Black Republicans Push or Pull

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Democrats care a lot more Hispanics than blacks because they are the cheaper vote. Selling the idea of less competition for more jobs vs. the D plantation and gentrification of lower middle class black neighborhoods is selling itself. But so far no word about recruitment of Black Republicans. Why is that?
Explain a little more William. Are you asking why there are not more black Republicans?

In St Louis we have a problem with white Republicans hating blacks and Mexicans. After the Michael Brown riots the local Republicans sure did speak their minds. Maybe its different on the national level. I hope so! In the big sense black folks know what white folks say. Also just like most gals probably know I look at them different than the boys, most black folks can probably tell. You should come visit St Charles and Jefferson Counties in MO some time.
That's stupid. But there were multiple cases of black republicans trying to run against Waters back when that thief was still in office but the Rs offered them no help at all. That seat was very takeable because Tallahassee could always arrest her for one or more of her various crimes and her replacement is not a big improvement.
Democrats care a lot more Hispanics than blacks because they are the cheaper vote. Selling the idea of less competition for more jobs vs. the D plantation and gentrification of lower middle class black neighborhoods is selling itself. But so far no word about recruitment of Black Republicans. Why is that?
That's stupid. But there were multiple cases of black republicans trying to run against Waters back when that thief was still in office but the Rs offered them no help at all. That seat was very takeable because Tallahassee could always arrest her for one or more of her various crimes and her replacement is not a big improvement.

It's strange on the surface, yes indeed, but once you accept that the DNC and RNC are just establishment leeches playing 'Good Cop Bad Cop' against the country it's merely biz as usual. The Latino vote is more split than the black vote is, the latter are mostly stupid and their middle class merely holds it's lower class hood rats as hostages and clubs to line their own pockets and quota system racism with and could care less about what happens to them between elections, they're just media bites and useful idiots for window dressing and easy votes. The Latino vote is split over social issues, they don't like fake 'rights movements' that had gangs of creepy faggots into raping children on their advisory councils in the past and still do 'off the books', and they don't feel sorry for mentally ill sex fetishists demanding open access and play days with their kids in school systems and playgrounds, among other issues; they don't hold nearly as many pity parties for murdering savages and scum like blacks and left wing Burb Brat idiots do.
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After the Michael Brown riots the local Republicans sure did speak their minds. Maybe its different on the national level. I hope so! In the big sense black folks know what white folks say. Also just like most gals probably know I look at them different than the boys, most black folks can probably tell. You should come visit St Charles and Jefferson Counties in MO some time.

That's good news to know that at least some of the locals aren't morons who fall for the idiot left wing sob story tripe and aren't going to let a bunch of sorry POS thugs intimidate them and try extort them. There may be hope for the region after all. They should finish burning the rest of their neighborhoods down, so they would have to move away and stop annoying real citizens with their violent scumbaggery. See how tough they are in south Chicago or somewhere instead of running around hassling tiny small town govts. and police who are out-numbered 1,000 to 1 by the vermin and their fan clubs there.

Thanks for the info.
After the Michael Brown riots the local Republicans sure did speak their minds. Maybe its different on the national level. I hope so! In the big sense black folks know what white folks say. Also just like most gals probably know I look at them different than the boys, most black folks can probably tell. You should come visit St Charles and Jefferson Counties in MO some time.

That's good news to know that at least some of the locals aren't morons who fall for the idiot left wing sob story tripe and aren't going to let a bunch of sorry POS thugs intimidate them and try extort them. There may be hope for the region after all. They should finish burning the rest of their neighborhoods down, so they would have to move away and stop annoying real citizens with their violent scumbaggery. See how tough they are in south Chicago or somewhere instead of running around hassling tiny small town govts. and police who are out-numbered 1,000 to 1 by the vermin and their fan clubs there.

Thanks for the info.

Are you referring to the racist folks who came out of the woodwork in a positive light?

Or are you talking about the Military Industrial Complex of 1970 who should not have given into them hippies and stopped the war after the privileged thugs/hippies started chucking rocks at the National Guard until they got shot?

Man, that New Testament spent a lot of time talking about Samaritans and and how you should treat them to get into heaven vs caring about oppressing gays.

