Black unemployment is at its lowest level in 17 years..."thank you Brother Donald"

Honey, the facts speak for themselves. Here, I'll help you out.

Employment Situation Archived News Releases : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Maybe, by those dropping from the employment rolls. Nothing else.
No, he didn't.
Obama set employment records. Trump is right not to mess too much with that. And brah, I'm not even a big Obummer fan, just stating the facts.
Yes, he did.
Don't take my word for it. Look it up.
OMG, another attempt to show facts to a fellow nut case, OMG, somebody please please notify the Media, this is epic!!
Sept, 2008. 10.7%
Sept, 2016. 8.4%.
Employment Situation Archived News Releases : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
No, it didn't. It dropped by 2%.
Obama did nothing for blacks except lip service. Trump is THE OPPOSITE.

Black Unemployment at Lowest Level in 17 Years - Breitbart

Black unemployment dropped eight percent under President Obama

What the hell is wrong with Trump?

Fake news
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.
Well, let's look. And since we're comparing January 2009 to January 2017, we'll use the not seasonally adjusted numbers (best for comparing same month in different years.

Labor Force (Employed plus Unemployed):
Jan 2009: 153,445,000
Jan 2017: 158,676,000
Change: +5,231,000

Jan 2009: 140,436,000
Jan 2017: 150,527,000
Change: +10,091,000

Jan 2009: 13,009,000
Jan 2017: 8,149,000
Change: -4,860,000​

Not in the Labor Force:
Jan 2009: 81,293,000
Jan 2017: 95,406,000
Change: +14,113,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now:
Jan 2009: 5,866,000
Jan 2017: 5,934,000
Change: +68,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now, looked in last 12 months and available (Marginally Attached)
Jan 2009: 2,130,000
Jan 2017: 1,752,000
Change: -378,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now, looked in last 12 months and available, stopped looking out of discouragement (Discouraged Workers)
Jan 2009: 734,000
Jan 2017: 532,000
Change: -202,000
So, what does this tell us? There are more people working. Fewer people unsuccessfully looking for work, More people not trying to work and while more of them say they want a job, fewer are actually available for work. This, then, seems clear that the drop in labor force participation rate...Labor Force/(Labor Force + Not in the Labor Force) is from fewer people trying to work and slower growth in those not looking but who want a job. This is definitely not a bad thing.
Sept, 2008. 10.7%
Sept, 2016. 8.4%.
Employment Situation Archived News Releases : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
No, it didn't. It dropped by 2%.
Obama did nothing for blacks except lip service. Trump is THE OPPOSITE.

Black Unemployment at Lowest Level in 17 Years - Breitbart

Black unemployment dropped eight percent under President Obama

What the hell is wrong with Trump?

Fake news

Nice try....

Bush was President in September 2008 and unemployment went up two percent before Obama became President in Jan 2009
14 million dropped off the labor rolls.
Participation rate from 65.7 down to 62.9
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.
Well, let's look. And since we're comparing January 2009 to January 2017, we'll use the not seasonally adjusted numbers (best for comparing same month in different years.

Labor Force (Employed plus Unemployed):
Jan 2009: 153,445,000
Jan 2017: 158,676,000
Change: +5,231,000

