Black Skin Privilege

Poet -

I also fond Meathead's post disturbing. On the one hand he claims not to be justifying the practice - on the other he claims many victims of lynchings were guilty.

I don't see anyone denying that white people and Mexicans were also victims of lynchings on ocassions - that hardly makes the practice free of racism.

Indeed. But it's typical of those who are "racism deniers"....the same people who would say that a woman invited herself to be "raped". The victims are to blame for any injustices or cruelties given to them.
I realize race pimps like yourselves are not among the best informed, but what do you think they did with criminals in those days. Some were turned over to authorities and some were lynched. Of course they were much quicker to lynch blacks than whites and no doubt there was an extreme element of racism involved in many lynchings. That does not mean that those they lynched were innocent, but they were certainly denied due process.

What the hell did you morons think? That all blacks suspected of crimes were given a court trail?

And here's a real kicker, crimes were committed in those days, even by blacks.

Have Finns dumbed down on these matters as much as publicly-educated Americans? I mean it's written all over Poet, but what the hell is your excuse Saigon?!

You can try to "whitewash" history and reality all you want. But everyone knows racist "Southern" whites had a blood lust when it came to blacks, and were not above finding any reason to execute their savagery onto the masses. There was no justice, via courts of law, and rarely were blacks even given due process of law, tried before a jury of their peers, or given the modicum of the presumption of innocence.
Your racial bias is on display. I don't buy into "white privilege" you can "can" the "written all over Poet" crap. You ain't that much.
I was 5 years old in 1961. I lived in the north. Never saw a black anywhere. How am I to blame for segregation in the south? I have some relatives and friends who marched with Martin Luther King Jr (all white). There were a bunch of white college students that went down there to help stop the Jim Crow laws and they were killed. Should they or their relatives feel guilty too? How about all the whites that helped end the Jim Crow laws? Should they feel guilty? Remember, blacks make up less than 13% of our population, do you really think they would have ended the Jim Crow laws and eventually elected a black president without the help of whites? Yet you want us to be ashamed simply because of the color of our skin? Did you even listen to Martin Luther King Jr's speech?

The above is directed at Saigon, not PoliticalChic

Still waiting for an answer.

Still waiting for an answer....were I supposed to have answered this before you posted it?

Once again - I DO NOT think anyone need feel guilty. That is NOT what I am talking about. Nor do I think anyone should be ASHAMED.

It's about responsibility - not guilt - and its interesting to see that not everone knows the difference.

By responsiblity I mean that every person in America should be aware of slavery, be aware that it happened in the US, and should teach their children that it happened without trying to cast blame on anyone else. Forget the excuses and 'not me' statements we see on this thread, people should be willing to stand up and say that white American people did buy and sell black slaves like livestock, and that this was morally unacceptable.

To my mind a country can not celebrate its victories or lay claim to its successes without also acknolwedging its failings and its mistakes.

Black people also bought and sold slaves, I've posted proof of that. I have no problems acknowledging slavery. I do have a problem with saying whites should be squirming in their seats, that they should be ashamed of their heritage...etc.

BTW, you said "guilt" as in: "I suspect many of our posters here were alive during that era - but still don't feel the white people have anything to feel guilty about." Why should white people feel guilty? As I've pointed out, nothing would have been accomplished without white people. Why should we feel guilty? Now you claim you said "responsibility" but the proof is right there for all to see. You want us to feel guilty because of something that we had no responsibility for, it happened before we could do anything about it.

And my "still waiting for an answer" was added onto my original post and reposted.

BTW, ever hear of the "Rat Pack"? I'm the one that is always asking the question "If Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra were really Sammy Davis Jr's friends, why did they stay in hotels that wouldn't allow Sammy Davis Jr?"

It seems to me, if my friend isn't welcome, I'm not welcome.

I do not feel guilty about the way Sammy Davis Jr was treated, but I do think Dean and Frank should have felt guilty and ashamed of the way they treated their "friend".
Indeed. But it's typical of those who are "racism deniers"....the same people who would say that a woman invited herself to be "raped". The victims are to blame for any injustices or cruelties given to them.
I realize race pimps like yourselves are not among the best informed, but what do you think they did with criminals in those days. Some were turned over to authorities and some were lynched. Of course they were much quicker to lynch blacks than whites and no doubt there was an extreme element of racism involved in many lynchings. That does not mean that those they lynched were innocent, but they were certainly denied due process.

