Black Skin Privilege

As it happens, the term “white skin privilege” was first popularized in the 1970s by the SDS radicals of “Weatherman,” who were carrying on a terrorist war against “Amerikkka,” a spelling designed to stigmatize the United States as a nation of Klansmen. Led by presidential friends, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather terrorists called on other whites to renounce their privilege and join a global race war already in progress.

In fact, for decades, at the hands of progressives white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms, and the principal targets of disapprobation and presumptive guilt in the general political culture as well. Not that long ago the nation witnessed a public scandal as racially charged as the Trayvon Martin case in the public lynching of three white male students at Duke University. Like other institutions of higher learning, Duke prides itself on its racial tolerance. There are no more sacred principles on campuses generally than racial tolerance, diversity and inclusion. As everyone knows, however, but few will take the risk to observe, these principles extend to every race but whites.

Black Skin Privilege

LOL. Poor white males. They have it so hard.
Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope more is done to ensure the crime wave comes to and end.

I'm not sorry that young white Americans have to sit and squirm on their school chairs as they hear that their forefathers not only lynched innocent people - they took pictures and sold them as postcards.

Points "for shade"! Work!
Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope more is done to ensure the crime wave comes to and end.

I'm not sorry that young white Americans have to sit and squirm on their school chairs as they hear that their forefathers not only lynched innocent people - they took pictures and sold them as postcards.
I am white and American and I know for a fact my forefathers did no such thing. Even if they had, I would not feel guilty as I have not either. If you feel guilty, that is your affair. The sanctimonious mongering of guilt with the idea if you don't feel it you are racist is pretty sleazy, at least in my opinion.

We already knew that. Speaks volumes.
white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms

i don't you think that could have anything to do with the fact that white men forced 20 million african people into slavery?

Holland, spain, portugal, sweden, england, denmark and the uk have an obligation to teach young people the facts of how, for almost 500 years, they perpetrated a trade of inhumanity, ignorance and hatred.

I don't think young american people need feel guilty about slavery - i think young american people should be aware of slavery.

i agree, but let's tell the whole story.

A number of blacks were also slave owners. In fact, the first slave owner in the united states was black:

america?s first slave owner was a black man.

when we teach our kids that some whites and some blacks owned slaves, let's also teach them how slavery originated in africa by blacks capturing other blacks to sell to white slave traders. Let's also teach them how whites, primarily in britain and america, fought to end the world-wide african slave trade.

Finally, let's teach them that in parts of africa, some tribes still capture and enslave other blacks.

slavery in contemporary africa - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

when it comes to slavery, some whites were guilty, but most were innocent. While you condemn those whites who – along with a small number of blacks – owned slaves, lets not forget the overwhelming number of whites who were instrumental in ending the practice.

white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms

I don't you think that could have anything to do with the fact that white men forced 20 million African people into slavery?

Holland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, England, Denmark and the UK have an obligation to teach young people the facts of how, for almost 500 years, they perpetrated a trade of inhumanity, ignorance and hatred.

I don't think young American people need feel guilty about slavery - I think young American people should be aware of slavery.

Did you know that slavery is still happening in Africa today? That most of those slaves that crossed the Atlantic Ocean (those that survived) were sold by their own race to slave traders?

Did you know that blacks in America also owned slaves?

Have you ever heard that two wrongs don't make a right? What is going on in Africa, or what happened in the past is supposed to excuse what whites did and are doing now????????? I don't see the point of bringing up who sold what or whom to whom...but what followed, which was cruel and inhumane treatment of fellow human beings.
Do you know for sure if black slave owners beat and raped the slaves they owned? Do you have evidence to support that notion...because there are numerous pictures and documentation of whites having lynching parties and celebrating as bodies hung from trees or were burned at stakes. Explain that.
I'm still waiting for the Brits to take revenge on Rome for the Roman occupation. The Greeks owe the Romans a round or two also. Come to think of it, the descendants of Spartan Greeks owe some sort of reparations to the descendants of Thracian Greeks. What is Egypt due from Greece to begin with. All that killing, enslaving and raping by Alexander's army should be worth something.

Black Americans really have no cause to complain about centuries old slavery. No more than Brits or Greeks. It is all about creating a sense of guilt, to justify a thirst for revenge.

Historical slavery was ultimately a good thing and very necessary for human progression.

You're sick.
in an ideal world we could describe conditions as being appalling and unacceptable without tethering them to other emotionally charged events in history.
i don't know why i bother, but in an ideal world there would be no conditions to be described as appalling and unacceptable.

Now it seems to me you were saying that american children should be (or were) squirming in their seats because some blacks were lynched in the days of their great-great grandparents. If that isn't tethering your expectations of guilt to "emotionally-charged" historical events, then i don't know what is.

I don't think you're a stupid person, but you lack perspective and are exceedingly self-righteous. I've lived in europe most of my life and have come across many like yourself. They are without failure annoying, as are you.

Meathead -

This thread is not about me, it's about slavery.

in an ideal world there would be no conditions to be described as appalling and unacceptable.

I totally agree - although I think we can also be realistic and admit that probably crimes will always occur - and that people will always ignore those crimes when they can.

I don't think any of us like to learn about our countries failures, or moments of shame. All countries have them. I think we should accept those failures face on.