Jan 2009: 140,436,000
Jan 2017: 150,527,000
Change: +10,091,000

Jan 2009: 13,009,000
Jan 2017: 8,149,000
Change: -4,860,000​

Not in the Labor Force:
Jan 2009: 81,293,000
Jan 2017: 95,406,000
Change: +14,113,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now:
Jan 2009: 5,866,000
Jan 2017: 5,934,000
Change: +68,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now, looked in last 12 months and available (Marginally Attached)
Jan 2009: 2,130,000
Jan 2017: 1,752,000
Change: -378,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now, looked in last 12 months and available, stopped looking out of discouragement (Discouraged Workers)
Jan 2009: 734,000
Jan 2017: 532,000
Change: -202,000
So, what does this tell us? There are more people working. Fewer people unsuccessfully looking for work, More people not trying to work and while more of them say they want a job, fewer are actually available for work. This, then, seems clear that the drop in labor force participation rate...Labor Force/(Labor Force + Not in the Labor Force) is from fewer people trying to work and slower growth in those not looking but who want a job. This is definitely not a bad thing.
Like what?
Aside from fucking the environment to create some coal jobs and temporary pipeline jobs, I don't think Trump has really enacted all that much for the economy yet. So really, the performance of the economy is still largely due to Obama's policies.
Everyone with a working brain cell knows date Trump has done absolutely nothing to spark Jobs growth, but sign useless shit to create hard on's for his mindless base. As a matter of fact, most of the jobs he got for these states, manufacturers are still headed to Mexico......and the jobs report each quarter is less than what Obama Trump as usual and his peeps are full of shit
When obastard was gone, business kicked off, it's as simple as that.
Obummer set employment records, I'm not a big fan, but he's gets props for that at least.
OMG, stop the press, a conservative moron acknowledges a fact...OMG, this is historic!!!
I'm a Libertarian and have never voted for the GOP.
So, who thinks that a president can be in charge for a few months, and have such an impact on unemployment?
The economy took off when business knew it was no longer in Obama's unqualified hands.
Yeah "took off" by GDP falling from 2.5% Obama's last quarter to Tramp's 0.7% first quarter GDP. With a GDP of 0.7% all Tramp's unemployment numbers are fake!
14 million dropped off the labor rolls.
Participation rate from 65.7 down to 62.9
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.
Well, let's look. And since we're comparing January 2009 to January 2017, we'll use the not seasonally adjusted numbers (best for comparing same month in different years.

Labor Force (Employed plus Unemployed):
Jan 2009: 153,445,000
Jan 2017: 158,676,000
Change: +5,231,000

Jan 2009: 140,436,000
Jan 2017: 150,527,000
Change: +10,091,000

Jan 2009: 13,009,000
Jan 2017: 8,149,000
Change: -4,860,000​

Not in the Labor Force:
Jan 2009: 81,293,000
Jan 2017: 95,406,000
Change: +14,113,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now:
Jan 2009: 5,866,000
Jan 2017: 5,934,000
Change: +68,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now, looked in last 12 months and available (Marginally Attached)
Jan 2009: 2,130,000
Jan 2017: 1,752,000
Change: -378,000

Not in the Labor Force, want a job now, looked in last 12 months and available, stopped looking out of discouragement (Discouraged Workers)
Jan 2009: 734,000
Jan 2017: 532,000
Change: -202,000
So, what does this tell us? There are more people working. Fewer people unsuccessfully looking for work, More people not trying to work and while more of them say they want a job, fewer are actually available for work. This, then, seems clear that the drop in labor force participation rate...Labor Force/(Labor Force + Not in the Labor Force) is from fewer people trying to work and slower growth in those not looking but who want a job. This is definitely not a bad thing.

170 million Americans are unemployed under Trump

He was supposed to be the worlds greatest businessman
Last edited:
14 million dropped off the labor rolls.
No they did not. +14 million to Not in the Labor Force does NOT mean -14 million from the Labor Force. A high school student turns 16, entering the population, is not working or looking for work. That's +1 to Not in the Labor Force without dropping out. The stay home wife or over 15 child of a military member or an immigrant coming to/returning to the U.S. is +1 to Not in the Labor Force, without dropping out of the Labor Force.

And do you really characterize someone leaving the Labor Force to retire or do to injury/illness, going back to school, etc "dropping out?"
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.

The economy never REALLY recovered under his administration.

Fracking helped fight those deadly Obama years.

The economy didn't crash because Obama got elected. The economy crashed for reasons that people were pointing out long before it did crash.

It would only take you two minutes to learn the reality of a situation, instead of making stuff up to suit your partisan blinkered view.

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Obama was elected in November 2008.

This article is from January 23rd 2008. This is a full 9 months before Obama got elected.

The worst market crisis in 60 years"

"The current financial crisis was precipitated by a bubble in the US housing market. In some ways it resembles other crises that have occurred since the end of the second world war at intervals ranging from four to 10 years."

It was written by George Soros. Hardly small fish in knowing a crisis is coming.
Why do you waste your precious valuable time trying to relay facts to these mindless morons? Its like waiting on paint to dry under water......they are never gonna except facts. Dude, stop wasting your time with the idiots here, they're not worth it!!

