black teens kill white baby media silent

CNN had some news on this. They caught the two kids and those kids are going to prison, one will probably be charges as an adult and get a life sentence. This is an open and shut case for the most part, therefore there isn't a lot of media attention. The Zimmerman case attracted a great deal of attention because of the Stand Your Ground law and the fact that there is substantial opposition to it. The Zimmerman case also was not an open and shut case. Even after the verdict, there are many who disagree with that verdict. That makes it a news story.
Obama loves everyone focusing on the Zimmerman case they don't pay attention to the Bradley Manning case.
What people are so frequently forgetting is that Zimmerman was not using the Stand Your Ground defense! This was classic self-defense folks. If he had built his case on SYG he would have failed. Please remember this before commenting people!

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