What the hell did you morons think? That all blacks suspected of crimes were given a court trail?

And here's a real kicker, crimes were committed in those days, even by blacks.

Have Finns dumbed down on these matters as much as publicly-educated Americans? I mean it's written all over Poet, but what the hell is your excuse Saigon?!

You can try to "whitewash" history and reality all you want. But everyone knows racist "Southern" whites had a blood lust when it came to blacks, and were not above finding any reason to execute their savagery onto the masses. There was no justice, via courts of law, and rarely were blacks even given due process of law, tried before a jury of their peers, or given the modicum of the presumption of innocence.
Your racial bias is on display. I don't buy into "white privilege" you can "can" the "written all over Poet" crap. You ain't that much.
I have easily and obviously inferred this as defeat. So be it. I expect no thanks in clearing some inconvenient facts for you. Deal with them as you must.
I realize race pimps like yourselves are not among the best informed, but what do you think they did with criminals in those days. Some were turned over to authorities and some were lynched. Of course they were much quicker to lynch blacks than whites and no doubt there was an extreme element of racism involved in many lynchings. That does not mean that those they lynched were innocent, but they were certainly denied due process.

What the hell did you morons think? That all blacks suspected of crimes were given a court trail?

And here's a real kicker, crimes were committed in those days, even by blacks.

Have Finns dumbed down on these matters as much as publicly-educated Americans? I mean it's written all over Poet, but what the hell is your excuse Saigon?!

You can try to "whitewash" history and reality all you want. But everyone knows racist "Southern" whites had a blood lust when it came to blacks, and were not above finding any reason to execute their savagery onto the masses. There was no justice, via courts of law, and rarely were blacks even given due process of law, tried before a jury of their peers, or given the modicum of the presumption of innocence.
Your racial bias is on display. I don't buy into "white privilege" you can "can" the "written all over Poet" crap. You ain't that much.
I have easily and obviously inferred this as defeat. So be it. I expect no thanks in clearing some inconvenient facts for you. Deal with them as you must.

Sounds like a capitulation to me. LOL
Black skin gives you privilege when it comes time to deal out the crack selling spots.
You can try to "whitewash" history and reality all you want. But everyone knows racist "Southern" whites had a blood lust when it came to blacks, and were not above finding any reason to execute their savagery onto the masses. There was no justice, via courts of law, and rarely were blacks even given due process of law, tried before a jury of their peers, or given the modicum of the presumption of innocence.
Your racial bias is on display. I don't buy into "white privilege" you can "can" the "written all over Poet" crap. You ain't that much.
I have easily and obviously inferred this as defeat. So be it. I expect no thanks in clearing some inconvenient facts for you. Deal with them as you must.

Sounds like a capitulation to me. LOL
Look up the meaning of "infer" idiot.
I have easily and obviously inferred this as defeat. So be it. I expect no thanks in clearing some inconvenient facts for you. Deal with them as you must.

Sounds like a capitulation to me. LOL
Look up the meaning of "infer" idiot.

Really,by now You would've thought you'd have figured the dizzying world of definitions out!

I'm a wordsmith/writer/poet...although I have a Webster's and a Thesaurus, at the ready, there aren't too many words I don't already know the meaning of. Thanks. High I. Q.
You must be just about the stupidet "wordmith and post I've ever know. I have lived in Prague since the Bohemian days of the 90s. Trust me, this is dingbat central
As it happens, the term “white skin privilege” was first popularized in the 1970s by the SDS radicals of “Weatherman,” who were carrying on a terrorist war against “Amerikkka,” a spelling designed to stigmatize the United States as a nation of Klansmen. Led by presidential friends, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather terrorists called on other whites to renounce their privilege and join a global race war already in progress.

