BLACK TRUMP VOTER: "I want a job, not welfare; Freedom not handouts"; He's trashed by his own people

Blacks have lost millions of jobs to illegal immigrants. That's just pure fact. have poor white people.

Illegals take unskilled poor people jobs.

So....millions of poor blacks and whites lost those jobs.

So simple.
Remember who drew them in. Illegal employers trying to cut costs.

Still a fact. They hire them because they're here. End the supply....none to hire.
And poor blacks and whites start getting employment again.
Those Ford and GM jobs can come back to flint and Detroit. Trump sounds a lot like Michael Moore.

And any manufacturing company that isn't union can go to Kentucky Texas or Alabama
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

once more for the brain dead....

it is not about "handouts" or "free stuff"

I personally think anyone who is black, or Hispanic or gay or a woman who votes republican is voting against their own interest.... not because of "stuff", but because your party hates anyone who isn't white Christian and male.

maybe if you weren't bigots? (as proven by the trumpsters).... and the constant spew of racism people like you post.

Wow,, you know so little about so much.

Ya gotta love the guy telling the Trump supporter he was poor.....Hey dumbass so are you after seven years of Barry!!!
The disconnect is amazing.
You mean 8 years of bush?

If not you are not being intellectually honest with yourself or us

I cant believe it took this long...... But,but....Booooooosh!!!
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Of course you say that you say it about every democrat.

But the truth is bush took that title from Jimmy Carter.

And it wasn't even true about Carter but it is true about that fucking retard George Bush Jr.

He's part of the reason the GOP won't have a candidate running for president.

Unless they break the very pledge they made trump make. Lol

This country and the world through Barry's fondness of muslims is going to total shit.
Ya gotta love the guy telling the Trump supporter he was poor.....Hey dumbass so are you after seven years of Barry!!!
The disconnect is amazing.
You mean 8 years of bush?

If not you are not being intellectually honest with yourself or us

I cant believe it took this long...... But,but....Booooooosh!!!
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Of course you say that you say it about every democrat.

But the truth is bush took that title from Jimmy Carter.

And it wasn't even true about Carter but it is true about that fucking retard George Bush Jr.

He's part of the reason the GOP won't have a candidate running for president.

Unless they break the very pledge they made trump make. Lol

I have fond memories of Bill Clinton these days...
White Republicans get the most welfare and food stamps, not black Democrats.
Blacks have lost millions of jobs to illegal immigrants. That's just pure fact. have poor white people.

Illegals take unskilled poor people jobs.

So....millions of poor blacks and whites lost those jobs.

So simple.

And when they get amnesty they come out of the shadows and take better jobs since they no longer have to hide.
And this shits been going on since Reagan.
Red States Are Welfare Queens

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
Right away Republicans will say "Oh, but we have so many blacks in our states". Unless, you look at states like West Virginia and Kentucky.

West Virginia
White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, 93.7%

White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, 88.3%

North Dakota
White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, 89.1%

South Dakota
White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, 85.7%

From US Census.

What's hilarious is that there are more Hispanics living in California than whites. And yet, California gives twice the money to the federal government than Texas.

The thing is that perhaps whites make more and give more to the government. But outside of GOP billionaires, the white GOP base is mostly ignorant and poor. Just the way the leadership likes it. See? It's not about Republican whites, it's about Democrats of all colors.
Red States Are Welfare Queens

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
Right away Republicans will say "Oh, but we have so many blacks in our states". Unless, you look at states like West Virginia and Kentucky.

West Virginia
White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, 93.7%

White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, 88.3%

North Dakota
White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, 89.1%

South Dakota
White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, 85.7%

From US Census.

What's hilarious is that there are more Hispanics living in California than whites. And yet, California gives twice the money to the federal government than Texas.

The thing is that perhaps whites make more and give more to the government. But outside of GOP billionaires, the white GOP base is mostly ignorant and poor. Just the way the leadership likes it. See? It's not about Republican whites, it's about Democrats of all colors.

I see you understand percentages....
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

Then why are these white wingers getting so much free stuff. Make them stop.
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

!00% true. I've made this same argument for years all I get from the left for a reply is the parties mysteriously switched sides and some mythical tale of strategies.
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It wouldn't be that hard for republicans to lure black people to their side if they'd stop demonizing them for even a second
Appears the mainstream media's objectives have been very successful. These people only know what they are repeatedly told.

Of course the liberals will never acknowledge any truths that do not advance their ideologies.
It took you a lot of words to say nothing
We are not demonizing them. In fact, they have no idea what we are saying to help them because your leftist media will not comply. They only want to make republicans and conservatives look like racists.

Now you get it?
No one is forcing the GOP to make racist remarks. Weird how they say racist things in public then expect people to believe they say good things in secret. :laugh:
25 Examples of Liberal Racism in Quotes
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

They've been told for 50 years that Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act, and most believe it.

Yea but today the GOP is the party of the KKK. See southern strategy.

Ha I knew the mythical strategy would show up.
This man is so right and I feel terrible for him. He's trying to reason with liberals and as the video shows....once you've beaten them...libs shout and run and won't hear anymore.