I've lived in Europe most of my life

Actually, I listed around 10 countries - 8 of which are in Europe. As suggested earlier - read the thread before you respond.
I don't care what this thread is about. I find your expectations of guilt unreasonable and your championing of it reprehensible. The history of slavery is and has been taught in US schools certainly as long as I can remember, as it should be. The US has many successes and failure as have all countries. Freeing the slaves was a success and along with many other historical events gives Americans reason to be proud. There are a great many still who feel compelled to apologize for our failures.

Let me give you an analogy. Have you ever played volleyball? I played for a very long time and still do in the summer. Matches last a long time and among the most annoying players are the ones who feel they need to apologize every time they misplay the ball. Only the most pretentious pricks would demand that others apologize. In your world we would still be apologizing and feeling guilty for the possible extinction of Homo Sapien Neanderthal. You get on with shit.

Some have never apologized. Have you? Until you have, you hardly can "get on with shit". That being the point.
Why do you have this assumption that Americans are unaware of slavery? I mean really? Are you kidding?

I'd say most Americans are probably very well aware of the issue, wouldn't you?
I'd say you've appointed yourself to be white America's conscience. What you fail to grasp is that it is an emotion and, like love or hate, you cannot inflict it on others. No one is saying you cannot feel guilty because you are white, but then you cannot demand it of others. Go do some self-flagellating, penance, see a shrink or squirm in front of you computer; whatever is works for you. But ffs, stop being a pretentious prick!

I say, Saigon struck a nerve. You've become "unhinged".
I'm not sorry that young white Americans have to sit and squirm on their school chairs as they hear that their forefathers not only lynched innocent people - they took pictures and sold them as postcards.
Sorry, anyway you turn it you think guilt by young white Americans for things they never did and probably none of their ancestors did is a good thing. That's what I call guilt mongering and those are your own word.

Trust me, we have enough race pimps in the US. We don't need them imported.

I say his viewpoint is welcome, and refreshingly honest (and accurate).
P. Chic -

Do you think people who did commit lynchings should feel guilty about that?

Let's start with that and move outwards.
You seem to think that all lynchings were a kind of a let's-go-hang-a-****** things. There were a lot of hangings of whites, Mexicans and Chinese and almost all were some form of frontier justice for some kind of crime and, believe it or not, some if not most of those were guilty. I am certainly not trying to justify the practice, but you seem to have some kind of schoolchild understanding of the topic, ie all lynchings were of innocent blacks. That is simply not true.

BS. Lies and sissy chatter. So many innocent blacks, then, as now, were murdered for little more than looking the wrong way. "Let's go hang a ******"??????????????????????
You racist lowlife POS.
Poet -

I also found Meathead's post disturbing. On the one hand he claims not to be justifying the practice - on the other he claims many victims of lynchings were guilty.

I don't see anyone denying that white people and Mexicans were also victims of lynchings on ocassions - that hardly makes the practice free of racism.
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Poet -

I also fond Meathead's post disturbing. On the one hand he claims not to be justifying the practice - on the other he claims many victims of lynchings were guilty.

I don't see anyone denying that white people and Mexicans were also victims of lynchings on ocassions - that hardly makes the practice free of racism.

Indeed. But it's typical of those who are "racism deniers"....the same people who would say that a woman invited herself to be "raped". The victims are to blame for any injustices or cruelties given to them.
Poet -

I also fond Meathead's post disturbing. On the one hand he claims not to be justifying the practice - on the other he claims many victims of lynchings were guilty.

I don't see anyone denying that white people and Mexicans were also victims of lynchings on ocassions - that hardly makes the practice free of racism.

Indeed. But it's typical of those who are "racism deniers"....the same people who would say that a woman invited herself to be "raped". The victims are to blame for any injustices or cruelties given to them.
I realize race pimps like yourselves are not among the best informed, but what do you think they did with criminals in those days. Some were turned over to authorities and some were lynched. Of course they were much quicker to lynch blacks than whites and no doubt there was an extreme element of racism involved in many lynchings. That does not mean that those they lynched were innocent, but they were certainly denied due process.

What the hell did you morons think? That all blacks suspected of crimes were given a court trail?

And here's a real kicker, crimes were committed in those days, even by blacks.

Have Finns dumbed down on these matters as much as publicly-educated Americans? I mean it's written all over Poet, but what the hell is your excuse Saigon?!
Historical slavery was ultimately a good thing and very necessary for human progression.

This is actually a comment that I think all of us, as members of this board, might feel in some way responsible for.

The fact that we see comments like this and don't comment on them is extraordinary. The silence becomes a kind of tacit consent.

Next time any white person on this board asks why black people hate them so much - this post might be a good place to start.

Speaking as a black person who grew up during he 50's and 60's and had the experience of being in the south for a time during the civil rights movement, then returning to Califonia just in time to be bused into a hostile predominately white public middle school during the desegregation process, where apathetic teachers and counselors initially would have liked nothing better than for I and the other new black students to fail, will say, I do not advocate hating anyone, under any circumstances.

What I learned from those experiences is that hating the ignorant or digifying them with attention is an unproductive waste of time, that will ultimately make me worse than them.

Some of the comments in this forum indeed make one question what kind of individual would say such things, but honestly, having witnessed some REAL racism in my time, I think that what goes on here is just a joke.

However, you do make some good points, reading them made me think back to a time when I would have been bothered by what someone said, but remembering that this is an anonymous forum also made me realize that i do not know anyone here and they not know me.......and that is about as good as it gets.
Blacks are racist even amongst themselves, they discriminate against the darker colours of blacks.

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