Black Unemployment

December 5, 2007
RUSH: It's ignorance, and we pay a huge price for this. The biggest price we pay for ignorance is electing so damn many Democrats, which is one of the biggest obstacles to progress and success in this country for the individual human being that I have ever encountered. It is ignorance. Devotion to ignorance, bliss, blissful ignorance, is the only explanation for the election of Democrats.

May 1, 2008
RUSH: Democrats continued to get the votes of the majority of black voters.

Maybe your problem is you need a dictionary site. Let me know if you need a link.

Ignorant does not mean stupid. Stupid means stupid. Ignorant means (as Rush has explained a number of times) not educated about something. We are all ignorant of something and likely several things that take place. For instance I'm ignorant of most sports. Yes, I know the basics, but I could care less about sports so it's not something I study. I don't know football plays, positions, and even parts of the game itself. I'm ignorant about Hollywood. I don't want to watch those left-wing loons any longer since they got political. I probably couldn't give you the name of one famous actor today.

Being ignorant of politics is no different. In fact the majority of our population is politically ignorant. It's the only thing that could possibly explain the last election. Why in the world would anybody vote for a guy who was running while his son was under FBI investigation in a matter he was involved with, spent his VP and post VP years using his position to make his family rich, spent a lifetime in politics and accomplished nothing, over a guy who was one of the best Presidents in our lifetime? Ignorance.
Not it isn't. They demonstrate it in any conflict with police.
Sure, by getting shot in the back while hit criminals are able to drive away unmolested.

Police in Burlington, Vermont, are searching for 33-year-old Matthew Kaigle, who is wanted for assaulting a traffic guard and evading police. According to MyNBC-5, he was stopped shortly after the assault, but was allowed to drive away without ever getting out of his car.

"Kaigle refused to exit his vehicle after being told multiple times he was under arrest," a police report read. "Officers did not pursue Kaigle due to his unpredictable and violent history."

Kaigle has a long history of encounters with police. He has a number of convictions including felony charges, and multiple offenses for violating court orders or parole. He was also listed by police as threatening another person with a sledgehammer in July.
Sure, by getting shot in the back while hit criminals are able to drive away unmolested.

Police in Burlington, Vermont, are searching for 33-year-old Matthew Kaigle, who is wanted for assaulting a traffic guard and evading police. According to MyNBC-5, he was stopped shortly after the assault, but was allowed to drive away without ever getting out of his car.

"Kaigle refused to exit his vehicle after being told multiple times he was under arrest," a police report read. "Officers did not pursue Kaigle due to his unpredictable and violent history."

Kaigle has a long history of encounters with police. He has a number of convictions including felony charges, and multiple offenses for violating court orders or parole. He was also listed by police as threatening another person with a sledgehammer in July.

WTF does that have to do with my comment? I mean think of it this way: It's easy to stop any physical altercations or shootings by police with black suspects, and the solution is to obey all police commands. If you obey all police commands, they don't have any reason to get rough or use deadly force. Simple, right? Not for blacks.

Instead of doing that and promoting this easy concept, they continue to fight with police, run from them, not do as ordered, and when they get shot, start a riot that causes millions if not billions of dollars in damage. Many more blacks are arrested or killed, crime increases, and the businesses where they live never reopen.

Does that sound very smart to you? It doesn't to me, especially when the problem is so easily solved by just obeying all orders of a police officer.
that's because they are on welfare and section 8.Everything is free in brain dead biden world.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If that were the case, their labor force participation would drop, but it rose.
Blacks are like any group of people. If government is paying them to not work, then why work? The problem with that is if things ever do get back to normal, employers look at the abusers as slackers and have no need to offer them a job when they have the choice of others who resisted abusing the system. Now we get to the illegal problem. Illegals do blue-collar work that many blacks take. Supply and demand.
Dude, you have issues.
If we can go back to ignoring race differences and stop making it a #1 media and #1 political topic, I feel like employers making decisions will go back to ignoring race as well. Until then, race differences are a hot potato.

Demleftists will never give up the votes no matter how good it would be for the black community.
It's easy to stop any physical altercations or shootings by police with black suspects, and the solution is to obey all police commands.
And exactly what police command did the WHITE criminal obey? And yet no force was used on him and he went on his merry way.
I didn't verify the chart data, but after a quick search, it looks like the trends are the same as they always have been. There could be other factors at work here besides race.

UnemploymentByRace1975-2021Q2.png one believes that number....

Suuuure, nutcase. :cuckoo:

Of course, according to you, if black unemployment was truly higher than that, then Trump didn't have it down to a record low of 5.2%

Suuuure, nutcase. :cuckoo:

Of course, according to you, if black unemployment was truly higher than that, then Trump didn't have it down to a record low of 5.2%
If you can't read let me know I'll read it to you....


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