In fact, for decades, at the hands of progressives white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms, and the principal targets of disapprobation and presumptive guilt in the general political culture as well. Not that long ago the nation witnessed a public scandal as racially charged as the Trayvon Martin case in the public lynching of three white male students at Duke University. Like other institutions of higher learning, Duke prides itself on its racial tolerance. There are no more sacred principles on campuses generally than racial tolerance, diversity and inclusion. As everyone knows, however, but few will take the risk to observe, these principles extend to every race but whites.

Black Skin Privilege

I am not sure where here to start here. The Duke University people were pilloried but later were let go, those sensibilities lead to tragic results in the Trayvon Martin case, (which has been largely forgotten) but itself reveals how petty minded and racial we all can be, which is a human failure all around. But the sad thing here, and it lingers over all of us, is the legacy of slavery. It can’t be emphasized more, Slavery defined this country, and the evil it condoned lingers to this day. All the crime, the broken families, the children born out of wedlock, drug abuse. Slavery ended in 1865. Yet it still lingers over us all NOW in 2013.
As it happens, the term “white skin privilege” was first popularized in the 1970s by the SDS radicals of “Weatherman,” who were carrying on a terrorist war against “Amerikkka,” a spelling designed to stigmatize the United States as a nation of Klansmen. Led by presidential friends, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather terrorists called on other whites to renounce their privilege and join a global race war already in progress.

In fact, for decades, at the hands of progressives white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms, and the principal targets of disapprobation and presumptive guilt in the general political culture as well. Not that long ago the nation witnessed a public scandal as racially charged as the Trayvon Martin case in the public lynching of three white male students at Duke University. Like other institutions of higher learning, Duke prides itself on its racial tolerance. There are no more sacred principles on campuses generally than racial tolerance, diversity and inclusion. As everyone knows, however, but few will take the risk to observe, these principles extend to every race but whites.

Black Skin Privilege

I am not sure where here to start here. The Duke University people were pilloried but later were let go, those sensibilities lead to tragic results in the Trayvon Martin case, (which has been largely forgotten) but itself reveals how petty minded and racial we all can be, which is a human failure all around. But the sad thing here, and it lingers over all of us, is the legacy of slavery. It can’t be emphasized more, Slavery defined this country, and the evil it condoned lingers to this day. All the crime, the broken families, the children born out of wedlock, drug abuse. Slavery ended in 1865. Yet it still lingers over us all NOW in 2013.

It's been a long time since I read the statistics, but back in the 50's illegitimacy rate among blacks was about 30%, now it almost 70%. I don't think that's due to slavery, or it would be getting better, not worse. BTW, nationwide now, the illegitimacy rate is at least 30% now, including all races.

When I was in school, kids from broken families were rare, now they are the norm and kids who come from families with their parents in their first marriage is rare.
Really,by now You would've thought you'd have figured the dizzying world of definitions out!

I'm a wordsmith/writer/poet...although I have a Webster's and a Thesaurus, at the ready, there aren't too many words I don't already know the meaning of. Thanks. High I. Q.
You must be just about the stupidet "wordmith and post I've ever know. I have lived in Prague since the Bohemian days of the 90s. Trust me, this is dingbat central

"....I've ever know"??? A remedial English course will correct your syntax, in a jiffy.
I've traveled to NYC, numerous times...and played Washington Square. And?
I'm a wordsmith/writer/poet...although I have a Webster's and a Thesaurus, at the ready, there aren't too many words I don't already know the meaning of. Thanks. High I. Q.
You must be just about the stupidet "wordmith and post I've ever know. I have lived in Prague since the Bohemian days of the 90s. Trust me, this is dingbat central

"....I've ever know"??? A remedial English course will correct your syntax, in a jiffy.

That would be an error in grammar, not syntax (though in reality it was most likely a simple typo).
You must be just about the stupidet "wordmith and post I've ever know. I have lived in Prague since the Bohemian days of the 90s. Trust me, this is dingbat central

"....I've ever know"??? A remedial English course will correct your syntax, in a jiffy.

That would be an error in grammar, not syntax (though in reality it was most likely a simple typo).

a system or orderly arrangement.

When I want you to come for me....I'll send for you.

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