Black thugs invade my work

I was completely overwhelmed with so many ghetto black thugs at work that I was starting to panic
As the Soviet media continues to distort realty that all whites are evil - it continues to blow back on me at work
I was really in a panic mode as 3/4 of my customers today were blacks ,and half were nice and half the other thug variety
One illiterate buffoon came in saying he had 50 percent off lol
What a day ..dealing with blacks is impossible

Many had BLM face scarfs , hats or shirts on
Be grateful you're still alive.
I was completely overwhelmed with so many ghetto black thugs at work that I was starting to panic
As the Soviet media continues to distort realty that all whites are evil - it continues to blow back on me at work
I was really in a panic mode as 3/4 of my customers today were blacks ,and half were nice and half the other thug variety
One illiterate buffoon came in saying he had 50 percent off lol
What a day ..dealing with blacks is impossible

Many had BLM face scarfs , hats or shirts on
Get a job at a bookstore. Problem solved.
These black thugs come in reeking of pot
Very irritating
Dear Quasar44
I thought of a better idea.
What about a local contest for customers to suggest something you can sell at the store to increase and improve business?

You can ask these men
1. Do you know anyone who makes local crafts that you could feature here, where they get all the money for what they would sell. And feature one artist of the month. Could be a mom who sells homemade masks or bracelets. Or people with their own CDs. You just have a special display and let the locals vote on it. And have a box for them to write in and recommend a local artist or student with their phone number.

2. You can ask hey I'm starting another contest soon. The best suggestion or referral gets a prize if I use your idea. What prize do you think I should give away? A gift certificate?

If you start something like that to promote the community, just asking them "what do you like" "is there someone you would recommend" "what prizes do you think would be good for next time"?

Especially if they like or don't like something, you can ask what they like better. If people know that you are interested in what they like or don't like, because you are trying to do something to help the community, they tend to respond in a positive manner that is more open and creative than destructive or rejecting.

3. Can you find a local school or church that is selling raffle tickets, hosting an auction or handing out flyers to a student game, event, spaghetti dinner etc?

Then you ask each customer: I'm letting the students sell/give out these things here, would you like one to help them raise money for their team? I'm also giving away 2 free tickets to help the local students/soccer team/homeless ministry with the church/etc.

If you want to enter, just fill this out and Ill post the winner by X day so you can pick up your tickets if you win. (If you use the word YOU, that makes it clear you see them as an individual customer. You can even use this to ask their name. "I'm sorry, what is your name? How do you spell that? That's good enough, you come in here all the time so I will know you. Just write in "DJ" here on this line, or if you think there's anyone else with those initials, put your number or if you have a company or studio name you can write that here. I will draw 1-2 names and give out those tickets on X day. The game/event is coming up X. Are you able to go or do you want to win the tickets for a friend or family member?" etc)

If they taunt you about the contest or event being lame, just shrug and agree yeah I know and say you were just trying to help the local school or church, then ask them for better ideas you can use next time. Is there a local club or something they suggest would make a better prize? A discount gift card to a local venue?

If you show you treat them with the same respect as any other customer you would ask to buy school tickets or ask their suggestions for a better idea, this de escalates any hostility or aversion and restores the focus that the store is for customers and the business is part of the community.
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I was completely overwhelmed with so many ghetto black thugs at work that I was starting to panic
As the Soviet media continues to distort realty that all whites are evil - it continues to blow back on me at work
I was really in a panic mode as 3/4 of my customers today were blacks ,and half were nice and half the other thug variety
One illiterate buffoon came in saying he had 50 percent off lol
What a day ..dealing with blacks is impossible

Many had BLM face scarfs , hats or shirts on
So scary to see people who don't look exactly like Mommy.
When a bunch of the idiots gather, grab a watermelon and quickly roll it down the street. Then make your getaway in the other direction.

It works every time. Lol...

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