He says he wants jobs...not welfare
He says he wants freedom not handouts
He says he doesn't wanna be a slave to dependence
He says the system ISN'T holding anyone down if you work hard

He's a great American and I'm proud to stand with him to vote for Trump.

You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

They've been told for 50 years that Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act, and most believe it.

Yea but today the GOP is the party of the KKK. See southern strategy.

Ha I knew the mythical strategy would show up.

The first time Republicans started to lose the black vote was 1920's Mississippi flood look it up
You need to ask yourself why this chart is the way it is

Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

They've been told for 50 years that Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act, and most believe it.
Yea but today the GOP is the party of the KKK. See southern strategy.
Ha I knew the mythical strategy would show up.
The first time Republicans started to lose the black vote was 1920's Mississippi flood look it up
But it wasn't until the 60's and the Democratic Parties "change of heart" on the subject of Civil Rights that it was trully noticable.
"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
Lyndon Johnson
Simple. Handouts. The Democrats (Party of the KKK) realized than after REPUBLICANS passed Civil Rights laws....they wouldn't be able to keep blacks poor and dependent unless they used a new tactic. Make them volunteer to stay that way with handouts. If you remain poor and unemployed....they'll give you (a little) free money. Just gotta stay poor and dependent...and be sure to vote for them!!!

They've been told for 50 years that Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act, and most believe it.
Yea but today the GOP is the party of the KKK. See southern strategy.
Ha I knew the mythical strategy would show up.
The first time Republicans started to lose the black vote was 1920's Mississippi flood look it up
But it wasn't until the 60's and the Democratic Parties "change of heart" on the subject of Civil Rights that it was trully noticable.
"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
Lyndon Johnson
I could see it from that perspective too.

Back when black people voted
90% of Alaska's poor consists of subsistence native Alaskan's who live in the bush, a lot of them by choice because they want to "preserve their ancient heritage." Alaska has tried to set the record straight with the feds, by encouraging them to include stuff like the value of subsistence hunting and such, meanwhile we pour tons of money into getting these folks basic shit; like actual indoor toilets and electricity. Some of them reject our attempts to "pull them up" entirely, but the Feds refuse to recognize it. We show up as one of the higher end welfare states, but not for the fault of the R's up here, but rather the U's/non-voters who are under NA's "political" rule; these folks have different laws, different courts, and have little correlation with "poor" by the presumptions of the lower 48 media and political yappers. They're simple people who don't particularly care for money other than the few on the road accessible villages who try to run a local store to get cash from tourists, /most/ are family unit villages who have almost no monetary "needs" or "baseline" - they shoot a moose and share it with their family etc., so there's no money involved nor necessary.

Sorry this is a pet peeve of mine because folks use it for political advantage when it's very misleading. The Median pay in Alaska is just over $50k a year and probably about 30% of Alaskans are wealthy ($250k+/y) which I suspect if investigated would be higher than the national average for states. Alaska weathered the entire recession, and unlike the lower 48 there was almost zero notice of it by our economy, in fact we just now started having a little difficulty because the price of oil went down; but we're on it to re-balance the unexpected downturn and regain our proud triple A credit rating (a major blow to Alaskan's ego's heh) I suspect we'll be showing at minimum a balance, if not return to our regularly scheduled budget surplus shortly - Then we can return to wasting the extra on millions of dollars worth of fish art and fancy bike trails around the city ~sigh~
Wanna live off the free $250 a month Hillary check and work 0 hours a week? Vote Democrat.

Want to get a $40k a year entry level job that could lead to 50 or 60 or far more if you're good at it....and work 40+ hours a week? Vote Republican.

It's a clear choice.
I never saw ANY spate of real job opportunities for Blacks during the Reagan or Bush administrations! Why NOT?

Funny...I used to see them working construction,truck driving,concrete work and a crapload of other jobs until the mexicans undercut em so bad.
Black still do those things, Only about 25% are considered impoverished.

Not in Texas they dont.
I havent seen a black person working those jobs in damn near twenty years.
So where are all the Cadillacs and tithe money coming from. Texas has a lot of Black people and those near me; i.e. Lubbock, Odessa, Midland and surrounding communities sure look middle class to me. On Sunday late model Cadillacs and Chrysler 300 C Sedans are all over the Church parking lots and the people inside are dressed to the nines. And the edifices they call churches are usually brick and mortar jobs that rival any church in the White community.
Ya gotta love the guy telling the Trump supporter he was poor.....Hey dumbass so are you after seven years of Barry!!!
The disconnect is amazing.
You mean 8 years of bush?

If not you are not being intellectually honest with yourself or us

I cant believe it took this long...... But,but....Booooooosh!!!
Why don't you tell us Carter was the worst even though you know Gw holds that title now?

Why don't you continue to try to ignore bush caused a great recession?

Sorry but bush ain't gonna go away until a democrat comes along who takes his title of woat. Worst of all time.

Barry is the worst in history.
Why do I only hear RW Republicans saying that? And the scornful diatribe is usually uttered without any point of reference at all.

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