ticket there. :)
Could someone specifically name the "benefits" that whites get today because of slavery? I don't want to sort through the many earlier pages.
Gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields,
Sold in a market down in new orleans.
Scarred old slaver know hes doin alright.
Hear him whip the women just around midnight.
Ah brown sugar how come you taste so good
(a-ha) brown sugar, just like a young girl should

Wow all this time I thought it was "Hear him wit da wimmen"

I loathe the Rolling Stones. If the Rolling Stone and Bruce Springstein vanished...well, let's just hope.

i never knew the lyrics to that song, the only understandable lyrics is the friggin chourus.
Your questions are absurd, and illogical, and does not mention the fact that All whites in
America reaped the benefits of slavery, weather their ancestors owned slaves or not.
Blacks are still at the bottom of the American socioeconomic system. Your questions fails
to also acknowledge the fact that this forced unpaid labor allowed whites to enrich
themselves, and is a theft from the Black slaves!, and to this day nothing has been done
to correct this theft from Black American slaves!. You try to dilute the issue by bringing up
irrellivent issues surrounding the topic of slavery.

Well you've shown yourself to be a coward.

What about blacks? Did they not reap any beneifits?

Asking how much in reparations in irrelevant?

Asking if you can prove you're a direct descendent is irrelevant?

Asking about the thousands of black slaveowners is irrelevant?

Asking about the hundreds of thousands of white men that fought and died to free your your people is irrelevant?

You are the one that's irrelevant as well as being a coward that cannot answer simple direct questions.

You really should stop spouting off bullshit that you cannot prove and refuse to defend.

In response to your questions:
"The benefits Blacks have obtained in America" , when equally compared to the Benefits the majority White population have obtained, is a lot less, and very unequal.

"The question of how much slavery reparations would be sufficient", can not be calculated,
unless you factor in what those many years of forced slave labor would convert to , with interest, in todays dollars.

"Asking if you can prove you are a direct decendent of a Slave"
Any Black American with a WASP, or English last name, proves that they were once enslaved by an English European. As many slaves were given the name of the Slave owner
after the slave was purchased, as a means of identification, if the slave ever ran away, the slave owner could claim the runaway slave as his , or her slave.

"Black Slave owners" , this is another illogical question, as Black slavery in Africa, was part of Tribal customs for many thousands of years ,before white Europeans arrived in Africa.
And it was not considered to be slavery as we view it.The slaves were never bruatlized.

"These white men" were not really fighting over weather slavery should or should not be legal, many historians
state that White men enlisted for the Civil war in order to keep the "Union of American States" intact. Many of
these whites could care less about Blacks, many from the north were in fact racists along with the southern racist.
Did you ever hear of the "Draft Riots" , in New York City, on July, 13, 1863's ?. White men went on a
rampage attacking and murdering any black person they could get their hands on, including children in a orphanage.Thousands lost their lives.They did not want to lose their lives fighting for Black people. Look it up,
Google it if you don't belive me,"Civil War Draft Riots" in New York City, during 1860,the exact date escapes me but I will look it up, and include it in this post. The White men felt that they should not have to die in a "****** War".
Do the research on this one please.!

liberia ia calling you
Every day I live in America, I must say, I can not abandon Black superiority, or black racism
against other non Black races.Especially the Caucasian European race.

Let me explain. The White race has disrespected the black race in America, and continue to
disrespect the black race in America , by not paying slavery reparations, attempting to steal
, and or seduce the Black female away from her natural mate the Black man,thus attempting to destroy the Black family unit, the White race
seems to be on a campaign to introduce, or to normalize their Homosexual tendencies on the
Black community, by way of introducing Homosexual marriage amendments, or by way of legalizing Homosexual marriage.

We as a people are fighting a cold war, and a hot war with Whites since day one.

Blacks must not , and should not mix our genetic stock with the White Race. It is not in our best interest to have any biological contact with the European caucasian race.

We must plan to do battle with the Whites in America eventually, or leave America.

My Response: Homie; Shut the fuck up. The word is jacked up enough without you hatin’ on everybody.

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