Black Unemployment

Blacks will always be victims, they like it that way.
It is easier for some Black people to adopt the victimology persona than to assess their particular situation & improve it. It is so much easier to blame outside indicators for one's condition-it is called avoiding taking responsibility." No justice, no peace!" as if only doing this will obtain them quality education, housing, and job equality. Many Black Americans want to be rescued. It seems that they are waiting for a Great Savior to come to Earth and make everything copacetic.

I don't know that they like it that way, but it's how they were trained to think. As long as they hang on every word by the Democrat party, they will always be victims even if they become a success. The best thing for blacks is to divorce themselves from the progressives who tell them they don't even have the intelligence to get a voter-id.
If you believe LARRY ELDER….born and raised in SOUTH CENTRAL and graduated from CRENSHAW HIGH….IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST…you are simply a toolbag and you should go live in a cabin alone at the top of a mountain.
Bad choices? I dont think they choose their color nor do they choose to be stereotyped by bigots.

Bad choices should not be a sentence of poverty.

the government controls much, the government is the biggest expense in everyone's life, outside the extremely rich, the government controls too much, so that they may stay in control, that is tyranny

Their color has little to do with it. Employers do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the employer the most green are that employers favorite employees.
Blacks have always predominantly had high unemployment. Low education rates. High rate of them are criminals. Etc. And don't tell me it's because they are disadvantaged, Oprah was a poor no name black chick and we had a black president two times. In general blacks are lazy, inconsiderate, lack ambition, or desire to excel.

There is a reason why if you look at the entire world and history of man you'll find blacks have the least amount of contributions to the human species in terms of scientific or engineering, they created and ran successfully the least amount of countries compared to other countries of non blacks and so on.

Their worldwide track record speaks for it in terms of what they have done in mankinds history compared to what whites, Asians, Mediterraneans, etc have accomplished.
Democrats were always good at telling Blacks what they are. Before Biden came up with the litmus test for what it takes to be Black, Clinton declared himself the first Black President. Democrats are head cases. Can't play on my team. Joe must go.
Dems like blacks as a permanent underclass and loyal voting block.

Yes, America has made itself a huge race problem due to the refusal to accept blacks as equals even as late as the 60's.
Now it's a racism problem as you are illustrating. And the only solution so fare is to just increase the force against black people, as opposed to finding a socially responsible answer.

When does the violence against blacks by whites begin, in aid of the police?
I don't know that they like it that way, but it's how they were trained to think.

Yes, it's been going on that way in America for many years. You appear to understand the depth of the race problem that has become a racism problem in America.

Is the solution of using force going to turn into a race war?
Anyone recall Biden saying “you ain’t Black”?

Fast forward a few months.

Not only was there a pitiful jobs report. The unemployment rate dropped to 5.2 percent from 5.4 percent, in line with estimates. But the August 2021 jobs report showed that unemployment among Black workers rose in August to 8.8 percent from 8.2 percent in July. The white unemployment rate, meanwhile, fell to 4.5 percent from 4.8 percent and the Asian unemployment rate dropped to 4.6 percent from 5.3 percent.

The unemployment rate for Hispanic and Latino workers inched lower to 6.4 percent from 6.6 percent.

Interestingly enough, Biden’s “back in chains” video seems appropriate at this point, unfortunately the video has been scrubbed.

Black unemployment rises in jobs report despite more job seekers

Not because they lost jobs but because most of the blacks who entered the labor force last month haven't found a job yet.
We told them...didn't we tell them?...we told them Joe was gonna undo all the good Trump did for Black employment...they didn't gets what thus sows.....
Black unemployment when Trump started....


Black unemployment when Trump ended...

Trump had black unemplyment at record lows. Under Biden, it climbs.


Black unemployment has dropped under Biden from 9.2% to 8.8%.
Yes, it's been going on that way in America for many years. You appear to understand the depth of the race problem that has become a racism problem in America.

Is the solution of using force going to turn into a race war?

We can only hope so.
Yes, America has made itself a huge race problem due to the refusal to accept blacks as equals even as late as the 60's.
Now it's a racism problem as you are illustrating. And the only solution so fare is to just increase the force against black people, as opposed to finding a socially responsible answer.

When does the violence against blacks by whites begin, in aid of the police?

You don't understand a thing about this country. You are like our commies here where the media controls your mind. The truth of the matter is that more whites are killed by police than blacks, and that is the same for unarmed whites. But the media doesn't make a story when a white person gets killed because whites are much more civilized. We would read the story and say "the asshole must have deserved it." Now when they report a black getting killed by a cop, it riles them up. They protest, they riot, it's a media fodder because they have something exciting to report for the next week or several weeks.

Much like you, most blacks are ignorant of our laws. They simply can't come to terms that our law is a person doesn't have to be presented with deadly force in order to use deadly force. Deadly force can be used by an armed licensed citizen or police if a threat to their safety is involved.
I guess because our leaders don't say enough things like "they want to put ya'all back in chains" or "poor kids can be just as bright as white kids."
Or maybe it's your leaders implying blacks are stupid.

December 5, 2007
RUSH: It's ignorance, and we pay a huge price for this. The biggest price we pay for ignorance is electing so damn many Democrats, which is one of the biggest obstacles to progress and success in this country for the individual human being that I have ever encountered. It is ignorance. Devotion to ignorance, bliss, blissful ignorance, is the only explanation for the election of Democrats.

May 1, 2008
RUSH: Democrats continued to get the votes of the majority of black voters.

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