It surprised me that the local Republicans who say they are for Christian values talked soo bad about our Samaritans. Guess the racist St Charles Republicans are Hypocrite Christians or Christian only when it serves them. That won't get you into Heaven though.
After the Michael Brown riots the local Republicans sure did speak their minds. Maybe its different on the national level. I hope so! In the big sense black folks know what white folks say. Also just like most gals probably know I look at them different than the boys, most black folks can probably tell. You should come visit St Charles and Jefferson Counties in MO some time.

That's good news to know that at least some of the locals aren't morons who fall for the idiot left wing sob story tripe and aren't going to let a bunch of sorry POS thugs intimidate them and try extort them. There may be hope for the region after all. They should finish burning the rest of their neighborhoods down, so they would have to move away and stop annoying real citizens with their violent scumbaggery. See how tough they are in south Chicago or somewhere instead of running around hassling tiny small town govts. and police who are out-numbered 1,000 to 1 by the vermin and their fan clubs there.

Thanks for the info.

Are you referring to the racist folks who came out of the woodwork in a positive light?

Or are you talking about the Military Industrial Complex of 1970 who should not have given into them hippies and stopped the war after the privileged thugs/hippies started chucking rocks at the National Guard until they got shot?

Man, that New Testament spent a lot of time talking about Samaritans and and how you should treat them to get into heaven vs caring about oppressing gays.

It surprised me that the local Republicans who say they are for Christian values talked soo bad about our Samaritans. Guess the racist St Charles Republicans are Hypocrite Christians or Christian only when it serves them. That won't get you into Heaven though.

This sort of babbling and hyperbole serves what purpose?
After the Michael Brown riots the local Republicans sure did speak their minds. Maybe its different on the national level. I hope so! In the big sense black folks know what white folks say. Also just like most gals probably know I look at them different than the boys, most black folks can probably tell. You should come visit St Charles and Jefferson Counties in MO some time.

That's good news to know that at least some of the locals aren't morons who fall for the idiot left wing sob story tripe and aren't going to let a bunch of sorry POS thugs intimidate them and try extort them. There may be hope for the region after all. They should finish burning the rest of their neighborhoods down, so they would have to move away and stop annoying real citizens with their violent scumbaggery. See how tough they are in south Chicago or somewhere instead of running around hassling tiny small town govts. and police who are out-numbered 1,000 to 1 by the vermin and their fan clubs there.

Thanks for the info.

Are you referring to the racist folks who came out of the woodwork in a positive light?

Or are you talking about the Military Industrial Complex of 1970 who should not have given into them hippies and stopped the war after the privileged thugs/hippies started chucking rocks at the National Guard until they got shot?

Man, that New Testament spent a lot of time talking about Samaritans and and how you should treat them to get into heaven vs caring about oppressing gays.

It surprised me that the local Republicans who say they are for Christian values talked soo bad about our Samaritans. Guess the racist St Charles Republicans are Hypocrite Christians or Christian only when it serves them. That won't get you into Heaven though.

This sort of babbling and hyperbole serves what purpose?

After the Michael Brown riots the local Republicans sure did speak their minds. Maybe its different on the national level. I hope so! In the big sense black folks know what white folks say. Also just like most gals probably know I look at them different than the boys, most black folks can probably tell. You should come visit St Charles and Jefferson Counties in MO some time.

That's good news to know that at least some of the locals aren't morons who fall for the idiot left wing sob story tripe and aren't going to let a bunch of sorry POS thugs intimidate them and try extort them. There may be hope for the region after all. They should finish burning the rest of their neighborhoods down, so they would have to move away and stop annoying real citizens with their violent scumbaggery. See how tough they are in south Chicago or somewhere instead of running around hassling tiny small town govts. and police who are out-numbered 1,000 to 1 by the vermin and their fan clubs there.

Thanks for the info.

No really. After your name calling taunting reply, I asked if you were making a pro-racist post.

Then I drew comparisons to our modern rioters and our esteemed 1970 white folk hero peaceful rock chucking hippie rioters.

Then I was implying that a good number of moral majority Republican types here are religious hypocrites.

In much more flowery prose though.
Get a pastel wet suit and come on down to FL. If you're middle class you should be fine.

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