Firstly you make to many assumptions about why I come on here. I come on here to use my brain and to learn about stuff, I don't do it to convince other people as the main reason for being here.

Second, do you really need to insult? I mean, if you're trying to act superior to other people, and yet the only vocabulary you can muster are insults.... well....
14 million dropped off the labor rolls.
No they did not. +14 million to Not in the Labor Force does NOT mean -14 million from the Labor Force. A high school student turns 16, entering the population, is not working or looking for work. That's +1 to Not in the Labor Force without dropping out. The stay home wife or over 15 child of a military member or an immigrant coming to/returning to the U.S. is +1 to Not in the Labor Force, without dropping out of the Labor Force.

And do you really characterize someone leaving the Labor Force to retire or do to injury/illness, going back to school, etc "dropping out?"
We are using Tramp standards now, so YES!

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
14 million dropped off the labor rolls.
No they did not. +14 million to Not in the Labor Force does NOT mean -14 million from the Labor Force. A high school student turns 16, entering the population, is not working or looking for work. That's +1 to Not in the Labor Force without dropping out. The stay home wife or over 15 child of a military member or an immigrant coming to/returning to the U.S. is +1 to Not in the Labor Force, without dropping out of the Labor Force.

And do you really characterize someone leaving the Labor Force to retire or do to injury/illness, going back to school, etc "dropping out?"
We are using Tramp standards now, so YES!

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

There are now 170 million Americans who are unemployed. That's the REAL number
So Obama was elected Dec 2007, before he was even nominated.
Further proof of the absolute stupidity required to be a Tramp CON$ervoFascist!
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.

The economy never REALLY recovered under his administration.

Fracking helped fight those deadly Obama years.

The economy didn't crash because Obama got elected. The economy crashed for reasons that people were pointing out long before it did crash.

It would only take you two minutes to learn the reality of a situation, instead of making stuff up to suit your partisan blinkered view.

Subscribe to read

Obama was elected in November 2008.

This article is from January 23rd 2008. This is a full 9 months before Obama got elected.

The worst market crisis in 60 years"

"The current financial crisis was precipitated by a bubble in the US housing market. In some ways it resembles other crises that have occurred since the end of the second world war at intervals ranging from four to 10 years."

It was written by George Soros. Hardly small fish in knowing a crisis is coming.
Why do you waste your precious valuable time trying to relay facts to these mindless morons? Its like waiting on paint to dry under water......they are never gonna except facts. Dude, stop wasting your time with the idiots here, they're not worth it!!

Firstly you make to many assumptions about why I come on here. I come on here to use my brain and to learn about stuff, I don't do it to convince other people as the main reason for being here.

Second, do you really need to insult? I mean, if you're trying to act superior to other people, and yet the only vocabulary you can muster are insults.... well....
You are morons, you are kinda on the crazy side, insulting? Perhaps, but you is what you is!!
"You is what you is" :laugh:

He's on your side you dummy. But keep fighting with each other. It's fun to watch.
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.

The economy never REALLY recovered under his administration.

Fracking helped fight those deadly Obama years.

The economy didn't crash because Obama got elected. The economy crashed for reasons that people were pointing out long before it did crash.

It would only take you two minutes to learn the reality of a situation, instead of making stuff up to suit your partisan blinkered view.

Subscribe to read

Obama was elected in November 2008.

This article is from January 23rd 2008. This is a full 9 months before Obama got elected.

The worst market crisis in 60 years"

"The current financial crisis was precipitated by a bubble in the US housing market. In some ways it resembles other crises that have occurred since the end of the second world war at intervals ranging from four to 10 years."

It was written by George Soros. Hardly small fish in knowing a crisis is coming.
Why do you waste your precious valuable time trying to relay facts to these mindless morons? Its like waiting on paint to dry under water......they are never gonna except facts. Dude, stop wasting your time with the idiots here, they're not worth it!!

Firstly you make to many assumptions about why I come on here. I come on here to use my brain and to learn about stuff, I don't do it to convince other people as the main reason for being here.

Second, do you really need to insult? I mean, if you're trying to act superior to other people, and yet the only vocabulary you can muster are insults.... well....
You are morons, you are kinda on the crazy side, insulting? Perhaps, but you is what you is!!

And bullies make excuses for their bullying.

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