Black Republicans Receive Hate from the Left


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

The better Donald Trump does among African-American voters, the more race-obsessed the Democrats and their shameless media enablers become.

The comments on the pages are great

This is officially approved by USMB :26:
Can’t have them leaving the plantation.

That's exactly what black Democrats are, plantation negros.

Self-reliant hard-working people are what America is made of, black, white, Asians or otherwise.

I agree, the dems have always loved control and continue to try and make us all slaves today.....and they're just as racist now as they were in 1940..
The Democrats of today are pagans who sacrifice children to the God of the corrupt world system, the devil.
Can’t have them leaving the plantation.

That's exactly what black Democrats are, plantation negros.

Self-reliant hard-working people are what America is made of, black, white, Asians or otherwise.

And CRCs just don't get why 95% of black voters vote Democrat. I mean they should all be rushing to vote GOP when they are called plantation negros like that....right?
And CRCs just don't get why 95% of black voters vote Democrat.......

I know why blacks vote Democrat but I'll bet you don't know the real reason, and thats because you're an imbecile.

Just look at your dumbfuck signature. Mueller said there was no collusion but moron idiots like you still hold on to the lie.
Opinion: What Would Trump's Rising Approval Among Blacks Mean for Election Day?

After May of 2017, I noticed a surprising and unaccountable rise in President Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters. This was against the aggregate trend for his approval rating, which was showing a steep decline from 43.1% to his lowest ever recorded of 37.0% in July.

I began tracking Trump’s approval with this voting bloc among registered voters in the YouGov/Economist Poll, and the trend was confirmed in other polling outlets.

What I found after a full year of tracking from May 2017 to May 2108 seemed totally at odds with the aggregate of all of voters, which at around around 41% was only 2 points higher than his previous year’s level.

Trump’s approval with black voters in May 2017 was 17%, 9 points higher than his actual Election Day vote at 8%. That was still 2 points higher than Mitt Romney received. It hit a high of 21% in July and fell dramatically to a low of 5% during the Charlottesville controversy before, again surprisingly, rising back up to 17% in July two months later.

The last figure was 16% in May of 2018 with an aggregate across the 12 months of 14%.

Clearly, if even 14% translated into actual votes on Election Day 2020, then Trump would win in a landslide given the heavy concentration of black voters in swing states. Remember, he won in 2016 with just 8% support nationally among black voters.

The great imponderable was–yes, taken at face value and coinciding recently with President Trump’s approval rating among an aggregate of likely/registered voters–it is safe to say there has been a concomitant rise in his approval among black voters.

But was there any indication of how this approval rating might translate into actual votes?

There is such an indication now.

Nate Silver’s 538.Com lists daily all available Trump approval polls his site considers worthy of inspection. One such listed as a registered voters poll of 1000 voters for the period February 23-24 is the D-CYFOR poll, an international firm that surveys the United States and United Kingdom.

The firm states it is, “A member of the United States Public Opinion Research and the Market Research Association” among other professional bodies.

D-CYFOR gauged Trump’s overall approval at 43%, which puts it well within the aggregate of all other polls. On Real Clear Politics his aggregate stands at 44%. So, there is apparent credibility on that score. But deeper than the toplines, the breakdown by individual voting segments perhaps provide some unique statistics.

Trump’s approval is 16% among registered black voters, which once again matched previous research over a long period. D-CYFOR also asked about the generic ballot.

“If the election for Congress were today would you vote for a Republican from your district or a Democrat from your district?”

The result among black voters:

  • Republican 11%,
  • Unsure 5%
  • Would Not Vote 2%
  • Other 2%
Trump is gaining black support because his policies are improving the lives of all Americans
Trump is gaining black support because his policies are improving the lives of all Americans

President Trump is delivering better economic news for black Americans, Hispanics and women than any other president in the past century. That’s bad news for Democrats, who are counting on strong support from all three groups in the midterm elections.

Under President Obama, from 2009 to 2015 the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family, adjusted for inflation.

According to Sentier Research, when President Obama left office the median household income for all Americans was $58,056. Under President Trump, the rising tide of median household incomes rose to $62,175 by June – a jump of more than $4,000. And income for black Americans has been lifted as well.

Under President Trump, black employment has grown by an average of nearly 40,000 each month. In January 2017, the black unemployment rate stood at 7.8 percent. It’s now at 6.6 percent.

The number of black Americans with a job has risen by 708,000 from last year. Not only are black wages and incomes up since the election of Donald Trump – black employment has repeatedly hit historic highs.
Black Americans Increasingly Support Trump, Pollster Says

Increasingly more black Americans say they approve of the job President Donald Trump is doing, according to Rasmussen polls.
Trump has gained the approval of 35 percent of black likely voters, according to a daily update released by the pollster on Oct. 4.
Can’t have them leaving the plantation.

That's exactly what black Democrats are, plantation negros.

Self-reliant hard-working people are what America is made of, black, white, Asians or otherwise.

And CRCs just don't get why 95% of black voters vote Democrat. I mean they should all be rushing to vote GOP when they are called plantation negros like that....right?

Sheep will be sheep... That’s the politically correct way

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