Black thug executes white NYPD cop

Sonny Clark and Asclepias.....both implying the cop deserved it somehow.

I hope both of you sorry wastes of flesh catch a slow, painful cancer. Fuck both of you pieces of shit.

Wishing cancer upon someone who you view as a "piece of shit" makes you even more of a piece of shit...

Sonny Clark and Asclepias.....both implying the cop deserved it somehow.

I hope both of you sorry wastes of flesh catch a slow, painful cancer. Fuck both of you pieces of shit.

Wishing cancer upon someone who you view as a "piece of shit" makes you even more of a piece of shit...

With some of the horrific deaths you've laughed about on this forum, I'm surprised you can post this with a straight face.
Sonny Clark and Asclepias.....both implying the cop deserved it somehow.

I hope both of you sorry wastes of flesh catch a slow, painful cancer. Fuck both of you pieces of shit.

Wishing cancer upon someone who you view as a "piece of shit" makes you even more of a piece of shit...

With some of the horrific deaths you've laughed about on this forum, I'm surprised you can post this with a straight face.

Neither are you, so what would you like to suck on?
What are you talking about?

Aren't you embarrassed to constantly reinforce stereotypes the way you do? You're like a gift for dumbshit rednecks.
Embarrassed? Of what? Rednecks are white. I could care less what stereotype they perceive I am reinforcing. I guess you thought I was kidding when I said I dont give a fuck what they think? I'm not here to change their minds. I'm here to talk to people that have a brain but when a white monkey wants to play games I'm going play with their heads.
Uh huh, that's why you play Step n' Fetch It for them all the time.
Step and Fetch it grinned, danced and put whites at ease much like the injun on this board. I bring emotional trauma to racist whites. I'm more like Nat Turner.'re actually the village idiot that everyone points at and laughs!

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